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Oral assessment of 5th year students (B2 level)

General questions:

1) What are your strengths and weaknesses?

2) What are your long-range career goals?
3) What type of relationship do you think should exist between an employer and an employee?
4) In what ways do you express your brand image?
5) How can digital reputation promote your personal brand?
6) How do you expand your network?
7) Why would you like to be an engineer?
8) What attributes should a successful entrepreneur possess?
9) Do you think your grades at school adequately represent your abilities?
10) What is the best hiring procedure that a company should follow?
11) Can a candidate benefit from sitting several times for a job interview? Why? Or why not?
12) In what kind of work environment are you most comfortable?
13) What accomplishment has given you the most satisfaction?
14) How would you like to be remembered by people?
15) What do think of people getting jobs via an intermediate person in power?
16) Is it sufficient to have the qualifications required for a job position, in order to be recruited?
Why? Or Why not?
17) How do you image yourself in the future?
18) To be a strong leader means to be authoritarian. Do you agree?
19) What do you need to be a successful manager?
20) Can social media (facebook, linkedin, twitter…) help you find an ideal job?

Situational interviews:

21) What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced in your educational or professional life and how
did you solve it?
22) What would you do if you were working on an important project and all of a sudden the
priorities were changed?
23) What would you do if you realized a project you completed just before deadline did not meet
all of the project specifications?
24) If you were given the chance to attend or contribute to an event or a conference how could
you gain advantage from it?
25) If you are running a company what criteria would you use to hire your employees?
26) Can a candidate benefit from sitting several times for a job interview? Why? Or why not?
27) If you gain 1 million $ would you give up the idea of landing your dream job?
28) Of all the people you know, who do you think has the most interesting job? Why?
29) Tell me about a time when you experienced failure and how you reacted to it?
30) If you had the opportunity to run your boss’s business, would you take risks to enhance the
company’s revenues or not? Why? Or why not?

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