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PT Darma Henwa Tbk

Jakarta, November 19, 2021

Penghargaan, Sertifikasi dan

Kilas Peristiwa &
Tanggung Jawab Sosial
Profil Singkat Perseroan / Perkembangan Kinerja /
Perseroan /
Brief Company Profile Recent Events & Performances
Awards, Certifications and
Corporate Social Responsibility

Sekilas Darma Henwa / Darma Henwa at a Glance
Tentang Kami / About Us Visi, Misi & Nilai-Nilai / Vision, Mission & Values
PT Darma Henwa Tbk (“Perseroan”) didirikan pada tahun 1991 sebagai ◦ Visi / Vision
perusahaan jasa pertambangan umum yang menyediakan jasa ◦ Menjadi Perusahaan regional pilihan dalam penyedia layanan
pertambangan terintegrasi, Jasa Pengelolaan Pelabuhan, Konstruksi pertambangan yang terintegrasi / To be the preferred regional
Infrastruktur Pertambangan dan Jasa Rekayasa. Dengan pengalaman proyek integrated mining services Company
yang beragam di berbagai area operasional dari klien terkemuka menjadikan ◦ Misi / Mission
kami sebagai salah satu kontraktor pertambangan utama di Indonesia. • Menciptakan pengetahuan manajemen yang baik dan biaya
operasional yang efektif / Establish a sound management
knowledge and cost effective operations
PT Darma Henwa Tbk (“Company”) was established in 1991 as a general • Memberikan nilai maksimum ke seluruh stakeholders dan terus
mining services Company providing an integrated mining services, Port tumbuh secara berkesinambungan / To provide stakeholders
Management Services, Mining infrastructure Construction and Engineering with maximum value and deliver sustainable financial growth
Services. With our diverse project experience throughout multiple • Menyediakan pelayanan berkualitas tinggi kepada para
operational areas from reputable companies bring us as one of the major stakeholders melalui best practices dengan komitment tinggi
mining contractors in Indonesia. dalam HSE serta CSR / To provide high quality services to our
stakeholders with full commitment in best practices of HSE as
Pemegang Saham / Shareholders well as CSR
11.50% Zurich Asset International Ltd. ◦ Nilai-Nilai Perusahaan / Corporate Values
17.46% Goldwave Capital Ltd.
71.54% Public

Layanan & Area Proyek / Services & Project Areas
Layanan Kami / Our Services Area Proyek Operasi / Operational Project Areas

Land Clearing Top Soil Drilling Blasting

Overburden Coal/Mineral Hauling Barging

Removal Getting

1. KPC Project

Revegetation & Port Operations Infrastructure Engineering 2. Coal Hauling Construction Project
Rehabilitation Construction Services
3. Port Management Services
Kami menyediakan jasa pertambangan terintegrasi, Jasa Pengelolaan Pelabuhan,
Konstruksi Infrastruktur Pertambangan dan Jasa Rekayasa Teknik / 4. Arutmin Project
We provide an integrated mining services, Port Management Services, Mining
infrastructure Construction and Engineering Services. 5. CLS Project

Penghargaan, Sertifikasi dan

Kilas Peristiwa &
Tanggung Jawab Sosial
Profil Singkat Perseroan / Perkembangan Kinerja /
Perseroan /
Brief Company Profile Recent Events & Performances
Awards, Certifications and
Corporate Social Responsibility

Kilas Peristiwa / Recent Events
Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan 2021/
2021 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
• RUPST 2021 secara resmi mengangkat bapak Rio Supin sebagai Presiden Direktur PT Darma Henwa Tbk.
• 2021 AGMS officially appointed Mr. Rio Supin as President Director of PT Darma Henwa Tbk.

Pembentukan Anak Usaha PT Darma Reka Teknik /

Subsidiary Incorporation of PT Darma Reka Teknik
• Perseroan mendirikan anak Perusahaan baru untuk terjun kedalam bisnis reparasi mesin.
• The Company established new subsidiary to enter machinery reparation business.

Peresmian Pusat Rekondisi Alat Berat /

Heavy Equipment Recondition Center Innaguration
• Darma Henwa meresmikan pembangunan workshop sebagai pusat rekondisi alat berat dan komponen di Balikpapan.
• Darma Henwa inaugurated workshop establishment as heavy equipment and components rebuild center in Balikpapan.

