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Ketentuan Mengikuti Lomba:

1. Cerita sudah ditentukan oleh panitia.
2. Peserta diberi waktu Max 10 menit untuk melakukan Story Telling.
3. Peserta boleh mengenakan alat peraga/pembantu saat melakukan Story
4. Peserta wajib menyampaikan moral value dari cerita tersebut.

Format Penilaian:
No Kriteria Penulisan Skor
1 Fluency 100
2 Pronunciation 100
3 Intonation 100
4 Accuracy 100
5 Performance 100
Total Score 500
Siti Masyitoh
When the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon you) was about to do Isra Mi'raj with the
angel Gabriel and the angel Michael departing from the Haram Mosque to the Al-Aqsa
Mosque, the Prophet Muhammad accidentally smelled a very fragrant smell from a tomb,
then he asked the Angel Gabriel, "O Gabriel, what fragrance am I smelling?", then the angel
Gabriel replied "This is the fragrance from the tomb of a solihah woman who is a comber of
the child of pharaoh and the woman's name is Siti Masyitoh".
Once upon a time, there was a woman who lived as comber of pharaoh's daughter. One day
when Siti Masyitoh was combing her pharaoh's daughter hair, accidentally the comb used
fell and then her mouth reflexively said "in the name of Allah, the pharaoh will perish",
hearing this, the daughter of pharaoh asked Siti Masyitoh, "Masyitoh, why do you mention
the name of another god besides my father, pharaoh. Besides my father, is there another
god?", and Masyitoh replied "Of course, Allah, the one and only God". Pharaoh’s daughter
asked, "O masyitoh, are you not afraid if I tell my father, pharaoh?". with certainty Siti
Masyitoh replied, "NO". The daughter of Pharaoh immediately ran to his father to tell what
Siti Masyitoh said.
After hearing his daughter, pharaoh immediately ordered the guards to summon Masyitoh
and Pharaoh immediately asked Siti Masyitoh, "Masyitoh, is it true that you worship a god
other than me?" Pharaoh snapped. Masyitoh answered with full confidence: "Yes, it is true
that he is Allah, my Lord and also your Lord", getting an answer like that Pharaoh was
getting annoyed and angry then he made sure a second time and ordered Siti Masyitoh to
return to worship him (Pharaoh) but Siti Masyitoh's answer remained the same. Hearing her
answer, Pharaoh was getting angry and called her husband and her two children who were
also Muslims. Then, they were all forced to worship Pharaoh. Obviously, they all refused to
worship Pharaoh.
Hearing this answer the pharaoh was very angry and ordered the guards to prepare a large
container of boiled water. In front of the container the pharaoh again asked Masyitoh's family
but their answer remained the same, only worship Allah SWT. Because they did not want to
worship him, as punishment, they were immediately put into the container filled with boiling
water one by one. Before jumping into the container, Siti Masyitoh had asked Pharaoh a last
request. She asked that when she died, she wanted his body to be buried in Muslim way and
Pharaoh fulfilled Siti Masyitoh's request.
Even before jumping, Siti Masyitoh hesitated to jump. But, Siti Masyitoh's second child, who
was still a baby, suddenly spoke and convinced Siti Masyitoh to jump and the baby said,
"Come on, Mom, jump into that container. Rest assured that Allah is with us and this is the
way that Allah has made give it to us". Hearing his son's words, Siti Masyitoh became even
more convinced and immediately jumped into the container filled with hot water with his son.
Moral value
And from the determination of Siti Masyitoh to worship Allah swt, Siti Masyitoh's grave
emitted a fragrance that was smelled by the Prophet Muhammad when he was isra mi'raj
from the Haram Mosque to the Aqsa Mosque. That's a little story about Siti Masyitoh who
has a very big faith in Allah swt. Hopefully we can have the same nature as her so that in the
afterlife we can take us to His heaven.

One night Ibrahim had a bad dream. He dreamt Allah told him to sacrifice Ismail. Ibrahim
thought it was shaytan playing nasty tricks on him.

The next night Ibrahim had the same horrid dream. Ibrahim knew that Allah would only ask him
to do such a thing if he had good reason. Even though he loved his son dearly, he was
prepared to do this difficult thing for Allah.

Ibraim told Ismail they had to go to Mount Arafat. He took a knife and a rope with him. On the
way they passed a place called Mina. The devil, Shaytan, came to Ibrahim and tried to talk him
out of sacrificing his son.

Ibrahim turned his back on him and would not listen. When they reached Mount Arafat, Ibrahim
told Ismail what Allah wanted him to do. Ismail listened and accepted what was to happen. He
was an exceptional child. He too was a great prophet.

Ismail told his father to tie his hands and legs and blindfold himself so he would not struggle
and make his father even more upset than he was going to be and Ibrahim was blindfolded so
he would not see his son suffer.

Ibrahim did as Ismail had said. He then took the knife and did what Allah had told him to do.
When he took the blindfold from his eyes he looked down, not at his son but at a dead ram.
Ismail was at his side.

Ibrahim was afraid. He thought he had disobeyed but then he heard a voice telling him not to
worry. Allah looks after his followers. Ibrahim and Ismail had passed a difficult test. Each year,
during the month of Dhul Hijjah, many Muslims, from all over the world, travel to Makkah. They
want to remember what Ibrahim and Ismail did. In the month of Dhul Hijjah these pilgrims go to
Makkah, Mina and Arafat.

They visit places where Ibrahim and Ismail lived and preached. They give a sacrifice just as
Allah commanded Ibrahim to do. The pilgrims sacrifice animals in memory of the deed.
We must obey Allah’s commands as Ibrahim and Ismail did. We obey by doing the things we
know are right, praying, obeying our parents and always telling the truth.

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