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Electrical Installation Design for (G+6) Urban Building Design /2016

We are often interested in communicating or transferring energy from one point to another. To
do this requires an interconnection of electrical devices. Such interconnection is referred to as an
electric circuit, and each component of the circuit is known as an element. . Charge: The
concept of electric charge is the underlying principle for all electrical phenomena. Charge is an
electrical property of the atomic particles of which matter consists, measured in coulombs
(C).Law of Conservation of Charge: Charge can neither be created nor destroyed, only

Electricity: - is a flow of electrical charges such as electrons, through conductor and an invisible
force that is used to transfer energy into heat, light, intelligence, or motion. Electricity is
explained in terms of potential difference (or voltage), electrical charge flow (or current), and
resistance to current flow. Current: The time rate of change of charge,

Measured in amperes (A). Mathematically, i(t)=d/dt*q(t) or I=V/R

The unit of current measurement is the ampere, and unit of voltage measurement is the volt.
.The unit of opposition to current flow Voltage (or potential difference): the energy required to
move a unit charge though an element, measured in volts (V).The voltage between two points a
and b in a circuit is denoted by vab and can be interpreted in two ways: or resistance, is the
ohm. a fundamental form of energy observable in positive and negative forms that occurs
naturally (as in lightning) or is produced (as in a generator) of electrons.

Electricity service in a building consists of fixtures like, light switches, sockets, clock
connectors, cooker control units and similar outlets. Such fittings are collectively known
accessories. A switch is used to make a circuit. A complete switch consists of three parts. There
is the mechanism itself, a box containing it, and a front plate over it……

Illumination :-is a supplying of sufficient lighting either by natural means (e.g. sun light) or
artificial light sources (e.g. electric lamps).
Luminous Flux: It is the total quantity of light energy radiated from a luminous body in the form of light
waves. It is measured in lumens. It is denoted by symbol φ
Electrical Installation Design for (G+6) Urban Building Design /2016

Illumination (intensity of illumination) (E) –is the luminous flux received by a surface per unit
area of surface. Measured in lumens per square meter or lux or meter candle.
Mathematically, E=ϕ/A

Coefficient of utilization (Cu):

This is a factor showing the ratio of the lumens reaching on the working plane to the total lumens
generated by the source. depends on the dimension of the room to be illuminated, the reflectance
of the walls, ceilings, and floors, the lamp output of reflectors and diffusers

Maintenance Factor: The light obtained from a light source may be affected by variables due to dire,
ageing of the lamp, e.g. The MF takes in to account such effects.

Electric work in a building has three different steps

1.,INSTALATION AND ITS MATERIALS:- Installation is the process of installing electric
conduit and scat olla before placing concrete of slab and before masonry work. Conduits can be
flexible or rigid. Flexible conduit mostly used for installation in wall while rigid conduit used to
install in both concrete and wall. Scat olla protects the entering of concrete or other materials
into the conduit. Scat olla also used for fitting with electric fixture like, socket, switch etc.
2, Wiring and wiring materials:-
A wire is a single strand or a group of strands of an electrically conductive material, usually
aluminum or copper Wires are mainly used to carry electrical and telecommunications signals,
Several wires stranded together is known as a cable But in practice bare conductors, whether
single or stranded together are termed as wire and conductors covered with insulation are termed
as cables Cables are mainly used for Power transmission, carry electricity and
telecommunications signals several wires stranded together is known as a cable But in practice
bare conductors, whether single or stranded together are termed as wire and conductors covered
with insulation are termed as cables Cables are mainly used for Power transmission carry
electricity and telecommunications signals

3, fitting is the process of placing of electric fixtures like, light switches, sockets, CB, clock
connectors, cooker control units and similar outlets.
Electrical Installation Design for (G+6) Urban Building Design /2016

2.1 Lighting

 The basic consideration of a complet electricity service (design) in a building consists of;
Lighting points
circuit breakers
distribution boards
clock connectors

 Agood lighting shoud be

Providing adequate uniform lumunation
Avoid glare and hard shadow
Providing light of suitable color
 Type of lighting that we have used in our design are:-
Incandescent lamp
Fluorescent lamp

Incandescent:-is the light source most commonly used in residential lighting. Light is produced
in this source by a wire or filament being heated to incandescence by a flow of current through it.
The short life and low efficacy (lumens per watt) of this source limits its use mostly to residential
and decorative commercial lighting. Efficacy varies with wattage and filament type, but
generally ranges from 15 to 25 lumens per watt for general service lamps.
Fluorescent lamp:- Produces light by activating selected phosphors on the inner surface of the
bulb with ultraviolet energy which is generated by mercury, arc. Because of the characteristics of
a gaseous arc, ballast is needed to start and operate fluorescent lamps. The advantages of the
fluorescent light source include improved efficacy and longer life than incandescent lamps.
Efficiencies range anywhere from 45 to 90 lumens per watt. Their low surface brightness and

Electrical Installation Design for (G+6) Urban Building Design /2016

heat generation make them ideal for offices and schools where thermal and visual comfort is

The Regulations recommend that every consumer’s installation should have a means of isolation,
a means of over current protection and a means of earth leakage protection. This
recommendation applies whatever the size or type of installation.

