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Computer Graphics

Chapter 6

2D Viewing

Nguyen Huu Cuong, Ph.D.

6.1 The 2D viewing pipeline

• A section of a 2D scene that is selected for display is called a clipping window

• Only the part of the scene that shows up on the screen is what is inside the
clipping window.
• The clipping window is alluded to as the world window or the viewing window.
• Objects inside the clipping window are mapped to a viewport. The viewport
indicates where it is to be viewed on the output device.
6.1 The 2D viewing pipeline

• By changing the position of a viewport, we can view objects at different positions

on the display area of an output device.
• The mapping of a 2D, world coordinate scene description to device coordinates is
called a 2D viewing transformation (window-to-viewport transformation or
windowing transformation).

Construct world-
Convert world- Transform viewing Map normalized
WC coordinate scene WC coordinates to
VC coordinates to
NC coordinates to DC
using modeling-
viewing normalized device
coordinates coordinates coordinates
6.2 OpenGL 2D viewing functions

• Basic OpenGL library has no functions for 2D viewing. But the core library contains
a viewport function.
• The OpenGL Utility (GLU) does provide a 2D function for specifying the clipping
window, and GLUT functions for handling display windows.
OpenGL projection mode
• Before select a clipping window and a viewport in OpenGL, we need to establish
the appropriate mode for constructing the matrix to transform from world
coordinates to screen coordinates.
• To designate the project matrix as the current matrix


GLU clipping-window function

• To define a 2D clipping window
gluOrtho2D(xwmin, xwmax, ywmin, ywmax);
OpenGL viewport function

• Specify the viewport parameters

glViewport(xvmin, yvmin, vpWidth, vpHeight);
• Obtain the parameters for the currently active viewport
glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, vpArray);

Creating a GLUT display window

glutInit(&argc, argv);

glutInitWindowPosition(xTopLeft, yTopLeft);
glutInitWindowSize(dwWidth, dwHeight);
glutCreateWindow("Title of Display Window");
Setting the GLUT display-window mode and color

glutInitDisplayMode (mode);

glClearColor (red, green, blue, alpha);

glClearIndex (index);

GLUT display window identifier

Multiple display windows can be created for an application, each is assigned
a positive integer display window identifier, starting with the value 1
windowID = glutCreateWindow("A Display Window");

Deleting a GLUT display window

glutDestroyWindow (windowID);
Current GLUT display window

glutSetWindow (windowID);

currentWindowID = glutGetWindow();

Relocating and resizing a GLUT display window

Reset the screen location for the current display window
glutPositionWindow(xNewTopLeft, yNewTopLeft);

Reset the size of the current display window

glutReshapeWindow(dwNewWidth, dwNewHeight);

Expand the current display window to fill the screen


Whenever the size of a display window is changed, we adjust for a change

in display window dimensions
Managing multiple GLUT display window
Convert the current display window to an icon in form of a small picture or
symbol representing the window
glutIconifyWindow ();

Change the name of the display window

glutSetWindowTitle("New Window Name");

With multiple display windows open on the screen, to choose any display
window to be in front of all other windows

To choose any display window to be behind all other windows


Take the current window off the screen

glutHideWindow ();

Return a “hidden” display window

glutShowWindow ();
GLUT subwindows
Within a selected display window, we can set up any number of second-
level display windows, called subwindows
glutCreateSubWindow(windowID, xBottomLeft, yBottomLeft,
width, height);

Selecting a display-window screen-cursor shape

glutSetCursor (shape);

Viewing graphics objects in a GLUT display window

glutDisplayFunc (pictureDescrip);

Executing the application program

glutMainLoop ();

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