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Element: Fire

March 21 to 25: VEHUIAH - One of eight Seraphim invoked to

fulfill prayers. He governs the first rays of the sun.

JELIEL - A Seraph whose name is inscribed on the

Tree of Life. He is the Heavenly Prince Ruler of
Turkey. He controls the destiny of kings and other
March 26 to 30: high dignitaries and gives the palm of victory for
those who are unjustly attacked or invaded. In
addition he inspires passion between the sexes and
insures marital fidelity.

SITAEL - A Seraph invoked to overcome

adversity. He rules the nobility and is one of the 72
March 31 to April 4:
angels of the Zodiac; also one of the 72 angels that
bear the name of God Shemhamphorae.

ELEMIAH - One of the 8 Seraphim of the Tree of

Life in the Book of Yetsirah, and an angel (one of
72) bearing the mystical name of God
April 5 to 9:
Shemhamphorae. He rules over voyages and
maritime expeditions. His corresponding angel is

MAHASIAH - One of 72 angels bearing the name

April 10 to 14:
of God Shemhamphorae.

LELAHEL - An angel of the zodiac exercising

dominion over love, art, science and fortune. We
April 15 to 20:
appeal to this being of light for good luck and good
Element: Earth

April 21 to 25: ACHAIAH - He is a Seraphim, the angel of

patience and discoverer of the secrets of nature. In
the New Testament Achaiah is a Roman Province.
Paul visited the churches in that region. (Acts
18:12, 27

CAHETEL - One of 8 Seraphim; he rules over

agricultural products and is one of the 72 angels
April 26 to 30: bearing the name of God Shemhamphorae. In the
Cabala generally he is often invoked to increase or
improve crops. His corresponding angel is Asicat.

HAZIEL - A Cherub invoked to obtain the pity of

God. He is one of 72 angels bearing the mystical
name of God Shemhamphorae. When equated with
May 1 to 5: Bernael, he is an angel of darkness. In 1st
Chronicles 23:9 Haziel is mortal, an offspring of
the Gershonites. The Cabalists very likely drew the
name from this source.

ALADIAH - One of the 72 angels bearing the

May 6 to 10:
name of God Shemhamphorae.

LAUVIAH - In the Cabala, an angel of the order of

Thrones; also of the order of Cherubim. More
May 11 to 15:
correctly, he formerly belonged to these orders. He
influences savants and great personages.

HAHAIAH - An angel of the order of Cherubim.

May 16 to 20: He influences thoughts and reveals hidden
mysteries to mortals.
Element: Air

May 21 to 25: IEZALEL - One of the angels of the Zodiac.

MEBAHEL - One of the 72 angels bearing the

May 26 to 31:
name of God Shemhamphorae.

HARIEL - Angel with dominion over tame beasts.

June 1 to 5: He is invoked against impieties. He rules science
and the arts and is of the order of Cherubim.

HAKAMIAH - One of the Cherubim (invoked

June 6 to 10: against traitors) and Guardian Angel of France. His
corresponding angel is Verasua.

LAUVIAH - In the Cabala, an angel of the order of

Thrones; also of the order of Cherubim. More
June 11 to 15:
correctly, he formerly belonged to these orders. He
influences savants and great personages.

CALIEL - One of the Throne angels serving in the

Second Heaven, invoked to bring prompt help
June 16 to 21: during adversity. He is one of 72 angels bearing
the mystical name of God Shemhamphorae. His
corresponding angel is Tersatosoa (or Tepisatosa).
Element: Water

June 22 to 26: LEUUIAH - One of the 72 angels bearing the

name of God Shemhamphorae.

PAHALIAH - An angel invoked to convert non-

Christians to Christianity. He rules theology and
morals and is one of the angels bearing the
June 27 to July 1:
mystical name of the God Shemhamphorae. His
corresponding angel is Sothis, who is an angel of
an hour.

NELCHAEL - An angel belonging to the order of

Thrones and one of the 72 angels bearing the name
of God Shemhamphorae. However, he appears to
June 2 to July 6: be not a Holy Angel but a Fallen one who, in Hell,
teaches astronomy, mathematics, and geography,
to his fellow demons. His corresponding spirit is
known as Sith.

July 7 to 11: YEIAYEL - One of the angels of the Zodiac.

MELAHEL - One of the 72 angels bearing the

July 12 to 16:
name of God Shemhamphorae.

