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Assessment Task 8
1. When you become a professional teacher in the future, how can
you enhance the state of quality teachers in the Philippines?
Thinking myself as a teacher in the future makes me feel so proud
of myself, I am so in love with profession and for that I want also to
pass this positivity in our country. I will enhance the state of quality
teachers in the Philippines by bringing the love and passion in teaching.
Yes, so that our learners will see the value of everyday life inside the
classroom not only in storing them knowledge but to give them the
assurance of love with one another no matter how they are facing the
world outside they will be armored with peace in joy in our nursery.
2. After studying the different domains and competencies of the PPST,
which domain do you find EASY to master? Why? Which domain
seems to be difficult for you to master? Why?

For me the domain that I find easy is the CONTENT KNOWLEDGE

AND PEDAGOGY for this is how teachers related what they know and
belief about teaching with the subject matter, or content that they are
teaching. As a future teacher observe and reflect on student learning in
the classroom, their decisions are influenced not only by knowledge but
also by the real-time experience while the that I find difficult for me to
master is the last domain the DOMAIN 6: COMMUNITY LINKAGES AND
PROFESSIONAL ENGAGEMENT because like for example the cultural
differences of the community, power dynamics, lack of incentives and
Operational factors like lack of time and money. This is the challenging
part of mastering the domain 6.


Assessment Task 9-1

Name: Cynthia B. Aguilan

Age: 34

No. of Years in Teaching: 7 years in teaching

Place of Teaching: Philippines: Pila Elementary School

1. How do you consider yourself as a Teacher? Please explain.

MRS. Aguilan: I consider myself as a beginning teacher, for I was hired

2 years ago from private school to DEPED. I'm still learning the system
and exploring more and more for a better strategies ,knowledge to be
share with the learners.
2. Which of the following have you given much considerations in your
teaching? Why?

Mrs. Aguilan: I give more considerations for category c, why? Because

all of them are the factors that we teachers should develop with our
learners. They absolutely need to cope up and adapt 21st century
learnings and skills as well as international dev. but they shouldnt
forget about local knowledge, values and culture,such as mother
tongue in elementary and EsP. in secondary that's why in our new
system of education we are asked to modify our lesson and integrate
our lesson to one another.

3. Where you are teaching what do you like the most? (local or
abroad?) Why?

Mrs. Aguilan: My answer will always be the learners. Teaching is not

about the pay, the salary that we earned and we will earn in the future
after promotions or what, it's about. I consider myself as a beginning
teacher, for I was hired 2 years ago from private school to DEPED. I'm
still learning the system and exploring more and more for a better
strategies knowledge to be share with the learner

4. How do you consider yourself as a teacher? Please explain.

Mrs. Aguilan: Local. I am counting myself as a local teacher that will

understand the needs and capabilities of our students. I'm happy
teaching the Filipino learners with the traditions and culture that we
have here in our nations and mold them to be more efficient and
globally competitive.

Age: late 30’s

No. of Years in Teaching:13 years in teaching

Place of Teaching: Philippines: Victoria Laguna

Other Country: People’s Republic of China

1. How do you consider yourself as a Teacher? Please explain.

ANSWER: Teachers are should be life-long learnings.
2. Which of the following have you given much considerations in your
teaching? Why?
ANSWER: As an international teacher, aside that I have to adhere with my host country’s local
values, traditions and culture it is still timely and relevant to always look after with these facets and to
strengthen national identity and heritage without compromising the advancement of modern society to
the world at large by thoroughly learning essential 21 st century skills and to cope and participate to
international development.

3. Where you are teaching what do you like the most? (local or
abroad?) Why?

Mr. Rules III; Answer: C

As an international teacher, aside that I have to adhere with my host country’s local values,
traditions and culture it is still timely and relevant to always look after with these facets and to
strengthen national identity and heritage without compromising the advancement of modern society to
the world at large by thoroughly learning essential 21 st century skills and to cope and participate to
international development.

4. How do you consider yourself as a teacher? Please explain.

Mr. Rules III: I am the teacher I never had!

