The Secret Enigmas of The Mystic Knights Templar - I. .P. .H. . Guillermo Calvo Soriano, 33 °

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The Secret Enigmas

of the Mystic Knights Templar

I.·.P.·.H.·.Guillermo Calvo Soriano,33rd

In 1118 nine Knights, including Hugues de Payns and Godefroy de
Saint-Omer, decided to found a Knightly and religious Order, whose
mission would be to protect the Pilgrims of the Holy Land. The Order
of "The Poor Knights of the Temple of Solomon“ was thus born from
the Order of the Hospital, which was only religious, before the
Teutonic Order (founded in 1129). The idea of ​"The Knights
.of the Swan" of the Primordial Tradition is resumed.
The Templars were
"The Guardians of
the Holy Land" as opposed
to the ordinary Crusaders
charged with protecting
medieval Palestine
against Muslim invaders.
Guardians in relation
to a certain genre
of Initiation,
the Knightly Initiation
in the Holy Land, spiritual
center, the pure land,
the land of the Saints,
the land of the Blessed,
the land of the living,
"Land of Immortality ..."
The Golden Dome, circular in shape, like the Tholos extension
of the Basilica of Constantine. The Templars observe the octagonal
shape of Haram is Sheriff in the Symbolism of the Order, thus
the Vera Cruz de Segovia. The 8 sides correspond to the 8 bones
of the skull of the “First Adam”. His Cross has 8 points or radii,
red on a white background, being the white of the Knowledge of
the Light with the red of the "Holy Love" invoked in his Battle Cry ...
The Knights of the Temple,
resplendent with the beautiful Red
Cross in their candid cloak,
"The Knights of the White robes"
caracoleling in the shadow
of their Banner, the Baucent,
black and white, delivered
with prodigious fervor
to their feast
of death and bravery. . .
The sweat of which Saint Bernard
spoke was perhaps
a burnished bronze
that conferred sarcastic nobility
to his terrible smile,
while they cruelly celebrated
the Farewell to Life ...
They know other lands, they have fun, clothes, food and in the end
they even save their souls, but they had to be quite desperate
because they went to the desert, they slept in tents,
spending days and days without seeing a living soul,
except the other Templars and some Turk's face,
and riding under the sun dying of sedy
in fights gutting other wretches ...
Lions in war, as Jacques de Vitry said, sweet lambs in peace,
rude in battle, devoted in prayer, brutal with enemies, benevolent
with the Brothers. Marked by the black and white of their Banner,
by their full candor with the Friends of Christ,
their grim fierceness with their adversaries.
They were singular, damned souls and holy souls.
Bernardo anticipatingly supports the 9 Knights that he transforms into
a Militia Christi, even assisting them in the heroic version of himself.
In 1128, he called for a Council in Troyes, to define precisely
what these soldier monks consist of, some years later he wrote
a eulogy for them and elaborated a Rule of 72 articles, very funny,
because there is everything, although it retains the 3 classic vows:
Poverty, Chastity and Obedience ...
He mass every day, prohibition of attending Knights who have been
excommunicated, although if one of them requests admission
to the Temple, it must be received Christianly. They will wear a simple
white cloak, without skins, except lamb, it is forbidden to wear fine
shoes with curved toe, fashionable; he sleeps in a shirt
and underpants, a mattress, a sheet, a blanket ...
The Rule also includes
other rigors: a single bowl for two,
you have to eat in silence,
meat 3 times a week,
penance on Friday,
get up at dawn,
if the work has been hard,
one more hour of sleep is granted,
but in change you have
to pray 13 Our Fathers in bed.
There is a Master and a whole series of lower hierarchies,
up to the Marshals, the Squires, the Fables and the Servants.
Each Knight must have three horses and a squire, no fancy bridle,
saddle and spur garrison, simple but effective weapons,
hunting forbidden, except lions ... That is to say, a life of penance
and battle. On the seal always in pairs, a symbol of poverty
or the duality of their role as Monks and Knights.
Bernardo says of his beloved
Knights: “They avoid and abhor
mimes, conjurers and minstrels, as
well as indecent songs
and farces, they wear short hair,
having learned from the Apostle
that it is shame for a man
to take care of his Their hair
is never combed, rarely washed,
their beards are shaggy,
stinking with dust,
dirty from the heat
and their love ”.
The contradictions of the
Templar: he has to be mystical,
ascetic, not eat, not drink,
not fornicate, but he goes
through the desert cutting off
the heads of Christ's enemies,
and the shorter he increases
his chances of reaching Paradise,
he stinks, every day he is
more bearded, and then
Bernardo pretended that after
having conquered a city,
he should not throw himself on
any young woman or old woman,
or whatever, and that
on moonless nights, he did not
look askance at his partner ...
But it is enough to read the Retraits, Statutes of the Order,
which were written quite late. Nothing worse than an Army
that gets bored without wars. Brawls are forbidden, wounding
a Christian for revenge, dealing with women, slandering his brother.
One must not lose a slave, fly into a rage and exclaim:
"I will go with the Saracens!" at night, lending money from the Order
without authorization,
throwing the habit to the ground in a fit of fury …
To preside over this strange synthesis, Saint John, author
of the Apocalypse, whose mystical vision is underlined by the blare
of trumpets, is the Prophet of the armed Angels and the Purifying
Knights, is the ideal Patron. Through the intercession of Patriarch
Teófilo, 67th successor of Saint John, he allowed Payens to achieve
his powers by returning to him the place where
the Temple of Solomon had settled, baptized “Fortress of Saint John”.
The Templars professed a greater cult to the Virgin, “Our Lady”,
a constant of The Templar Ritual, was at the beginning of our religion,
and in her and in her honor, if it pleases God, the end of our religion
will reside, thus the adoration of The Eternal ISIS, the inconsolable
widow by the death of OSIRIS, is concealed. Her aspiration
to her spiritual androginate takes her as Mystical Wife,
who for Muslims is the Celestial Bride ...

