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soal jawab ujian keahlian pelaut (UKP) english language third edition (bahasa inggris-


I. Complete these sentence with Proper preposition

1. The helmsman stood at the wheel
2. The ship is fulled at Dakar 
3. The engineer stood away from the flames
4. The ship anchored away from other ship
. The ship stayed on the course
!. The chart lay on the ta"le
#. The ship was off the course
$. The keel was off the sea "ed
%. The ship moored in the har"our 
1&. The instrument
instrument lay in their "o'

II. (oin this sentences together "y using )elati*e Clause.

1. +ome ship are called colliers.
, these ship carry coal.
(w". The ship which carry coal are called colliers
2 -emp and sisal rope are made from the lea*es of plant.
, this plant grows in part of urope/ Persian and the 0+
(w". The hemp and sisal rope are made from a plant which are grow in parts of urope/
Persian and the 0+
3 n officer may "ecome the master of his own ship.
, -e has the right ualification and e'perience.
(w". n officers may "ecome the master who has the right ualification and e'perience.

I. i*e concise definition to the following terms

1. Chief officers
officers is one of the ship officers
officers who is head of the deck department/
department/ responsi"le
of cargo handling/ making stowage plan/ pre*enting and maintenance of the ship.
2. -ead line is a kind of the ships mooring
mooring line which are used when their ship alongside at
the wharf or etty in order to keep in position.
3. +tar"oard hand
hand "uoys
"uoys is on a "uoys
"uoys designed and marked
marked to pass "y the ship the
star"oard hand.
4. 5onkey ladder is a kind of ladder made from ropes and "oards "oards to clim"
clim" up or go a"oard
the *essel
. 6ulk Carrier
Carrier is a type of *essel which are designed to carry cargo in "ulk.
!. Chief engineer is one of of the ships engineer who is the head of engine department and
responsi"le to the engine operation/ pre*enting and maintenance.
#. 7ree"oard is the depth measured
measured from the water line until deck line.
$. Draught is the depth
depth measured from thethe keel until the water line.
%. 8ife"oat is a kind of li*e sa*ing appliances on"oard the the *essel which
which are used when in
the emergency situation and need to a"andon ship 9 *essel.
1&. 5uster list is a kind of list which are used to handle the emergency
emergency situation where it is
contain all of the ships crew name and position and also their duties when there is an
emergency situation.

II Translate the ne't into Indonesian

6uilding +hip

+hips cost a lot of money to "uild.  general cargo *essel costs se*eral million pounds
and giant tanker can costs o*er 4& million pounds. :n reason
reason for this is the high cost of steel
and other materials used in shipping "uilding. nother reason is the high cost of la"our.
 modern shipyard is designed for "uilding ships are cheaply an uickly as possi"le.
5any of the old processes ha*e disappeared or "een com"ined into one fully mechani;ed
 process. 5achines are now used instead of men. Today/ ship can "uilt in a"out si'teen months
costs can "e kept to a minimum.
<ho designs ships= +hip are designed "y na*al architects. The largest shipping
companies ha*e their own na*al architects. In urope and (apan/ shipyards employ na*al
architects to design a ship for a customer/ or offer "asic design which can "e *aried to suit the
customer>s needs. +hip owners may also go to independent firms of shipping consultant and
ask their na*al architects to design a ship for them.


6angunan ?apal

0ntuk mem"angun se"uah kapal mem"utuhkan @ mengha"iskan A "anyak "iaya.

+e"uah kapal kargo mengha"iskan "iaya "e"erapa uta pondsterling and se"uah kapal tanker
dapat mengha"iskan le"ih dari 4& uta pondsterling. Dengan alasan tingginya harga "aa dan
 "ahan lain yang dipakai dalam mem"angun kapal. lasan lain adalah mahalnya "iaya "uruh.

+e"uah galangan kapal yang moderen di rancang untuk mem"angun se"uah kapal
semurah dan secepat mungkin. 6anyak dari proses yang lama tidak nampak lagi atau telah
dikom"inasikan kedalam dengan proses mekanik sepenuhnya mesin mesin sekarang telah
dipergunakan untuk mengganti tenaga manusia. Dewasa ini kapal dapat di"angun 1! "ulan
dan "iayanya dapat ditekan seminum mungkin

+iapakah merancang kapal= ?apal dirancang oleh arsite k kelautan @Ba*al

rchitectA.Perusahaan pelayaran ter"esar mempunyai arsitek kelautan tersendiri. Di ropa
dan (epang/ galangan kapal mempekerakan rchitect kelautan merancang se"uah kapal
untuk pelanggan/ atau menawarkan rancangan dasar yang dapat di*ariasikan sesuai ke"utuhan
 pelanggan. Pemilik kapal dapat uga pergi ke firma tersendiri dari konsultan perkapalan untuk 
merancang se"uah kapal untuk mereka.