Step 1 Calculate number of lamp and layout design.

Step 2 Determine the number of socket outlet.
Step 3 Calculate automatic circuit breaker for light and for
socket according to Ethiopian Electrical Power Corporation Organization Regulation
Step 4 Determine the size and rating of the main circuit breaker
which control the whole switch.
Step 5 Draw the distribution board

Table 2.1.1 standards of electrical light

Part of building E(lux) Φ(lm) UF MF

Shop 500 2100 0.6 0.8
Store 50 780 0.6 0.8
Kitchen 300 2100 0.6 0.8

Bath Room 50 780 0.60 0.8

Living Room 100 2100 0.6 0.8
Bed Room 50 780 0.6 0.8
Corridor 150 2100 0.6 0.8
Balcony 50 780 0.6 0.8

Electrical Installation Design for (G+6) Urban Building Design /2016

Stair Case 100 2100 0.6 0.8

The value of E is obtained from the Standard table 1.of Illumination Engineering Society, IES.
according to Ethiopian Electrical Power Corporation Organization Regulation (EEPCOR) for light
circuit breaker:-for single phase will be 10A*220V*Allowability. Where in Ethiopia allow
ability is 80%. So the value is 1760VA.and according to Ethiopian Electrical Power Corporation
Organization Regulation (EEPCOR) for Socket circuit breaker for single phase 16A*220V*
Allow ability. So the value is 2816VA Commonly utilized symbols for electrical installation on

Incandescent lamp.---------------

Lighting calculation and socket providing for the following housing typolog

1.Three bed Room

STEP 1and 2.Lighting calculation and socket providing

Table 2..1.2 Lighting calculation and socket providing

N, of NO, of
NO ,of
Area IILuminati lamp Socket
Room functions MF F lm cu lamp
(m²) on (E) Flux provide provide
d d
(N) (N)
Din. and Living
31 100 0.8 2100lm 0.6 3.0754 4 4
M. bed rm 14 50 0.8 780 0.6 1.86966 2 2
Child bed1 8 50 0.8 780 0.6 1.06838 2 1
CH.bed2 9 50 0.8 780 0.6 1.20192 2 1
kitchen 6 300 0.8 2100 0.6 1.78571 2 3

Electrical Installation Design for (G+6) Urban Building Design /2016

M .bath 4 100 0.8 780 0.6 1.06838 2 2

bath 4 100 0.8 780 0.6 1.06838 2 1
TOTAL 16 14

NB; in bath rooms one of the lamps are for mirror light and the sockets provided in M. bath one
is for shaver & the other for boiler and only boiler socket in common bath to enhance best

Step 3:-Calculate automatic circuit breaker for light and for socket

Table 3. circuit breaker for light and for socket

Total socket VA ACB PRO.ACB
14 400 5600 1.9886364 2
Total PRO.
Total Lamp VA ACB
16 100 1600 0.9659091 1
Step4: Determine the size and rating of MACB
fixture SACB Current(amp) Voltage(volt) Power Re.factor F. power
bell 1 6 220 1320 0.7 924
light 1 10 220 2200 0.7 1540
socket 2 16 220 7040 0.2 1408
stove 1 20 220 4400 0.2 880
mitad 1 20 220 4400 0.2 880 25A
Total 5632

Step 5:- Draw the distribution board.

Electrical Installation Design for (G+6) Urban Building Design /2016

2. Two bed Room

Step 1. Light Calculation and socket provided

No No Socket
Type of room area(m2) E Ø CU MF
lamp lamp provided
M.bath 3 50 780 0.6 0.8013 1 1
Living/Dining 31 100 2100 0,6 0.8 3.0754 4 4
M.Bed Room 13 50 780 0.6 0.8 1.7361 2 2
Bed Room 7 50 780 0.71 0.8 0.9348 1 1
Kitchen 6 300 2100 0.6 0.8 1.7857 2 3
Bath Room 3 50 780 0.6 0.8 0.8013 1 1
Total 11 12

Electrical Installation Design for (G+6) Urban Building Design /2016

Step 3. Calculate automatic circuit breaker for light and for socket

Total Total
socket VA
12 400 4800 1.70455 2
11 100 1100 0.625 1

fixtur SAC Current(amp Voltage(volt Powe Re.facto MAC PR,MAC
e B ) ) r r B B
bell 1 6 220 1320 0.7 924
light 1 10 220 2200 0.7 1540
socket 2 16 220 7040 0.2 1408
stove 1 20 220 4400 0.2 880
mitad 1 20 220 4400 0.2 880
Total 5632 20.005 25A

