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Ph 651.455.0690.
6971 Claude Avenue East| Inver Grove Heights | MN 55076

March 22 of 2011

To the members of:

The North Central States
Regional Council of Carpenters
730 Olive Street
Saint Paul, MN - 55130

Dear Brothers, Sisters, Distinguished Officers, and Delegates of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters:

I am John Swanson, a proud, union carpenter that is writing to you in complaint of Thomas B. Tinglov, the Assistant Executive Director of the North
Central Regional Council of Carpenters; and James E. Moore, the Executive Secretary Treasurer of the North Central Regional Council of
On March 9 2011, I was present at the meeting of the Twin Cities Carpenter’s Local #322 in Saint Paul, Minnesota. At this meeting, amongst my
discussions with numerous people, I spoke with Thomas B. Tinglov. During this discussion with Mr. Tinglov I was asked, by him, if I had visited with
Representative Rick Hansen during the Carpenter’s Day at the Capitol on March 8 2011. My response to this question was that “Representative
Hansen is not my Representative.” Following this statement, I began to inform Mr. Tinglov that I had visited with numerous Republican and
Democratic Representatives and Senators during Carpenter’s Day at the Capitol to discuss Prevailing Wage. Next, I informed Mr. Tinglov that it
would be fitting for him to visit with his Representative, Mr. Rich Hanson. At this, Mr. Tinglov told me that he was “involved in meetings.”
Reasonably, Mr. Tinglov’s reply was an excuse to justify his non-interest in meeting with his own Representative. After Mr. Tinglov told me that he
was “involved in meetings” I said: “your union brothers and sisters have taken time off from work and made it of the utmost priority to meet with
their legislators during the Carpenter’s Day at the Capitol.” After this comment, Mr. Tinglov told me “fuck you.”

First, let it be known that this is the second time this type of behavior has come from Mr. Tinglov. This behavior is unprofessional, disrespectful,
and unsuited for a leader of any Carpenter’s Local.

Second, I ask if this demeanor is to be attributed to Mr. Tinglov alone, or to the entirety of Jim Moore’s leadership strategy?
Third, on March 10 2011, the day after my crass encounter with Mr. Tinglov, I called Executive Secretary Treasurer James E. Moore’s office in
Wisconsin to alert him of Mr. Tinglov’s inappropriate behavior the day prior. During this phone call to Mr. Moore’s office I filed a formal complaint
in regard to Mr. Tinglov’s tactless comment. As I was not connected with Mr. Moore I spoke with his secretary, Brenda Hamilton. Ms. Hamilton told
th th
me that he [James E. Moore] would return my call “later in the morning” on March 10 . As of today, March 18 2011, I am still awaiting my
response from Mr. Moore.
Overall, I am displeased with the continued, unbecoming conduct of Mr. Tinglov. Comments such as that of Mr. Tinglov on March 9 have no place
whatsoever in our organization. Equally so, I am unsatisfied with the lack of a response in regard to this matter by Mr. Moore. It is Mr. Moore’s
responsibility to monitor his subordinates [Thomas B. Tinglov] and respond quickly and prudently to those that may have put him in power.

As reparation for the boorish manner of Mr. Tinglov I am demanding the following:
1. That Thomas B. Tinglov apologize to me in-person.
2. That Thomas B. Tinglov be enrolled in a multiple-session anger-management class at no expense to the United
Brotherhood of Carpenters or any of their affiliates.
3. That Thomas B. Tinglov be censored for one Carpenter’s Local #322 union meeting.

As the aforementioned items are pressing matters, I will be awaiting a timely, expedient response from you.


John Swanson

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