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5, COVERAGE: Unlimited proactive and reactive support will be provided to the Customer >" through remote means. Where an optional onsite upgrade has been purchased all onsite support is covered for sites as specified in APPENDIX G of this agreement. : I support willbe provided between the hours of OBHOO am to 18H00 Monday through ciao ing Bank holdaye, 2477 Emergency ony remote and echnical supports ee icaded under the terme ofthis agreement, Hardware cots of any Kind re not Coveted under te tera ofthis Agreoment. Quanity subject to charge 21 UK team members + 7 Uganda team members + 41.Ghana team members * 1 Dubai team member Servers covered with monitoring, CFDCO1 (AD/DNSINAP (ForRDSADCS) VFSRVO1 (FILE/RDSINAP(ForRDS)) \VFSQLO1 (FILEMIS/SQL (MDGP Host) \VFSRV02 (AD/ONSMIS/FILEWJANEHR Host) 6. AFTER HOURS AND STANDBY HOURS: 24/7 Emergency only remote & technical support is included under the terms of this agreement. Emergency servioas falling outside the scope of agreed 24/7 coverage performed outside of the hours of 0800 to 18HO0 Monday through Friday, and public holidays, shall be subject to charges designated in APPENDIX C. 7. SUPPORT AND ESCALATION WEEE vil respond to Customer's Support Requests under the provisions of Appendix D and APPENDIX F, ‘Support Tickets can be raised by Customer electronically by email to our Service Desk, by phone if email is unavailable or by other methods as these are introduced will supply Customer on the day following the date on which both parties have signed this Agreement a handover pack containing Service Desk email addresses, telephone numbers and detaiis of other methods for logging Support Tickets. Each contact will be assigned a Support Ticket number for tracking purposes. The Support escalation process followed is detailed in APPENDIX F AME vill supply to Customer reports (on fauits logged and escalation status, such reports being provided monthly or on request by Customer. 9. ADDITIONAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES: Virus Recovery for Current, Licensed Anti-virus protected systems: Attempted recovery from damages caused by virus infection not detected and quarantined by the latest Antivirus definitions is covered under the terms ofthis Agreement. This Servic is limited to those systems protected with a currently licensed, Vendor-suppocted Antivirus solution. 10. MONITORING SERVICES: GEER wil provide ongoing monitoring of all devices as indicated in APPENDIX B. GEEEBB Wil provide monthly reports highlighting critical alerts and event resolutions to the Customer. Should a problem be discovered during monitoring AM shall make every attempt to rectify the condition in a timely manner by remote or onsite support activity. 14, SUITABILITY OF EXISTING ENVIRONMENT - MINIMUM STANDARDS REQUIRED FOR SERVICES. a. In order for Customer's existing environment to quality for SEE Managed ‘Services, the following requirements must be met by any equipment purchased or obtained by Customer after the Kaseya site survey (but the requirement need ‘nol, for the avoidance of doubt, be met by existing equipment listed by the said site survey) |. All Sorvers must be must be running currently sypportod Operating Systems and software and must have all ofthe latest Service Packs and Citcal Updates installed. Any Servers with unsupported operating systoms and software will be supported purely on a best effort basis. li. All Servers and network equipment mast he ona suitable uninteruptable power supply (UPS) i, Network and system documentation must be provided with the following minimal requirements: Administrator usemames and pasawords forall systems and devices, Application vendor contact and support conract details, Broadband ISP contac and setup details, ONS deta fr all domains used by the business, Web developer deta. Any ather support vendor contact details, iv. All Desktop PC's and Notebooks / Laptops must be running currantiy supported Operating Syeteme and gover an must have al ofthe latest Service Packs and Citical Updates installed. Any equipment with Lnsupported operating systems and software wil be supported purely on a best effort basis ¥. All Server and Desktop Software must be Genuine, Licensed and \Vendor-Supported vi, The environment must have a curenty licensed, up to-date Supported Antivirus Solution protatng all Sorers, Desktops, Laptops, and Email vil, The environment must have MINENESupported Backup Solution that can be menitored, and send notifications on job fallures and successes. vil. The environment must ave MMIII Supported Hardware Firewall between the Internal Network and the Internet. bx, All Wireless data trafic n the environment must be securely encrypted x. There must be an outside static IP address assigned to a network device, allowing RDP or VPN access. CUSTOMER understands that an important part of engaging with EB includes implementing continuous improvement methodologies and will support the Customer's environment on a bost offort basis despite the above not being in place. All costs expended to bring Customer's environment up to these Minimum Standards are not included in this Agreement and vill be quoted on a project basis at rates as por APPENDIX C. 42,.EXCLUDED SERVICES. Service rendered under this Agreement do not include: Parts, equipment or software not covered by vendor/manufacturer