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Ritz Vincent Vergara Culanag

Caire Ganancial
James Christian Cunanan

03 Readings 1: "Locating the Global South"

Ideas Summary/Explanation
Still on the topic of globalization, The Starbucks and Shanty
introduces us to new concepts and perspectives as well as
the difference of these so called ‘shanties’ all around the
world and more. Starbucks is a well-known company for
providing different foods to people such drinks, beverages,
and delicacies. No matter what the situation of a certain
place whether it is filled with beggars or poor people
globalization will always find a way. The first half of the
introduction introduces us to the concepts of ‘Shanty’,
shanties are these people who are in a very bad situation if
life living in houses built from discarded plywood and
galvanized iron, cannot afford to go to school and have no
power. Next, we are introduced to the different shanties from
Introduction: The around the world. In Manila and Delhi for example, shanties
Starbucks and the are known to be child laborers and living in a so-called
Shanty shantytown while in other parts of the world such as New
York, shanties are much different. We are then introduced to
the concept of ‘global south’. The global is a form of
globalization is likewise uneven, as the economic norms the
developed world applies to itself are never the same as
those it imposes on the developing world. Consider the
double standard in the prescription of 'cures for ailing
economies. While in the times of economic crisis, it is
common r the WB and the IMF, dominated by economists
from the global north, to demand that developing economies
cut government spending and raise interest rates to reduce
inflation. The shrinking of the public sector ultimately means
a reduction in services like healthcare and the increase in
interest rates reduces domestic consumption.
Conceptualizing and The global south is not a distinct location. This is not
Defining a country that has ability and prosper in the world market.  
global south is a portrayal of undeveloped states that are
underrepresented in world affairs. Whereas the north
represents the summit of the international community, while
south seems to be in the process of working. It's now up to
the individuals on the field to decide to either engage on this
principle or allow the major countries burden themselves in
loans. As a result, that global south concept opposes the
existing tendency in which the global north portrays ruler

This concept of global south began long ago, after the

developed countries utilized theology to oppress asian
regions. As a result, Christian culture established the world
order while labeling non-Christians as inferior races. From
Colonialism, the present standpoint, colonization transitioned from a
Modernity, and the
Creation of Global Christian culture to a corporatist society. The U.s, through
Inequality advocating a unique way of life, differences in socio -
economic relations, forcing countries' objectives to shift. As a
result, first-world nations thus became geopolitical hierarchy,
whereas developing nations had to do more to avoid
stagnation, resulting in universal disparity.

To overcome the colonialists, a new communist perspective

is required. The concept of collective action was also used to
control the people. The answer was the establishment of the
United Nations System. The end of colonization coincided
Challenging the with the end of The Second War. Looking back on the
Colonial Order decades of colonialism, one could conclude that colonialism
has ended, yet it has clearly reappeared under a new
disguise of economic hegemony. It was a deceptive
approach used by both dominant and rising countries to
establish new capitalist markets.

Conclusion: The
Global South as New  

03 Readings 2: "Globalization and the Asia Pacific and South Asia"

Ideas Summary/Explanation

Asia Pacific and South The first part introduces us to the different processes in
Asia and the World world politics. The first one being the acceleration of
globalization and the second one being the emerging as the
influence of Asia as a global force. Next, we get a brief
overview as to how the essay is structured and written. It
also introduces to us the key points that we should keep in
mind. In the first half of the essay, we are introduced to Asia,
its origins, and boundaries. We get an introduction to Asia
Pacific as well as the states that are included with it. In
addition, we also get a breakdown as to what the 'Pacific'
part of Asia refers to. Asia itself is a huge continent
consisting of different countries and states including
economically developed powerhouses such as China, South
Korea, and Japan. It is also home to the largest and
populous countries like India and China. Asia itself
contributes to nearly a third of the world land mass and
generates the largest combined shared global GDP. But
despite all that, there are still millions of people who are in
poverty and diseases such as HIV/AIDS arise within the
region. Due to the overwhelming potential of Asia as a
powerhouse, regions outside of Asia such as the United
States focused more on Asia and South Asia and
implementing a 'Pacific Pivot' that aims to provide more
resources and attention to the region. Hilary Clinton herself
stated that the Asia-Pacific has become a key driver of
global politics and includes many of the key engines of the
global economy.