Perolehan Kontrak Proyek Konstruksi Jalan Pengangkutan Batubara /

Awarded Coal Hauling Road Construction Project Contract
• Perseroan mendapatkan kontrak konstruksi jalan pengangukan batubara di Bengalon Utara dari PT KPC senilai IDR 52 Milyar.
• The Company was awarded a coal hauling road construction contract at Bengalon Utara from PT KPC worth IDR 52 Billion.
Perkembangan Industri Batubara / Coal Industry Update
World’s Coal Production/Consumption (EJ) Monthly Coal Price ($/ton) 236,9
170,0 167,9 250,0
166,7 166,1
165,0 163,7
162,0 162,5 161,9 200,0 185,7
159,1 159,3 159,6
160,0 158,5 158,6 157,4 152,0
156,6 157,2 150,0 130,0 161,6
155,0 153,3 107,0 150,0
151,2 94,9 92,2 131,0
150,8 151,4 100,0 83,0 86,8 86,7
150,0 58,4 64,4 100,3
87,8 84,5 86,7 89,7
145,0 50,0 59,7
51,0 55,7

140,0 0,0
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Oct-20 Nov-20 Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21

Production Consumption HBA Coal - AUS

Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2021, Processed. Source: Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources; AUS FOB Newcastle 6000kcal/kg;

Perkembangan Industri Batubara Coal Industry Update

 Permintaan batubara mulai bergerak pada awal tahun 2021 dan meningkat  Coal demand started to pick-up in the beginning of 2021 and accelerate
menjelang akhir tahun 2021 seiring dengan pemulihan ekonomi global dari towards end of 2021 as global economic starts recovering from pandemic
pandemi dengan stimulus besar-besaran, meningkatnya permintaan listrik, due to massive stimulus, rising demand for electricity, and resumption of
dan dimulainya kembali aktivitas ekonomi. trades.
 Sebaliknya, pasokan batu bara cenderung ketat dan lambat akibat cuaca,  Contrarily, coal supply remains tight and slow to pick up curbed by
masalah rantai pasokan, dan protokol covid. weather, supply chain issues and covid protocols.
 Semua hal di atas menyebabkan harga batu bara mencapai rekor harga  All the above leads to coal price reaching its all time high record price
tertinggi sepanjang masa di atas USD 250/ton pada Oktober 2021. above USD 250/ton in October 2021.
 Normalisasi harga batubara diperkirakan terjadi pada akhir 2021 dengan  Normalization of Coal price is expected to take place in the end of 2021 as
adanya keseimbangan antara permintaan dan pasokan. demand & supply stabilize. 7
Strategi Utama Perseroan / Main Corporate Strategy
Tiga Strategi Utama Perseroan Three Main Corporate Strategies
Darma Henwa mengimplementasi tiga strategi utama Perseroan yaitu: Darma Henwa implemented three main corporate strategies which are:

1. Pengurangan biaya operasi melalui program Dampak Operasional/

pemeliharaan alat yang efisien.
Operational Impact
Reducing operating cost through efficient
Perseroan berhasil meningkatkan volume
maintenance program 1
pemindahan material dengan fleet produksi
DEWA dengan signifikan
2. Penerapan Global Sourcing 2
The Company was successful in increasing
Global Sourcing Practice
3 material moved volume by using DEWA’s own-
fleet significantly
3. Peningkatan kapasitas fleet produksi Perseroan.
Increasing DEWA’s own-fleet production capacity

Perkembangan Kinerja Operasional / Operational Performance Updates

Overburden Removal (Mbcm) Coal Mining (Mt) Total Material Moved (Mbcm)
Own Fleet Subcont
86,03 12,76
82,7 87,2 11,74 11,81
95.84 96.28
4.02% 1.36% 8.65% (7.45)%
4.48% 0.46%

38,5 57.29%
33,52 14.85%

9M 2019 9M 2020 9M 2021 9M 2019 9M 2020 9M 2021 9M 2019 9M 2020 9M 2021

Kinerja Operasional Konsolidasi Jan – Sep 2021 Consolidated Operating Performance Jan – Sep 2021
 Volume overburden removal mencapai 87.20 juta bcm dan volume  Overburden removal volume is 87.20 Mbcm and coal mining volume
penambangan batubara mencapai 11.81 juta ton. is 11.81 Mt.
 Volume pemindahaan material dengan fleet DEWA meningkat  Material moved volume by DEWA’s own fleet increase 57.29% to
57.29% ke 60.56 juta Bcm.
60.56 Mbcm.
 Sebaliknya, Volume pemindahan material oleh subkontraktor turun
37.7% ke 35.72 juta Bcm.
 Contrastingly, material moved volume done by subcontractor fell
37.7% to 35.72 Mbcm.
 Total volume material dipindahkan meningkat 0.46% menjadi 96.28
juta bcm.  Total material moved volume increased by 0.46% to 96.28 Mbcm.

