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Mandatory Vaccination

Set the parameter( medical and work for economy purposes)

To our honorable judges, my co-counsels good afternoon, I am Yamashito
Cababan the first speaker of the affirmative side. I will be talking the necessity of the
motion that let it be resolve that vaccination be mandatory.
Allow me to set the parameters of the Motion your honors, which is only revolve
in all citizens which is 18 years old and above, with the exceptions of: (a) Conflicts of
religious belief; and (b) With medical conditions. I will present 3 main arguments for the
necessity of the mandatory vaccination, 1 st, importance of COVID 19 Vaccination, 2 nd
the efficacy of the vaccine and lastly implication/effect of the mandatory vaccination in
the country.
To my 1st argument importance of COVID 19 Vaccination
According to WHO, The COVID-19 vaccines produce protection against the
disease, as a result of developing an immune response to the SARS-Cov-2 virus. 
Developing immunity through vaccination means there is a reduced risk of developing
the illness and its consequences. This immunity helps you fight the virus if exposed.
Getting vaccinated may also protect people around you, because if you are protected
from getting infected and from disease, you are less likely to infect someone else. This
is particularly important to protect people at increased risk for severe illness from
COVID-19, such as healthcare providers, older or elderly adults, and people with other
medical conditions.
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a dramatic loss of human life worldwide and
presents an unprecedented challenge to public health, economy and the world of work.
The economic and social disruption caused by the pandemic is devastating Million of
casualties and enterprises face an existential threat. Border closures, trade restrictions
and confinement measures. The pandemic has been affecting the entire world and has
laid bare its fragility specially the Philippines. Now is the time for national solidarity and
support, only by implementing the mandatory vaccination in the country. Through this, it
can overcome the intertwined health and social and economic impacts of the pandemic
and prevent its escalation into a protracted humanitarian and catastrophe. Stopping a
pandemic requires using all the tools we have available. Wearing masks and social
distancing help reduce your chance of being exposed to the virus or spreading it to
others, but these measures are not enough.
The basis of the government is safety of the people. Clear ang present danger
that covid 19 provides, which provides a real threat to people. Under the concept of
Sallus populi est suprema lex, the welfare of the people is the supreme law of the land,
since there is a clear and present danger that covid 19 provides, then, vaccination must
be mandatory. Under article 2 sect 15 states that the state shall protect and promote the
right to health of the people and instill health consciousness among them. And under Art
2 section 5 wherein, the state must protect and promote the general welfare of the

2nd point the efficacy of the vaccine

COVID-19 vaccines were evaluated in clinical trials and have been approved
because those studies show that the vaccine significantly reduces the probability of
contracting the virus. According to Michael Saag, M.D., professor of medicine in
the University of Alabama at Birmingham Division of Infectious Diseases. that the true
value of the vaccine is more easily seen when we consider what would happen if the
development of a vaccine had failed. No vaccine is 100% effective. Even the measles,
mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine – one of the most powerful disease prevention tools
we have – is only 96% effective against measles after two doses, while the seasonal flu
vaccine is only 45% effective. Clinical trials of the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna
vaccines found them to be 94-95% effective against all symptomatic COVID-19 disease
after the second dose. This doesn’t mean that we’d expect 5-6 in every 100 people to
develop COVID-19, but that there was a 94-95% reduction in new cases of the disease
among people who had been vaccinated, compared to unvaccinated individuals.
China’s Sinopharm vaccine was 78% effective and the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine
was 67% effective in clinical trials. Protection against hospitalization or death from
COVID-19 was even higher. With large numbers of people being vaccinated, and as
almost all COVID-19 restrictions are lifted in some countries, it is inevitable that a small
proportion of fully vaccinated individuals will become infected. An even smaller
proportion will become seriously ill and die. What's important is that the risk of a serious
outcome is vastly lower for those who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19,
compared to those who have received no vaccine doses.
Moreover, Dr. Michael Saag further explained that Vaccines work with your
immune system, so it will be ready to fight the virus if you are exposed. The combination
of getting vaccinated and following CDC recommendations to protect yourself and
others provides the best protection from COVID-19. “This is how we end the pandemic,
full stop,. “Once that is done, we can have a normal society again. We can enjoy daily
life, family events, work and school without distancing, without masks and without fear.

This lead me to my last argument, the mandatory vaccination’s

implication /effect to the country.

All Filipinos shall be vaccinated except persons with “conflicting religious belief or with
medical condition that would make vaccination detrimental to his/her health as certified
by a duly licensed physician.”
In the Philippines, the implementation of a mandatory vaccination program is also not
uncommon,” several laws on vaccination such as the mandatory immunization for
infants and children under R.A 10152 also known as “Mandatory Infants and Children Health
Immunization Act of 2011” The public health benefit of the vaccine is the main reason for its
use. Because of the danger impose to you, the unvaccinated and the people that you
are dealing with.
In the Philippine the problem is not the anti-vaccer mentality since it is not
ideological but rather due to misinformation. For those who cannot vaccinated
themselves have for a valid reason, and there are valid reasons health wise and
religious wise but let them understood that if they are unvaccinated, they cannot live a
normal life, you cannot go back to your life what used to be. And there should be
accommodation for them instead.
The right of the private entity to have their own rules of Ingress and egress rights and
behavior inside restaurant or any private establishment

Equal protection clause-

Why the law makings make law? From the power of police power, the main point
is that to promote the general welfare of the people. it the right of the government
to protect and promote the public health under the constitution. For the maintain
of goods and protect life, and promote general welfare is very important to enjoy
the democratic country.

You cannot enter some place if you don’t have vaccination,

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