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Wound & Skin Care

Wound assessment: A step-by-step process


CCURATE identification evaluating the patient’s health provides a clear definition of all key
and documentation of history helps determine the path to anatomic locations (including bony
wound characteristics, appropriate preventive interven- prominences, soft tissue areas, and
along with appropriate tions or a treatment plan. For body folds) may be helpful to
interventions, are vitally important example, explore how well patients accurately communicate wound
in improving patient outcomes with diabetes are managing their location. Using standard clinical
and reducing costs of care.1 Wound disease to help identify patients terms such as distal and proximal
assessment documentation must who need further diabetes educa- enhances clarity.3 Numbering each
be as accurate and timely as tion. What has their diet been in wound along with the location can
possible because it defines the care the past few weeks? Do they take help ensure each wound is docu-
provided and characterizes the their medications as prescribed? mented consistently and accurately.
improvement or deterioration of Maintaining optimal A1C levels After identifying the location,
the wound. is important for proper wound consider the type of wound. For
Documenting the required healing. example, is the injury over a pressure
criteria to properly describe If a wound is present, how point?4 A pressure injury should be
wounds (both acute and chronic) long has it been present and what staged according to the National
and pressure injuries can be care has been provided for the Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel staging
daunting for nurses, resulting in a wound? How has the patient system.5 However, if the patient has
less than complete assessment.2 responded to any prior treatments? several superficial open wounds across
This article provides a guide for Has the patient and/or family a buttock and is incontinent, this
nurses on how to properly perform noticed any unusual odor or may indicate incontinence-associated
a clinical wound assessment. drainage from the wound? Has the dermatitis rather than a cluster of
patient experienced new pain Stage 2 pressure injuries.
Seven key steps onset from the wound, or has If the wound is on the leg or toes,
While many facilities require a skin the wound increased recently in assess and grade lower extremity
check daily or on each shift, weekly size? If the patient reports pain, pulses and assess for signs and
wound assessments help clinicians determine whether it occurs symptoms of vascular compromise
determine if a treatment regimen is only with activity such as walking (such as pallor, pain, paresthesia,
appropriate and is contributing to or running or during rest, and ask paralysis, pulselessness, and
healing. The following is a step-by- what measures, if any, relieve the poikilothermia).
step process for completing a wound pain. Determine if the patient is
assessment. experiencing edema or decreased Step 3: Dimensions
sensation in the lower extremities. Nurses may be uncertain how to
Step 1: Health history measure a wound that is shaped
Keep the patient’s clinical status in Step 2: Location and irregularly. Many facilities will
mind when performing a wound type of wound outline in their policies how to
assessment.2 Review the patient’s Location may be challenging at measure a wound because trending
health history, including comor- times to discern. Confusion may wound measurements is critical to
bidities such as diabetes and occur when a patient has multiple monitor healing. All staff need to
peripheral arterial disease, prior wounds and the next caregiver follow the same procedure of wound
treatments, and nutritional status. struggles to identify which location measurement to ensure accuracy.
Perform medication reconciliation, is wound number three versus If two wounds are present,
including over-the-counter medica- number two, especially if they are does intact tissue separate them?
tions, and herbal and dietary in close proximity. Using a visual If so, each wound should be
supplements. Understanding and aid, such as a body diagram, that assessed separately. Over time,