Total pemindahan material = [Volume OB] + [Volume Batubara/1.3] Total material moved = [OB Volume] + [Coal Volume/1.3] 9
Perkembangan Kinerja Operasional / Operational Performance Updates

Overburden Removal (Mbcm) Coal Mining (Mt) Total Material Moved (Mbcm)
Own Fleet Subcont
6,94 65.09
60,36 6,76 59.49
47,61 2.70% 9.42% 51
11.19% (21.12)% 4,4

18,17 26.86%
14,49 25.41%

9M 2021 9M 2020 9M 2021 9M 2019 9M 2020 9M 2021 9M 2019 9M 2020 9M 2021

Kinerja Operasional Proyek KPC KPC Project Operating Performance

 Volume overburden removal mencapai 47.61 juta bcm dan volume  Overburden removal volume is 47.61 Mbcm and coal mining volume
penambangan batubara mencapai 4.40 juta ton. is 4.40 Mt.
 Volume pemindahaan material dengan fleet DEWA meningkat  Material moved volume by DEWA’s own fleet increase 28.86% to
26.86% ke 23.04 juta Bcm.
23.04 Mbcm.
 Sebaliknya, Volume pemindahan material oleh subkontraktor turun
40.43% ke 27.95 juta Bcm.
 Contrastingly, material moved volume done by subcontractor fell
40.43% to 27.95 Mbcm.
 Total volume material dipindahkan turun 21.65% menjadi 51.00 juta
bcm.  Total material moved volume decreased by 21.65% to 51.00 Mbcm.

Total pemindahan material = [Volume OB] + [Volume Batubara/1.3] Total material moved = [OB Volume] + [Coal Volume/1.3] 10
Perkembangan Kinerja Operasional / Operational Performance Updates

Overburden Removal (Mbcm) Coal Mining (Mt) Total Material Moved (Mbcm)
Own Fleet Subcont
26,05 5,96 30.64
23,15 5,22 26.45
4,28 14.14% 20.18
(30.18)% 21.96% 51.79%
61.15% (23.68)%

13,24 (21.57)% 10,38 120.29%

9M 2019 9M 2020 9M 2021 9M 2019 9M 2020 9M 2021 9M 2019 9M 2020 9M 2021

Kinerja Operasional Proyek AI AI Project Operating Performance

 Volume overburden removal mencapai 26.05 juta bcm dan volume  Overburden removal volume is 26.14 Mbcm and coal mining volume
penambangan batubara mencapai 5.96 juta ton. is 5.96 Mt.
 Volume pemindahaan material dengan fleet DEWA meningkat  Material moved volume by DEWA’s own fleet increase 120.29% to
120.29% ke 22.87 juta Bcm.
22.87 Mbcm.
 Sebaliknya, Volume pemindahan material oleh subkontraktor turun
20.76% ke 7.77 juta Bcm.
 Contrastingly, material moved volume done by subcontractor fell
20.76% to 7.77 Mbcm.
 Total volume material dipindahkan meningkat 51.79% menjadi 30.64
juta bcm.  Total material moved volume increased by 51.79% to 30.64 Mbcm.

Total pemindahan material = [Volume OB] + [Volume Batubara/1.3] Total material moved = [OB Volume] + [Coal Volume/1.3] 11
Perkembangan Kinerja Operasional / Operational Performance Updates

Overburden Removal (Mbcm) Coal Mining (Mt) Total Material Moved (Mbcm)
Own Fleet Subcont
1,44 14.64

42.47% 0,7 47.12%
5,26 0,59 5.8
80.46% (15.47)% 71.59%

9M 2019 9M 2020 9M 2021 9M 2019 9M 2020 9M 2021 9M 2019 9M 2020 9M 2021

Kinerja Operasional Proyek CLS CLS Project Operating Performance

 Volume overburden removal mencapai 13.54 juta bcm dan  Overburden removal volume is 13.54 Mbcm and coal mining
volume penambangan batubara mencapai 1.44 juta ton. volume is 1.44 Mt.
 Total volume material dipindahkan meningkat 47.12% menjadi  Total material moved increased by 47.12% to 14.64 Mbcm
14.64 juta bcm  All works done with the Company’s operating fleet.
 Seluruh pekerjaan dilakukan oleh fleet operasi Perseroan.