III. Change into the negati*e sentence

1. Chief mate goes to the agent office "y ta'i.
2. 5ess "oy washes the napkin e*eryday.
3. Chief engineer went to the city yesterday.
4. I called "oatswain last night.
. -e gets up at &4&& o>clock e*ery morning.
!. essel must keep clear of this area.
#. I will pass north of the green "uoy.
$. 5ines reported in this area.
%. I am on fire and ha*e flamma"le cargo on "oard.
1&. I ha*e lost one of my crew.
1. Chief mate doesn>t go to the agent office "y ta'i.
2. 5ess "oy doesn>t wash the napkin e*eryday.
3. Chief engineer didn>t go to the city yesterday.
4. I didn>t call "oatswain last night.
. -e doesn>t get up at &4&& o>clock e*ery day.
!. essel must not keep clear of this area.
#. I will not pass north of the green "uoy.
$. 5ines didn>t reported in this area.
%. I am not on fire and ha*e not flamma"le cargo on "oard.
1&. I ha*e not lost one of my crew.

I. Please Translate The 7ollowing Passage Into ood Indonesian

+teering  Course
:rder to the helmsman/ who steers the ship/ are gi*en "y the officer of the officer order the
helmsman to turn the wheel @or helm A to port or star"oard and to steady the ship on the new
compass course.
The helmsman repeats all orders gi*en to him so that the officer knows that his order 
ha*e "een understood. <hen the helmsman has completed his turn at wheel/ he states clearly
the course to "e steered to the relie*ing helmsman.
<hen the ship is on *oyage/ the wind and wa*es/ as well as the action of the propeller/
tend to cause the direction in which the ship is heading to change. The helmsman therefore/
must counter the swing of the ship "y applying the rudder in the reser*e direction of that of 
the swing of the ship.
n e'perienced helmsman is a"le to anticipate how the ship "eha*es. -e is therefore/
a"le to keep the ship on the straight course/ and so ca*e the time on *oyage. 5ost ship are
euipped with gyro compasses.  gyro compass is an electromechanical instrument/ "ut e*ery
ship is euipped with a magnetic compass the action of which is depend upon the magnetism
of the earth.
The rudder fitted at the stern of the ship is turned "y a steering engine. If the steering
engine fails/ it is necessary to use an emergency steering system with which e*ery ship must
 "e euipped.

5engemudikan -aluan
Perintah kepada urumudi/yang mengemudikan kapal yang di"erikan oleh perwira/ Perwira
memerintahkan urumudi untuk meru"ah kemudi kekiri dan kekanan untuk menaga kapal
tetap pada haluan kompas yang "aru.
(urumudi mengulang semua perintah yang di"erikan oleh oleh perwira kepadanya/ sehingga
 perwira tahu "ahwa perintah telah dimengerti. ?etika urumudi telah selesai tugasnya
mengemudikan kemudi/ Dia menyatakan dengan elas haluan yang harus dikemudikan
 urumudi penggantinya.
Pada saat kapal dalam peralanan angin dan om"ak mempengaruhi pergerakan "aling "aling
dan dapat menye"a"kan arah haluan kapal/ oleh karena urumudi harus mem"alas pergerakan
kapal dengan mem"eri kemudi kearah "erlawanan dengan pergerakan kapal terse"ut.
+eorang urumudi yang "erpengalaman mampu mengantisipasi sifat kapal. Dia uga mampu
menaga kapal tetap pada haluan yang tepat dan dapat mem"uat pelayaran le"ih pendek.
?e"anyakan kapal E kapal dilengkapi dengan kompas g yro. +e"uah kompas gyro adalah suatu
 peralatan electromekanik tapi setiap kapal yang dilengkapi kompas magnetik/ pergerakannya
dipengaruhi atau "ergantung pada magnetisme "umi.
Daun kemudi yang dipasang di"uritan kapal digerakkan oleh se"uah mesin/ ika mesin
kemudi rusak/ sangat perlu menggunakan se"uah system darurat yang harus dilengkapi oleh
setiap kapal.