Our Lady
The Templars were Masters
in the art of Cryptography,
it is assumed that they used
a Secret Alphabet in their
commercial transactions
and confidential documents.
The letters of this Alphabet
are represented according
to angles and points determined
by the Cross and could be read
by means of a Medallion
that some Knights carried.
They knew Pythagoras.
Later the Medieval Builders
Guilds used a similar system. .
Since its foundation,
the Order received huge
donations and little
by little it established
throughout Europe.
Alfonso de Aragón gives
them a whole country, half
a dozen fortresses in Spain.
The King of Portugal gives
them a forest full of Moors,
the Templars attack
and found Coimbra.
Some are fighting
in Palestine,
but most are operating
in Europe.
If someone has to go to Palestine and needs money and does not dare
to travel carrying jewels and gold, he makes an income
to the Templars in France, Spain or Italy and they give him a Bonus
and get paid in the East. They invented the Credit Document,
before the Florentines. Between donations, armed conquests
and commissions for financial operations,
the Templars became a Multinational ...
Until the last and final fall of Jerusalem in 1244. The war that started
150 years earlier is lost. Christians must stop fighting in that wasteland
destined for peace and the perfume of the cedars of Lebanon.
Poor Templars, pathetic Champions of the Faith,
what has your epic been for? Latest example of a Cavalry in decline.
In 1291 the Moors conquered San Juan de Acre, putting all its
inhabitants to the sword. The Christian Kingdom of Jerusalem
has ended. The Templars are richer, more numerous and stronger than
ever, but they, who were born to fight in the Holy Land,
are no longer in the Holy Land ...
Christianity has lost its battle,
the Moors have a very different
sense of the Confederation
among autonomous potentates,
but they know how to unite
in defense of a civilization,
they have read Avicenna,
they are not ignorant like
the Europeans. How is
it possible to be in contact
during two centuries
with a tolerant, mystical
and libertine culture,
without yielding to its charms,
compared to western culture,
is it enough, uncouth,
barbaric and Germanic?
During the Dynasty
of the Fatimidas, the Hermetic
notions of the Ancient Egyptians,
the Science of the God THOT
had been rediscovered through
the Academy of Heliopolis in Cairo,
where the House of Sciences
is founded, which inspired Bacon to
his House of Solomon.
The tradition of the Assassins
re-establishes contacts
with the Spiritual Knights
of both faiths.
Tenderness, melancholy,
the paleness of a senescent Glory,
gives rise to the Legend
of the Knights of the Temple
that still haunts us, the story
of a Power without limits that
no longer knows where to act ...
The Legend of the Grail,
The Knights of the Round Table ,
the Mystical Search for that
prodigious object, the Cup where
the Blood of Jesus was collected,
brought to the country of the Celts
by Joseph of Arimathea, according
to others a Stone of Mysterious
Powers, the Grail often
appears with a blazing Light,
fallen Stone from the Sky.
It is a Symbol that represents some Force, some immense source
of Cosmic Energies, feeds, heals wounds, blinds, thunders ...
The Philosopher's Stone of the Alchemists? Is Jesus a Celtic Myth,
the Gospel story is a Hermetic Allegory, resurrection after being
dissolved, in the entrails of the earth, etc? Christ is the Elixir
of the Alchemists, the Baphomet being only an Alchemical Figure ...?
The Templar references
of the Legend of William Tell:
He carves his arrow in a branch
of Mistletoe, a plant of Aryan
Mythology, and pierces
an Apple,
on the forehead,
that of direct vision
in time and space ,
which activates
the Kundalini Serpent.
The Initiatic Order Templars,
elite bodies with their
own style, a bit mystical,
knew the Secrets
of the Ismailis: Philosophy,
Astrology, Mathematics.
The Templars had come into contact, in conflict or in mysterious
alliance with those led by “the Old Man of the Mountain”,
the Enthusiasts of Ali, the group of Adepts who recognized themselves
in the Shia, who originated the heretical wing of Islam: the Shiites,
an initiatory doctrine according to which the continuity of Revelation
was not based on the traditional Meditation on the Words
of the Prophet
in the very
of the Imam,
Lord, Chief,
of the Divine,
King …
Reformed Ismailism in Persia, by the work of Hassan Sabbah,
a fascinating, mystical and ferocious character, will live in
the Fortress of Alamut, the Nest of the Bird of Prey, surrounded
by his acolytes, The Fedayin, faithful until death, who carried out their
political murders. in the framework of the Jihad, the Secret Holy War,
hence their Name of Assassins, emblem of a line of Warrior Monks
very similar
to the Templars,
willing to give
their lives
for Faith,
Spiritual Chivalry,
“for the Purity
of Purpose” ...
How they feared the Assassins, how they ignited the imagination
of the Crusaders on New Moon nights while the simun whistled
in the desert! How the Templars admired them, brutes subjugated
by their diaphanous will to martyrdom, who agreed to pay their toll
in exchange for symbolic tributes, in a game of mutual concessions,
complicities, Brotherhood of Arms, gutting each other in the open,
flattering in secret,
to each other.
to other mystical visions,
magic formulas,
Alchemical delicacies ...
In the East the Templars also connected with Manichaean heretics,
with Paulician Communities that despised the Crux because
it was the instrument with which they had tortured the Lord,
and preached the need to renounce the world,
discouraging Marriage and Procreation, a Heresy that will later pass
to the Cathars, the reason for Sodomy, even if it was only symbolic ...
The Templars will make the synthesis of the Initiatic Currents that are
in Jerusalem under the sign of Helios: the Sun, of the Crescent:
The Moon, Symbol of Islam, and of the Star: (of the Magi and the
Koran) and by Last of the Cross (Christian or not…) In the colors
of this prism we find the Red of the Templar Cross, the Green
of the Banner of the Prophet, the Yellow and the Blue of Israel.
They were Monks, but they publicly displayed their quirky habits.
Pope Innocent II had had to issue a Bull:
“De insolentia Templariorum”. They had taken Vows of Poverty,
but they expressed the splendor of an aristocratic caste, the greed
of the new mercantile classes, the impudence
of a Corps of Musketeers, they displayed exotic customs.
The Templars administrators of an account whose owner was officially
the king, but with privileges and franchises of a state bank,
but autonomous… If you cannot defeat them, “join them”, King Philip
the Beautiful asked to be admitted as an honorary member.
Negative answer. Offense that a king does not forget ...

