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Classification report

Sound reduction of building elements

Test report 161 25651/3.0.0e * )

Customer Foundation
EN 20140-3 : 1995-01
Aluminium Extrusion Laboratory measurements of
26th km national road airborne sound insulation of
building elements
EN ISO 717-1 : 1996-12
61100 Thessaloniki-Kilkis Acoustics – Rating of sound in-
sulation in buildings and of
building elements - Part 1: Air-
borne sound reduction
Similar to DIN EN 20140-3 and
DIN EN ISO 717-1
Specimen Single-Window
designation el-2000 Benefit Cross-section

Size (W x H) 800 mm x 1000 mm

Material Aluminium profile
Opening Turn
Glazing 5/12/4 mm
*) This test report is a translation of test report no. Purpose
Specials 161 25651/3.0.0 of 23 September 2002 This test report prove the sound
reduction for a building ele-

The values given in this test re-
port are only valid for the tested
specimen described.
General conclusions for the
Weighted sound reduction index Rw construction and other func-
Spektrum-Adaption terms C and Ctr tional details may not be drawn
from this test report.

Information for use

Rw (C; Ctr) = 36 (-2;-6) dB Regulations for the use of test

reports are given in the en-
closed information sheet „Con-
ditions and information for use
of ift test reports for publication
and commercial purposes“.
This report is a translation of
the test report 161 25651/3.0.0
of 23. September 2002.

ift Rosenheim
23. September 2002 Contents
This test report includes 6
1 Test specimen
2 Test procedure
Dr. Helmut Hohenstein i. A. Bernd Saß 3 Test results
Director Leader of acoustic laboratory Data sheet (1 page)

02-08 / 353
Classification report sound reduction of building elements
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Test report 161 25651/3.0.0e from 23. September 2002
Customer ELVIAL S.A., 61100 Thessaloniki-Kilkis

1 Test Specimen

1.1 Description (All sizes in mm)

Product Single-leaf single window

Producer* Elvial
System designation System el-2000 Benefit
Opening Turn
Opening direction Inside
Frame member size (W x H) 800 mm × 1000 mm
Casement member size (W x H) 746 mm × 946 mm
Mass of window 23,2 kg
Area-related mass 29,0 kg/m²
Frame member
Material Aluminium profile (without plastic), powder-coated, white
Profile number EL 2045
Profile section (W x T) 55 mm × 75 mm
Casement member
Material Aluminium profile (without plastic), powder-coated, white
Profile number EL 2019
Profile section (W x T) 80 mm × 62 mm
Rebate construction
Rebate drainage Weatherboard EL 2007,
Inside 2 slots 7 mm × 14 mm
Outside 2 slots 8 mm × 25 mm
Rebate sealing
outside (Type/Producer/Material) Drafted Sealing Typ L 203
position in frame member
middle (Type/Producer/Material) Drafted Sealing Typ L 202
position in frame member
inside (Type/Producer/Material) Drafted Sealing Typ L 203
position in casement member
Filling Isolation glass unit
Visible size (W x H) 575 mm × 775 mm
Total thickness 21 mm
Construction 5 / 12 / 4
Filling in pane space lt. Analysis in ift
Gas Air
Mounting of filling
Sealing system Sealing profiles
inside: Type / Producer Drafted sealing

outside: Type / Producer Drafted sealing

Vapour pressure balance Bottom 2 holes Ø 6 mm
Glazing bead
Type, producer EL 2005 C
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Classification report sound reduction of building elements
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Test report 161 25651/3.0.0e from 23. September 2002
Customer ELVIAL S.A., 61100 Thessaloniki-Kilkis

Type, Producer Turn, GU
Hinges / pivots 2 hings
Lockings Top 1, Bottom 1

The desription is based on the documentation of ift. Numbers and names of material are gi-
ven by the customer. (Other data from customer are marked with „*)“).

1.2 Mounting of the test specimen

- Mounted into the test opening which is fitted with high sound isolation panels, according to
EN ISO 140-1 : 1997 by ift Rosenheim
- Joints are completely stuffed with plastic foam and sealed with plastic sealant type
Perennator 2001 S grau.
- Opening direction: to receiving room
- The window was opened several times

1.3 Drawing

The details was verified only for the tested characteristics. The drawing of the specimen is
based on support of the customer.

Picture of the mounted element Cross-section

Picture 1 Photo of the mounted element and vertical cross-section

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Classification report sound reduction of building elements
Page 4 of 5
Test report 161 25651/3.0.0e from 23. September 2002
Customer ELVIAL S.A., 61100 Thessaloniki-Kilkis

2 Test procedure

2.1 Specimen collection

Selection of the specimen by customer.

