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Unitno: 3 Page no:_7 OM/T-J]. DisasTER Impacts In a disaster, you ace the clanger of death or physical injury: You may’ alo bse your Pome, possessians anal commutnily- Such Stressors Place you at ask tor emotional & Physical health Problems: “The impact of disasters ave majorly as the Yollowing: > Environmental — physrcal —~ Social = Ccologica/ => Econ one — Pott col efe.. Scanned with CamScanner 3-1 Physical Impacts of disaster: 7 Injuries Death > Physical disability > Busns > Epidemic > Weakness /uneasi ness > Physical illness => Saritation > Hiscasriage > Reproductive health 7? Fatigue, loss of Sleep > Loss of Apebite. Disas ters abrectly impact the health of the population resulting n Physrcal Scanned with CamScanner Unitno: 3 Pageno: 2 trauma, Acute disease, and emotion, / trauma: ‘Ln adldition, disasters may increase the mobility and mortality associatec! with chronic Aiseases anal inteclayy diseases through the impact on tealth Case System. ° Injuries: Injuries due to buileting alamage - If a builaing 7s clamaged aharing Qn Car thgeake, debris and other objects may Sul) on to Q person Causing bodily harm. Laceraths, Fractures Fnelualing spinal, pelvic, Tb and ex hemties. Head trauma. . Leath : Natura! adlsastas fil om o avelage Scanned with CamScanner of 60,000 peopl /year, globally: Deaths fom natural disasters have Seen a lige decline over te Past Centay tom in Some years Millio of deaths Pe year to an averag of 60,000 ovel the past dlecacle. Historically ; Aroug ht and Sods were more tale! disaster event » Physical disability: During the exposure to disasters which Can physi cal Cause harm the ° vichms 1 the Injuries some times kaa} to permanent absablities like loosing Some of the body parts On rn tally being disabkd in Some Cosec. Scanned with CamScanner Unitno: 3 Pageno: 3 + Burns : ann. one of tHe greatest asasters that con occur $s a pve dl’saséer. The greater the burn injury, the more likely it js to have a fatal or Severe outcome. Burn injuries are usualy associated, with faclures, elechocubon or cush injuries. Patient with Wnor burns in cribia, Sites Chands, fene, perineum) should be admitted 1 and early Surgey At Specia/ Coounal Care Should be cons;alered. Bbeort, Goith burns 1% do-boh Should be Amite) to barn care wnili E handled 4, tained PLersonne/. Extensive Lum (> 604 p) Cary i] Migh mortality. Scanned with CamScanner 2 Epidemic: A wrde spread occuvenace oF an intechou in Q community ata parbeulor tine disease TE rs often ued to clescribe a problen that tas gon out of Control. Example » tle . Weakness [Uneas ines: Weakness *8 @ lack of physical (00 ymuscle Shength and the veeling that exta effort 7s segurcd to move your arms ; legs or other muscrs. Although symtoms such @ Fabgue/ teadache and pao in bores and omni ave common atter aisasters, Vik tactors) Scanned with CamScanner Page no: for these Symptons among Obsaster Surviors have rarly been stuhed. Atter the dalsaster there are high chances oF haviong Physical ithess [alse due to Several causes like Contamina water, gir and soil ete... The major Guses of communicable disease Sn Obsacks Can be categorized ento Your Areas: Infecltons Aue to Contaminated foodg Water, Tespivatory inkcbipns , vector ard inseckborne drseases, and inketey dlue to coeds and injuries. Scanned with CamScanner Improper Sanitation Maintanenance afler disasters (eadls to dlevelopment of Spread of many Communa/ diseases lke malaria, tu etc... There fore Sani baton Management after disaster is vey Inpestent) 4o Suprss the growth of Cbseases. “The aim of every Sanitation Syelem Fn Omergencies ?s to minimize Spread of foecal- oral diseases and to. restore g healthy environment. Sa excreda obirocn / 95 therefive a1 major Priority, Scanned with CamScanner Unitno: Page no: 5 _| + Miscarriage: The Shess of a Natiral/Nan-made disaster take a toll m babies #o btero. Due to afferent problems whith wer Qroused daring disaster can lead to miscarriages and prebor (premeitiire babes. oss of Shep $ apetites The mental