He suggested to the Pope

that he merge the Templars
and Hospitallers and create
a New Order controlled by them.
By failing to do so, slander.
While Esquieu de Floryan was in prison,
about to be sentenced to death,
he shares a cell
with a renegade Templar,
from whom he hears
terrible confessions.
In exchange for forgiveness
and a respectable sum,
Floryan sells what
he has come to know,
thus the rumor becomes
a summary statement.
Among other things,
they are accused of Sodomy...
On September 13, 1307, the king sent sealed messages to all his local
Commissars ordering the mass arrest of the Templars
and the confiscation of their property, which is carried out
every month, and despite the fact that they inventoried their assets,
the Templars do not suspect anything ... and on the morning
of the arrest, the fateful Friday October 13, 1307, they all fell
on the net. They surrender without using weapons ...
They prefer to Die in order to save Their Secret, the force with which
they hide it assures us that they were Initiates ...
It is true that they were tortured, and viciously since 36 Knights die
for it, men of iron, accustomed to facing everything, but in Paris,
only 4 of a total of 138 refuse to Confess, the rest all confess,
including Jacques, Santiago, de Molay.
But they confess exactly what was
written in the arrest warrant.
There are very few differences
between the statements,
at least in France and Italy.
In England, on the other hand,
where nobody really wants
to prosecute them,
the statements contain
the usual accusations,
but they are attributed
to witnesses outside the Order,
who only speak
what they have heard ...
The Charges are that the Knights
in their Initiation denied Christ
three times, they spat on the Crucifix,
they were undressed and kissed
“in posterior part spine dorsi”
that is to say on the rear, on the navel
and then on the mouth,
“in humani digitatis opprobium”,
finally, the text says, they gave
themselves to“reciprocal concubine”,
one with another.
After the orgy they were shown
the Head of a bearded idol,
The Baffometti the Baffometti,
which they must worship ...
Geoffroy de Charney, who will die with Molay, responds to these
accusations that yes, that on a certain occasion he has denied Christ,
but with his mouth, not with his heart, and that he does not
remember if he spit on the Crucifix, because that night everything it
was done very quickly. The kiss on the rear has also happened to him,
and that he has heard a Preceptor say that deep down it is better
to unite with
the Brothers
than with
a woman ...
Jacques de Molay, The Grand Master, said that when the Crucifix
was presented to him to spit on, he made the gesture but spat on
the ground. He admits that the Initiation Ceremonies were like that,
but he could not say it exactly, because he had only initiated a few
Brothers ... Another says that he has kissed the Master not on the ass
but on the mouth, but that he kissed the ass. Who denied the virginity
of Mary, who urinated on the Crucifix at his Initiation and at Holy
In many statements there is talk of Baffometti, a head that they
worshiped, it has been spoken of Muhammad, that they were invoked
to invoke “Yalla”. Allah? Perhaps they spoke Arabic, but Muslims
do not venerate images of Muhammad. Who saw those heads or even
a whole idol, made of wood, with curly hair, covered in Gold and
always with a beard. It appears that the Inquisitors found the Heads
but there are no traces. Perhaps they were just a repetition of other
rites performed under the first Secret they learned in the East, the use
of Hashish ...
The Dragon, the telluric serpent, initiatory,
the Coiled Serpent goddess sleeping her eternal
lethargy, the Kundalini that beats softly at the base
of the spine. Once awake, it emits a very slight hiss
and links heavy bodies with subtle bodies, like a
whirlpool or whirlpool in the water up to the pineal,
like half of the syllable AUM (ON), Serpent that
alludes to the Secret of the true currents telluric,
a great cosmological metaphor that Philip
