Informatics Mind Mapping Project

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Informatics Mind Mapping

1. Visit YouTube to watch two video clips about Mind Mapping:

2. Choose a “central topic” for your Mind Map from the following list of topics:
a. Health Informatics & Electronic Health Records
b. Health Informatics & Health Information Privacy and Security
c. Health Informatics & Health Information Ethics
i. The topic you choose should be something that really sparks your interest. It will be the
topic for your mini-literature review .
3. Using your “central topic” construct a Mind Map. You should construct your Mind Map on paper using
markers or colored pencils or can do so digitally.
a. You may want to conduct an initial review of the literature by performing an online search
(using Google, Wikipedia, MeSH, etc…) about your topic. Look for key words and related
subtopics about your topic.
b. Your Mind Map should provide a THOROUGH exploration of your “central topic” and must
conform to all of the steps and rules of Mind Mapping as presented in the video clips and as
discussed in class.
4. Once you have finished and you are satisfied with your Mind Map create your Mind Map (in color) on a
standard sized piece of 8½ X 11 paper.
a. Note: It is better to avoid using mind mapping software

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