HAHUIAH - One of the 72 angels bearing the

July 17 to 22:
name of God Shemhamphorae.
Element: Fire

July 23 to 27: NITHAIAH - A poet-angel of the order of

Dominations. He is invoked by pronouncing any of
the divine names along with the 1st verse of Psalm
9. He is in charge of occult sciences, delivers
prophecies in rhyme, and exercises influence over
wise men who love peace and solitude.

HAAIAH - An angel of the order of Dominations.

He rules over diplomacy and ambassadors, and it
July 28 to August 1:
one of the 72 angels bearing the name of God

YERATEL - An angel of the order of Dominations

August 2 to 6: (Dominions). He "propagates light, civilization,
and liberty." His corresponding angel is Hepe.

SEHEIAH - An angel who provides protection

August 7 to 12: against sickness and fire. He also governs

REIIEL - An angel of the order of Dominations

August 13 to 17: and is also one of the 72 angels bearing the name
of God Shemhamphorae.

OMAEL - An angel who multiplies species,

perpetuates races and influences Chemists. There is
August 18 to 22: some question as to whether Omael is a Fallen or
Upright Angel. Data available suggests he seems to
operate in both domains.
Element: Earth

August 23 to 28: LECABEL - An angel in control of vegetation and

agriculture, and one of the 72 angels bearing the
mystical name of God Shemhamphorae.

August 29 to VASAIRIAH - In the Cabala, an angel who rules

September 2: over justice, nobility, magistrates, and lawyers.

YEHUDIAH - In the Zohar, one of the chief

angelic envoys. He descends with myriads of
September 3 to 7: attending angels for the purpose of bearing aloft
the souls of the persons about to die, or who have
just died. He is a beneficent Angel of Death.

LEHAHIAH - Once of the order of Powers

(Potentates), he protects crowned heads and makes
subjects obedient to their superiors. He is (or was,
September 8 to 12:
depending on his current status as a holy or evil
angel) one of the 72 heirarchs bearing the mystical
name of God Shemhamphorae.

CHAVAKIAH - One of the 72 angels bearing the

September 13 to 17:
name of God Shemhamphorae.

MENADEL - An angel of the order of Powers;

also one of the 72 angels of the Zodiac. Menadel
September 18 to 23:
keeps exiles faithful or loyal to their native land.
His corresponding angel, in the Cabala, is Aphut.
Element: Air

September 24 to 28: ANIEL - One of the numerous angelic guards of

the gates of the West wind.

HAAMIAH - An angel of the order of Powers. He

September 29 to dominates religious cults and "protects all those
October 3: who seek the truth." His corresponding angel (in
the Cabala) is Serucuth.

REHAEL - An angel of the order of Powers. He

rules over health and longevity, and inspires
respect for one's parents. He is one of the 72 angels
October 4 to 8:
bearing the mystical name of God
Shemhamphorae. His corresponding angel is

IHIAZEL - One of the 72 angels bearing the name

October 9 to 13:
of God Shemhamphorae.

HAHAHEL - Hahahel is also spelled Hahael and

this angel in an angel of the order of Virtues.
Hahael protects missionaries and all disciples. He
is also one of the 72 angels bearing the mystical
October 14 to 18:
name of the God Shemhamphorae. His
corresponding angel is Chantare`, who's
description only states that he is the corresponding
angel to Hahahel (Hahael).

MIKAEL - An angel who influences the decisions

of monarchs, nobles, and governors; also useful in
October 19 to 23:
uncovering conspiracies against states. His
corresponding angel is Arpien.
Element: Water

October 24 to 28: VEULIAH - An angel of the order of

Principalities; also a Zodiac angel and he is also
one of the 72 angels bearing the mystical name of
the God Shemhamphorae.

October 29 to
YELAIAH - One of the angels of the Zodiac.
November 2:

SAELIAH - In the Cabala, a Fallen angel once of

the order of Virtues. He has (or had) dominion
November 3 to 7: over vegetables. When invoking him, and for the
best results, it is advisable to recite a verse from
Psalm 93.

ARIEL - Ranks as one of the 7 Princes who rule

the waters and is "Earth's Great Lord." In occult
writings, he is the "3rd archon of the winds." He is
also the angel who assists Raphael in the cure of
disease. He is in charge of punishment in the
November 8 to 12:
Lower World, controls demons, and is ruler of
winds. In practical Cabala he is regarded as
originally of the order of Virtues. He is known to
be a conglomerate of Anael and Uriel, a Sprite, and
a Rebel Angel, according to different sources.