the Beautiful wanted to find out, hence
the insistence on the kiss in hindsight ...
Alchemical and Templar Secret: Detecting the Spring
of that internal rhythm, sweet,
tremendous and regular.
The Inquisitors greased the wood of the colts and the executioners
turned their fiery tongs to red-hot, with the recourse of Torture
their conviction was assured. When they seized all the money
from the Temple, fiefdoms and encomiendas, the pyres were lit
for many months. 207 formal confessions thanks to the dungeons,
chains, torture or the threat of the Eternal Fire ...
Not only did they not believe
in the Sacraments but they even
worshiped the devil in the form of
a Cat, some say that he was gray,
others that he was red and others
black. Of course not, if they asked
him with the hot iron “Have you
seen a Cat during the Initiation?”
For fear of death in the presence
of the Commissars, one claimed
to be guilty not only of all
the errors imputed to the Order,
but also that he himself
had killed Our Lord ...
A document appears that is a Masterpiece. “Defender should not be
granted to the accused, to prevent them from retracting: since they
have confessed, it is not even necessary to instruct a cause, the King
must proceed ex officio. The Process is justified when the case
is doubtful, but here there is no shadow of a doubt. Based
on the evidence of the facts, the Crime Commission is clear ... "
So that the process does not pass from the king to the Pope,
a scandalous process is mounted in which the Bishop of Troyes
is implicated, accused of Witchcraft on the basis of the denunciation
of a mysterious schemer, a certain Noffo Dei, who by his lie will end
in the gallows, meanwhile the Bishop is publicly accused of sodomy,
sacrilege, usury. The same charges that are made to the Templars. How
could the Church judge them if she is stained…?
The Pope between a rock and a hard place agrees to interrogate
72 Templars, who confirm the Confessions extracted with torture.
However, the Pope takes his repentance into account and plays
the Abjuration card in order to forgive them. With a lot of work
he gets the Custody of the Knights, and inexplicably returns them
to the king ...
Jacques de Molay retracts what he confessed. On November 26,
he assumed an arrogant defense of the Order and its purity,
and even threatened the accusers,
but on the obscure advice of
Guillaume de Plaisans,
envoy of the king, the advice
of whom he believed
his friend, on the 28th
he made a statement fed up.
shy and very imprecise.
He says that he is a poor
and uneducated Knight.
He limits himself to listing
the merits of the Temple,
the alms distributed,
the tribute of blood
in the Holy Land, etc.
The Epic Drama: In April 1310, 550 Templars speak in defense of the
Order. They denounce the torture to which they have been subjected,
deny everything they have confessed and show that the charges
against them are absurd. But the king and Nogarte know their trade.
Do some Templars retract? Better this way, because they are repeat
offenders and perjurers, that is,
relapses, a terrible accusation
in those times, because they
proudly deny what they have
already recognized. One can even
forgive the one who confesses
and repents, but not the one
who repents because he retracts
what he has confessed and says,
committing perjury,
that he has nothing to repent of.
54 perjured retractors
are sentenced to death ...
It turned out that the repentant were right because in 1312
those who had not confessed were sentenced to life imprisonment,
while the Confessed were pardoned. Felipe did not want a massacre,
he was only interested in the dismemberment of the Order.
The 500 Retractors still alive retract their retraction ...
Knights released from jail after 5 years, destroyed in body and spirit,
quietly land on other Orders. They only wish to be forgotten,
and this disappearance and this oblivion will weigh on the legend
of the clandestine survival of the Templar Order ... In Spain
in the Order of the Mountain, in Portugal in the Knights of Christ,
in Germany they join the Teutonic Knights.