62 l Nursing2019 l Volume 49, Number 8

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however, intact skin separating Step 4: Tissue type wound infection, the earlier an
the wounds may break down. If How does the wound look? Is viable intervention plan is implemented,
that happens, consider the wound red tissue or perhaps black eschar the better the outcome.
to be one wound and measure it or tan/yellow slough visible?
as such. Clearly document this Quantifying a percentage of the Step 6: Drainage
change in the wound’s charac- tissue type is usually at best an Assess the amount of drainage, if
teristics and the reason for the estimate, but it allows the next present, and its characteristics. How
decrease in the number of wounds observer of the wound to assess often does the drainage saturate
documented. whether the wound is healing. Is the dressing? How saturated is
Measurement is crucial in the granulation tissue red and the dressing and what color is the
assessing a wound. If the wound is viable or pale pink? If viable tissue drainage? Is the drainage serous,
healing, the wound depth will is paling in color, there may either serosanguinous, sanguineous, or
decrease first. The length and width reduced healing, poor tissue purulent? Identifying the amount
may then decrease. Remeasure the oxygenation, or ongoing pressure. affects the choice of wound dress-
wound whenever a debridement is The wound may also be transition- ing: A minimally exuding wound
done.6,7 A wound that increases in ing back to an inflammatory state.2 may need hydration to maintain a
length, width, or depth would be a moist environment while a heavily
concern if this change was not Step 5: Odor exuding wound needs an absorp-
related to the debridement. If an odor is present, does it tive dressing such as a foam,
The presence of undermining and diminish after cleansing the hydrofibers, or a super absorber.
sinus tracts is important to document wound? If so, the odor may be a As a wound heals, the drainage
as accurately as possible. Usage of a result of wound exudate or dress- should decrease accordingly. If a
clock face may be employed to ing byproducts. If the odor remains wound that had been stable and
identify where the undermining or or if the nurse notes any unusual moist begins to exude more drainage,
tunneling is located within the drainage characteristics, this the wound may be receding back to
wound and how extensive the tract may indicate a bioburden, which an inflammatory state. In this case,
and/or the undermined area may be. should be reported to the health- the patient and wound should be
(See How to measure undermining and care provider. In patients with a closely monitored.
tunneling.) compromised immune system or a
Step 7: Periwound skin
The quality of this tissue may affect
How to measure undermining and tunneling the wear time of a dressing, so it is
Undermining occurs when the edges of important to assess this area. Do
the wound pull away from the base of you see any areas of erythema? Is
the wound. To measure undermining, this area blanchable or nonblanch-
moisten a sterile cotton tip applicator able? Nonblanchable erythema may
with sterile 0.9% sodium chloride and indicate that the wound will deterio-
gently insert it into areas of dead rate further. Assess for any tissue loss,
space. Mark the applicator at the point maceration, or fungal lesions (satellite
where it extends from the wound at lesions). This information will help
the wound edge or margin. Measure
inf`orm planning a treatment plan.
the distance in centimeters and document using the clock method (anatomi-
For example, if periwound tissue is
cally, the head is located at the 12 o’clock position).
Tunneling is a narrow course or pathway that can extend in any direc-
macerated, the objective may be to
tion from the wound and results in dead space with a potential for consider a stronger absorbent and a
abscess formation. Measure tunneling by moistening a sterile cotton tip topical protection to protect the tissue.
applicator with sterile 0.9% sodium chloride and gently inserting it into After obtaining the patient’s health
areas of dead space. Measure the distance in centimeters and document history and completing the wound
the location. assessment, the plan of care should
Source: Baranoski S, Ayello EA. Wound Care Essentials: Practice Principles. 4th ed. Philadelphia, PA: result from your findings, as the
Wolters Kluwer Health; 2016.
following example illustrates. August l Nursing2019 l 63

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Wound & Skin Care

Case study MS-related spasticity. She requires signs or symptoms of infection.

KB, 68, has a history of multiple assistance getting out of bed and into Treatment choices may include:
sclerosis (MS). She developed a her wheelchair and is adamant about • Cleansing with normal saline and
right trochanteric Stage 4 pressure trying to stay as mobile as possible. patting dry. Use a skin protective
injury during a prior admission. She Preserving as much independence as prep pad on periwound skin to
has been receiving wound care at possible is very important to her. protect skin from exposure to
home from a home care nurse who The wound measurement is 5.2 excessive moisture and from any
comes every other day and packs the cm long, 4.4 cm wide, and 1.0 cm trauma with adhesive removal.
wound with a hydrogel dressing. The deep with 2 cm undermining at 12 • Negative pressure wound therapy
wound has been healing slowly. The o’clock to 3 o’clock. The wound (NPWT) or a hydrofiber or a
patient performs scheduled urinary edges are macerated. The wound has calcium alginate dressing to absorb
catheterizations and adheres to a dai- no odor and a moderate amount of the drainage. A nonadherent
ly bowel program. Her dietary intake serous drainage. There is 100% dressing should be placed over the
has been fair to good at home. viable tissue in the wound base, and bone before the NPWT dressing.
This morning, the home care nurse there is periwound skin with The undermining should be gently
noted an increase in serous wound superficial tissue loss. packed with foam if using NPWT or
drainage. No odor was identified. Goals of care will include with the absorbent dressings.
Medications include ocrelizumab maintaining a moist wound healing • Pressure redistribution surfaces for
infusions (a CD20-directed cytolytic environment, redistributing the bed and for the chair/wheelchair.
antibody to treat her relapsing MS) pressure, ensuring adequate • Nutritional consult to assess
and a baclofen pump to treat severe nutrition, and monitoring for any current nutritional state.
• Wound assessments weekly or
with any change in the wound. ■

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Mary R. Brennan is an assistant director of wound

and ostomy care at North Shore University Hospital
in Manhasset, N.Y.

The author has disclosed no financial relationships

related to this article.


64 l Nursing2019 l Volume 49, Number 8

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