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Republic of the Philippines


2 DILG-NAPOLCOM Center, EDSA corner Quezon Avenue, West Triangle, Quezon City
9 Date: _____________
11 Reference Number: Memorandum Circular No. 2018-194
12 Date: November 6, 2018 Rev. No. 01

14 1. Background
16 Cognizant of the important role of the barangay in the overall
17 development and transformation of the community and of the nation,
18 the Department shall implement the 2021 Pilot Testing of the Seal of
19 Good Local Governance for Barangay (SGLGB) to encourage and
20 challenge barangays to scale up its performance and practices of good
21 governance that accord primacy to the principles of accountability,
22 transparency, performance and effectiveness.
24 Pursuant to Section 2(c) of the Implementing Rules and Regulations of
25 Republic Act (RA) No. 11292 (The Seal of Good Local Governance Act
26 of 2019), the Council of Good Local Governance (CGLG) shall conduct
27 an evaluation of the impact of RA 11292 on the performance of the
28 LGUs for purposes of determining the need for enhancing or continuing
29 the SGLG, rolling out SGLG in barangays, and recommending any
30 amendatory legislation. Evaluation shall be every three (3) years after
31 initial implementation.
33 Pursuant to DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2018-194 dated
34 November 6, 2018, the pilot testing of the SGLG for barangay was
35 conducted in 1,034 barangays nationwide, as submitted through the
36 SGLGB Information System (SGLGB-IS). The assessments were
37 done by the C/M Assessment Teams (C/MATs). Results were then
38 submitted to the Provincial Validation Teams (PVTs), for
39 authentication. The authenticated results were then submitted by the
40 PVTs to the Regional Validation Teams (RVTs), which submitted the

41 final Regional Passers to the National Validation Team (NVT) from the
42 NBOO. The NVT conducted the validation randomly to a 20% sample
43 size, or 207 of the 1,034 regional passers. Based on the result of the
44 2019 Pilot Testing, the Guidelines is enhanced to align the
45 implementation of RA 11292 or the Seal of Good Local Governance of
46 2019.
48 In the long run, the SGLGB will be a progressive performance shall
49 give the barangays a distinction for their remarkable performance
50 across governance areas, putting primacy to integrity and good
51 performance as pillars of meaningful local autonomy and development.
52 It is envisioned to be an award, incentive, honor and recognition-based
53 program for all barangays which encourages their commitment to
54 continuously progress, improve their performances along various
55 governance areas, and become champions of good barangay
56 governance in their areas of jurisdiction.
58 2. Purpose
60 The 2021 Pilot Testing of the SGLGB will be implemented to:
62  Verify the effectiveness and efficiency of the parameters
63 developed in assessing barangay governance;
64  Identify practical/potential issues, concerns and challenges that
65 might come up in the full implementation of the program;
66  Advocate community awareness and strengthen key
67 partnerships among stakeholders;
68  Empower barangays, during the pilot testing, to thrive and excel
69 in governance areas being evaluated through the program;
70  Catalyse excellence in barangay governance through provision
71 of recognition to participating barangays for pilot testing; and,
72  Provide sound inputs and recommendations in the
73 implementation of a full-scale rollout.
75 3. Legal Compliance
77 A. Section 5, Article II of the 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the
78 Philippines declares that the maintenance of peace and order, the
79 protection of life, liberty, and property, and the promotion of the

80 general welfare are essential for the enjoyment by all the people of
81 the blessings of democracy;
83 B. Section 3 (h) and 3 (m), and Section 16 of Republic Act No. 7160,
84 otherwise known as the Local Government Code (LGC) of 1991,
85 provide that there shall be a continuing mechanism to enhance local
86 autonomy not only by legislative enabling acts but also by
87 administrative and organizational reforms, that the national
88 government shall ensure that decentralization contributes to the
89 continuing improvement of the performance of local government
90 units (LGUs) and the quality of community life, that each LGU shall
91 exercise its powers essential to the promotion of the general
92 welfare.
94 C. Section 17 (b) (2) of Republic Act No. 7160, declares the provision
95 of the minimum basic services and facilities in the barangay.
97 D. Section 5 (a) and 5 (b) of Rule II of the Implementing Rules and
98 Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act No. 6975, otherwise known as
99 the Department of the Interior and Local Government Act of 1990,
100 mandate the Department to assist the President in the exercise of
101 general supervision over local governments and advise the
102 President in the promulgation of policies, rules, regulations, and
103 other issuances on the general supervision over local governments
104 and on public order and safety; and,
106 E. Section 5 (c) of Republic Act No. 11292 entitled: “An Act
107 Establishing and Institutionalizing the Seal of Good Local
108 Governance for Local Government Units, and Allocating for This
109 Purpose the Seal of Good Local Governance Fund” mandates that
110 the Council of Good Local Governance may determine the need for
111 rolling out the Seal of Good Local Governance (SGLG) in the
112 barangays.
114 F. Section 2 of Rule V of the IRR of SGLG Law which provides that
115 DILG-BLGS shall oversee the SGLG assessment in the province,
116 cities and municipalities, while the DILG-NBOO shall oversee the
117 assessment in the barangays.