Total pemindahan material = [Volume OB] + [Volume Batubara/1.3] Total material moved = [OB Volume] + [Coal Volume/1.3] 12
Strategi Utama Perseroan / Main Corporate Strategy
Tiga Strategi Utama Perseroan Three Main Corporate Strategies
Darma Henwa mengimplementasi tiga strategi utama Perseroan yaitu: Darma Henwa implemented three main corporate strategies which are:

1. Pengurangan biaya operasi melalui program Dampak Keuangan/

pemeliharaan alat yang efisien.
Financial Impact
Reducing operating cost through efficient
Perseroan berhasil menekan beban pokok
maintenance program 1
pendapatan sehingga meningkatkan marjin dan
2. Penerapan Global Sourcing 2
The Company was successful in reducing cost of
Global Sourcing Practice
3 revenue thus improving margin and
3. Peningkatan kapasitas fleet produksi Perseroan.
Increasing DEWA’s own-fleet production capacity

Perkembangan Kinerja Keuangan / Financial Performance Updates

Revenue (USD Mn) Cost of Revenue (USD Mn) Gross Profit (USD Mn)
169,11 168,19
152,91 15.76
129,57 (9.58)% 120,73 (18.45)%
30.51% 39.31%

(89.57)% 0.92 1,609%

30 Jun 19 30 Jun 20 30 Jun 21 30 Jun 19 30 Jun 20 30 Jun 21 30 Jun 19 30 Jun 20 30 Jun 21

Laporan Laba Rugi Semester 1 2021 Income Statement First Half 2021

 Pendapatan turun 9.58% menjadi 152.91 juta USD  Revenue decrease by 9.58% to 152.91 USD Mn.
 Beban Pokok Pendapatan turun 18.45% menjadi 137.15 juta USD  Cost of Revenue decrease by 18.45% to 137.15 USD Mn.
 Laba Kotor tumbuh 1,609% menjadi 15.76 juta USD  Gross Profit jumped 1,609% to 15.76 USD Mn.
 Penurunan beban pokok pendapatan dikarenakan adanya  Cost of Revenue reduction was caused by 39.9% drop in
penurunan biaya subkontraktor sebesar 39.9% dan efisiensi biaya subcontractor cost and 24.1% better efficiency in maintenance
perawatan sebesar 24.1%. cost.

Perkembangan Kinerja Keuangan / Financial Performance Updates

Net Profit (USD Mn) Operating EBITDA (USD Mn) Operating EBITDA Margin (%)
1,51 35,91 23.48%

18,29 10.82%
30 Jun 19 30 Jun 20 30 Jun 21 96.34% 117.14%
9.05% -16.44%

1H' 19 1H' 20 1H' 21 30 Jun 19 30 Jun 20 30 Jun 21

Laporan Laba Rugi Semester 1 2021 Income Statement First Half 2021

 Laba Bersih tumbuh 106.78% menjadi 1.51 juta USD  Net Profit grew by 106.78% to 1.51 USD Mn
 EBITDA Operasional tumbuh 96.34% menjadi 35.91 juta USD  Operating EBITDA grew by 96.34% to 35.91 USD Mn
 Marjin EBITDA Operasional tumbuh 117.14% menjadi 23.48%  Operating EBITDA Margin grew by 117.14% to 23.48%
 Perseroan mampu meningkatkan laba meskipun mengalami rugi  The Company was able to improve its profit despite USD 1.4 Mn
selisih kurs sebesar USD 1.4 juta. foreign exchange loss.