II. Please answer to the following uestion in nglish

To whom does the helmsman repeat to orders he recei*es=
<hat does a helmsman do when completes his turn at the wheel=
<ho steers the ship=
5ention two of the factor that cause the direction of the ship to change.
-ow does a helmsman counter the swing of a ship=
<hat does the action of magnetic compass depend upon=
<hat turns the rudder of a ship=
<hat will happen if the engine fails=
1. To the officers.
2. -e states clearly the course to "e steered to the reli*ing helmsman.
3. The helmsman
4. The winds and wa*es.
. -e apply the rudder in the re*erse direction of the ships swing.
!. The magnetism of the earth.
#. The steering engine.
$. The ships will not under control and dangerous will appear/ we ha*e to a*oid the
dangerous with use an emergency steering system.

I. Please make format communication "etween 5 B): :< and T:?F: PI8:T
The data of 5. B): :<
a. Call sign FTCD
 ". -er position is ! miles south of entrance "uoy
c. +he is proceeding to enter Tokyo har"our 
d. -er nationality is Indonesia
e. -er agent in Tokyo is PT. D(?)T 88F:D
f. -er draught is %. meters
g. -er ma'imum height is 1$ meters

Tokyo pilot station calls to 5 B): :<

a. Tokyo pilot needs the nationality of 5 B): :<
 ". Tokyo pilot wants some information a"out draught/ height and agent in Tokyo.
c. Tokyo pilot orders to 5 B): :< make reduce speed down to  knot and make
ready port side pilot ladder 1 meter a"o*e water le*el.

ttention communication "y -7 )DI: channel 12.

(awa"an. .
Tokyo Pilot +tation 5. B): :< 3' cGs FCTD
This is tokyo pilot station
Change to -7 channel 12/ o*er 
 5*. nro owa  Tokyo pilot station 1'
This is nro owa FCTD
Changing to -7 channel 12/ o*er 
Tokyo Pilot +tation 5 nro owa FCTD
This is Pilot station
Huestion  -ow do you read me/ o*er 
5*. nro owa  Tokyo pilot station
This is nro owa FCTD
I read you loud and clear 
nswer -a*e you anything for me/ o*er 
Tokyo Pilot +tation 5*. nro owa FCTD
This is Tokyo pilot
Huestion <hat is your nationality E flag states/ o*er 
5*. nro owa  Tokyo pilot station
This is nro owa FCTD
nswer  5y nationality is Indonesia/ o*er 

 (awa"an. 6.
Tokyo pilot station 5*. nro owa FCTD
This is Tokyo pilot station
Huestion  <hat is your draught and your height/ o*er 

5*. nro owa  Tokyo pilot station

This is 5*. nro owa FCTD
nswer  5y draught %/ and my height 1$ meters/ o*er 

Tokyo pilot station 5*. nro owa FCTD

This is Tokyo pilot station
Huestion  <hat is your agent in Tokyo/ o*er

5*. nro owa  Tokyo pilot station

This is 5*. nro owa FCTD
nswer  5y agent is Pt Dakarta 8lyod / o*er 
(awa"an. C.
Tokyo pilot station 5*. nro owa FCTD
This is Tokyo pilot station
Instruction  )educe your speed down to  knot
nd rig pilot ladder on portside one meter 
"o*e water le*el/ o*er 

5*. nro owa  Tokyo pilot station

This is 5*. nro owa FCTD
Information  )educe speed down to  knots and pilot ladder 
)eady on portside/ one meter a"o*e water le*el/ o*er.

I. <hat do these a""re*iation stand for= 'plain

1. :), < J tlantic :cean )egion E <est

2. B<B J Ba*igational <arning
Ba*wng is Information to the all station which contain of meteo E 
)ological information/ forecast and other warning.
3. +  ) J +earch and )escue
+) is ach contracting go*ernment undertakes to ensure that any
Becessary arrangements are made for coast watching and for the rescue
:f person in distress at sea round its coast.
4. +:8+ J +afety :f 8ife t +ea
. 5D++ J lo"al 5aritime Distress and +afety +ystem.
mdss is a new system takes ad*antage of modern technology to ensure
Immediate alerting/ fase distri"ution and effecti*e communications in
+earch and rescue operation et sea.

II. 7ill in  Huestion/ Instruction/ d*ice/ )euest/ Information/ <arning or

Intention in The space pro*ided as appropriate.