Quantity 1
Supply 09. September 2002 by the customer
Registry No. 12334 3

2.2 Procedure

Technical basics
EN 20140-3 : 1995-01 Acoustic - Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of
building elements – part 3: Laboratory measurements of air-
borne sound insulation of building elements
EN ISO 717-1 : 1996-12 Acoustics – Rating of sound insulation in buildings and of build-
ing elements - Part 1: Airborne sound reduction
Similar to national german version:
DIN EN 20140-3 : 1995-05 Akustik - Messung der Schalldämmung in Gebäuden und von
Bauteilen - Teil 3: Messung der Luftschalldämmung von Bau-
teilen in Prüfständen
DIN EN ISO 717-1 : 1997-01Akustik - Bewertung der Schalldämmung in Gebäuden und von
Bauteilen - Teil 1: Luftschalldämmung
boundary conditions Up to the standard. The test opening was fitted with high sound
isolation panels to the window size.
Deviation Following deviation to the standard test procedure: The test
area departs from the ISO 140 standard.
Test noise Pink noise
Test of reverbrationtime Arithmetic average: 2 tests on 2 speaker and 2 microphone-
positions (8 in total).
Equation A A = 0,16 ⋅

Test of Soundleveldifference At least 2 speakerpositions and on circulat paths moved micro-
Equation R R = L 1 − L 2 + 10 ⋅ lg in dB

A equivalent absorption area in m²
L1 Soundpressurelevel sourceroom in dB
L2 Soundpressurelevel receivingroom in dB
R Sound reduction index in dB
T Reverbration time in s
V Volume of receiving room in m³
S Testing area of the specimen in m²
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Classification report sound reduction of building elements
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Test report 161 25651/3.0.0e from 23. September 2002
Customer ELVIAL S.A., 61100 Thessaloniki-Kilkis

2.3 Equipment

Apparatus Type Producer No.

Integrating measurement Type Nortronic 840 Norsonic-Tippkemper 17848*
Microphone-preamplifier Type 1201 Norsonic-Tippkemper 18326*/ 18327*
Microphone Type 1220 Norsonic-Tippkemper 15108*/ 15248*
Calibrator Type 1251 Norsonic-Tippkemper 17413*
Loudspeaker dodecahe- Type 229, 96 Ohm Norsonic-Tippkemper 22837**/22294**
Amplifier Type 235, 100 W Norsonic-Tippkemper 22227**
Rotating microphone Type 231-N-360 Norsonic-Tippkemper 22253**/ 22254**

*App. No by calibration sheet

** ift App.-No

2.4 Execution of the test

Date 13. September 2002

Tester Bernd Saß

3 Test results

The values of the measured airborne sound reduction index of the tested window are drawn-
up in the diagram of the annexed data sheet as a function of the frequency and are given in a
According to EN ISO 717-1:1996-12 the weighted sound reduction index Rw and the spec-
trum adaption terms C and Ctr for the frequency range from 100 Hz to 3150 Hz can be calcu-
lated as follows:
Rw (C;Ctr) = 36 (-2;-6) dB
According to EN ISO 717-1:1996-12 following spectrum adaption terms can be calculated:
C50-3150 = -2 dB C100-5000 = -2 dB C50-5000 = -2 dB
Ctr,50-3150 = -6 dB Ctr,100-5000 = -6 dB Ctr,50-5000 = -6 dB

Comment to DIN 4109:

To proof the sound insulation according to DIN 4109 following calculation-value is given un-
der behalf of 2 dB reduction

Rw,R = 34 dB
ift Rosenheim
23. September 2002

Q:\BAUPHYS\PROJEKTE\161\25651\pdf\25651 3.0.0e.doc
Sound reduction index according to EN 20140 - 3
Laboratory measurements of airborne sound insulation of building elements

Customer: ELVIAL S.A., 61100 Thessaloniki-Kilkis

Specimen el-2000 Benefit

Date of the test 13. September 2002

Construction of the specimen Test opening 0,82 m x 1,02 m = 0,84 m

Single-leaf single window Laboratory partition

Material Aluminium profile wall Two leaf concrete wall
Opening Turn Test noise Pink noise
Lockings Top 1, Bottom 1 Volumes of the
Sealings 1 external seal, Test rooms VS = 109,9 m3
1 central seal, VE = 101,3 m
1 overlap seal Maximum sound reduction
Size 800 mm × 1000 mm Rw,max = 59 dB (related to the test area)
Filling Isolation glass unit Mounting conditions
Pane construction 5/12/4 (mm) Specimen mounted in the test opening which is
Filling in pane space Air fitted with high isolation panels. Connection joints
filled with foam and sealed with elastic sealants
on both sides.
Climate in the test rooms 20 °C / 38% RFF

Shifted weighting curve

f in Hz R in dB Test curve
50 23,6 Frequency range acc. to EN ISO 717-1
Sound reduction index R in dB

63 21,9
80 29,1
100 30,8
125 26,5
160 24,7 40
200 16,6
250 26,7
315 27,5
400 32,9 30
500 33,1
630 37,5
800 39,2
1000 40,1 20
1250 39,9
1600 42,0
2000 42,7
2500 38,6
3150 33,7
4000 37,6
5000 40,7

63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
Frequency f in Hz
Evaluation according to EN ISO 717-1 (in 1/3rd octave bands):
Rw (C;Ctr) = 36 (-2;-6) dB C50-3150 = -2 dB; C100-5000 = -2 dB; C50-5000 = -2 dB
Ctr,50-3150 = -6 dB; Ctr,100-5000 = -6 dB; Ctr,50-5000 = -6 dB
Test report No.: 161 25651/3.0.0e

ift Rosenheim i. A. Bernd Saß

23. September 2002 Leader of acoustic laboratory

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