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Mustang trek

Upper Mustang is located at the north of Mt. Dhaulagiri (8167m) and Mt. Annapurna (8091m). It stands
3000m tall and it provides magnificent beauties throughout the entire trek. Although the actual
headquarter of the Mustang district is Jomsom; however, the real Tibetan style district lies at the north.

Upper Mustang is a vast dry valley and is characterized by interesting stratified rock formation, battered
canyons and has an appearance like a desert. It is also known as mystique valley, the last forbidden
Himalayan Kingdom of Nepal and Mountain Desert. The trek to Upper Mustang can be incredibly
satisfying for those who seek a new experience regarding the warmth and friendliness of the locals living
in this distant area. However, it hasn’t been so long since the Nepal Department of Immigration
permitted trekkers and foreigners to enter this region. Before 1991, this area was prohibited to enter
because of some reason. But now when you have a permission slip to enter, you can have the most
beautiful experience with this trip. Along our journey, we get to meet different people, gaze upon some
of the highest mountains in the world, and many more. Some of the prime highlights of the tour include,
unbelievable panorama of Milgiri; Annapurna; Dhaulagiri, Lo Manthang, et-cetera. Our trip starts from
Kathmandu with a flight to Pokhara. Upon reaching over there, we catch another flight to Jomson. And
this is where our actual trek begins from.

Upper Mustang is one of the places with beautiful trekking zones and it is a must visit place for all the
Nepalese and foreigners out there who loves travelling. So, we… offer you a perfect budget package to
Upper Mustang and make sure that you have the best times of your life.

Detail Itinerary

Day 01: Arrival in Kathmandu and get transferred to hotel.

Once we arrive at the Kathmandu International Airport, you meet our trekking guides and staffs who will
take you to your respective Hotels. On this day, you will roam around and prepare for the trip to

Day 02: Sightseeing in Kathmandu.

After your breakfast, you will be visiting places in Kathmandu like Patan, Bhaktapur, durbar squares,
Pashupatinath Temple, Bouddhanath, swayambhunath, and many heritage sites located within the area.
Tonight, you will be spending night at your respective hotels.

Day 03: Drive or fly to Pokhara (950m) – takes 6 hrs.

It is entirely up to you about how you are going to reach your destination. You can either catch up a
direct flight to Pokhara or you can also get there on a four wheeler enjoying the beautiful backgrounds.
Once you reach Pokhara, you are more likely to get a Hotel nearby Phewa Lake.

Day 04: Flight to Jomsom (2,715m) and trek to Kagbeni (2,810m) - takes 4 hrs.

After your breakfast, you will be directed to Pokhara Airport to catch a flight to Jomsom. Along the
airway, you glance upon some of the highest mountains like Dhaulagiri, Annapurna, Manaslu and
Machhapuchhre Peak. After 25-30 minutes approximately, you reach Jomsom and you get ready for the
short trek to Kagbeni. Not just Kagbeni, our walk follows through Kali-Gandaki as well. And that is where
our actual hike initiates from. Tonight, you camp or stay at the tea house.

Day 05: Trek to Chele (3,050m) – takes 5 hrs.

In the morning, our hike starts from Kali Gandaki River that goes through several terraced farm fields,
farm houses to Tirigaon village. In the village, you stop by for lunch. Once you finish, you continue your
walk through the canyon of red soil, Tangbe, Tsungsang village, a small suspension bridge to reach Chele

Day 06: Trek to Geling (3,570m) – takes 5 hrs.

You start your day with a gradual climb from Chele towards Gyakar Village. Then, we hike through some
of the dry places before we reach Samar Village. After lunch, we walk towards higher altitude through
tall trees; from where, the air gets thinner and cooler. Our walk continues leaving all the tall trees
behind after that, because only some tree survives at higher altitudes like Poplars and Willow trees. At
the end of the day, after a long walk, we reach Geling which passes via Yamda La Pass (3860m) offering
you the views of overwhelming landscapes and snowcapped mountains.

Day 07: Trek to Charang (3,560m) - takes 6 hrs.

Early in the morning, we will be headed to Geling Monastery and its water driven prayer wheel. Once we
finish up our meal, we start our trek walking uphill to Ghemi Village and Ghaymi Khola. Along the way,
we will get to visit different places like Buddhist Mani Walls, Dhakmar Village, Charang Gompa and many
more. You reach Charang at the end of the day after passing through buck wheat cultivated fields and
different farm houses.

Day 08: Trek to Lo-Mangthang (3,840m) - takes 4 hrs.

Today, we start our journey from Marang Village after crossing different fields and bridges. Then, we
climb uphill towards the barren Lo manthang valley, via different religious Buddhist Chortens. This trek
offers you sights of distant snowcapped mountains such as Tilicho, Nilgiri, Bhrikuti Peak and Annapurna
1 along the way. When we are done with the sightseeing, we pass over the Lo La Pass at 3950m and
walk downhill until reach Lo Manthang, the walled city; where we will be staying overnight.

Day 09: In Lo-Mangthang for adjustment or local hike.

This day rests upon you. You can either rest or roam around by yourself. However, if you are interested
in visiting places, our guides can walk with you to several historical and cultural center of Lo-Manthang
such as Namgyal Gompa, Champa Lakhang (God House), the red Thubchen Gompa, the great entrance
hall, Chyodi Gompa and many more.

Day 10: Trek to Gumba (3, 500m) - takes 6 hrs.

After the splendid time in Lo-Manthang, we head back to Marang village taking the same routes as
before. Upon reaching over there, our hike continues following west until we reach Dhakmar Village.
Then, we carry on with our schedule till we find a place to stay overnight such as Gumbas or Teahouses.

Day 11: Trek to Samar (3,660m) - takes 6 hrs.

Early in the morning, we leave towards the long series of Mani-Walls (Sacred Holy prayer stone wall).
Then, we hike through Ghami Khola to reach the Ghami Village. Over there, we stop by for a while for
our meal and continue walking south till we reach Samar Village; where we are going to stay for a night
in a tea house or whatever available.

Day 12: Trek to Kagbeni (2,810m) via Chusang (2,980m) –takes 6 hrs.

We start our day with a gradual climb towards Syangboche Village and over Yamda La Pass (3860m);
also some of the smaller Villages such as Samar and Bhena. Then, our walk passes via Small River to
Tsusang and Gyakar. We rest for a while after a long pass and head downhill towards the southern route
to kali Gandaki until we reach Kagbeni Village; where we will spend our night.

Day 13: Trek to Jomsom (2,715m) – takes 4 hrs.

This day is considered as your final day of the most spectacular journey. After our breakfast, we follow
the path that leads to Village of Eklaibhatti; and forwarding towards the great plain of Kali-Gandaki. This
is an easy mild walk to reach Jomsom (2715m). Tonight, we stay overnight at one of the best lodges
available and have your buffet dinner.

Day 14: Morning flight to Pokhara (820m) - takes 25 mins.

In the morning, after a short walk; we take a flight to Pokhara that flies over the world’s deepest gorge
of Kali-Gandaki. Once we land, you will get transferred to your respective hotels neighboring Phewa
Lake. On this day, you will wander around by yourself or one can even go out for bungee jumps or
maybe paragliding.
Day 15: Fly or drive back back to Kathmandu.

If you are fond of sceneries, you can get a tourist bus to drive back to Kathmandu. But, if you are short in
time, you can book a flight as well. Once you reach Kathmandu, you all will be transferred to your

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