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English Learning Guide

Competency 1
Unit 3: ICT
Workshop 1
Centro de Servicios Financieros- CSF



This workshop attempts to help you understand the influence of internet and technology in our society.
You will learn about the evolution of internet and technology and also, how to use the netiquette.

Objective: From the development of these activities, you will be able to explore and use the internet in an
appropriate way.

 Work in groups and discuss the following questions and Share your answers

 How often do you use the internet?

RTA: very often, every day
 What is your personal opinion about Internet in general?
RTA: Most of the companies that handle the internet are very slow, the internet goes away
 Discuss why people depend on technology nowadays.
RTA: because everything depends on technology to send a resume, for jobs and research
 What are the most popular apps?
RTA: Messenger.
TikTok. facebook

1. a) Create your profile card for a social professional network using your personal information. Use a
picture of your and write some personal information like your educational background and work

Take into account:

 Full name
 Phone number
 Education Information
 Job position
 E-mail

11 Image taken from internet as an example

English Learning Guide
Competency 1
Unit 3: ICT
Workshop 1
Centro de Servicios Financieros- CSF



1. b) Skills practice: Do the following activities to practice the learnt vocabulary and English structures

1.1. Speaking practice

Now, practice your oral skills and prepare a discussion about advantages and disadvantages of Internet
and Technology. Take a position and support your ideas according to the group established by the
teacher and then, compare and contrast your insights with your partners’ opinions.

Internet is a communication network of global reach that allows the interconnection

between computers for the exchange of information.

The ease of accessing information and content of various topics and formats seems to
be a great opportunity, but at the same time it can be counterproductive in some
cases. For this reason, it is important to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of
the internet to understand how we can take better advantage of it.

Speed in communication.
Access to multiple contents.
Dissemination of own content.
Process simplification.
Knowledge massification.
Collaborative spirit.
Interaction with interest groups.
Use of personal data for unknown purposes.
Stimulates sedentary lifestyle.
Digital crime.
Online harassment.
Invasive advertising.
Fake news.
Exposure to inappropriate content.
It can generate addiction.
Limit face-to-face communication.
1.2. Listening practice
Before watching the video,
 What do you know about internet history?
RTA:I know very little about the internet but it is a very important help for anyone
 How do you use the internet in your daily life?
RTA:I use it for my study, to do my work, to communicate with my family that is far away

Watch the video, make notes, and answer or complete the following statements: 2

● Who was the Internet inventor?

● When was the e-mail created?
● What kind of function did Netscape use to have on the Internet?
In 1997, Netscape Navigator 2.0 was the first browser to include a scripting language in
web pages, introducing JavaScript in version 2. Originally, it was hardly used for more than
validating forms, but it quickly expanded.
● What did you understand for “dial- up” according to the video?
A dial-up connection is one of the first forms of Internet service. This type of connection is
based on the use of traditional telephone lines to transport data packets and provide users
with access to the web. Although it was popularly used during the days when the Internet
was still young, it is currently labeled an outdated method of connecting to the Internet
due to its slow data transfer speed and its reliance on phone lines when users access the

● In your opinion what was the most interesting fact about Internet history?

There are 4 billion active users on the internet. China, India and the United States lead the
ranking. In Argentina there are 7.8 million households with internet access, which
represents 57.6% penetration, according to Enacom data

1.3. Reading practice

Before Reading the text, discuss the following questions:

- How do you think Internet has changed your lifestyle?

The Internet has changed commerce, education, government, health and even the way we relate affectively; It
could be said that it is being one of the main instruments of social change today. It is especially important how it
has affected social communication itself.
- What can you say about communication through internet?
It is a system that allows writing and files to be exchanged with any other user with an internet connection. ... By means of e-mail
we can, in effect, send and receive messages, to which it is possible to attach computer files.

2 Taken from Used by SENA for academic purposes,

English Learning Guide
Competency 1
Unit 3: ICT
Workshop 1
Centro de Servicios Financieros- CSF

Identify the key words from the article “The internet revolution is the new industrial revolution”. Look
for their definition and pronunciation in English.


Networks Social networks are digital platforms formed by communities of individuals
with common interests, activities or relationships (such as friendship,
relationship, work). Social networks allow contact between people and
function as a means to communicate and exchange information.
Social media As communication media, all those instruments, channels or forms of transmission
of information that human beings use to carry out the communication process are
Skills Skill derives from the Latin habilitatis that indicates the quality of skillful. Skillful,
in turn, has its origin in the Latin habilis whose initial meaning referred to the skills
that someone can acquire. Then the meaning evolved to mean a person with various
Revolution Revolution is an organized, massive, intense, sudden social change and
generally not free of violent conflicts for the alteration of a political,
governmental or economic system
Conventions A convention is a set of standards, rules, norms or also criteria that are generally
accepted for a certain social group. More frequently they take the name of criteria.
Certain types of conventions can become laws or be defined by regulatory bodies to
formalize or enforce compliance (for example, the convention on the side of the
road on which a vehicle must circulate is regulated). In other contexts, conventions
have the character.
Understand It is about the ability of a person's mind to discern how the formative parts or
informational aspects of a qualitative matter are related to each other and integrate
them. It is the ability of a subject to learn the concept or substance underlying an
object. Understanding allows the person to get in touch with the world as reality,
capturing its structure and meaning.
Outsourcing The subcontracted company, called a subcontractor or supplier, is one that
performs certain tasks for another firm (contractor or client). This business
relationship is usually defined in a contract.
Workplace The location, the design, the material structure and the elements that make
up the buildings are factors that determine the health, safety and well-being
of workers. As such, they must be managed preventively.
Boundaries The first step necessary to discover the meaning of the term that concerns
us now is to bet on establishing its etymological origin. Thus, we can
determine that it is found in Latin, and more exactly in the word
Employment Employment is called the generation of value from the activity produced by
a person. That is, the employee contributes his work and knowledge in
favor of the employer, in exchange for financial compensation known as
Value Courage is a broad concept that can refer to a quality, a virtue or a personal
talent; to the courage or impudence of a person; to the importance, the price
or the utility of something, as well as to a good or the validity of a thing.
Success Success is the happy and satisfying result of an affair, business or
performance. Likewise, it also refers to the good reception of something or
Background As antecedent we call that which precedes, precedes or is prior to a thing.
Websites All publicly accessible web sites constitute a gigantic World Wide Web of
information, and a gigantic network of resources of global reach.
Handshake A handshake or handshake is a type of short greeting ritual, where two right
hands with right or left with left are clasped with each other, generally
performed when two people meet or say goodbye, or when an agreement is
finished. Its purpose is to demonstrate good intentions and may have
originated as a gesture to show that the hands do not carry weapons.
Retirement It is the action by which an actively working person, both self-employed
and employed, becomes inactive at work, that is, they stop working for a
series of reasons, such as age, physical problem, etc.
Brand Signal that allows to identify or distinguish something or to give some
information about it.
Sweeping clean a place with the broom.
go through a place completely and thoroughly.
cleaning a surface with a broom.