Castell of Tomar
Another three years pass for an agreement with the Pope.
On March 19, 1314, in the sacred enclosure of Notre Dame,
Jacques de Molay was sentenced to Perpetual Chain.
Hearing the sentence,
he feels betrayed. He had hoped
he could refute the charges.
Finding the courage of his elders,
he proclaims his Innocence
and that of his Brothers.
The Templars have committed
only one crime, he says:
"Out of cowardice
they have betrayed the Temple."
He is not willing to do it ...
It is decided that at sunset they be burned on the Palace Island,
between the King's Garden and the Augustinians, called “Island of the
Jews”. Two solid oak beams are driven into the ground. At the nones
everything is ready. The Bells of Notre Dame slowly ring to The Dead
A cry rises: but they are not cries of pain. It is the voice of the hero
of Saint John of Acre, the voice that, erected as a Banner in battle
23 years earlier, on the evening of April 5, 1291, dragged the Templar
Charge in the roar of the hooves of its steeds! “And 300 against
ten thousand, the black and white Squad, with the gonfalon”
silver and saber “in the lead, overwhelmed the Arab lines ...”
Instantly people go silent. The voice of the Grand Master of The
Templars Jacques Bourguignon de Molay cries out something terrible,
like thunder: “NEKAN, ADONAI” !!! “CHOL-BEGOAL” !!! Clemente,
and you also Felipe, traitors to the word given. I summon you
to the Tribunal of God ...! To you Clemente, before 40 days,
and to you Felipe, in this year ...
Cursed until the thirteenth generation of your races ... "
And so it will be… The Pope will die of dysentery in Roquemaure,
on April 9, 1314, 28 days later. And Philip the Fair eight months later,
on November 29, 1314 in Fontaineblue, thrown from his horse,
as happens in the degradation of The Traitor Knights ...
Finally, the people rushed towards the bonfires, as Abbot Velly says
in his History of France: “He collected ashes from the Martyrs to take
away as a precious relic. They all crossed themselves and didn't want
to hear anything else. His death was beautiful, admirable and unheard
of Dante echoes the outrage that many feel
at the persecution of the Templars ...”
Revenge would be carried out patiently, from Century to Century.
For 3 times the King's Descent would be extinguished with 3 Brothers.
The Capetians with Luis X the Obstinate, Felipe V the Long and Carlos
IV the Beautiful. The Valois with Francisco II, Carlos IX, Enrique III
and the Bourbons with Luis XVI, Luis XVIII and Carlos X. The day
that Louis XVI was guillotined, an unknown man jumped on the
Gallows and shouted: “JACQUES DE MOLAY, YOU ARE AVENGED… ! "
Legend has it that every year, in Paris, on the night when the abolition
of the Order was decreed, a specter with a white Mantle and with
the Red Cross engraved, with his spear and his Shield “silver
and saber” appears at midnight in the Crypt of the Temple.
A sepulchral voice asks: “Who wants to liberate Jerusalem? "Nobody -
answers the echo - because The Temple has been destroyed ..."
The Ideal Temple
was the Hope and the Purpose
of the Order of the Temple.

Whose Currency:
(Psalm of David
and Motto of the Templars ).
In a literal and spiritual sense,
the Knights Monks were the Builders,
we are therefore Heirs
of the Jerosolimitan Symbolism
present in the Temple of Solomon
in Spiritual Jerusalem ... …

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