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Republic of the Philippines

Northwest Samar State University

Rueda St., Calbayog City 6710
Website: http//
Telefax: (055) 2093657
ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Name: Raymund N. Uy Program/Year: BTLED 4 - ICT

Course Code: Prof.Ed 12 Course Description: Field Study 4


My FS Learning Episode Overview
The episode is meant to enable you to distinguish the traditional from the progressive
curriculum. It cites the differences and similarities between the two. This provides a wider
perspective on the nature and scope of these types.

My Desired Learning Outcomes

 analyze the teacher as a knower of curriculum
 explain some viewpoints of other curriculum
 complete the Venn diagram of traditional and progressive curriculum.

My Performance Criteria I will be rated along the following

 quality of my observations and documentation,
 completeness and depth of analysis,
 depth and clarity of classroom observation-based reflection,
 completeness, organization, clarity of portfolio and
 time of submission of portfolio.

My Learning Essentials
Point of view about the curriculum can either be traditional or progressive according to
their philosophical and psychological orientations. These views can also define what a
curriculum is all about.
Robert Views curriculum as John Dewey Believe that the
Hutchins “permanent studies” where education is
rules of grammar, reading, experiencing.
rhetoric, logic and
mathematics for basic Reflective thinking is a
education are emphasized. means to unify
curricular elements
The 3Rs(Reading, Writing, that are tested by
‘rithmetic’) should be application.
emphasized in basic
education while liberal
education should be
emphasis in college
Arthur Bestor Believes that the mission of Hollis Caswell Bothe educators
the school should be viewed
intellectual training. Kenn Campbell
“curriculum as all
Curriculum should focus on experiences children
the fundamental intellectual have under the
disciples of grammar, guidance of teachers.”
literature and writing.
It should include
Mathematics, Science,
Republic of the Philippines
Northwest Samar State University
Rueda St., Calbayog City 6710
Website: http//
Telefax: (055) 2093657
ISO 9001:2015 Certified

History and Foreign Colin Marsh

Language. Viewed curriculum as
George Willis all the experiences in
“Curriculum should consist the classroom which
Philip Phenix entirely of knowledge which are planned and
comes from various enacted by the teacher
disciples.” and also learned by
the students

My Map
To ensure that I will be able to do this activity, I must follow the following:
1. Interview a teacher and administrator on their view points on traditional and progressive
2. Interview a parent and ask her/his viewpoints on traditional and progressive curriculum.
3. Research the differences of traditional and progressive curriculum. Accomplish the H chart.
4. Call/Interview your friends from other institutions and ask the same question.
5. Prepare your portfolio.

My Learning Activities
Activity 1

Interview an administrator, a student and a parent. Find out their view points on the traditional
and progressive curriculum.
Name of Student: Angelo O. Carcellar
School: Northwest Samar State University
Signature: ________________________

Aspects Traditional Progressive

Roles of Teacher Main source of knowledge Lesson planner
Roles of Pupils Receiver of knowledge/ Active learner/ experience
passive learner learning
Modes of Instruction Teacher centered instruction Learn by experience
Instructional Materials Chalkboard Multimedia devices
Modes of Assessment Multiple choice test and Problem based learning, real
essay world experience

Activity 1.1
Interview a teacher and an administrator. Find out their viewpoints on the traditional and
progressive curriculum.

Name of Faculty member: Josefina D. Logatiman

School: Northwest Samar State University San Jorge Campus
Signature: ___________________________

Aspects Traditional Progressive

Roles of Teacher Distributor of knowledge facilitator
Roles of Pupils Passive receiver Active receiver
Modes of Instruction By memorization By discovery techniques
Instructional Materials Uses chalkboard Uses different IM’s especially
Modes of Assessment Paper pencil test Performance test
Republic of the Philippines
Northwest Samar State University
Rueda St., Calbayog City 6710
Website: http//
Telefax: (055) 2093657
ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Name of Administrator: Reynaldo R. Aquino

School: Northwest Samar State University

Aspects Traditional Progressive

Roles of Teacher Guides, inculcate, models of Inculcate, knowledge,
learners. increase level of confidence
Roles of Pupils Learn, research, interact, Research additional learning
practice and technical know how.
Modes of Instruction Flexible learning system Flexible learning suspected
Instructional Materials Module, google classroom, Module, virtual class hand
virtual out
Modes of Assessment Participatory, written exams, Participatory, written exams,
assignments, reaction paper. reaction paper.S

Activity 1.2
Interview a Parent. Find their viewpoints on the traditional and progressive curriculum.

Name of Parent: Herminia N. Egonia

School: _______________________________________________________
Signature: ___________________________

Aspects Traditional Progressive

Roles of Teacher Giver of knowledge Facilitator of learning
Roles of Pupils Passive listener Active learner
Modes of Instruction Teacher centered Student centered
Instructional Materials Books, chalkboard Gadgets, laptop, projector
Modes of Assessment Paper pencil test and Hands-on performance

My Reflections

From the interview that I conducted, I found out that most of them have a similar
opinions and perception of traditional and progressive learning. Both traditional and
progressive are very important in the learning process of the learners. Although they
have differences in the roles of teacher and student in a classroom, they are both very
essential in learning and I believe that both methods are effective, but as the time goes
by’ everything changes and those what we believe that are effective might not be
suitable for the new learners of 21 st century because of the technological advances
where technology is now part of teaching and learning process.

As we are in the 21st century our education system shifts more on learning with
technology in which they based on the different skill that will provide, it is necessary for
a teacher that he/she will choose or use the appropriate curriculum in teaching.

Activity 2
Research on the differences of the traditions and progressive curriculum. Accomplish the H-
Chart given below. Write the similarities on the Center and the differences on the side
Republic of the Philippines
Northwest Samar State University
Rueda St., Calbayog City 6710
Website: http//
Telefax: (055) 2093657
ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Traditional schools progressive

focus on the schools focus on
teacher and what The similarities between traditional the students and
they teach. and progressive curriculum is both how they can learn.
concentrating the students learning
Traditional through the teacher s capability. It Progressive
curriculum is a provided all method and strategies curriculum provides
more linear for the development of the more hands-on
approach to learners. research, sudden
learning program detours,
and a chance to
learn things in the

Activity 3
Call up your friends from other Teacher Education Institutions. Find out what is their own point
of view of curriculum. Put a check / mark on the corresponding column.

Name of the Students/ Traditional Progressive Both

1. Darwin Gagnao -
Samar State

2. Maria Danielle
Angela Sudario –
Samar College

3. Nicole Claire
Gacelos – Samar
State University

4. Christian keanne
Abaigar Nablo –
Samar State

5. Laiga Dotado
Banar- Samar
State University

My Insights:

Although we are in 21st century learning both traditional and progressive curriculum are still
Republic of the Philippines
Northwest Samar State University
Rueda St., Calbayog City 6710
Website: http//
Telefax: (055) 2093657
ISO 9001:2015 Certified

being used, as it was seen effective for the learners. I found out based on the interview that
most of the Teacher Education Institutions have both traditional and progressive
curriculum where it was used in flexible learning method.

Integrating Theory and Practice

Directions: Read the items given below and highlight the correct answer.

1. When a school believes that curriculum should highly focus on Math, Science and other fundamental
intellectual disciplines, this school believes in the curriculum views of ________.

A. John Dewey

B. Hollis Caswell

C. Arthur Bestor

D. Philip Phenix

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