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Name Surname : __________________________ Class – Number : ___________________ Date : 31.05.2021 Time: 40 minutes

A) Read the text and answer the questions (Metni okuyun ve soruları cevaplayın) 6x2=12p

Hi, I am Julia. Last winter I was in Uludağ, the famous ski resort in Turkey. I came here with my parents
on my winter holiday. I really loved Uludağ because I did lots of winter activities and sports here.
We stayed in a very luxurious room during our stay at our hotel. I hired skiing equipment and went skiing.
I also tried snowboarding for the first time in my life. It was very exciting. Because my parents were afraid of
snowboarding, they just tried skiing. We got on a ski lift together and watched the beautiful area under our feet.
Everywhere was white covered with snow. It was very peaceful. The food was also very good at the hotel but we
sometimes had a barbecue outside and ate Turkish sausages with the other guests of the hotel. We really had a
great time together. It was a wonderful holiday.

1. Who did Julia come to Uludağ with? ......................................................................................................................

2. Why did she love Uludağ ? ......................................................................................................................

3. Did she try snowboarding before she came to Uludağ? ..........................................................................................................

4. Why did Julia’s parents try only skiing? .....................................................................................................................

5. What did Julia and her parents do on the ski lift? ..................................................................................................................

6. What did they eat when they had a barbecue? ......................................................................................................................

B) Complete the airport dialogue.(Havalimanı diyaloğunu konuşmaya uygun şekilde doldurun)12x2=24p

C) Circle the correct words in the sentences given below. (5x2p=10P )

1. Children love candles because they are _______ a) sour b)sweet c) healthy d) spicy

2.You shouldn’t eat potato chips too much because they are ______ a) delicious b) greasy c) sweet d) sour

3.Mexian food is _________ with lots of red peppers. a) fresh b)sweet c) juicy d) spicy

4.They need some more lemons. The salad is not _________ enough. a) sour b) juicy c) healthy d) spicy
5.I love these oranges. They are fresh and __________ a) salty b)sweet c) juicy d) greasy
D) Match the pictures with words.(Kelimelerle resimleri eşleştirin) 10x2=20p
-statue -thriller -jealous -check in desk -scuba diving -seatbelt -avalanche -boarding pass -island -plump

------------------------------ ----------------------- -------------------------- ---------------------- --------------------------

------------------------------ ----------------------- -------------------------- ---------------------- --------------------------

E) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs.(Parantezdeki fiili doğru hali ile
boşluklara yerleştirin) (Simple Present – Present Continuous- Simple Past) (8x3=24)

1. I ……………..………. (not visit) my uncle every weekend. 5. Selin ………………………........ (study) English exam now.

2. .................... she ...................... (speak) French? 6. I ....................................... (not play) volleyball at the moment.

3. Jack usually ……………… (go) to the cinema every Sunday. 7. Last summer I ......................(be) in İzmir with my family

4. Sarah .........................(work) a lot yesterday. 8. I ..........................................(not study) Spanish last year.

F) Complete the dialog with the sentences below.(Diyaloğu aşağıdaki cümleler ile doldurun) 5x2=10p

a) No, thank you. Can I have the bill, please? b) Would you like to drink something?

c) That’s all. Thank you. d) Can I have the menu e) Are you ready to order?
Customer : Excuse me .............................................................please?

Waiter : Of course, here you are, madam.

Customer : Thank you.

Waiter : ......................................................................... ?

Customer : Yes, I want to order a slice of chocolate cake.

Waiter : ......................................................................... ?

Customer : Hmm, I would like a glass of fresh orange juice.

Waiter : Is that all, madam?

Customer : ......................................................................... .

Waiter : Would you like to order anything else? 2

Customer : ......................................................................... ? Sedat ÇINAR Mevlüt Korkmaz

İngilizce Öğretmeni Okul Müdürü

Waiter : Here you are, madam. Customer : Thank you.

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