Note: Use the result of your interview to answer some of the
questions for your reflection.

1. Who is a glocal teacher? What are the attributes of the glocal


For me glocal teacher is the one who can teach in local and global.
He/She have a skills and knowledge that can share anywhere. The
attributes of the glocal teacher is a competent teacher who is armed
with enough skills, appropriate attitudes and universal values to teach
students with both time tested as well as modern technologies in
education in any place in the world. He or she is someone who thinks
and act both any place in the world.

2. Can the teacher whom you have interviewed be classified as a

glocal teacher? Why? Why not?

For me yes. They consider as a glocal teacher because I see both of

them have a qualification to consider as a glocal teacher, they are both
thinks and acts both locally and globally like teaching other cultures. No
matter how far in this world will a teacher can go he will always
carrying the attitudes and the competencies they’ve earned.

3. Can one be a global teacher, without teaching abroad? Write your

Yes it can be a global teacher without teaching abroad,because
when you say global its not only teaching other countries it is all about
teaching a students with a different cultures.

4 Reflect on the statement: "As a glocal teacher, act locally but think

For me this statement means be open minded and embracing

whole heartedly the issues, cultures, and events around the world, and
make use of this knowledge to improve your local area, hometown, or

Assessment 9-2

Take Action

1. Write down one specific observation for each of the Pillars of

Learning that is being practiced. Place in the matrix.

Pillars of Learning Observed Practices in the School

1. Learning to know Implies learning how to learn by
developing one's Concentration,
Memory skills and Ability to Think.
2. Learning to do describes putting knowledge and
learning into practice innovatively
through (1)Skill development and
(2)Practical know-how,
(3)Development of (4)Life skills,
competence, (5)Personal
qualities, (6)Aptitudes and
3. Learning to be involves activities that foster
personal development (body,
mind and spirit) and contribute to
creativity, personal discovery and
an appreciation of the inherent
value provided by these pursuits.
4. Learning to live together involves the development of
social skills and (1) values such as
respect and (2) concern for
others, social and (3) inter-
personal skills and an
appreciation of the diversity of
the World.

2. Make a comparison of the global teaching-learning landscape

before and in the 21st Century.

Parameters Before After

1. Learners learner-centered, teacher-centered,
2. Teachers focus on acquisition mastery of itemized
of learning tools information or factual
3. Learning inter-disciplinary Discipline based
Environment curriculum curriculum
4. Ways of Learning focus on intellectual emphasis on subject
abilities knowledge
5. Learning Content balance of scientific- heavy emphasis given
technological and on core subjects
social-humanistic (math, science,
cultural content of language) compared
education with literature, arts,
and social sciences

Assessment Tasks

Assessment Task 10-1

In five sentences, discuss how the Philippine Professional Standards

for Teacher(PPST) Career Stage 1-Beginning Teachers Competencies
can assure teacher quality in the Philippines.

The PPST Career Stage 1-Beginning Teachers Competencies can

assure teacher quality in the Philippines by get an advice to the old or
colleagues to improve their knowledge in teaching. Familiarizing the
area of teaching environment, endowing oneself to continue to
learning new skills. Things to assure that you will fit in every step of the
way. Take a heart of courage. Get the assistance from their peers.
Apply teaching strategies that develop critical and creative. And last
implement teaching strategies that are responsive to the learner

Assessment Task 10-2

Formulate your annual Personal CPD Plan. Regardless of the

format/template you will use.
Identify and Attending January to Buenviaje, Online
understand webinars / December Emerjim A webinars,
the learning Trainings 2021 Trainings /
outcome CPD about CPD orientation
given by
Discussions June to Buenviaje, Online
with August Emerjim A. discussion
colleagues 2021 colleagues with invited
and invited speaker and
speaker colleagues.

Improve the Conducting / September Buenviaje, School

ability of Attending to Emerjim A. based
learners in school based December colleagues online
order to cope webinars and 2021 and invited webinar /
with the orientation professor and
latest/new focus in trainings
trend in teaching conducted
Filipino Filipino

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