120 4. Scope/Coverage
122 This policy shall cover:
124 A. All Provincial Governors, Independent Component City
125 (ICC)/City/Municipal Mayors, Punong Barangays, Presiding Officers
126 and Members of the Sanggunians at all levels, Liga ng mga
127 Barangay sa Pilipinas, DILG Regional, Provincial/HUC Directors,
128 Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM)
129 Minister of the Interior and Local Government and
130 ICC/City/Municipal Local Government Operations Officers;
132 B. 1,634 pilot barangays nationwide to be identified by the respective
133 DILG Regional Offices and BARMM Ministry of the Interior and
134 Local Government (MILG), considering the mechanism of 1
135 exemplar barangay per City/Municipality and the year to be
136 assessed is 2019; and,
138 C. The National Barangay Operations Office shall designate an adhoc
139 SGLGB-Technical Working Group composed of representatives
140 from the Research and Profiling Division (RPD) as the lead Division
141 in the implementation of the program, with the Community Capacity
142 Development Division (CCDD) and Citizens Affairs and Political
143 Development Division (CAPDD) as members.
145 5. Assessment Criteria and Indicators
147 5.1. Performance Areas and Indicators
149 For 2019, the principle “3+1” applies where a Barangay needs to pass
150 ALL of the three (3) core areas, namely: Peace and Order, Financial
151 Administration and Disaster Preparedness; and at least one (1) of the
152 three (3) essential areas, namely: Social Protection or Business-
153 Friendliness and Competitiveness or Environmental Management.
154 These areas are described as follows:
158 1. Peace and Order – good performance in terms of maintaining
159 peace and order in the community with the implementation of

160 activities and provision of support mechanisms to ensure the
161 protection of constituents from the threats to life and security; and
162 ensuring drug-free communities. The indicators are as follows:
163  Functionality of the Barangay Anti-Drug Abuse Council
164 (BADAC), which can be seen in Form 5 of DILG MC No. 2018-
165 135;
166  Functionality of the Barangay Peace and Order Committee
167 (BPOC), which is indicated in BPOC Monitoring Form 2 of
168 DILG MC No. 2020-047;
169  Performance rate in the Lupong Tagapamayapa Incentives
170 Awards (LTIA), which can be accessed in LTIA Form 3 of
171 DILG MC No. 2016-58;
172  Maintenance of Record of Barangay Inhabitants (RBIs), which
173 is recorded in RBI Form A of DILG MC No. 2008-144; and,
174  Professionalizing the Barangay Tanods based on DILG MC
175 No. 2003-42.
177 2. Financial Administration – outstanding practice of accountability
178 and transparency by adhering with accounting and auditing
179 standards and compliance with the Barangay Full Disclosure Policy
180 (BFDP). The indicators for this area are as follows:
182  Compliance with the Barangay Full Disclosure Policy (BFDP),
183 which can be seen in BFDP Monitoring Form 1, 2 and 3 and
184 Annex 7 of DILG MC No. 2014-81;
185  Percentage Increase in Local Resources; and,
186  Compliance on the conduct of Barangay Assembly for the
187 First and Second Semester of CY 2019 per MC No. 2019-32
188 and MC No. 2019-158, respectively.
190 3. Disaster Preparedness – proactive stance before, during and after
191 disaster, through actions such as development and/or
192 implementation of appropriate program and plans on disaster risk
193 reduction and management; building the competencies of
194 concerned personnel; and ensuring operational readiness with the
195 availability of equipage, supplies and other resources intended for
196 early warning and/or response. The indicators are the following:

198  Functionality of the Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and
199 Management Committee (BDRRMC);
200  Accomplishment rate of the Activities/Projects reflected in the
201 BDRRM plan as provided under NDRRMC Memorandum
202 Circular No. 01, Series of 2018;
203  Extent of risk assessment and Early Warning System; and,
204  Extent of preparedness for effective response and early
205 recovery.
209 1. Social Protection – high sensitivity to the needs of
210 disadvantaged/challenged sectors like women, children, senior
211 citizens, indigenous peoples and persons with disability (PWDs),
212 among others, the provision of support to basic education, access
213 to social welfare services, and participation of the sector(s) in local
214 special bodies. The indicators are as follows:
216  Functionality of the Violence Against Women (VAW) Desk,
217 which can be accessed in VAW Desk Form 1 of DILG MC No.
218 2017-114;
219  Access to health services in the barangay;
220  Functionality of the Barangay Development Council (BDC),
221 which can be seen in Annex 3 and 4 of DILG MC No. 2019-
222 69;
223  Representation of CSOs in the Barangay Based Institutions
224 (BBIs), which is recorded in the Report on the Accreditation
225 and Representation of Barangay Based NGOs to Barangay
226 Based Institutions of DILG MC No. 2018-146;
227  Barangay Registration of Kasambahay and Establishment of
228 Kasambahay Desk per MC No. 2013-61 and MC No. 2017-
229 33.
231 2. Business-Friendliness and Competitiveness – remarkable
232 efforts in encouraging business and employment, through the
233 systems, structures and/or legislation in place to support the
234 promotion of such in the locality. The indicators are as follows:
236  Enactment of Barangay Tax Ordinance;

237  Enactment of an ordinance relative to Barangay Clearance
238 fees on business permit and locational clearance for building
239 permit as provided under Item 6.3.2 of DILG MC No. 2019-
240 177 dated October 17, 2019;
241  Approval of a resolution authorizing the ICC/City/Municipal
242 Treasurer to collect fees for Barangay Clearance for Business
243 permit and locational clearance purposes; the template can be
244 accessed in Annex 2 of DILG MC No. 2019-177 dated October
245 17, 2019; and,
246  Issuance of Barangay Clearance1 within seven2 (7) working
247 days (for businesses which do not require occupancy
248 permits). For locational clearance, issuance of Barangay
249 Clearance in not more than three (3) working days from
250 application at the ICC/city/municipality.
252 3. Environmental Management – conscientious preservation of the
253 integrity of the environment by complying, at the minimum, with the
254 provisions of Republic Act No. 9003, otherwise known as the
255 Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000. The indicators are
256 the following:
258  Presence of a Materials Recovery Facility (MRF);
259  Presence of a collection system to ensure Segregation of
260 Wastes at Source; and,
261  Functionality of the Barangay Ecological Solid Waste
262 Management Committee.
264 6. Assessment Forms and Tools
266 Only the prescribed forms shall be used in data gathering, assessment,
267 validation and certification. Hence, alteration/modification of the forms
268 is highly discouraged for uniformity and accountability. These forms are
269 the following:

1 Item 5.2 of DILG MC No. 2019-177 dated October 17, 2019 – Barangay Clearance refers to any and
all documents issued by the barangays with or without corresponding fees as defined in their ordinances
relative to or in relation to the issuance of business permit and locational clearance by the
city/municipality or any other permit as may be required.
2 Section 152 (c) of LGC - Barangay Clearance - The application for clearance shall be acted upon

within seven (7) working days from the filing thereof. In the event that the clearance is not issued
within the said period, the city or municipality may issue the said license or permit.

271 6.1. SGLGB Form No. 1 – Data Capture Form
272 6.2. SGLGB Form No. 2 – Technical Notes
273 6.3. SGLGB Form No. 3 – Certification of Submitted Means of
274 Verification (MOVs)
275 6.4. SGLGB Form No. 4 – ICC/City/Municipality Consolidated
276 Performance Assessment Form
277 6.5. SGLGB Form No. 5 - Highly Urbanized City Consolidated
278 Performance Assessment Form
279 6.6. SGLGB Form No. 6 – Provincial Consolidated Performance
280 Validation Form
281 6.7. SGLGB Form No. 7 - Regional Consolidated Performance
282 Validation Form
283 6.8. SGLGB Form No. 8 - National Consolidated Performance
284 Validation Form
286 7. Composition, roles and responsibilities of the ICC/City/Municipal
287 Assessment Team (C/MAT), Highly Urbanized City (HUC)
288 Assessment Team (HUCAT), Provincial and Regional Validation
289 Teams (P/RVT) and National Quality Committee (NQC)
291 7.1. Composition:
Chairperson C/MLGOO HUC Director Provincial Regional Undersecretary
(DILG) Director Director for Barangay

