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Good afternoon, Our group will be presenting the analysis of our company Baldwin.

Coming to the product portfolio of the company

Baker was the was the initial product which was launched in 2021
It started with a price of Rs 35 and was reduced to Rs 28 helped capture the low tech
In 2023 a new product was launch that was bolt . initially it was positioned in the high tech
market with a price of Rs 44.5. after the introduction of new product in the high tech
segment , bolt was positioned in the low tech market because in the industry majority of the
products were in high tech. So, to capture the low tech demand we positioned bolt with a
performance of 10.3 and size of 9.9 in the low tech with a price of Rs 35.
Buddy and buzz were launched in the year 2027 and 2028 respectively , their performance
in the initial years was really good as they helped capture 21% of the market share
Overall the units sold in the high tech and low tech were around 1800 each
Strategy model used to work around the simulation was mintzberg 5 Ps of strategy
Where the 5 P stands for plan play pattern position and perspective.
Plan : it stands for the initial strategies we had.
The initial plan for the company was to produce and position products which are fit for the
market with the required performance and size., at the same time analyze the industry
before every round to keep a check on the changes required.
Ploy: The strategy for outsmarting our competitors
We used differentiation focus staregy
Pattern: We had introduced the products in different phases of the timeline
Position: Market penetration strategy was implemented with the use of price skimming
Perspective: aimed at having high synergy among the different departments
Next slide
The overview of our strategies

From year 2023 to 2024: Baker units sold increased due to increase in sales and
promo budget. 
Increased customer awareness & accessibility led to major change in market share
( 9% to 20%)

Product life cycle approach  -  Bolt was introduced in high tech market was
gradually moved to the low-tech, while new products were launched in high
tech segment.
Diversification of products with 2 products in high tech and 2 products in low
tech segment 
Competitive pricing strategy
Avoiding stock outs

Now Vaishnavi will take over

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