Electrical Installation Design for (G+6) Urban Building Design /2016


Step 1 &2:- Light Calculation and socket provided

No No Socket
Type of room area(m2) E Ø CU MF
lamp lamp provided
Living/Dining 25 100 2100 0.6 0.8 2.381 3 4
M.Bed Room 11 50 780 0.6 0.8 1.2019 2 2
Kitchen 6 300 2100 0.6 0.8 1.7857 2 3
Bath Room 3 50 780 0.6 0.8 1.0684 2 2
Total 9 11

Electrical Installation Design for (G+6) Urban Building Design /2016

Step 3, Calculate automatic circuit breaker for light and for socket

Total socket VA Total VA ACB PRO.ACB

11 400 4400 1,5625 2
Total Lamp VA Total VA ACB PRO.ACB
9 100 900 0.511363636 1

Step4, Determine the size and rating of MACB


Bell 1 6 220 1320 0.7 924

Light 1 10 220 2200 0.7 1540
socket 2 16 220 7040 0.2 1408
staph 1 20 220 4400 0.2 880
meted 1 20 220 4400 0.2 880
Total 20.005 25A

Electrical Installation Design for (G+6) Urban Building Design /2016

Step 5:- Draw the distribution board.

Step1,and 2; Light Calculation and socket provided
Table1.1: Light Calculation and socket provided

Room Illumination(flux) N
Area(m2) Ø MF CU N Sockets
function E .PRO.
multipurpose 20 100 2100 0.8 0.6 1.9842 2 4
kitchen 6 300 2100 0.8 0.6 0.5952 1 3
bath 4 50 780 0.8 0.6 0.5342 1 1

Total lamp=4

Electrical Installation Design for (G+6) Urban Building Design /2016

Total socket=8

Step 3 .Calculate automatic circuit breaker for light and for socket

Total socket VA Total VA ACB PRO.ACB

8 400 3200 1.8181818 2
Total Lamp VA Total VA ACB PRO.ACB
4 100 400 0.227272727 1

Step4, Determine the size and rating of MACB

bell 1 6 220 1320 0.7 924
light 1 10 220 2200 0.7 1540
socket 2 16 220 7040 0.2 1408
stove 1 20 220 4400 0.2 880
mitad 1 20 220 4400 0.2 880
Total 20.005 25A

Step5.Draw the distribution bord.

Electrical Installation Design for (G+6) Urban Building Design /2016


Step1,and 2; Light Calculation and socket provided

Illumination(flux) N
Room function Area(m2) Ø MF CU N Sockets
20 100 2100 0.8 0.6 1.9842 2 1
STORE 6 300 2100 0.8 0.6 0.5952 1 1
TOILET 4 50 780 0.8 0.6 0.5342 1

Total lamp =4
Total socket=2

Electrical Installation Design for (G+6) Urban Building Design /2016

Step 3, Calculate automatic circuit breaker for light and for socket

Total socket VA Total VA ACB PRO.ACB

2 400 800 0.23123 1
Total Lamp VA Total VA ACB PRO.ACB
4 100 400 0.227272727 1

Step4, Determine the size and rating of MACB


light 1 10 220 2200 0.7 1540

socket 2 16 220 7040 0.2 1408

Total 2948

20.005 25A

Electrical Installation Design for (G+6) Urban Building Design /2016


Step1,and 2; Light Calculation and socket provided

Room Area(m2) Illumination(flux) Ø MF CU N N .PRO.

function E
Staircases 11 100 2100 0.8 0.6 1.098417 2
corridor 70 150 2100 0.8 0.6 10.59523 11
Lift 2,25 100 780 0.8 0.6 0.223214 1

Total Lamp per floor=14

Total Lamp Per block=14*7=98
Step3. As EEPCO one ACB (SDB) of lamp can carry a min. 8lamp and a
we provided one ACB for each floor and totally 7ACB.

Electrical Installation Design for (G+6) Urban Building Design /2016

Step4, Determine the size and rating of MACB

LIGHT 7 100 220 154000 0.7 107800
TOTAL 107800 61.25A=64A

Step5.draw Distribution Boards

Electrical Installation Design for (G+6) Urban Building Design /2016

Electrical Installation Design for (G+6) Urban Building Design /2016

Fig Ground floor of socket

Electrical Installation Design for (G+6) Urban Building Design /2016

Table of Contents
Contents Pages

1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 1

2. STANDARDS............................................................................................................................................... 3

2.1 Lighting ................................................................................................................................................ 3

2. Two bed Room .......................................................................................................................................... 7

3.ONE BED ROOM ......................................................................................................................................... 9

4. STUDIO .................................................................................................................................................... 11

5. SHOP ....................................................................................................................................................... 13


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