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Athea Pomela D.

Grade 11- STEM B
Oral Communication in Context
Quarter 1 – Module 6: Types of Speeches and Speech Style

1. B
2. C
3. C
4. B
5. C
6. B
7. A
8. B
9. D
10. B
11. A
12. B
13. B
14. D
15. B


1. I
2. P
3. Ex
4. Im
5. Me
6. P
7. Im
8. E
9. Ma
10. P


1. I will use the following types of speech according to purpose when:

A. informative - When I want to provide statistics and information regarding a topic
that I am discussing with others Ultimately, I want to provide them with
knowledge and provide them the opportunity to learn something new.
2. The three (3) types of speech according to purpose are also used in:
A. Informative - College professor lecturing on a specific topic during a class
3. I will use the following types of speech according to delivery when:
D. impromptu - It is most commonly used when delivering a series of responses
one by one.
4. The four (4) types of speech according to delivery are also observed in:
D. Impromptu – There are four main kinds of speech delivery: impromptu,
extemporaneous, manuscript, and memorized. Impromptu speaking involves
delivering a message on the spur of the moment, as when someone is asked to
“say a few words.

5. To effectively communicate the essence of why I am giving a speech to a certain

audience, I must be clear about my purpose and delivery technique before making
my presentation. Most speeches have one or more of the following objectives: to
inform, persuade, instruct, or entertain the audience members. When the main
purpose of the speech is taken into mind, a speaker's thoughts and ideas are
grouped in a logical manner. A clearly expressed purpose is essential in all types
of speeches, and as a result, a statement of purpose is inevitably included in every
speech. In this way, we are able to clearly see our objectives because the contents
have been well specified in advance.
6. As a senior high school student or just as a person in a variety of situations, having
good communication skills has various advantages. It will be highly beneficial to
my personal growth. It can help me enhance my social and listening skills, as well
as my confidence in expressing my thoughts, opinions, ideas, or whatever else is
on my mind. It also teaches me how to engage and communicate with a wider
range of individuals, which aids in the development of my personality. Strong
friendships are developed as a result of effective communication.

It also helps to instill confidence in ourselves. As a result, students like going to

school every day. It is vital to establish strong relationships with others in today's
competitive society. Improved verbal and physical communication aid in the
creation of new friendships.
7. In reality, I feel that the context of a speech can influence one's behavior since an
audience or listener will accept what a speaker says and begin living his or her life
in accordance with what that speaker said.

Today, I learned speech acts include requisitions, apologies, and suggestions, as well as
instructions, offers, and appropriate responses to such requests and apologies. Speakers
of these acts, of course, will not be deemed completely successful until people who hear
them understand the intended meaning they communicate.

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