trauma whith is Causing during the disaster can ge a lot of hatimati'c depressions and Sometimes Causes Flash backs of the disaster, which leads & lack of Shep anal apertite : Scanned with CamScanner Unitno: > Page no: > 3a. Economic Impack of disaster: caused by the inital impact of nation, alisastexs “may lead, to indirect clamages (of potential wages and capital) at the macro kvel 7 texms of hregore prodkuctin and/or agri cultiral output there 4 attecting the country’s GPP ?n the long team. “The direct impact of alsaster Occur immedia tely during ie dlisaster phenomenon - ahmage to Auman and physica/ asseli: 7 Impact on asset aa Inhastuctere Scanned with CamScanner =) Capital > Stocks 4 -5 loss of lk he Fndlvect impact are Perceived atter the phenomenon Sor a Grrepeibd thot. can last Kom weeks to rnonths, ti gecuperation OCCUKS: > [oss of Investrent — loss of eamings & unemployment > Increased expenses both private and public > loss of productivity de to death, illness and Irpuries- —~ Increase Fn operationa/ catk > Cat o tg ere prvisongad Scanned with CamScanner Unit no: Page no: #- The Secondlasy Impact of dlisaster are - Irchule macroecomie Fmpact and longer texm impact Repercussions on the €conomyc pestor- ™anxe after dysaster: . : May persist for a Number oF years atler the disaster, akpenolng 07 the Characteristics and maghituale. Depleyement 9n Gross Domestic Poolet Grout ate - + State of puble Prance. 9: decline ?n tox Pevenue- + Jhereases oF Pntes & inflaton. Balance of payment , tadledehyy! Scanned with CamScanner and Taise tn level of Indebtedness Impact of disaster on capita] Sormation: => Gross Capital: forma bon Time > + + Disaster pao Peveloping Countray. , — 5 Indus fialsed! Guntrie: Scanned with CamScanner ml m0: |Pageno: 9 _ | $3. Socia/ Impact of Disaster: ¢ Change in dodlviahal 'S role . Diswuption in Social Sabie /solation / : Change in masital statis f Obphans Single Parent Children * Serva! abue £ chmacbc Vielnce , Family 9 Sccial aliserganization . Mig tation " Lif Stole Changes Break down of todkbor) Sociol stiles: Social impact deals with the offek a peop and socfely Scanned with CamScanner Se Sy psy chological impact of oksasder: | Depenatng on the ype and extent of hss, indivi olual’s abrectly impacted by natal oleases (0% man madle disacters May be Yee ling a sheng sent ot qiel Panic 1 bss, aes sooiness« Dit¥icultes in speping, anger iy ability , anal guilt may ako Siarhace They laler on develop severe Shes cbisovoles and atfect the day to dlay Ute Slyle of the victim. Such ere: . wy Pstbaumatic Shes all's ovoles (Prsb) (2x Shess Pelate of Symptons: (phys ‘ologi'ca Us Psychological Behavigral) (3) Stes Relate Risk factor- TT Scanned with CamScanner [Unitno; 3] [ieee to_| W PTSb: ——— Disasters ave teumatre event Yat my, cause mental anal Physical health GCosequenta Post- boumatic stress aisorakr (PTSDY/S ane of the most commonly Slade! post-chsaser Psychiatric liscvelers - During PTSD 7 Témy Trigger the paintu/ memories whith the Vichm har ace of alving He Olsastles pre The Symptons of PTSD ae: a Being easily Startled G) Feeling tene or ‘on ealge' (Hing cbbh cally shaping However those With PTsp can alco expetien ce: (Y Enohore! numbness Scanned with CamScanner Ub Re-experienting the traum thraagh flashbacks or nightmares Git) InSomnia: cM) Relationship probleme Ww Suclelen anger wi Drag and alcohol abuse (vit) Self destuctve behavior (wily Avoiling tegyels Pisp atte. a disaster: Seeing & community buileling con fomily destroyed by Natural disaster can it obfieult for Surviours to move home rake past their grief and. Aeelings of los. A traumabt. event of this magritirale Could Cauce: Scanned with CamScanner Teg >A fear that event could Happen again > /asomnia & bse of appetite. =) Rpcated 5 intrusive Mentorie, es the eveot that Cause Physical, sheers Teactions. Ci Suocabing , tapiel heartbeat breathing dficu Ibex ete.) Scanned with CamScanner Al Tonys Peo con cb te. Gi Dang « Brchn ! Help others: Enel comtort. in Checking a) Tamil, Fiero and Peiphborae ® Fachte SH. core“ Healthy acbin bes Lat ‘Mprove your meatal heo/th Shoulal be part- oA your abaity Touhne 3 Limit news Gnsumpbior: Cone the neu Con keep You. latermed! on lanpentest Intormaben Fegarvolng the disasters, the 2y-hoes meu95 Cycle and social meota accers Can be Overvhe/ ming . Gntentrats on viewing posible and het, Stories Scanned with CamScanner 4 know it will be Over: knowing tthe disaster will eventually end can gre Some Sense of Comfost: 5: Ger help? Hany therapist oxe offering telehealth Services s0 youcan BeCeive treatment from home - Remember trot reaching out for help is nota Sign of tazaknexs but of Strength a Scanned with CamScanner “The Jereral impact: of Ps ycho leg ical are: * Distress * Lash backs * Intrusions * Aveiclance * Hatred * Revenge Dependence . Insecurity ” Gret / withdrawn * Isolation ~ Suit Reling , tHypey vigilance. “lack of bust * “Hope lessness & Help kssness. Scanned with CamScanner a Page no: gy | By Demographic Aspect: Demo graphy is the Scientific Sti ly of tuman population Demography Studies 3 aspect of Population. 7, Changes $n population size ~> Composition oF population > Distribution of population on the ‘ervito. he Static and dynarnic aspect are: + Static aspects * Age: Sex 1 Race, Marital Status, economic Tharatpristres + Dynamic aspect: Fertility 1 Movtality s Nuptiality Higa tion, growth Linked to disasters: Composition, density distribution , growth Size, movement Stwcllae of the population. bai ee Scanned with CamScanner a Mortality * Refers bo wncidlence of death Morbidity? Refecs to state of bang diseased. bink fhe disasters § alenography: . The wsk of ceath vary by age and Sex, due to d;therences ?n vulnerobibly (phyoe di ferences 67 likelihood of exposure). . Demograp hit data Cap be used to lalentity Vulnerable populations prior to adbsasty f° A ccess. to Services before, oharing é ater! q disaster event 25 linked to bacic bmo- graphi c Contert 7d dis ty bution of populebrons. Heat res » Social andl econom'e . Disaggregatee! data enable Plabcy. makers to idendity Vulnerable populations jn the lontext otf disaster prepareders . Scanned with CamScanner Unit no: Pare: je + Morbidlity measures con indicate Where ' Seoe health resources ave alreadly stretched) by existing health priorities” and whee Qa public health emergeny #s M’kely 0 have Q quater impact Scanned with CamScanner STU Tm Condes: The static aspecl like gender, age & physical disability impacts ave crucial. W Differential impact on voomen: * Deleosiation of health (lack of ood § nutrition) + Restricted mobi lity prevents fom taking easly Warwmings §, evacuation - Greater stess * Pecoived to the victims “rather than Besponders Gio DiHerential impact on Chil dren: * Health + Undernousishment, malnutiton, ‘inadequate hygiene & Sanitation. g Psychological : Fear: anxiety 1 Childish or ‘Seqsessve behaviour, diFficutty 19 Sleeping 4 Concentrating. Scanned with CamScanner Unit no! Page ne: 6 “Education: Sludies discontinued, Schools. being Sheltas; git! Stadesk ropouls : Git) Impact on Mother § Child: + Increased Cases of Complicatios and I premature delivery cars) toomen (children bon ade Weak). « feeding of infants Cstess interferes With the release of milk im maebhers andt ueakens the immune Systen of child), + Childsen bosn as a Consequence of Gender based violence. Uixy Impocti on Aged / old people: e Nattwal ageing process: a Impaired balance (balance disoscler) Scanned with CamScanner re Uh) Decvensed Stength Git) Pres exercise tolemnas GW) Deterioration of Sight Pear - Swell) tade and touch ‘Scanned with CamScanner Unitno: 3 Page no: {> 3 5 Hazard locations: “the National Electrical Gde (NEO) defines locations 9S those oweas "Where Sise. hazax das tot lammale! or explosion hazards may exist due gases oO voposs, F lamable Liguicks + Combus tibledust or ignitable fibers oF Things” Tn addition to this, the ploces which ore snore. prone 40 Mappen to be affected with different kinds of disasters. ove also Consi cked as hazardous locations the Mapping ef hazardous location basea on “ype of disaster: Cb Based m Earthquake: Zone factors ove giver on the basis of expe ed intensity of the easthquake jin different zones. Scanned with CamScanner Sess Na Based on the past Seismic histosy, Bureou of Tndign Standards grouped the County into fous Seismic Zones namely Zone Il, zone Wl, Zonelv § Zone L of all these Zones, Zone-V active segior whereas Zone-l is the least. 