ASALIAH - In the Cabala, an angel of the order of

Virtues, under the ethnarchy of Raphael. He has
November 13 to 17: dominion over justice. One of the 72 angels
bearing the mystical name of God

MIHAEL - In the Cabala, an angel in control of

conjugal fidelity and fertility. He belongs to the
November 18 to 22:
order of Virtues and is one of the 72 angels bearing
the name of God Shemhamphorae.
Element: Fire

November 23 to 27: VEHUEL - An angel of the order of Principalities;

also a Zodiac angel and one of the 72 angels
bearing the name of God Shemhamphorae.

DANIEL - An angel of the order of Principalities.

November 28 to He exercises dominion over lawyers. He is a high
December 2: Holy Angel who bears the name of

HAHAZIAH - One of the 72 angels bearing the

December 3 to 7:
name of God Shemhamphorae.

IMAMIAH - In the Cabala, an angel of the order of

Principalities, or rather and ex-angel of that order,
since he is fallen. In Hell he supervises and
December 8 to 12: controls voyages,and destroys and humiliates
enemies, when he is invoked to do so, or is so
disposed. He was once one of the 72 angels that
bore the name of God Shemhamphorae.

NANAEL - In practical Cabala, one of the

Principalities; also one of the 72 angels bearing the
mystical name of God Shemhamphorae. Exercises
December 13 to 16:
dominion over the great sciences, influences
philosophers and ecclesiastics. His corresponding
angel is Chomme.

NITHAEL - In the Cabala, an angel formerly of

the order of Principalities. One of the 72 angels
bearing the name of God Shemhamphorae. The
December 17 to 21: prevailing belief is that Nithael joined Satan during
the rebellion in Heaven and that now, in Hell, he
governs emperors and kings, also civil and
ecclesiastical personages of the highest rank.
Element: Earth

December 22 to 26: MEBAHIAH - An angel who exercises dominion

over morality and religion. He also helps those
desiring offspring.

POIEL - An angel of the order of Principalities. He

December 27 to 31: rules over fortune and philosophy. He also is one
of the 72 angels of the Zodiac.

NEMAMIAH - This sacred being is a guardian

angel of all those who fight for just causes. He is
especially protective towards people who defend
January 1 to 5: the rights of those who cannot defend themselves,
such as animals and children. When an injustice is
done towards anyone, including ourselves, we can
pray to Nemamiah to right the wrong.

IEILAEL - One of the 72 angels bearing the name

January 6 to 10:
of God Shemhamphorae.

HARAEL - This radiant one protects libraries,

archives, schools and universities. Harahel opens
January 11 to 15: our minds and hearts to new ideas while inspiring
humankind to use this knowledge in life-affirming

MITZRAEL - One of the archangels in Cabalistic

lore. Induces obedience on the part of inferiors
January 16 to 20: toward superiors. One of the 72 angels bearing the
name of God Shemhamphorae. His corresponding
angel is Homoth.
Element: Air

January 21 to 25: UMABEL - In the Cabala, Umabel is said to have

dominion over physics and astronomy. He is also
one of the 72 angels bearing the mystical name of
God Shemhamphorae. His corresponding angel is

IAHHEL - This shining one inspires meditation

and illumination. Iahhel watches over philosophers
and those who seek a retreat from worldly pursuits.
January 26 to 30:
For those who have difficulty meditating, pray to
Iahhel for help just before you begin your
meditative practice.

ANAUEL - An angel who protects commerce,

January 31 to
bankers, commission brokers, etc. His
February 4:
corresponding angel is Aseij.

MEHIEL - An angel who protects university

February 5 to 9:
professors, orators and authors.

DAMABIAH - An angel of the order of angels

February 10 to 14:
with dominion over naval construction.

February 15 to 19: MANAKEL - Angel of aquatic animals.

Element: Water

February 20 to 24: EIAEL - An angel with dominion over occult

sciences, longevity, etc. One of the 72 angels
bearing the mystical name of God
Shemhamphorae. His corresponding angel is
Abiou. When Eiael is conjured up, the invocant
must recite the 4th verse of Psalm 36.

HABUIAH - An angel who exercises dominion

February 25 to 28: over agriculture and fecundity. One of the 72
angels bearing the name of God Shemhamphorae.

March 1 to 5: ROCHEL - An angel who finds lost objects.