Vice- LnB C/M LnB HUC LnB LnB Regional NBOO Director
Chairperson Chapter Chapter Provincial Chapter LnB National
President President Chapter President President
Members C/M Planning HUC Planning Provincial DILG LGMED ULAP
and and Planning and Chief representative
Development Development Development
Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator
1 accredited 1 accredited 1 accredited 1 accredited 1 accredited
representative representative representative representative representative
from the C/M from the HUC from the from the from the
Province Region National Level
294 7.2. Roles and Responsibilities

296 7.2.1. ICC/City/Municipal Assessment Team (C/MAT)
298 1. Encode, through the DILG ICC/City/Municipal Local
299 Government Operations Office, the SGLGB assessment data
300 in the SGLGB Information System (SGLGB IS), together with
301 the Means of Verification (MOVs) and other relevant
302 attachments;
303 2. Certify the completeness, legitimacy and accuracy of the
304 MOVs submitted, by duly accomplishing the Certification of
305 Submitted MOVs (SGLGB Form 3);
306 3. After encoding all the SGLGB assessment data, generate and
307 certify the ICC/City/Municipal Consolidated Performance
308 Assessment Form (C/M CPAF) (SGLGB Form 4), to be
309 submitted to the Provincial Validation Team through the
311 4. Re-assess, if needed, the barangay being recommended for
312 document revision by the Provincial Validation Team;
313 5. Re-submit, through the SGLGB IS, the revised C/M CPAF, in
314 case there are revisions; and,
315 6. Ensure the completion of the assessment, certification and
316 encoding within the scheduled timeframe.
318 7.2.2. Highly Urbanized City Assessment Team (HUCAT)
320 1. Fill out the Data Capture Form (SGLGB Form 1) of the
321 barangay being assessed;
322 2. Encode, DILG HUC Office, the SGLGB assessment data in
323 the SGLGB Information System (SGLGB IS), together with the
324 Means of Verification (MOVs) and other relevant attachments;
325 3. After encoding all the SGLGB assessment data, generate and
326 certify the Highly Urbanized City (HUC) Consolidated
327 Performance Assessment Form (HUC CPAF) (SGLGB Form
328 5) to be submitted to the Regional Validation Team through
329 the SGLGB IS;
330 4. Certify the completeness, legitimacy and accuracy of the
331 MOVs submitted, by duly accomplishing the Certification of
332 Submitted MOVs (SGLGB Form 3);
333 5. Re-assess, if needed, the barangay being recommended for
334 document revision by the Regional Validation Team;

335 6. Re-submit, through the SGLGB IS, the revised HUC CPAF, in
336 case there are revisions; and,
337 7. Ensure the completion of the assessment, certification and
338 encoding within the scheduled timeframe.
340 7.2.3. Provincial Validation Team (PVT)
342 1. Carefully check and validate the SGLGB assessment data
343 submitted by the C/MAT to ensure its correctness;
344 2. In case there are errors in the data submitted, recommend to
345 the C/MAT the re-assessment/re-submission of
346 revised/supplemental documents of barangay/s already
347 assessed;
348 3. Re-assess, if needed, the barangay being recommended for
349 document revision by the Regional Validation Team;
350 4. Certify the completeness, legitimacy and accuracy of the
351 MOVs submitted, by duly accomplishing the Certification of
352 Submitted MOVs (SGLGB Form 3);
353 5. Generate and certify the Provincial Consolidated Performance
354 Validation Form (PCPVF) (SGLGB Form 6) to be submitted to
355 the Regional Validation Team through the SGLGB IS.
357 7.2.4. Regional Validation Team (RVT)
359 1. Carefully check and validate the SGLGB assessment data,
360 through SGLGB Form 5 and 6, submitted by the Provincial
361 Validation Team/HUC Assessment Team to ensure its
362 correctness;
363 2. In case there are errors in the data submitted, recommend to
364 the Provincial Assessment Team/HUC Assessment Team the
365 re-assessment/re-submission of revised/supplemental
366 documents of barangay/s already assessed;
367 3. Certify the completeness, legitimacy and accuracy of the
368 MOVs submitted, by duly accomplishing the Certification of
369 Submitted MOVs (SGLGB Form 3); and,
370 4. Generate and certify the Regional Consolidated Performance
371 Validation Form (RCPVF, SGLGB Form 7), to be submitted to
372 the National Quality Team through the SGLGB IS.
374 7.2.5. National Quality Committee (NQC)

