Passive Voice

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1- I bought a new fridge yesterday .

It was reduced in the sale

2- When the pipe burst last winter I didn´t mend it myself.The plumber did it
3- Jane shares her flat with two other girls.

4-When I opened the envelope, I found a cheque of &55.

5-I have never met Carol but I have seen a photograph of her.
6-I wrote a setter to Jim but I haven´t received an answer yet.

7-Someone was cleaning the Windows while I was there.

8-He was asking for your address so I gave it to him.
9-Someone has signed all the documents before I arrived.

10-People should send their complaints to the head office.

11-They are going to repair the broken lines.
12-They had to postpone the meeting because of illness.

13-Does the prime minister protect the new law?

14-The government will lose the election.
15-The policeman arrested three people after the explosion

16-I have just received an invitation for a wedding next week.

17-They don´t know the cause of the fire in the hotel
18-Ann showed me a photograph of the hotel where she stayed during her holiday.

19-I think the government should do something to help people.

20-They built 333 houses last year but nobody occupied them.
21-Did you say anything interesting?

22-You leave at 4:30 tomorrow and we haven´t booked your SEAT.

23-A bus crashed into her car and injured her.
24-Someone borrowed my book a month ago and didn´t return it.

25-We had to wait for Mary but we didn´t complain

26-He oponed a box of chocolates, He ate all the chocolates.
27-The police came to our house. They were looking for something. They searched all
the rooms.
28-They should ban traffic from the city centre.
29-Last year they built a new library
30-They have planted a lot of trees.Did they water them everyday?

31-They mustn´t spend so much money on arms.

32-They had to carry the injured man
33-Mr Nelly can´t use his office at the moment.

34-You make spaghetti from flour and water.

35-People are stealing a lot of tvs at the moment
36- The teacher never gave me homework when I was young.

37-I prefer other people drive me

38-The company might send George to America in August.
39- Could they hear the music from far away?

40-Why did you break the window?

41 They shouldn´t have played the football match in such a bad weather
42-They don´t use these tennis courts very often

43-P.C. Smith had never arrested a more dangerous criminal than Jake Carter
44-The farmer feeds his dogs twice a day.
45-Are they going to win the match next Saturday?

46-They took firm action against hooligans.

47-The kidness of a friend could have saved him from bankruptcy
48-They are doing a great deal of research into the causes of cancer.

49-You usually sign a cheque with a pen not with a pencil.

50-They recorded her singing live at a night club.
51-Someone has cut down my cherry tree.

52-We are all going to remember the trip.

53Are they selling their house?
54-Harol Printer wrote the play but he didn´t sign it.
55-I don´t know anything about cars and my car has just broken down
56-Perhaps one day a millionaire will ask you to marry him
57-Tom went out and took his umbrella because it was going to rain

58-His collegue gave him a present when he retired

59- Someone had taken Hawai the fire extinguishers
60-They didn´t ask me my name.

61-They wouldn´have injured her if she had worn a seat belt

62-The weather is awful.They should cancel the football match
63-Someone must have stolen my bike

64-Have you ever eaten Arabian food? It´s delicious

65-Will people soon forget it?
66-They are going to demolish many slums to make way for new buildings

67-Does someone clean all the rooms regularly?

68-They have to inform the passengers the train is out of order
70-The judge is sending the man guilty of fraud to 6 months in prison.

71-They were questioning us and searching our vehicle at the same time.
72-Do they teach English in this school?
73-Did they speak Danish in Denmark?

74-The manager interviewed all the people who applied for the job
75-Jim won a lot of money last year but he hasn´t spent any yet
76-They didn´t tell anyone about their marriage

77-They won´t take a decisión until the next meeting

78-That building is dangerous. They should knock it down
79-The customs officer may check your luggage

80-Did the fire destroy much of London in the 17th century?

81-A snake bit the man and the doctor gave him a serum
82-He is the leader. You have to respect him.
83-They painted the portrait in the 16th century and sold it to a Japanese
84-You must polish the floor
85-I want you to teach me German

86-I phoned Mark to invite him but I´m sure he won´t come
87-You haven´t answered Professor Sweet´s letter yet
88-You need a licence before you can take your boat to the river

89-They gave me 2 hours to take a decisión

90-They are looking for the man who is living in New York
91-Flood make people homeless

92-They make these pullovers in Scotland

93-A man in a fishing boat rescued them
94-They didn´t help her at the police station.

95-Is he going to steal the BMW car from outside?

96-Somebody might have stolen your car if you had left the keys in it
97-The water is covering the roads

98-Police are looking for the missing boy ,They can´t find him.
99-I think that they should have phoned the police first
100-Nobody told me that George was ill.

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