GABAMIAH - In Solomonic Goetic rites, a great

March 6 to 10: angel invoked by the use of incantatory power of
the name of the angel Uriel.

HAIAIEL - One of the 72 angels of the Zodiac and

March 11 to 15: one of the 72 angels bearing the name of God

MUMIAH - This angel presides over the sciences

of medicine and physics. Mumiah is traditionally
March 16 to 20: believed to grant health and longevity, as well as
being able to suspend physical laws to create

The Angels Of The Seasons

Each season of the year and every month has its own special angel. These angels help us
learn from nature the particular lessons and insights that every season imparts.

The Angel of January - teaches us to look within, to take stock of ourselves and our lives.
The January angel keeps us company as we ponder over those long, cold winter nights,
helping us to be honest with ourselves and patient at the same time. Conveying the
wisdom of an elder, the January angel takes our hand as we seek to glean understanding
from our lessons of the past year. With this support, we can give ourselves both
recognition and admonition and admonition in their turn. With this help, we can chart a
new course or alter our present one. We seek and receive the companionship of the
January angel to warm us through the winter of our introspection.

The Angel of February - is the angel of patience. During the dark, blustery nights of
February, when nature is in a deep chill and we long for a sign of warmth and life, this
angel can help us lern to await with grace the first signs of spring. February's angel
teaches us that winter has its own special peace, that being snowbound or staying indoors
can give us a welcome reprise from the busyness of life. In February, we can complete
unfinished projects and prepare for new initiatives in the spring. The angel of February
brings us the gift of patience, helping us to enjoy the solitude and quiet of the winter,
guiding us to replenish our energy for the warm, busy days to come.

The Angel of March - brings us stamina and courage. As winter ends, we take heart from
the crocuses that push their way up through the snow. The Angel of March cheers us on
through life's frozen moments, boosting our morale and helping us achieve new
landmarks. With the angel's help, we dare to break through whatever barrier, whether
personal belief or lack of self-confidence, that holds us back. We gather the will to launch
a lifelong dream or begin the project we have envisioned but never dared to tackle. As the
sun begins to warm our spirits, the March angel rejoices with us at the first signs of
spring and lends us courage to prepare for a new and daunting, but also fulfilling, task.

The Angel of April - is the spirit of rebirth. As the days grow longer and the sun begins to
warm us, April is a time for new life and new beginnings. April's angel spurs us to test
ourselves in new directions and to make ourselves vulnerable in the face of unfamiliar
people and places. Encouraged by the April angel, we search for novel endeavors that
will enrich our lives and bring new meaning to our career or family roles. The April angel
teaches us to delight in each sign of awakening, in nature and in ourselves.

The Angel of May - brings the blush and promise of spring. May's angel rejoices with us
as we take heart at the sight of trees ad shrubs in bloom and relish our anticipation of the
fruits to come. This angel of spring reminds us that this is a time of awakening the seed
within ourselves. Perhaps we have a deep longing, an artistic talent never explored or a
friendship never quite attempted. This angel of May will help us discover this potential,
nurturing our spirits as we can dare to fulfill this hidden promise and bring forth the fruit
of a life fully lived.

The Angel of June - helps us flourish and grow strong. June's angel teaches us to sustain
our enthusiasm for the new projects and directions we started in the spring. In this
glorious time of sunshine and growth, we learn to seek out the warmth of friendships and
family ties, to help nurture the seeds we planted and become all that we were meant to be.
The angel of June urges us to be steadfast in our intentions, to renew our dedication, and
to stay on course.

The Angel of July - brings a season of leisure, a time to play and replenish our energy.
The projects we began in the spring should be well underway and growing stronger on
their own. July's angel urges us to take the time, now, to step back and observe what we
have planted. The July angel encourages us to tend the garden of our life, to care for what
we have started, and to be objective enough to weed out the unhealthy or unproductive
elements. This angel of summer reminds us to nurture the people and things that bring us
happiness, so we can product for ourselves a crop of joy and fulfillment.

The Angel of August - is the angel of perseverance. The new directions we began in the
spring may have become difficult to sustain. Like a garden that needs constant watering
and weeding in the scorching August sun, our projects and dreams require stamina and
determination to bring them to fruition. The angel of August helps us with unflagging
energy to tend the garden we have planted. When the hot summer sun and the work of
our lives demand too much of us, the August angel brings us the fortitude to cleave to our
tasks through completion.

