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Instructional Planning

(The process of systematically planning, developing, evaluating and managing the instructional process
by using principles of teaching and learning - D.O. 42, s. 2016)

Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) Format

TIME AND SECTION: Learning Area: Quarter: Duration: Date:
8:00 - 9:00 -RUBY/ 9:00 - 10:00 -DIAMOND MATH 9 2 60 mins September 11, 2018
Learning Competency/ies: Applies the laws involving positive integral exponents to zero and Code:
(Taken from the Curriculum Guide) For all numbers
negative a and b, and any positive integer m:
integral exponents M9AL-IId-1
4. (ab)n = an Power of a Product Rule
n n

For real numbers a a band b, b ≠ 0, any podsitive integer n,

Key Concepts / Understandings to be 5. ( a/b ) n

= a /b
n n
Power of a Quotient Rule

Adapted Cognitive Process

Domain Dimensions (D.O. No. 8, s. 2015) OBJECTIVES:
Knowledge Remembering
The fact or condition
of knowing something with
familiarity gained through Understanding Explain the Power of a Product and Power of a Quotient
experience or association
The ability Use the Power of a Product and Power of a Quotient Rule in simplifying
and capacity acquired through Applying
deliberate, systematic, and
sustained effort to smoothly and Analyzing
adaptively carryout complex
activities or the ability, coming Evaluating
from one's knowledge, practice, Creating
aptitude, etc., to do something

Attitude Valuing Work with self-confidence in simplifying using the Power of a Product and Power of a Quotient

Values Valuing Show perseverance in achieving something even though it is difficult.

2. Content Rational,Integral and Zero Exponents

Math 9 LM, Math 9 TG, Next Centur Mathematics 9, Our World of Math 9, Google, Intermediate
3. Learning Resources
Algebra, Math for Engaged Learning

4. Procedures
4.1 Introductory Activity
Ask the students to answer the following:
1. (5xy)3
2. (2w2)2
5 minutes 3. (x/y)3
4. (2/3)2

4.2 Activity
Group Activity: Answer and discuss it by your group;
a. Give the indicated Product
1. (xy2)3 2. (z3w2)4 3. (m2n6)4 4. (x3y5)5
10 minutes b. Raise fraction to the given power
1. (b/h)3 2. (2/c2)2 3. (rq/ds)5 4. (ab/cd)6
( see second quarter Appendix14 )

4.3 Analysis

1. How will you get the Power of a Product and Power of a Quotient ?
2. How will you show that raising to a power is equal to raising each factor?
3. How will you apply the commutative and associative properties?
5 minutes
4. How dou you write the expression with the given power?
5. How do you simplify?

For all numbers a and b. and any positive integer n,

4. (ab)n = an Power of a Product Rule
4.4 Abstraction Using the commutative and associative properties of multiplication,
(2●3)3 means ( 2●3)(2●3)(2●3)
(2.3)(2.3)(2.3)= (2.2.2)(3.3.3) = 23 . 33 = 8.27 = 216
( a2b3)2 = (a2)2 (b3)2 = a4b6

For Real numbers a and b, b ≠ 0, and any positive integer n,

5. ( a/b ) n = an/bn Power of a Quotient Rule

(3x2 /4y3)3 = 33 (x2)3 / 43 (y3)3 = 27x6 / 64y9 , where y ≠ 0
For all numbers a and b. and any positive integer n,
4. (ab)n = an Power of a Product Rule
Using the commutative and associative properties of multiplication,
(2●3)3 means ( 2●3)(2●3)(2●3)
(2.3)(2.3)(2.3)= (2.2.2)(3.3.3) = 23 . 33 = 8.27 = 216
( a2b3)2 = (a2)2 (b3)2 = a4b6

For Real numbers a and b, b ≠ 0, and any positive integer n,

10 minutes 5. ( a/b ) n = an/bn Power of a Quotient Rule

(3x2 /4y3)3 = 33 (x2)3 / 43 (y3)3 = 27x6 / 64y9 , where y ≠ 0

4.5 Application
Group Work:Answer the following:
a. Give the indicated product
1. (3m4n5)3
2. (3a5b7)4
3. (-a4)3
4. (5a2)3
b. Raise the fraction to the given power.
15 minutes
5. (abc/xyz)8
6. (ab2/2x3)5
7. (2a/3b2)3
8. (a2b2/ab2)9
( see 2nd quarter appendix 14 )

4.6 Assessment Individual Work: Answer then simplify:

Tests 1. (2pq7r3)5 2. (x4y5 / x3y2)7
10 minutes
( see second appendix 14 )
4.7 Assignment
Try this!!
Enhancing / improving the day’s 1. ( 2a2 / x )2 (x3 /2a)4
3 minutes lesson 2. (2ax3)(3bx3)3
( see 2nd quarter appendix 14 )
4.8 Concluding Activity
A final answer resulting from exponential expression must be given in positive exponents. Always think positive ,
2 minutes There is hope to look forward to.

5.      Remarks
6.      Reflections
Prepared by:


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Number: 975067271

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