Perkembangan Kinerja Keuangan / Financial Performance Updates

Asset (USD Mn) Liability (USD Mn) Equity (USD Mn)

315,26 306,7 269.4 271.43
549,52 550,64 281,24 234.26
0.20% 4.99% (10.79)% 9.05% 15.00%

31 Des 19 31 Des 20 30 Jun 21 31 Dec 19 31 Dec 20 30 Jun 21 31 Dec 19 31 Dec 20 30 Jun 21

Neraca per 30 Juni 2021 Balance Sheet as of June 30th 2021

 Aset tumbuh 4.99% menjadi 578.13 juta USD  Asset grew by 4.99% to 578.13 USD Mn.
 Liabilitas tumbuh 9.05% menjadi 306.70 juta USD  Liabilities grew by 9.05% to 306.70 USD Mn.
 Ekuitas tumbuh 0.75% menjadi 271.43 juta USD  Equity grew by 0.75% to 271.43 USD Mn.
 Peningkatan Aset dikontribusikan oleh aset tetap, sejalan dengan  Increase in Asset contributed by fixed asset, in line with addition
penambahan kapasitas alat berat untuk melakukan lebih banyak of heavy equipment capacity to do more work in-house using
pekerjaan menggunakan peralatan sendiri. own equipment.

Perkembangan Kinerja Keuangan / Financial Performance Updates

Capital Expenditure (USD Mn)




1H' 19 1H' 20 1H' 21

Belanja Modal Semester 1 2021 Capital Expenditure First Half 2021

 Belanja Modal semester I 2021 meningkat 30.62% menjadi 41.07  1H’21 Capital Expenditure increase by 30.62% to 41.07 USD Mn.
juta USD.  Almost all capital expenditure was utilized on the purchase of
 Sebagian besar belanja modal digunakan untuk pembelian new equipment, spare parts and component in order to increase
peralatan baru, suku cadang dan komponen untuk meningkatkan own-fleet production capacity.
kapasitas fleet peroduksi Perseroan.

Pengembangan Bisnis / Business Development

Potensi ekspansi proyek batubara Arutmin Indonesia (AI) dan Kaltim

Prima Coal (KPC)
Sektor Penambangan Batubara Potential expansion of Arutmin Indonesia (AI) and Kalim Prima Coal
Coal Mining Sector

Inovasi dalam peningkatan dan pengadaan kapasitas fleet produksi

Innovation in the Company’s production fleet capacity ramp-up and

Diversifikasi usaha jasa teknik dan perawatan alat berat melalui anak
usaha PT Darma Reka Teknik
Sektor Non-Batubara Engineering services and fleet maintenance business diversification
through subsidiary PT Darma Reka Teknik
Non-coal Mining Sector
Pengembangan dan studi kelayakan lanjutan aset tambang emas Gayo
Mineral Resources
Development and advance feasibility study of Gayo Mineral Resources
gold mining asset


Penghargaan, Sertifikasi dan

Kilas Peristiwa &
Tanggung Jawab Sosial
Profil Singkat Perseroan / Perkembangan Kinerja /
Perseroan /
Brief Company Profile Recent Events & Performances
Awards, Certifications and
Corporate Social Responsibility

Penghargaan & Sertifikasi / Awards & Certifications
Sertifikasi / Certification

ISO 9001:2015 ISO 14001:2015

ISO 45001:2018
Manajemen K3

Penghargaan / Awards
1. Pratama Award for Asam Asam Project in standardization management and
mineral and coal mining services business from the Ministry of Energy and
Mineral Resources.
2. Primary Award for Satui Project in standardization management and mineral
and coal mining services business from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral
3. Platinum Award for HIV and AIDS Prevention and Control in the Workplace
for the Satui Project from the Provincial Government of South Kalimantan.
“Darma Henwa increased capacity through a combination of
4. Platinum Award for HIV and AIDS Prevention and Control in the Workplace
adding new for thefleet populations,
Asam Asam Project from the reconditioning/rebuilding
Provincial Government of South
older fleets to extend service life as well as maximizing
5. Gold Award for HIV and AIDS Prevention and Control in the Workplace for the
Asam Asam Project from the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration.
fleet’s productivity and effective working hours”
6. Zero Accident Award for Asam Asam Project from the Ministry of Manpower
of the Republic of Indonesia.
Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perseroan / Corporate Social Responsibilities

Darma Mandiri / Economic Darma Sehat / Health

Darma Cerdas / Education Darma Sosial / Social

Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perseroan / Corporate Social Responsibilities
Darma Mandiri / Economic Independence Darma Sehat / Health Well-being
 Mendukung aktivitas ekonomi di desa binaan melalui kelompok usaha  Menunjang kesehatan masyarakat dengan memberikan pemeriksaan
tani, kelompok ternak dan pembibitan tanaman keras, biji-bijian & kesehatan gratis, pengadaan infrastruktur, pengadaan perlengkapan
sayuran guna memberdayakan masyarakat. puskesmas serta berperan aktif menangani pandemi covid-19 bersama
otoritas kesehatan daerah melalui pemberian ribuan dosis vaksin.

