The Emperor'S New Clothes

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Once upon a time, there lived an Emperor who just loved clothes. More than ruling his land
wisely, he seemed interested only in changing into a new suit every hour. He would visit the theater and
go out in his carriage so that the people would get to see his new suits every day. How he loved to show
off his new clothes to all the people. Instead of discussing with his ministers the state of the kingdom, he
was more interested in their opinion of his clothes. The stories of the emperor’s love for clothes spread far
and wide, and reached the ears of two scoundrels. The cunning fellows landed up at the emperor’s court
one day, and asked to meet the emperor. When they arrived at the kingdom, they meet with minister.
They introduce themselves as reliable weavers and want to meet the emperor. The perusable the minister
and explain how beautiful the clothes they will make for the emperor. They say if the cloth is so light,
delicate, and also that is visible only to those who are fit to do the jobs they are doing and fools most
certainly can’t see their cloth. So the minister go to tell the emperor about how beautiful that cloth. After
hear that from the minister, the emperor was very in making clothes by two weavers. The emperor also
said, if that is true who can see the cloth just people who good at work, then he can find out who among
the two ministers will be lowered from this position.

The two weavers were presented before the emperor, where he sat with his ministers. Said the
emperor “so you weave a special cloth, is it?” And weaves said “Yes, your majesty. It’s a cloth that none
other can weave”. The emperor instructs the senior minister return for anything they want. And the
emperor give a bag of gold to start with, and then they start to weave the cloth of their imagination cloth,
without any tread, and the emperor ordered two looms to be set up in a room. The weavers asked for
golden thread and the finest of silks, all of which they hid away in their bags, and pretended to be
working away at the looms. In the meanwhile, the emperor was getting more and more curious to know
what the weavers where doing, and decided to send his trusted minister to have a look. So the minister
went to the room where the weavers were busy working, but the ministers see nothing. Because the
minister don’t want to be an idiot and not fit to do this job, because of that the minister just listen
carefully what the weavers describe about the cloth and then he just told the emperor like what the weaver
said before.

After that, the emperor wants to know again about his new cloth, so he instructs his courtier to
see it and tell his judgment. But the courtier also see nothing and he also don’t want to be said as an idiot
and not fit to do his job, so he just explain to the emperor what he listened from wafers.
The next day, the emperor wants to see his cloth. He go to the were weavers work space, and the emperor
also see nothing. And then the weaver explains about his cloth. They said if his suit at the processing. So
magnificent and will be like a second color for the emperor. After hear that the emperor also think if he
say he see nothing, many people will thing if he not fit to rule. The fear of being considered a fool. He
just said if he like and admire that cloth. When the cloth had finish the weavers bring it to the emperor,
and wear it in front of the mirror, but actually the emperor still see nothing, but he just admire his
imaginary cloth.

And then, all the people were heard about the magical quality of the suit. They are waiting with
curiously and impatiently to see it. And when the emperor go out for the procession, all the people silent
until the voice of a small child was heard if the emperor is wearing nothing. And then all the people also
said it words and make emperor embarrassed.

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