19 tee most Seismic 2 Based om Gyclones: ; “The cyclones axe majorly Classified into wo wo types sopi cal Cyclone and extetropicaeyclog. “he tropical Cyclone has three sub Classifications UW Tropical Stoxm (6a- 8&kp (ov 3y-Y> kot) Gh Severe tropical Stosms (89-11 + Kph lor) ys-tabsii) (ii) Typhoon (18 —2-20kph (09 64 - 2okncti) Scanned with CamScanner Unitnor 3 Page no: 12 > The Brahmaputro Valley — North & Northeast Jndan ploin ar Bihar Punjab Gangetic Gange be Rajasthan Assam West Bengal Northeast Gange tic Hoxyana . Southern Southern Gujarath Southern Gujarath kerala Scanned with CamScanner “The Categorization of cyclones ove zoned as 1 (tvopicot cyclone) Negligible house org 2 (tropical cyclone) Minos house damage ore) Some sof and w Cateqosy «iy Category diy Category 3 (Sevese tropical cycl Stouctural damage Gv) Categpsy 4 CSevere teopical cyclone) Ww Cotegosy 5 (Severe bsopical cyclore). 8) Bosed on ~fleods: Flood zones ae sogsophic aseas that the FeHA has defined according +0 varying levels of flood visk: These Zones ove Okpicted ona Cornmouritys fload insurance Rate Map FIRM) o¥ {hed Hazasd Boundary Mop - Each zoe deflects the severity ov Aype of Flooding ‘in the avea- she flood prone areas jn the Qunby are > The Ganges Valley Scanned with CamScanner Os P19 | cp Based on Coastal erosions: Osigsa and Nest Bengal Coasls axe vulnerable and -Andhra Pradesh Coasts have Sevesly been attered | by evosion and Coastal Flooding - Frequently | occuring Coast hazards have largely affected | Coastal Com munities and ecosystem. Scanned with CamScanner — | 4o storm Slirge 1, Cyclones and floods. TarriInodu 3.6 Global and Nation! disaster Disasters are categorized nto three levels namely i minor 1 TAjOr and catastrophic disasters s. (» Minox: -Any digaster that falls within -the se capabilities of local gove ye “Minimal State OV Federal ‘Ses pon’ snment and vequi assistance i ais the local @ Mayor * Any disaster “that exce jo nt Capabilities and vequives a Qovesnme of State & Federal assistane. bod ange ® Catastrophic Disaster: Any disaster that sequire massive State G Federal assistance, including immediate Militasy nvolvematt \ a Potentid Federal assistaxe will Involve sesponse os wellas wacvay MeaSuses. Scanned with CamScanner Unit no: Pagenc: 5 Level. Level - i A small local disaty usuolly affecting \-30 households, which is of local Community . Level-2 Sized usually affecting 4O-1SD household which is beyond the Capabilty OF local communties Level —iiL These are ioe . Affected Just a few people could perforro all the ~manogerent functions *e Provide ministry of ‘Casing, "Porege Cases & Cootdindte volunteer Managemen E donations § netuok OF ~sesources An ‘ntesfaith os united methodist secovery team iS Mecessasy, iaith @ paid disectos or a Skilled longterm Volunteer Whose ©% Penses atc wen buxsed. Whe team will ad minister Opeations, assisted by Voluntactsé Ge Manages Yam Scanned with CamScanner 63 Pg 20 _ —— Paid statt Jor Case mone disastes 7 terms of Savaily) — yyr¢hin community based TeCover ox geography ‘organization 4 ohne . Which Cause ao ode coordination ° oluaters, significon és mec oscar unser Leoms & destruction ° 4 Short Cem volunteers Te Usually Seckived repair s vebuileling ave frp @ presidential | fant g coi) 4 mec tr declaration . go yecn ov OE (Global dclavoli is done based J cateshaple endl) pg jm level: B ,hivedl Stat? for) he loupe uoribee leadership paibos js necoledl 2 iy wtes) ahs bin Volun beers Extensive los) PPS Nuncero us tonnes ot shart bem CGbba/ clelasahon) Volunteers ere aequrred fe otpencl on impacts Several yeats ni ticle § mor taliGy, > Scanned with CamScanner

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