warranty oF support. The cost of any parts, equipment, or shipping charges of any kind. The cost of any Software, Licensing, or Software Renewal or Upgrade Fees of any kind. ‘The cost of any 3rd Party Vendor or Manufacturer Support or Incident Fees of any kind. ‘The cost to bring Customer's environment up to minimum standards required for Services. insurable risks including acts of God, building modifications, physical damage, damage due to power surges and other environmental conditions or factors. Service and repair made necessary by the alteration or modification of equipment other than that authorized byQJMI including alterations, software installations or modifications of equipment made by Customer's employees or anyone other than Sz Maintenance of the Applications software packages, whether acquired from WEEE or any other source, provided always that in the event any vendor of any ‘such Application identifies Customer network as an issue in relation to the functioning of such Application EEE Will under this Agreement communicate with the Application vendor on Customer's behalf to resolve such issue. Vendor specified changes or upgrades to systems including servers, systems, ‘workstations and the network will be handled as projects. Programming (modification of software code) and program (software) maintenance. Formal Training Services of any kind (but noting, for the avoidance of doubt, that general day to day support and queries are within the Services supplied). [SERVICES COVERED SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT Description Frequency Included | Manage Servers Ongoing ¥ Faas Set — eH Monitor critical services (E.g. SQL Service, i v | Customer CRM Service etc) Ongoing | Keep Service Packs and Security Patches current | Scheduled and as a \eg Microsoft Updates required Check event log of servers and identify any potential issues ‘Monitor hard drive free space on server Monitor Hard drive and RAID array failure status Scheduled and ae Exchange Server user / mailbox management et ; : Scheduled and as oe Monitor Active Directory anal y Scheduled and as. SQL server management ea v ‘Scheduled and as Reboot servers as needed needed e | Run crive maintenance otiedllea endye y | | Scheduled after hours server maintenance window Note: A dedicated maintenance window inaluding | Scheduled and as. F agreed downtime and Systems reboot is required needed and will be agreed with customer Inetall supported software upgrades. Schone es v Set up and maintain security groupe (accounting, | Scheduled and as 7 admin, printers, sales, warehouse, ete) needed Check status of backups Alert Customer to situations requiring hardware replacement or other remedial action not covered by Service Level Agreement: ~ Low memory | Hard drive failure imminent | - Hard drive space | - Problematic network activity i | Educate and correct user errors. (deleted files, ; corrupted Files, etc.) As needed < As needed APPENDIX B CONTINUED [Document software and hardware changes | As performed "Supply monthly reports of network health, work. accomplished work in progress and recommendations nee every fortnight in the first 2 months of support agreement commencement and jereafter monthly for the | | ‘Agreement/system review meetings between Jz! Director and Customer's appointed representative(s) | ith the it during the Agreement Backups _ ae Review data backup with customer decision maker Disaster Recovery and backup restore (optional product) _ ‘Test backups by restoring sample files data j Quarterly i Line of Business Application restores | As scheduled Dal Monitor disaster recovery backup if OR in place | Df | Scheduled and as needed Test disaster recovery solution | Scheduled as quoted on a Devices, Management and Day to Day Support Manage Desktops Manage Network Printers | Manage Other Networked Devices ‘Manage Smart Phones Ongoing Ongoing per incident basis [Optional | Manage Tablet devices APPENDIX B CONTINUED Networks | Check router logs where possible | Upgrade routorsreware Biannually/as | ~ | “heeded | Quarteryas | 7 available Ongoing |Meritor modem / outer, eitohes, hubs and internet Ongoing | ¥ | conneativity, and make sure systems are operational | available for SNMP manageable devices only) ‘Monitor firewall device for brute force and other hacking | attempts via advisory email alert | Note: Firewall device must be capable of this functionality | Failed pre-authentication login failures are monitored and hen outside normal behaviour parameters | Confirm antispyware definition auto updates have occurred Manage account policies, shares, security groups, disable / delete old accounts Pen mn and fle system management Set up new users including login restrictions, pasewords, security, applications (limited to 20% of managed user count er annum) | Automated Ongoing Y { Scheduled |v | monthly and as | needed "Ongoing Scheduled / As needed As needed Set up and change security for users and applications Monitor for unusual user activity where possible via Group Policy or suitable d method As needed [SERVICE RATES | Remote Service Desk support-O8HOOto 18HOO _| INCLUDED Remote Printer Management . _ _ | INCLUDED | Remote Network Management ssl escscrtalech ____ INCLUDED | Remote Server Management : __[INCLUDED _ Onsite Support for managed devices Note: A managed device is a device for which a monthly maintenance | ici