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Date: SEPTEMBER 04, 2021


I. TITLE: Management of Pediatric Febrile Seizure

AUTHOR: Daniela Laino, Elisabetta Mencaroni and Susanna Esposito
SOURCE: (Journal for Pediatric Nursing)

YEAR OF PUBLICATION: October 12, 2018


There are many ways how to manage Febrile seizures or (FS), this are events associated with a
fever in the absence of an intracranial infection, hypoglycaemia, or an acute electrolyte
imbalance, are most commonly occur in children between six months and six years of age.
Febrile Seizure are the most common type of convulsions in children and it can be extremely
frightening for parents, even though they are generally harmless for children. It is important to
note the address of parental anxiety in the most sensitive manner. The objective of this is to focus
on the appropriate management of Febrile Seizure in the pediatric age and analyze the excellent
prognosis, and most probably the development a long-term health complication. The diagnosis of
FS is clinical, and it is important to exclude intracranial infections, in particular after a complex
FS. The stated management consists of symptom control and treating the cause of the fever.
Parents and caregivers are often distressed and frightened after a FS occurs and need to be
appropriately informed and guided on the management of their child’s fever by healthcare
professionals. Some of study results stated that there are inappropriate use of diagnostic tests and
treatments, remarkable to improve the knowledge and comprehension of pediatricians and
neurologists on FS management and to standardize the corrective diagnostic and therapeutic


A. To Nursing Practice

I believe that with this journal, we could be able to apply this proper care and proper
practice to our clients who are in the pediatric room or ward, and with that this will help us in
making our work better. As we enter the area, we want to have a safe environment for the patient
and able to give them the correct measurements and assurance that they want. It will also help
the parents or caregivers to assist with the nursing interventions with their children properly.

B. To Nursing Education

It helps us widen our knowledge on the things that will be done in the area once we enter our
hospital duties. And it also helps us understand deeper essence of managing FS with correct and
proper treatments and able to give us a knowledge on how to deal with a FS patient. And with
this journal, it will help us in the process of becoming an effective nurse someday.

C. To Nursing Research

This will help the future researchers to have a huge reference on FS management and
help in order for them to conduct an effective research and with this journal, this will be
somehow their precise basis in conducting a specific research that will definitely make the
research more effective to the next researchers.

As I read this journal, I found out that it’s a must to know the proper and corrective
measurements on managing FS seizure to fully monitored and assessed and give the proper and
effective nursing care that they need. I also realized how important really to establish rapport and
have an environment that is safe and sound. Never ever make yourself failed in all aspects in life
most importantly when you are handling a patient in the area. Always remember what’s your real
purpose and how will you make them protected in all aspects when it comes to the hospital

Checked and Received: (Signature of CI/Date)

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