1.  K I will enter the fairwayL

2.  K Do I ha*e permission to enter the fairwayL
3.  K Do not o*ertake the *essel north of youL
4.  K Dangerous wreck in position 1 degrees 3
Borth &!1 degrees 2% minutes westL
.  K I will enter the fairwayL

1. Information.
2. Huestion.
3. Instruction.
4. <arning.
. Information.

III. Change these sentences into passi*e *oices.

In addition man erect mast and derricks and put *arious item of deck machinery in
:utsides companies usually do the electrical work/ plum"ing and any wood work.
conomic/ engineering and safety factor all go*ern the design of ship.
1. P*  5asts and derrick are erected and *arious items of deck machinery are put in
Place "y men.
2. P*  The electrical work/ plum"ing/ and any wood work are usually done "y outside
3. P*  The design of ship is go*erned "y economic/ engineering and safety factor 
. Translate these sentence into nglish.
+audara hati E hati "ila melakukan pekeraan yang "erhu"ungan dengan listrik.
, Fou must "e carefully to perform o" which relation with electric.
+e"uah saringan digunakan untuk menamin agar minyak itu "ersih dan tidak 
5engandung kotoran.
,  filter is used to uarantee that oil clean and not contain dirty oil.
Pengiriman "erita radio dilakukan melalui pemancar radio.
, +ending of radio message is done "y radio transmitter.
I. Complete the following each sentence with each phrase pro*ided on the right side
1. 5erchant ship are MMMMM. , :perated as speciali;ed *essel
2.  large num"er of merchant ship , on regular routes can fi'ed time ta"le
3. 8ines are employedMMMM.. , Designed to carry cargo
4. Tramps are not employedMMM.. , +tar"oard side
. They had no food andMMMMM , :n regular routes and do not keep to
Time ta"le
!. The main "ody of a ship is calledM.. , Portside
#. The rearmost part of a ship is called.. , The hull
$. The foremast part of a ship is called.. , The "ow
%. The left hand side of a ship is called.. , Bo water for two days
1&. The right hand side of a ship is called.. , The stern
1. Designed to carry cargo
2. :perate as speciali;ed *essels
3. :n regular routes can fi'ed time ta"le
4. :n regular routes and do not keep to fi'ed time ta"le.
. Bo water for two days
!. The hull
#. The stern
$. The "ow
%. Port side
1&. +tar"oard side

II. Change these sentences into passi*e *oices

1. 6ulk carrier do not usually carry derricks

2. Cooks do not check the engine>s temperature
3. Does the chief officer write any reports today=
1. Derricks are not usually carried "y "ulk carrier.
2. The engines temperature are not checked "y cooks.
3. ny reports is written "y the chief officer today=

III. Translate the following passage into Indonesian

1. lectronic na*igation is a term used refer na*igation in*ol*ing the use of electronic.
The term includes the use of gyro compass for steering and the echo sounder when
Piloting/ "ecause of the wide use of electronics in na*igation euipment. The term
:f electronic na*igation has limited *alue has term for a di*ision of na*igation.
2. Celestial or astronomical na*igation is na*igation using information o"tained from
Celestial "odies i/e sun/ moon/ planets and stars.
3. Terrestrial na*igation is na*igation "y means information o"tained "y earth "ased aids
To na*igation.
1. lmu pelayaran electronic adalah suatu istilah yang digunakan di dalam na*igasi yang
meli"atkan penggunaan tentang electronic/ istilah meliputi penggunaan gyro kompas
untuk kemudi dan perum gema ketika memandu/ oleh karena penggunaan electronika
yang luas di peralatan ilmu pelayaran/ istilah ilmu pelayaran electronika telah mem"a,
tasi nilai untuk suatu de*isi ilmu pelayaran.
2. Ilmu pelayaran astronomi atau angkasa adalah informasi penggunaan ilmu pelayaran
yang diperoleh dari "adan angkasa/ matahari/ "ulan/ planet dan "intang.
3. Ilmu pelayaran datar atau "enda "umi adalah ilmu pelayaran yang "erarti informasi
yang diperoleh dari "umi yang "erdasarkan alat "antu na*igasi.

I. nswer the following uestions with your own words.

1. -ow long ha*e you "een working on "oard a ship=
2. <hy do you want to attend the training=
3. <hat will you do if you pass the final e'amination=
4. <hat kind of certificate will you o"tain after you pass the final e'amination=
1. answer it with own reason MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM



I. nswer the sentence with completed answer 

1. <hy do ships cost a lot of money to "uild=
2. <hy do ships owners do when they decided to order new ships=
3. <hy does stowage of "ulk cargo present few pro"lems=
4. <hy does stowage of non containeri;ed cargo present most pro"lems=
. To what e'tent is the responsi"ility of "oatswain deli*ered of chief 
1. 6ecause The high cost of steel/ la"our and other materials used in ship
2. 6ecause The ship owners want the ship carry cargo as they like and they
Tell him @na*al architectA what routes the ship will ply and the desired
+peed and also the ship must also comply with rules of the classification
3. 6ecause "ulk cargo consist of a single commodity and this commodity is
0sually carried loose/ "ulk cargo is carried in specially designed *essel
Therefore stowage presents few pro"lems.
4. 6ecause each commodity has its own type of packaging and characteristic
oods may in "ags/ "ales/ cases or steel drums/ Indi*idual pieces
5achinery may not "e packaged at all.
. The "oatswain deli*ered maintaining the ship and her euipment in good
Condition this means constant cleaning/ painting and repair work this is
Done "y ratings under the super*ision of the "oatswain.