ypED chauge is being levied and in the case of a server or computer also has Managed Service agent installed Maral hour Per incident labour rates Level 1 per hour, Level 2/3 (GB per hour -as amended | After hours and standby labour rates from time to |2417 Emergency only remoie and technical support APPENDIX D [SUPPORT LEVELS. | ‘Level 1 Support | All support incidents begin in Level 1, where the initial Support Ticket is | created, the issue is then identified and clearly documented. After | creation of the Support Ticket basic hardware and software | troubleshooting is initiated, escalated to Level 2, where more complex support on hardware/software issues can be provided by experienced Engineers. | Level 2 Support | All support incidents that cannot be resolved with Level 1 Support are | Level 3 Support | Support Incidents that cannot be resolved by Level 2 Support are escalated to Level 3, where support is provided by the most qualified ‘and experienced Engineers who have the ability to collaborate with 3 Parly (Vendor) Support Engineers to resolve the most complex issues. | [LisT OF EQUIPMENT COVERED UNDER SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT Covered Equipment All hardware and software which is : (REEEE will provide to Customer within one week of the MEME sile survey (‘Survey’), a copy of which inventory commencement date; andlor | | () listed in the inventory produced as a result of 7a | | | (ii) purchased or otherwise obtained by Customer after the date of the Survey, in accordance with Customer's plans to | update and upgrade its IT system as disclosed a | prior to this Agreement PROVIDED ALWAYS THAT : (aE ill adjust the support fees in Clause 4 above in the event that Customer purchases or obtains additional (as opposed to replacement or upgraded) items of hardware which result in an increase in the number of such items which would otherwise be included under this Agreement; and | (b) All such haroware is covered under a current Vendor i Support Contract or a current (Ml Hardware Support Contract; all replaceable parts are readily available, and all software is genuine, currenily j licensed and vendor-supported. Should any hardware or software fail to meet these provisions, | they will be excluded from this Agreement, Should | 3rd Party Vendor Support Charges be required in | order to resolve any issues, these costs will be for the customers account after first receiving Customer's pre-authorisation to for all costs incurred, | Managed Printers and _| All printers and copiers are supported for network support Copiers: | only Requires current maintenance contract with printer / _| copier vendor. Managed Networks: | All networks which are: | | @ Listed in the inventory produced as a result of the | Survey; and/or | Gi) Purchased or otherwise obtained by Customer after | the date of the Survey, in accordance with Customer's, said plans to update and upgrade its IT system. Managed Smartphones: | For alll users [ESCALATION PROCEDURE EEE Sy stem’ is the Customer Services Automation System used. Service Request Escalation Procedure 1. Support request is received. 2. Support Ticket is created. 3. Issue is identified and documented in EINEM system. 4, Issue is qualified to determine if it can be resolved through Level 1 Support. If issue can be resolved through Level 1 Support 5, Level 1 Resolution - Issue is worked to successful resolution. 8. Quality Control - Issue is verified to be resolved to Customer's . 7. . Support Ticket is closed after complete problem resolution details have been updated in SM sysiem, If issue cannot be resolved through Level 1 Support 8. Issue is escalated to Level 2 Support. 9. Issue is qualified to determine if it can be resolved by Level 2 Support. If Issue can be resolved through Level 2 Support 10. Level 2 Resolution - issue is worked to successful resolution. 11. Quality Control - Issue is verified to be resolved to Customer's satisfaction. 12. Support Ticket is closed, after complete problem resolution details have been updated in WWMM system. If Issue cannot be resolved through Level 2 Support 13, Issue is escalated to Level 3 Support. 14, Issue is qualified to determine if it can be resolved through Level 3 Support. APPENDIX F CONTINUED. issue can be resolved through Level 3 Support 15. Level 3 Resolution issue is worked to successful resolution, 16, Quality Control - Issue is verified to be resolved to Customer's satisfaction. 17.Support Ticket is closed after complete problem resolution details have been updated iN system Wissue cannot be resolved through Level 3 Support 16. Issue is escalated to Onsite Support. 19.|ssue is qualified to determine if it can be resolved through Onsite Support Wissue can be resolved through Onsite Support 20. Onsite Resolution - Issue is worked to successful resolution. 21. Quality Control - Issue is verified to be resolved to Customer's satisfaction. 22. Support Ticket is closed after complete problem resolution details have been updated in system, Missue cannot be resolved through Onsite Support 23, Account Manager Decision Point - request is updated with complete details of all activity performed. 24. Problem is discussed with @49099@ Senior technical person to determine possible resolution or work-around. 25. Account Manager discusses proposed resolution with customer.

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