Meylinda defriyola-APPLICATION LETTER

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 Understanding Job Application Letters

A job application letter is a letter from someone who needs a job to someone or an official
who can provide a job or position. Through a cover letter, the applicant requests that he or
she be given a job. A job application letter can also be interpreted as a letter from a
prospective employee to a prospective employer containing a request that the employee be
given a job by the prospective employer. A job application letter is usually formal or official,
for example a job application letter as an employee or a certain position in accordance with
the advertisement offered. In this case, the applicant in his application letter needs to state the
source of his application in the opening paragraph or paragraph. If the application is not
based on the source, of course there is no need to mention the source in the opening

 Types of Job Application Letters

According to the type of making a job application letter can be divided into two, namely:

A. Job application letter combined with curriculum vitae. In this way, the curriculum vitae
includes the contents of the letter because the contents are combined, this method is also
called the combined model.

B. The application letter is separate from the curriculum vitae. In this way the curriculum
vitae is an appendix and this method is called a standalone model.

In practice, the most widely used is the split model. Although it takes twice the processing
time, and this model is preferred by job seekers because the letters are not too long.

 Job Application Resources

Sources of job applications include:
1. Source of job vacancies without a specific source
2. Source of job vacancies from certain media
3. Source of job vacancies from certain party references
 Important Elements of a Job Application Letter

A good cover letter must at least have the following characteristics:

1. Has an interesting shape

2. Have an interesting language
3. Describe the applicant's abilities
4. Right on target

Things that must be included in a job application letter in order to achieve the purpose of
making it include:

A. Mention the source of the application

B. Complete identity of the applicant

The complete identity of the applicant includes full name, place and date of birth, complete
address, telephone number, mobile phone or other communication aids. The applicant's
identification should make it easier for the company to contact the applicant.

C. Desired position

D. educational background

E. Employment history (if any)

F. Other abilities possessed

G. References (if any and the applicant considers the referring party to have influence in
decision making)

There are several things to consider when writing a cover letter, namely:

1. Application letter written by hand on folio size lined paper. Writing must be clear, clean,
and free from scribbles. Application letters can be made using a typewriter or computer.

2. Applicants refer to themselves not with our pronouns but me. Applicants must refer to the
head of the institution as Mr/Mrs (if the leader is clear). If it's still not clear, you can
immediately mention the position.

 The job application letter contains the following elements:

1. Letterhead

2. Place and date of writing the letter

3. Greetings

4. Letter opener

5. Purpose of the job application letter

6. Attachment of specified requirements

7. Cover letter

8. Signature and clear name of the applicant

 Language Rules for Job Application Letters

The job application letter is formal and is addressed to the agency officially, so the grammar
is not as directed at colleagues. When writing a job application letter,the use of punctuation
marks, the use of capital letters, and the use of abbreviations.

Try not to write abbreviations to make your cover letter look professional. The language in
the cover letter is also solid, clear, concise, and informative so that the reader is not confused.

 sample job application

Dear. HRD (PT. Nusantara Indah)
(colonel rasyid Street)
in place
with respect,
Based on information related to part time job vacancies that I got on October 26 through
social media (PT. Nusantara Indah) with the position as admin, I hereby intend to apply for
part time work in that position. Here is my personal data:
Full Name : Meylinda Defriyola
Place/Date of Birth : Kalianda, 22 May 2003
Domicile: Kalianda
Last Education: smk
Status: single
Phone Number: 08****

I am a student at the University (Tulang Bawang Lampung) currently in semester 1. I am an

extrovert who likes to try new things and challenges. Besides, I have microsoft and corel
skills. During college, I was active as a committee in the field of public relations and became
a resource person in government agencies. The experience of interacting and networking with
other people will support my career as an admin in the company you lead. The following are
attachments of supporting documents for consideration:
1.Curriculum Vitae / Curriculum Vitae
2. Recent photo 3×4
3.Scan the current semester study plan card
4. Scan ID
5.Scan certificate of achievement
6. Scan SKCK
This is the only part-time job application letter submitted. I really hope to get the opportunity
to work in the beautiful Nusantara company that you lead. Thank you for your attention.

Best Regards

(Meylinda Defriyola)

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