The Angel of September - helps us prepare for the harvest at hand. As the summer draws
to a close, September's angel reminds us to pause and gather fresh strength because the
culmination of a project often demands one last surge of energy. The September angel
brings us this boost, seeing us through to the fulfillment of our task. This late-summer
angel also helps us recognize the fruits of our labors and share with others the bounty of
what we have created in our lives. In September, we take delight in our good fortune,
whether in a garden, a relationship, or a career, and we share our joy with all those whose
support has made our harvest possible.

The Angel of October - rejoices as we reap the harvest of what we have sown in life.
October is a good time to step back from our projects and our dreams and to take a hard
look at what we have actually accomplished. The October angel helps us to be honest and
objective about what is good and what is not. With this help, we can face clearly the
consequences of our choices over these past seasons. We will taste our harvest and reject
what is bitter or unripe; we will make note of what worked and what did not, and we will
change for the better. October's angel teaches us that the greatest fruit of our personal
harvest is understanding ourselves.

The Angel of November - is the angel of humility. This autumn angel brings a special gift
that helps deepen the meaning of the Thanksgiving season for ourselves and our loved
ones. November's angel urges us to acknowledge and appreciate the supporting roles
others have played in our lives this year and even thank those who have taught us
difficult lessons. The angel of November leads us to give thanks in a new way by
forgiving old hurts and healing broken relationships. Thus we help one another to be truly
grateful for our relationships and the richness they bring to our lives.