II. Translete these sentence into nglish

1. ?ami tidak "ias memasuki teluk le"ih dalam lagi karena dangkal
2. Para nelayan "iasanya pergi memancing ikan pada waktu teradinya
3. ?apal itu memasuki teluk dengan hati E hati karena teluk itu sangat
1. <e can>t enter of the "ay due to the shallow water.
2. The fisherman usually go fishing when high tide water.
3. That ship enter the "ay carefully "ecause the "ay is narrow.

III. Change this sentence into passi*e *oice

1. The compass will help you to find the right course.
2. The life "ouy sa*ed the man from drawing.
3. The officers look the ship on the hori;on through his "inoculars.
1. To find the right course will "e helped you "y the compass
2. The man from drawing are sa*ed "y the life"uoy
3. The ship on the hori;on through his "inoculars are looked "y the officers.

I. nswer the following uestions completely in nglish

Bo te't is gi*en
1. <ho designs a ship=
2. <hen is the middle watch=
3. Does non containeri;ed cargo present st owage pro"lem=
4. <here is liuid "ulk cargo carried=
. <hat are the e'amples of fragile cargo=
1. +hip is designed "y Ba*al rchitect
2. &&.&& E &4.&&
3. Fes/ 6ecause each commodity has its own type of packaging and
4. 8iuid cargo carried in tanker shi p.
. lass/ "ottle/ ceramic and electronic.
II. i*e concise definition to the gi*en terms.
1. Deep sea liner 
2. 6unkering
3. Pitching @ship in motionA
1. Deep sea liner is the *essel sailing international *oice or ocean going.
2. 6unkering is the ship supply taking/ carrying or discharging pro*ision/
7uel :il and fresh water to the other ship
3. Pitching is when the ships "ow and stern rises and falls with on coming

III. Complete the following sentence using

er"/ preposition/ noun/ adecti*e/ ad*er".
1. -e works @ad*er"A on "oard
2. The @adecti*eA company "ought a new passenger ship last year.
3. The ship @er"A in the har"our.
4. 5eat is carried @prepositionA refrigerated holds
. @BounA was painting a life"oat.
1. -ard
2. +hipping
3. 5oored
4. In
. The sailor 

I. <riting G Discuccion/

Choose only one uestion to "e discussed and make up into

1. Containeri;ation reduces handling/ gi*e your reason 

2. Cargo ships are much larger in si;e nowdays/ <hat your reason=


1. answer it with own reasonMMMMMMMMM


<ere any of the ships that you had though of mentioned here=
 summary of a reading passage can sometimes "e made in the form of a tree diagram.
Complete the one "elow using the information from the reading passage.
I. 0se your diagram and the passage to complete the sentence these sentence
a. 5erchant ships can "e designed as MMMMMMMMMMMM..
 ". Cargo ships can "e de*ided into MMMMMMMMMMMMM..
c. Dry cargo ships include MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM...
d. MMM.. are e'amples of liuid cargo carriers
e. Three types of passenger ships are MMMMMMMMMMMM.

a. Two types such as Cargo ship and Passenger ship
 ". Two types such as Dry cargo and 8iuid cargo
c. Include 5ulti deck *essel/ Dry "ulk cargo/ Container ship/ and
)efrigerated ships
d. :il tanker 
c. Passenger liners/ Cruise ship and ferries.

II. 7ill the "lank with the applied terminology relating to a ship mo*ement.
a.  ship is said to "e MMM.
<hen she is "orne "y the water 
 ".  ship is said to "e MMM
<hen she is mo*ing without means of propulsion.
c.  ship is said to "e MMM.
<hen she is mo*ing sideways through the water 
d.  ship is said to "e MMMM
<hen she stopped at sea
e.  ship is said to "e MMM.
<hen she is mo*ing sideways through the water "eing "lown "y the wind.

a.  float
 ".  drift
c. 5o*ing "roadside on
d. -o*e at sea
e. 8eeway.

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