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12/07/16 Mesa Confer with co-counsel. $225.00 0.40 $90.

12/07/16 Mesa Review legal authorities. $225.00 0.20 $45.00
12/07/16 Mesa Confer with co-counsel. $225.00 0.60 $135.00
12/07/18 �v1esa R.aHia,At lan'.:ll
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Continue efforts to contact/coordinate scheduling

with Attorney Trent/prepare email to opposing
12/08/16 Bolz counsel. $350.00 0.40 $140.00
Revise and expand Motion to Dismiss
12/08/16 Bolz (Counterclaim - Count 2). $350.00 2.80 $980.00

Telephone conference with Attorney

Trent/discuss the scheduling of a hearing in
January/February 2017/discuss future handling.
Confer with co-counsel.
$225.00 A0,4Q, ,,
0,.3ij �105.00

Draft the following Sections of the Bank's Motion
to Dismiss: (1) Schneider has Improperly Joined
Causes of Action that Arise Out of Separate
Rights and (2) Count 3 Was Filed/Asserted in an
12/08/16 Mesa Improper Venue. $225 ,. 00 J 3.70 $832.50
Participate in telephone conference with Mr.
Trent re: scheduling a special set hearing on th<
12/08/16 Mesa Bank's Motion to Dismiss. � � 2= 0.20 $45.00

Review and comment on revisions to t��

12/08/16 Mesa Motion to Dismiss Schneider's Couµt�laif-(1. $225.00 0.50 $112.50
Revise, edit and expand Motio ,�s '
12/09/16 Bolz (Count 3 - Conversion). A $350.00 1.50 $525.00
12/09/16 Bolz Telephone call from Garry �:fhlth. -.....;y· $350.00 0.20 $70.00
Telephone conference witli Ft�a-.§,now.
Prepare status email ,tefF�B. ,, $350.00
12/09/16 Bolz Review and analy?e ca__se;:law'"'.: $350.00 0.60 $210.00
12/09/16 Mesa Revise the Ban�'sJ'-';lotigh#f6 Dismiss. $225.00 1.20 $270.00
12/09/16 Mesa Review lega[.Jti).thoriti�J,! $225.00 0.90 $202.50

Draft the fo�wing �tion of the Bank's Motion

12/09/16 Mesa to Di,§miss re: standard for a motion to dismiss. $225.00 0.40 $90.00
12/09/16 Mesa Conti@@ to.,review legal authorities. $225.00 1.00 $225.00
12/09/16 Mesa / -R,evie\1egal authorities. $225.00 1.40 $315.00
Teleph8'ne conference with Attorney Jim
12/12/16 Bol� BeJjon/Garry Smith/Brian Hagan. $350.00 0.60 $210.00
12/12/16 ,Bblz..., Review case law and statutes. $350.00 0.60 $210.00
Revise and finalize Motion to Dismiss
12/12/16 ��I)' Counterclaim. $350.00 1.60 $560.00
....__ - 'Ii,,. Confer with co-counsel/prepare Reply to
12/12/1�I� Bolz Schneider's Affirmative Defenses. $350.00 1.70 $595.00
12/12/16 Bolz Prepare status report to FAB. $350.00 0.40 $140.00
12/12/16 Bolz Telephone conference with Garry Smith. $350.00 0.20 $70.00
Revise and expand Motion to Dismiss
12/12/16 Bolz Counterclaim. $350.00 1.20 $420.00
Review and comment on the draft Motion to
Dismiss Schneider's Counterclaim and
12/12/16 Mesa Incorporated Memorandum of Law. $225.00 0.70 $157.50
Draft First American's Reply to Schneider's
Affirmative Defenses and electronically file
12/12/16 Mesa same. $225.00 2.70 $607.50

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