The Angel of December - is the angel of generosity. The December angel celebrates with
us this time of giving gifts to all the wild creatures and to all of God's children. The angel
of December leads us to join hands with people of all races and religions, recognizing
that we are children of the same creator, and we all share the responsibility of bringing
joy and health upon the earth. Inspired by December's angel, we can celebrate this season
of brotherhood by doing one act of kindness every day of December ~ going out of our
way to bring warmth and light into another's life.
01 VÉHUIAH------------->Vav - He - Vav - Yod - He
02 YELIEL----------------->Yod - Lamed - Yod - Aleph - Lamed
03 SITAËL----------------->Samech -Yod - Teith - Aleph - Lamed
04 ÉLÉMIAH-------------->Ayn - Lamed - Mem - Yod - He
05 MAHASIAH----------->Mem - He - Shin - Yod - He
05 MAHASIAH----------->Mem - Het - Shin - Yod - He
06 LELAHEL ------------->Lamed - Lamed - He - Aleph - Lamed
07 ACHAIAH-------------->Aleph - Khaf - Aleph -Yod - He
08 CAHÉTHEL----------->Khaf - He - Tav - Aleph - Lamed
09 HAZIEL----------------->He - Zain - Yod - Aleph - Lamed
10 ALADIAH-------------->Aleph - Lamed - Daleth - Yod - He
11 LAUVIAH-------------->Lamed - He - Vav - Yod - He
11 LAUVIAH-------------->Lamed - Aleph - Vav - Yod - He
12 HAHAIAH-------------->He - He - Ayn - Yod - He -
13 YÉZALEL--------------->Yod - Zaïn - Lamed - Aleph - Lamed
14 MÉBAHEL-------------->Mem - Beith - He - Aleph - Lamed
15 HARIEL------------------>He - Resh - Yod - Aleph - Lamed
16 HÉKAMIAH------------>He - Qof - Mem - Yod - He
17 LAUVIAH--------------->Lamed - Vav - Vav - Yod - He
18 CALIEL------------------->Khaf - Lamed - Yod - Aleph - Lamed
19 LAUVIAH---------------->Lamed - Aleph - Vav - Yod - He
20 PAHALIAH-------------->Phe - He - Lamed - Yod - He
21 NELCHAEL------------->Noun - Lamed - Khaf - Aleph - Lamed
22 YÉIAYEL----------------->Yod - Yod - Yod - Aleph - Lamed
23 MELAHÈL---------------->Mem - Lamed - he - Aleph - Lamed
24 HAHEUIAH-------------->He - He - Vav - Yod - He
25 NITH-HAIAH------------>Noun - Tav - He - Yod - He -
26 HAAIAH-------------------->He - Aleph - Aleph - Yod - He
27 YÉRATHEL--------------->Yod - Resh - Tav - Aleph - Lamed
28 SÉHÉIAH------------------>Shin - Aleph - He -Yod - He
29 RÉIYEL--------------------->Resh - Yod - Yod - Aleph - Lamed
30 OMAEL--------------------->Vav - Mem - Aleph - Aleph - Lamed
30 OMAEL---------------------> Aleph - Vav - Mem - Aleph - Lamed
31 LÉCABEL----------------->Lamed - Khaf - Beth - Aleph - Lamed
32 VASARIAH--------------->Vav - Shin - Resh - Yod - He
33 YÉHUYAH----------------->Yod - He - Vav - Yod - He
33 YÉHUYAH----------------->Yod - Het - Vav - Yod - He
34 LÉHAHIAH--------------->Lamed - He - He - Yod - He
34 LÉHAHIAH--------------->Lamed - He - Het - Yod - He
35 KHAVAQUIAH--------->Khaf - Vav - Quof - Yod - He
36 MÉNADEL---------------->Mem - Noun - Daleth - Aleph - Lamed
37 ANIEL----------------------->Aleph - Noun - Yod - Aleph - Lamed
38 HAAMIAH----------------->He - Ayn - Mem - ? - He
38 HAAMIAH----------------->Het - Ayn - Mem - Yod - He
39 RÉHAEL------------------->-Resh - He - Ayn - Aleph - Lamed
40 YEIAZEL------------------->Yod - Yod - Zaïn - Aleph - Lamed
41 HAHAHEL---------------->He - He - He - Aleph - Lamed
42 MIKHAEL ---------------->Mem - Yod - Khaf - Aleph - Lamed
43 VEULIAH------------------>Vav - Vav - Lamed - Yod - He
44 YÉLAHIAH--------------->Yod - Lamed - He - Yod - He
45 SÉALIAH------------------>Sameh - Aleph - Lamed - Yod - He
46 ARIEL----------------------->Ayn - Resh - Yod - Aleph - Lamed
47 ASALIAH------------------>Ayn - Shin - Lamed - Yod - He
48 MIHAEL-------------------->Mem - Yod - He - Aleph - Lamed
49 VÉHUEL------------------->Vav - He -Vav - Aleph - Lamed
50 DANIEL-------------------->Daleth - Noun - Yod - Aleph - Lamed
51 HAHASIAH-------------->He - He - Shin - Yod - He
51 HAHASIAH-------------->He - Het - Shin - Yod - He
52 IMAMIAH----------------->Ayn - Mem - Mem - Yod - He
53 NANAEL------------------->Noun - Noun - Aleph - Aleph - Lamed
54 NITHAEL----------------->Noun - Yod - Tav - Aleph - Lamed
55 MÉBAHIAH-------------->Mem - Beith - He - Yod - He
56 POYEL--------------------->Phe - Yod - Yod - Aleph - Lamed
56 POYEL--------------------->Phe - Vav - Yod - Aleph - Lamed
57 NÉMAMIAH----------->Noun - Mem - Mem - Yod - He
58 YÉYALEL---------------->Yod - Yod - Lamed - Aleph - Lamed
59 HARAEL----------------->He - Resh - He - Aleph - Lamed
59 HARAEL----------------->He - Resh - Het - Aleph - Lamed
60 MITZRAEL------------- >Mem - Tsade - Resh - Aleph - Lamed
61 UMABEL----------------->Vav - Mem - Beith - Aleph - Lamed
62 IAH-HEL----------------->Yod - He - He - Aleph - Lamed
63 ANAUEL----------------->Ayn - Noun - Vav - Aleph - Lamed
64 MÉHIEL------------------>Mem - He - Yod - Aleph - Lamed
64 MÉHIEL------------------>Mem - Het - Yod - Aleph - Lamed
65 DAMABIAH------------>Daleth -- Mem - Daleth - Yod - He
65 DAMABIAH------------>Daleth -- Mem - Beith - Yod - He
66 MANAKEL-------------->Mem - Noun - Quof - Aleph - Lamed
67 EYAEL-------------------->Aleph -Yod - Ayn - Aleph - Lamed
68 HABUHIAH------------>He - Beith - Vav - Yod - He
68 HABUHIAH------------>Het - Beith - Vav - Yod - He
69 RAHAEL---------------->Resh - Aleph - He - Aleph - Lamed
70 YABAMIAH------------>Yod - Beith - Mem - Yod - He
71 HAIIAEL----------------->He - Yod - Yod - Aleph - Lamed
72 MUMIAH---------------->Mem - Vav - Mem - Yod - He

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