 Supporting economic activities in developing villages through farming

 Promoting public health by providing free health checks, procurement
groups, livestock groups and nurseries of hardwood, grain & vegetable
of infrastructure, procurement of equipment for local health center and
crops to empower the community. taking an active role in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic together
with local health authorities through thousands of vaccine doses.

Darma Cerdas/ Education Darma Sosial/ Social Development

 Perseroan turut mendorong kualitas pendidikan dan kesempatan  Perseroan melakukan aktivitas bersama masyarakat yang
belajar bagi masyarakat melalui dukungan kegiatan belajar mengajar mengedepankan kemajuan sosial seperti membangun infrastruktur air
dan pembangunan infrastruktur pendidikan pondok pesantren Ma’had bersih, perbaikan jalan warga, pembangunan pengelolaan sampah dan
Farisul Quran di Mattoriwali, Sepaso Timur bantuan bencana gempa bumi di Mamuju, Sulawesi Barat.

 The Company encourages education quality and learning opportunities  The Company carries out activities with the community that prioritizes
for the community through the support of learning activities and the social development such as building clean water infrastructure,
construction of educational infrastructure for the Ma'had Farisul Quran repairing public roads, building waste management and providing
Islamic boarding school in Mattoriwali, East Sepaso. disaster relief for the earthquake victims in Mamuju, West Sulawesi.
Protokol Kesehatan Covid-19 / Covid-19 Health Protocols
Darma Henwa berkomitmen untuk secara aktif mendukung dalam Darma Henwa is committed to actively supports Covid-19 pandemic
pencegahan pandemi Covid-19 melalui implementasi protokol-protokol prevention through the implementation of health protocols in all of the
kesehatan di seluruh lokasi kerja Perseroan serta menjalin sinergi positif Company's work sites as well as establishing positive synergies with local
bersama dinas kesehatan setempat. health authorities.

Hal ini bertujuan untuk memastikan keamanan serta kesehatan dari This aims to ensure the safety and health of all stakeholders of the
seluruh pemangku kepentingan Perseroan terutama karyawan beserta Company, especially employees and their families, clients and
keluarganya, klien, dan subkontraktor serta vendor. subcontractor as well as vendors.

Pemantauan & Antisipasi Identifikasi & Penanganan Vaksinasi & Pencegahan

Monitoring & Anticipation Identification & Handling Vaccination & Prevention
• Membentuk Gugus Tugas Covid • Pemeriksaan test antigen & PCR berkala • Mempercepat vaksinasi kepada karyawan
• Establish Covid Response Team • Periodic antigen & PCR test examination • Accelerate employee vaccination
• Pemantauan aktivitas harian • Menyiapkan evakuasi medis & perawatan • Koordinasi dengan dinas kesehatan
• Daily interaction tracking • Med-Evac & treatment preparation • Coordination with health authority
• Sterilisasi & sanitasi di area kerja • Penyediaan tempat isolasi mandiri khusus • Penerapan protokol kesehatan
• Work space sterilization & sanitation • Provide designated self-isolation space • Strict Health protocol implementation
This communication contains forward-looking financial
projections and estimates with respect to the future
operations and performance of PT Darma Henwa Tbk
and its affiliates. Investors and security holders are
cautioned that forward-looking statements are subject to
various risks and uncertainties, many of which are
difficult to predict and are generally beyond the control
of the company. Such risks and uncertainties could cause
actual results and developments to differ materially from
those expressed in or implied by the forward-looking
statements. Factors that could cause actual results to
differ materially from those estimated by the forward-
looking statements include, but are not limited to, fuel
prices and international coal demand and supply
position. Neither PT Darma Henwa Tbk. or any other
person assumes responsibility for the accuracy and
completeness of the forward-looking statement in this
communication. The forward-looking statements speak
only as of the date of this communication. PT Darma
Henwa Tbk is under no duty to update any of the
forward-looking statements after this date to conform
such statements to actual results or to reflect the
occurrence of anticipated results or otherwise.
Thank You!

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