An Externalist View  This continues where left off on the first discussion but takes
of Globalization rather a much different approach and view. To be exact, an
externalist's view explaining what the relationships between
globalization and the South Asia and Asia Pacific are by
taking us back in time to where it all began, the first
globalization. The first globalization was somehow different
from what we're used today, globalization back then involves
a lot of colonialism. Colonialism is one way to show how
powerful a country is, that is by colonizing other countries.
That is what they did back then. On the South Asia and Asia
Pacific, countries such as the Visayas in the Philippines,
Melaka in Malaysia, Burma, and the Maya Peninsula where
all colonized by Western countries mainly Spain, the
Portuguese, the Dutch, and the French. With this, they were
able to spread their practices to within the country such as in
the case of the Philippines where Magellan spread
Catholicism. As countries are adopting to globalization, by
the end of the nineteenth and early twentieth century,
movements for nationalism and independence emerged in
many parts of the world including the Asia Pacific and South
Asia. It became manifested politically in concrete movements
in colonial areas such as Latin America and Asia. By the
time World War II strike was also the start was also the
beginning of the end of the Japan's own imperial domination
in the region. Concerns about the political instability, faltering
economic reform, and the rise of Communist China all
pushed the United States and their occupation to stress
Japan's economic growth and its incorporation into the world
of economy. Japan's economic 'miracle' in the 1970s and
1980s with authors attributing to the success to statis
policies, market policies, cultural characteristics, and
international relations. Soon after, the success of the East
Asian economies was followed in the late 1980s and 1990s.
This is all due to the role of the International Financial
Institutions (IFIS), namely the World Bank and the
International Monetary Fund (IMF). While designed to help
the European, they soon turned their focus on the
developing worlds including the Southeast Asia. In Indonesia
on the other hand, Suharto's policies and the economic
framework under the IMF and the World Bank provided
crucial assistance as well as foundation for the legitimacy of
the Authoritarian Suharto regime. Despite all this, there are
still some complications in the Suharto regime such as the
massive amounts of corruption and patrimonialism. For
some countries, the effect of it was good while on other
countries was not such as in the Philippines where it had a
disastrous impact of the country's economy and left
straddles with nearly US$30 billion in debt. It was starting to
show its limits, The model was unsustainable and was
starting to show its limits leading to the Thai economy to
collapse as investments fled. Other counties such as China
and India started began to liberalize their economy in 1991
and increased level of trades and foreign direct investments
particularly in textile and services sectors of the economy.
Politics also took a hit when globalization strike due to the
influence of the Westerns. Others have argued that it should
not be liberal and democratic but rather as universal. Lastly,
globalization also took a hit on "culture', as stated in the
essay. Many domestic fast-food restaurants are popping up
to compete with Western brands including Jollibee in the
Philippines, California Fried Chicken (CFC) in Indonesia,
MOS burger in Japan, Jumbo King in India, and so on. There
were also effects to the diet that Asians have such as in the
case of Japan where younger people consume more beef
and beer than older counterparts and older people eat more
rice, vegetables, and fruits. Other aspects such as clothing,
music, television, and film were also affected by