Read the article "The Internet revolution is the new revolution"

The Internet Revolution is the New Industrial Revolution3

Oct 5, 2012 by Micha Kaufman

In the mid-90s, ARPANet was transformed from a

military safety net to the civilian Internet that has
become such an integral part of our lives, bringing with
it change not only technological, but societal and epic
in scope. Consider the following: Forty years ago, the
English Learning Guide
Competency 1
Unit 3: ICT
Workshop 1
Centro de Servicios Financieros- CSF
average person followed an employment path largely determined by birth and education, often
committing to one employer until retirement. Today you probably wouldn’t even consider that as a viable
option. Success is no longer solely determined by the right education, the perfect resume, or even your
age and background. Teens as young as 12 are now coding websites, producing films and building networks
through social media. By the time they’re adults, this online generation will already have some skills and
real-world experience that a formal education just can’t provide.

The Internet is bringing a revolution along with it. Access to information combined with global supply and
demand is reshaping established conventions and destroying old world definitions.
To understand the main idea of it, take the word 'local.' It once referred to your own street, town or even
the state you lived in, but now everywhere is local. Americans are outsourcing their services to companies
from China to Brazil, all from the comfort of their own homes. Where once our reach was limited by
physical boundaries, today almost everyone and everything is just a digital handshake away.
Long established workplace conventions - from defined office hours to physical office space - are being
tossed out the window. Success was once defined by a suit and the ‘9 to 5’; now it can achieved by
working in pajamas and starting at noon after a morning at the gym and leisurely latte. The very definition
of ‘success’ is now drastically changing. It once meant a “keeping up with the Joneses” lifestyle your
neighbors would be envious of; now it’s about making personal, intimate choices about how to live your
life. Of course some still associate it purely with wealth, but for many, success is being measured in other
ways –happiness, freedom, health, more time for travel and family.

As we engage in a century where everyone is not only a global citizen, but a valuable “Brand in Waiting,”
we begin to understand that the Internet Revolution is in fact the Industrial Revolution of our time. It’s a
sweeping social disruption that brings with it not only new inventions and scientific advances, but
perhaps most importantly revolutionizes both the methods of work and we the workers ourselves.

According to the text answer the questions below:

 What is the impact of Internet revolution in the new generations?

RTA: Success is no longer solely determined by
proper education, the perfect resume, or even your age and background. Teens as young as 12
are now scrambling websites, producing
movies and building networks through social media. By the time they are adults, this online
generation will already have some skills and experience
in the real world that a formal education simply cannot provide.
 What is the ARPAnet meaning? Explain
RTA: ARPANet transformed from a safety net
military to the civilian internet that has become such an integral part of
our lives, bringing with it changes not only technological, but also
social and epic in scope. Consider the following: Forty years ago
• Do you agree with the success definition given in the text?

Make a mind map with the main vocabulary and concepts of the reading and share it with your
classmates. Work in pairs.





English Learning Guide
Unit 3: ICT
Centro 1
de Servicios Financieros- CSF

1.3. Writing Practice

Write a short paragraph to point out your personal experience of advantages and disadvantages (at least 3 of
each one) about the use of Internet and Technology. Use the following paragraph as a model
Hello, My name is Andrea Contreras, I am an
English teacher and I work in a private high school
on the north of the city. I think that Technology is
an unavoidable item in our lives. As advantages I
say that Internet makes everything easier,
immediate and practical, but, by the other hand
Internet and technology make us lazy , distracted
and dependent people. I know about it, because
I see my students everyday depending on their
smartphones and electronic devices.

Now, try your own text. Use a picture to have more ideas!

Hello, I am Yuliana, the advantages of the internet for me is Access to information

because I no longer open the need to buy books, also the
Breaks down barriers and facilitates approaching postures,
It reduces the need for presence and something very important is the
Freedom of expression. ...
the disadvantages of the internet is that it stimulates sedentary lifestyle since we are
going to sit for a long time, also digital crime and
Online harassment, things like these are very common in invading the privacy of another
person, also the false news that appears on the internet, on social networks

Extension activities:
The extension activities will help you improve your performance in the topics. You need to
reach at least five hours of practice on your own.
 For further information, listening practice, pronunciation, and more
about internet, check the link below to a YouTube video:
 Based on your instructor’s orientation, explore the following website and play at least
2 games:

Image taken from the website as example. set-of-business-people-

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