376 1. Carefully check and validate the SGLGB assessment data,
377 through SGLGB Form 7, submitted by the Regional Validation
378 Teams to ensure its correctness;
379 2. In case there are errors in the data submitted, recommend to
380 the Regional Validation Team the re-assessment/re-
381 submission of revised/supplemental documents of barangay/s
382 already assessed;
383 3. If everything is found to be in order, authenticate the validated
384 SGLGB assessment data submitted by the Regional
385 Validation Teams; and,
386 4. Generate and certify the National Consolidated Performance
387 Validation Form (NCPVF) (SGLGB Form 8) containing the
388 official list of SGLGB passers, to be indorsed to the Secretary
389 of the Interior and Local Government, for his approval.
391 8. Phases of Implementation, Schedule and Responsibilities
393 To guide the Barangays and those involved in the
394 implementation, the following prescribes the general guidelines
395 of the whole assessment process:
397 1. Online Training of Trainers (TOT) – each DILG
398 Regional/Provincial/HUC Office shall send the SGLGB Focal
399 Person or a duly authorized representative, in the absence of the
400 latter, to the Online TOT on the Revised SGLGB Guidelines and the
401 SGLGB Information System, which is scheduled on June 2021
402 (further details will be communicated formally once finalized).
404 2. Online Training of Assessment Committee for the DILG Central
405 Office – The National Validation Team shall attend the SGLGB
406 Online Orientation to be conducted on August 2021.
408 3. Assessment: Data Gathering, Validation and Certification on
409 August - September 2021. Assessment can be done through
410 online or face-to-face, depending on the Inter-Agency Task Force
411 for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases Local Health
412 Protocol of the concerned HUC and ICC/City/Municipality.
414 3.1 Data Gathering, Validation and Certification.

415 3.1.1. For ICC/City/Municipality:
416 The Pilot Barangay shall ensure the submission
417 of the documents to the C/MAT through the
418 ICC/City/Municipal Local Government
419 Operations Officer (C/MLGOO); and,
420 Data Validation and Certification shall be done by
421 the C/MLGOO to ensure the reliability and quality
422 of data.
423 3.1.2. For Highly Urbanized City:
424 The Pilot Barangay shall ensure the submission
425 of the documents to the HUCAT through the DILG
426 Focal Person; and,
427 Data Validation and Certification shall be done by
428 the City Director to ensure the reliability and
429 quality of data.
431 4. Online Data Entry (September – October)
433 The SGLGB Information System shall be used to electronically
434 process data. Specifically, the Officer who is tasked to input
435 necessary data is the ICC/City/Municipal LGOO or DILG HUC
436 SGLGB Focal Person. The DILG Provincial and Regional Offices,
437 through their respective Local Government Monitoring and
438 Evaluation Divisions (LGMEDs), shall ensure the correctness of
439 submitted data and means of verification (MOVs) before certifying
440 the SGLGB passers that will be submitted to the National Quality
441 Committee. The following procedures shall be adhered to:
443 4.1 Submission of Data. After the review, the C/MLGOO or City
444 Director shall submit the electronic data (scanned pdf copy)
445 through the SGLGB Information System, to the following:
447 4.1.1. For ICC/City/Municipality:
448 To the Provincial Validation Team (PVT),
449 through the DILG Provincial Office. The PVT
450 shall then assess the data entries. If the data
451 entries and MOVs are in order, the said team
452 shall forward it to the Regional Validation Team
453 (RVT), or return to C/MLGOO for the correction
454 of entries and delivery of other related actions

