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Fila 2

Reported speech

a- yesterday was payday . I don´t believe you´re short of money already

(she said)
b- Do you think Cindy told the boss I left work early yesterday? (he
asked me)
c- Are you sure? I really thought it was Peter ( he said)
d- You can´t have lived in Tunisia for ten years without learning some
Arabic (she told me)
e- Why hasn´t anybody told me happy birthday today? (she asked us)
f- You´ll have to check these figures again. Thy´re not accurate. You
must be concentrated when you add them up (he told me)
g- How often do you visit your cousins when you go to the States? (he
asked me)
h- My brother had his hair cut when he left college (he said)
i- The reason I get fat is that I´m always tasting things while I´m
cooking (she said)
j- Oh, I´m sorry, I´ve spilt some tea. Where are you keeping the paper
towels? (she said)
k- Peter always claimed he was innocent but for many years no one
believed him (she said)
l- Come in Jane, take a seat. Would you like some coffee? (she asked
m- The last time I went swimming was when I was in the States. (he
n- When my rich uncle died , he left half of his fortune to his cat and
half to a distant cousin. We never expected to receive much but we
were very disappointed that he had left any of it to us (they said)
o- When I got to the plane the steward told me I could have any seat
because there were very few passangers on the flight (he told me)
p- You mustn´t say anything. I feel so embarrassed when they know
about my problems (he told me )
q- What happens if somebody left behind when the coach leaves? ( he
asked me)

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