First Second Third

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1. Read the story and then answer the questions:

The Missing Doll

Jane was very sad. She could not find her doll.
Her mom said, “Look in your room. Maybe your doll is there.”
Jane looked in her room. It was a terrible mess. She started to clean her room.
She put all the books on the shelf. She put her blankets on her bed. She picked up her
clothes off the floor.
“I found her,” Jane said.
“My doll was hiding under my clothes. I think she was playing hide and seek.”
Jane put her doll in the dollhouse. Her room was clean, and now it was time to play.

1. Circle the correct answer.

Jane lost her _______________.
a. pet
b. doll
c. truck

Jane found it under her _______________.

a. clothes
b. blanket
c. hat

At the start of the story, Jane’s room was _______________.

a. clean
b. messy
c. green

At the end of the story, Jane’s room was _______________.

a. clean
b. messy
c. wet

What happened first, second, and third?

_______ Jane found her doll.
first second Jane cleaned her room.
_______ Jane could not find her doll. _______
2. Read the words and name the pictures. Circle the words that name each picture.

Slide sled sleed Mole mul mule Hug huge hush

Bit bite best

Joy yes jingle Get gate got

Chick chin chimp Yes yak yam

Rop rupe rope


Read the sentences and write the missing word.

1. The hair is as red as ............... grass fire bee

2. My mum is cooking dinner in a ........... stove kitchen pot
3. For lunch I like to eat vegetable ........... soap soup sorry
4. I sit on a red ............ in my room. Car rug tube
5. I like to wash in the ................ tub tube pool
6. This animal from the zoo is .......... hug huge ham
7. I received a ..........for my birthday. Vote rope note

Look at the picture and write three sentences to describe it.

The boy is playing with the cats.

The girl is giving food to the ducks.

There is a girl and a rabbit behind the tree.

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