455 requested by RVT. The RVT, through the DILG
456 Regional Office, shall identify the pilot
457 barangays that have passed the “3+1” criteria of
458 the SGLGB. The list of the passers shall be
459 submitted to the National Quality Committee, for
460 the final selection of National Winners.
462 4.1.2. For HUC:
463 To the RVT, through the DILG Regional Office.
464 The RVT shall then identify the pilot barangays
465 that have passed the “3+1” criteria of the
466 SGLGB. The list of the passers shall be
467 submitted to the National Quality Committee, for
468 the final selection of National Winners.
470 5. Final Selection and Indorsement (November 2021). Based on the
471 final recommendation by the National Quality Committee, the
472 Official List of 2019 SGLGB Passers of the Pilot Testing shall be
473 determined and indorsed, for approval, to the Secretary of the
474 Interior and Local Government, through the Undersecretary for
475 Local Government and Undersecretary for Barangay Affairs.
477 6. Announcement of Results (November 2021). For this year, only
478 certificates of recognition will be given by the DILG Central Office to
479 the passers and pilot barangays. However, LGUs and DILG
480 Regional Offices may opt to give rewards or incentives to their
481 regional passers. Results shall be announced by posting in the
482 DILG official website and communicated to the DILG ROs.
484 9. Governance Assessment Report (GAR) and Conduct of Exit
485 Conference
487 The Governance Assessment Report (GAR) displays the overall
488 performance of LGUs across governance areas in a given
489 assessment period. Such results may be integrated in the reports of
490 the Punong Barangay in the Barangay Assembly. Furthermore,
491 performance information generated may also be used to develop
492 comprehensive analysis and evidence-based interventions.

494 To expedite production, the printing of GARs shall be the
495 responsibility of the NBOO for LGUs covered in the national
496 validation, while the rest of the LGUs shall be provided by the DILG-
497 Regional and Field Offices. As a prerequisite, all reports shall be
498 reviewed by the DILG HUC/ICC/City/Municipal Focal Persons prior
499 to printing.
501 The printed GAR shall be disseminated by the designated City
502 Director or C/MLGOO through an exit conference which will also
503 serve as venue for dialogue where areas for improvement may be
504 identified and agreed upon for LGU action.
506 10. Monitoring and Submission of Reports and other
507 Requirements
509 A. The DILG Regional Offices, through the Local Government
510 Monitoring and Evaluation Division (LGMED), shall oversee the
511 overall performance assessment and monitoring of LGUs within
512 the Region, through the Division Chief, with the assistance of the
513 designated SGLGB Regional and Provincial Focal Persons. It
514 shall see to it that the process and requirements are faithfully
515 adhered to from data collection to conferment, and shall make
516 sure that data provided are complete and credible. To facilitate
517 these tasks, regional folders and monitoring sheets shall be
518 made available in the SGLGB Information System with link:
521 B. The SGLGB National Working Team of NBOO-RPD, as the
522 overall lead in the performance assessment and monitoring of
523 barangays nationwide, shall monitor the progress of the SGLGB
524 implementation in all regions and shall take appropriate action(s)
525 to address concern(s) encountered along the process. It shall be
526 responsible in updating the top management on the status and
527 results of the SGLGB pilot testing, as well as, in providing
528 feedback to its regional counterparts and agency-partners; and,
530 C. The SGLGB National Quality Committee shall be responsible for
531 the final stage of quality assurance of the SGLGB. The results
532 shall be presented to the said Committee for final vetting and
533 recommendations, based on the observations on the outcome of

534 the assessment. The NBOO-RPD, as the National Working
535 Team, shall provide technical and administrative support to the
536 Committee.
538 11. Repealing Clause
540 DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2018-194 dated November 6, 2018
541 and all other existing DILG issuances which are inconsistent
542 herewith are hereby amended or repealed accordingly.
544 12. Policy Review and Evaluation
546 This issuance shall be periodically reviewed to address gaps in the
547 effective implementation of the SGLGB. If necessary, further
548 guidance, through the issuance of official communication, may be
549 adopted, in relation to the gaps encountered while undertaking the
550 program implementation.
552 13. Annexes
Annex Form
A Assessment Criteria
B SGLGB Form No. 1 - Data Capture Form
C SGLGB Form No. 2 - Technical Notes
D SGLGB Form No. 3 - Certification of Submitted Means of
E SGLGB Form No. 4 - ICC/City/Municipality Consolidated
Performance Assessment Forms
F SGLGB Form No. 5 - Highly Urbanized City Consolidated
Performance Assessment Form
G SGLGB Form No. 6 - Provincial Consolidated Performance
Validation Form
H SGLGB Form No. 7 - Regional Consolidated Performance
Validation Form
I SGLGB Form No. 8 - National Consolidated Performance
Validation Form
J Governance Assessment Report
555 14. Effectivity

557 This Memorandum Circular shall take effect immediately.
559 15. Approving Authority
564 Officer-In-Charge
566 16. Feedback
568 For related queries, kindly contact the National Barangay
569 Operations Office – Research and Profiling Division (NBOO-RPD)
570 at telephone numbers: (02) 8925-0328 and/or (02) 8925-1137, or
571 email address:


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