If the externalists view of globalization talks about the
Globalization: The Asia influence of the Western’s culture, politics, and economic
Pacific and South Asia practices. This section talks about how South Asia, and Asia
as a Springboard Pacific generate globalization to the west and is one of the
driving forces of globalization. Asia as always been rich in
spices have always been a major treasure to us.
The Europeans did not create spice trade, the thriving spice
trade in the region (South Asia and Asia Pacific) are what
lead to the Europeans to come to region. Claudio argues
that in some way or another, Asia has surpassed other
continents in the fields of science and medicine.  He also
went back to the topic of colonialism period where colonies
are treated as ‘laboratories of modernity’ where ‘innovations
in political form, and social imaginary, was the one that
defined the modern self, not the European. There are many
cases like this such as in the fields of technology medicine
and public health where the American scientists in the
Philippines brought back colonial bureaucratic practices and
identities to urban health departments in the United States in
the early twentieth century and more. During the post-
colonial era and the rise of the Cold War helped bring Japan
into the global economy. This, and in many ways globalized
key parts of the world economy. Japan embarked on
a project to gather raw materials such as coal and
iron allowing them to gain competitive edge on the global
manufacturing market. China has been doing the same.
Recently, China has surpassed the United States and the
European in terms of producing the steel. It has also
surpassed the World Bank in lending counties by USD$10
billion from mid-2008 to mid-2010 India has also done the
same but invested more in textiles and software
development. This action has led to the attention of giant
tech companies like Microsoft, and Apple from Silicon
Valley. But there are downsides to this such as the place
being undocumented and working conditions can be poor,
even deadly 
Aside from the overwhelming resources that China, Japan,
and India has. Remittances from migrants have also become
a core income for many regions’ economy.  
Another main distinguishing feature of regional institutions
has been the adoption of open regionalism. It is a core
concept that develops and maintains cooperation outside
actors. It was formed in 1989 and embodied by Asia Pacific
Economic Cooperation or APEC and it includes 21
members. The impact of globalization has also spread the
Asian culture to west. The popular Hello Kitty, made in Japan
is now generating billions of revenues annually. Anime also
took a hit on the west with popular ones like Astro Boy,
Power Rangers, and Pokemon. The ‘kawaii’ or the ‘cute’
culture has been a great success in the west. 
The film industry of Asia has also reached the west. Movies
with kung-fu in them are very popular. Lastly, by far the
greatest impact when it comes to culture of Asia to west is
music. With PSY releasing Gangnam Style in 2012 and
hitting number one spot in dozens of countries started the
influence of Korean Pop (K-pop) music to the west followed
by artists such as EXO, SNSD, and Wonder Girls.

The Anti-Global
 A third and final paradigm to understanding the relationship
Impulse: Regional of the Asia Pacific and South Asia to globalization is as a
Alternatives to regional alternative to globalization. This section views
Globalization initiatives for regionalism through this lens in part because
the rising critical discourse of globalization resonates in
much of the region and because the idea of Asian
exceptionalism has been prevalent both historically and in
contemporary times. Japan's colonization of the region and
the building of a supposed East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere
merely replicated imperial relationships in East and
Southeast Asia with new masters. Despite its failure and the
continued bitter legacy of World War II, the notion of an
Asian region that serves as a kind of opposition to
globalization and western imperialism manifests itself in
different ways still today. A more recent manifestation has
been the concept of Asian values that became popular
among leaders in the region in the mid-to-late 1990s.
Malaysia argued that Asia has culturally distinct
characteristics that make it different from Western liberal
democracies. This contrasts with Western values where
‘every individual can do what he likes, free from any restraint
by governments [and] individuals soon decide that they
should break every rule and code governing their society”’. 
Today's ASEAN +3 (APT), which includes China, South
Korea, and Japan, is seen as a successor to the EAEC but
because it is embedded in a slew of other institutional
arrangements, is not seen as the radical alternative of The
fund was envisioned to have a capitalization of US$100
billion and include ten members–; China, Hong Kong, Japan,
South Korea, Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore,
Thailand, and the Philippines (Lipscy, 2003). The village of
Santi Suk in Thailand, for example, created their own
currency following the Asian financial crisis Community
currency is an example of a larger trend in self-sufficiency
movements that emerged in Thailand after the Asian
financial crisis. Local production movements are also in line
with the overall philosophy of being an alternative to being
part of a globalized system. In Japan, for example,
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) and
the Seikatsu Club both encourage consumers to buy
ethically and locally (Starr and Adams, 2003: 24). Examples
abound in India as well including the Lok Samiti group which
advocates local village level education and development and
campaigns against the Coca-Cola bottling plant
in Mehdiganj. There have been a variety of ways in which
the Asia Pacific and South Asia region can be seen also as a
region that poses an alternative to globalization. 


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