Science Form 1 .Module 4

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Module 4
1.5 Density 

1. What is density?
Density of a material is …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

2. What is the formula of density?

Density (_______) = ____________(____)
( )

3. The diagram below shows four substances placed in a glass.

Based on the diagram, arrange the substances according to descending densities.

-------------------------- ------------------------------ ----------------------------- -------------------------

4. The diagram below shows a natural phenomenon that can be found in a region of extremely cold

An ………………………. is a block of ice that is ………………………….on the surface of the sea. The
…………………… floats on surface of the sea because it is ……………………………..than sea water.

5. Please do the formative practice in your text book [page 33] in your exercise book [Science 1]
6. Please copy Activity 1.10 (page 29) and Activity 1.11 (page 33) in your exercise book ( Sceince 2).
We will do these activities when we back to school.

1.6 Steps in a Scientific Investigation

1. There are …………………….important science process skills in a scientific investigation.

2. Match the suitable meaning for the science process skills.

 Making inference

 Predicting

 Observing

 Classifying

 Measuring and
using numbers

 Interpreting data

 Communicating

 Using time-space

 Hypothesising

 Controlling

 Defining

 Experimenting
3. Fill in the blank boxes below with the correct with the correct statement of scientific methods.

Scientific method Statement

Identifying the problem

Making hypothesis

Controlling variables

Planning an experiment

Collecting data

Analysing data

Making conclusion

Writing report

#Please copy Experiment 1.1 (page 36) your exercise book ( Sceince 2). We will do this experiment
when we back to school.

1.7 Scientific Attitudes and Values in Carrying Out Scientific Investigation

1. Tick þ for the behaviors that show scientific attitudes and noble values while carrying out a
scientific investigation.

Break the wings of a grasshopper after drawing its structure.

Serious while doing group work
Change the data obtained to support the hypothesis that has been made.
Repeat the experiment if you fail to get the results.
Not giving up if your experiment does not turn out well.

Summative Practice [page 42]

Please answer these question in your exercise book [Science 1]

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