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April 6th of 2011

To the Honorable James E. Moore

Executive Secretary Treasurer of the
North Central States Regional Council of Carpenters
700 Olive Street - St. Paul, MN - 55130

Mr. Moore:

I appreciate you correspondence with me. Seeing as how I am but one of 20,000 members, I understand that my “wild goose chase”
complaint could have been forgotten within the daily shuffle of a man as esteemed and busy as you.

When I received your response to my initial letter addressing the actions of Thomas B. Tinglov, and yourself, I realized that I must have
incorrectly explained my upsettedness. During your response, you did not address the actions of Mr. Tinglov that provoked me to write
you initially. Mr. Moore, it appears that you did not understand the message of my previous letter. So at this time let me draw out the
situation once again.

On March 9th 2011, I was present at the meeting of the Twin Cities Carpenter’s Local #322
in Saint Paul, Minnesota. At this meeting, amongst my discussions with numerous people, I spoke
with Thomas B. Tinglov. During this discussion with Mr. Tinglov I was asked, by him, if I had visited
with Representative Rick Hansen during the Carpenter’s Day at the Capitol on March 8th 2011. My
response to this question was that “Representative Hansen is not my Representative.” Following this
statement, I began to inform Mr. Tinglov that I had visited with numerous Republican and
Democratic Representatives and Senators during Carpenter’s Day at the Capitol to discuss
Prevailing Wage. Next, I informed Mr. Tinglov that it would be fitting for him to visit with his
Representative, Mr. Rich Hanson. At this, Mr. Tinglov told me that he was “involved in meetings.”
Reasonably, Mr. Tinglov’s reply was an excuse to justify his non-interest in meeting with his own
Representative. After Mr. Tinglov told me that he was “involved in meetings” I said: “your union
brothers and sisters have taken time off from work and made it of the utmost priority to meet with
their legislators during the Carpenter’s Day at the Capitol.” After this comment, Mr. Tinglov told me
“fuck you.”

I still assert that this behavior is unprofessional, disrespectful, and unsuited for a leader of any Carpenter’s Local. Also, this is not the first
time that Mr. Tinglov has acted in this way.

I am still demanding the following as reparations for the boorish manner of Mr. Tinglov:
1. That Thomas B. Tinglov apologize to me in-person.
2. That Thomas B. Tinglov be enrolled in a multiple-session anger-management class at no expense to the United
Brotherhood of Carpenters or any of their affiliates.
3. That Thomas B. Tinglov be censored for one Carpenter’s Local #322 union meeting.

I hope that you were better able to understand my complaint as it was worded in this letter.

Next, I want you to know that the demeanor and content of your letter [dated March 30 th 2011] were inappropriate. As a member of the
North Central States Regional Council of Carpenters, I am your primary concern. While I understand that there are other members and
responsibilities tied into your position, no member should ever be treated in the manner that I was in your text. To belittle the
participation, involvement, and criticism of the membership that gave you the pensions, contracts, and plans to worry yourself over, is

As Mr. Tinglov acts as the face of the North Central States Regional Council of Carpenters his uncivilized behavior at any event, anywhere,
in the professional company of anyone, is entirely out of place. I am disgusted that you are refusing to recognize this behavior as ulterior
to what should be manifest. I take the liberty to speak on behalf of the 20,000 members that you are employed by and represent, in
identifying the following as “legitimate issues:”
1. Mr. Tinglov’s inappropriate behavior on March 9th.
2. Your off-topic, childish, and petty responsorial letter sent to me [dated March 30 th 2011] that condemned my
member participation in bringing the actions of Thomas B. Tinglov to your attention.

651.455.0690. | 6971 Claude Avenue East | Inver Grove Heights | MN 55076 |


In summation, I want you to know that I have had no intention of mischaracterizing yourself and Mr. Tinglov. Within the articles related
to this complaint I have only stated the facts of related to the matter. Know that I have no intention of playing “whose story is correct” in
regard to Ms. Hamilton. Nor do I have any interest in rehashing the supremely unrelated matter of my attendance in 2009.

As I have now repeated my complaint concerning Mr. Tinglov, and widened the scope of my complaint concerning yourself, I hope that
you answer this letter with a response that is at all related to the 5, numbered points on the previous page.

Mr. Moore, the personal initiative I have assumed in bringing up these issues with you, and the brotherhood, should be exemplified in a
democratic organization such as ours. Shame on you for suggesting otherwise. To not keep my brothers and sisters aware of the scare
tactics, bullying techniques, and disregard you’ve paid to these items, and me, would be foolish.


John H. Swanson

651.455.0690. | 6971 Claude Avenue East | Inver Grove Heights | MN 55076 |

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