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DALLEGO Subject: Seminar on Effective Leadership

Activity: 5

Essay 1. What factors contribute to effective intervention strategies? Why knowledge of these
factors are important to you as a leader? Give a situational example.
The factors contributed to effect9ive intervention strategies is the readiness and capability
for change. The organizational readiness and capability to change are important to effective
organization development intervention. Readiness refers to whether the organization managers
and members are open to change, whether the organization has the financial resources needed to
bring about the change, and whether the technology infrastructure for change are in place while
Capability refers to the ability to execute these changes through organizational productivity, and
strategy interventions.
2. What are the features of effective intervention strategies? State the benefits of each features.
 Specificity of Goals- reiterated and reinforced by specific objectives that carry out the
attainment of the stated goals
 Specificity of Change Target-OD intervention should specify what unit and level of unit
are affected by the change
 Specificity of the Extent of the Organization Development Intervention-the degree of the
desired change has to be explicitly stated to be able to come up with the proper approach
 Specificity of internal support and managerial sponsorship needed to bring about the
desired charge-without support, no intervention can be successfully undertaken
3. Discuss the factors that affect intervention sources.
The one factor that affects intervention sources is the Individual, group, and
organizational factors. Individuals are essentially distinct. No two persons are the same since
they differ in their beliefs, attitudes, family background, vision and career direction,
expectations, work performance, ethics and relationships. The reality of individual differences,
groups and organizations affects OD success.
4. How important is to a leader the knowledge of organizational culture in the implementation of
any intervention strategy?
Organizational Culture refers to a system of shares values and beliefs that evolved
among the organization members for a period of time. This is important to a leader to know
because it is intricately woven and reflected in the people, the structure and the system of the
organization, thus producing distinct behavioural norms. These behavioural norms consist of
organized and shared ideas on how organization members are expected to think, function, and
react on how their behaviours are regulated and on sanction imposed on them when such
behaviours do not coincide with social expectations.
5. Differentiate the three types of organization development interventions
 Organizational Intervention- include self-interventions, training on self-knowledge, time
management, stress management, career planning, team interventions, inter-group
dynamics, goal setting, management by objectives, managerial grid, survey research and

 Productivity Intervention-include quality concepts and tools like quality, quality gurus,
total quality management, quality management system, statistical quality control, quality
function deployment, self-managed work teams, problem solving groups and approaches,
benchmarking, 55 six sigma, just-in-time, purchasing and continuous quality
 Strategy Intervention- focus on the use of the balanced scorecard, re-engineering,
transformational dynamism, culture change, learning organizations and knowledge

II. Make a rating scale on Time Management of your subordinates/co-workers. (15 statements)
5 4 3 2 1
1. Gets rattled and loses cool under pressure and stress X
2. On time for duty X
3. Always late X
4. Rendering overtime X
5. Very quick learner, with good ability to learn and apply new skills X
with minimal assistance
6. Rarely absent to work X
7. Regularly fails to meet attendance requirements X
8. Submitting daily, monthly reports X
9. Shortcomings in identification, and preparation on reports X
10. Eagerness to learn new process through technology X
11. Flexible in many task given from the manager X
12. Receives good evaluation for a long time X
13. Submitting reports while working independently X
14. Ignoring phone call and emails X
15. Scheduling of meeting regularly X

III. Enumerate
1) Four (4) features in which OD interventions should possess.
 Specificity of Goals
 Specificity of Change Target
 Specificity of the Extent of the Organization Development Intervention
 Specificity of internal support and managerial sponsorship needed to bring about the
desired charge
2. Three (3) types of OD interventions
 Organizational Intervention
 Productivity Intervention
 Strategy Intervention
3. Eight (8) types of strategy interventions
 Business Process Re-Engineering (BPR)
 7-5 McKinsey’s Model
 Strategy Maps
 Organizational Culture Change
 Transformational Dynamism
 Learning Organization
 (Missing Page from the Photo sent in GC)

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