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Republic of the Philippines

ISO 9001: 2015 CERTIFIED

Course Pre-Test

Name: Airiez L. Esperanza Score: __________

Section: FM 1-E Date: ___________

Instruction: Choose the BEST answer.

1. Human Resource Management is an organizational function of handling one

of the most valuable assets in the organization- its employees.

A. Management B. Financial Management C. Human Resource


2. Management is the systematic process of planning, organizing, leading and

controlling all activities in an organization for the realization of certain objectives.

A. Management B. Financial Management C. Human Resource


3. Recruitment the process of encouraging job applicants to seek employment in

the organization.
A. Recruitment B. Selection C. Placement D. Orientation

4. Selection is the process of choosing among available applicants the individuals

who are most likely to successfully perform a job.
A. Recruitment B. Selection C. Placement D. Orientation

5. Placement is a process of assigning a specific job to each of the selected

candidates. It involves assigning a specific rank and responsibility to an individual.
A. Recruitment B. Selection C. Placement D. Orientation

6. Orientation This term refers to the assistance given by the human resources
department to the newly hired employee with basic background information about the
firm, its culture and the job.

A. Recruitment B. Selection C. Placement D. Orientation

Main Campus, P. Inocentes St., P.I. Garcia, Naval, Biliran Province, Philippines 6560
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SUC Level III-A (Per DBM-CHED Joint Circular #B dated June 21, 2007
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Republic of the Philippines

ISO 9001: 2015 CERTIFIED

7. Promotion refers to the upward movement of employees in an organization

from lower level jobs to higher level jobs involving increases in duties and
responsibilities, higher pay and privileges.

A. Promotion B. Demotion C. Transfer D. Separation

8. Demotion refers to the movement of an employee to a lower-level job involving

fewer skills and responsibilities in the company.

A. Promotion B. Demotion C. Transfer D. Separation

9. Transfer the reassignment of an employee to a job with similar pay, status,

duties and responsibilities or the horizontal movement from one job to another.

A. B. Demotion C. Transfer D. Separation

10. Termination This is putting an end to the employer- employee relations

initiated by the employer with prejudice to the employee due to inability to meet the
company’s standard of performance and violation of company rules & regulations.

A. Promotion B. Demotion C. Transfer D. Separation

Main Campus, P. Inocentes St., P.I. Garcia, Naval, Biliran Province, Philippines 6560
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Republic of the Philippines

ISO 9001: 2015 CERTIFIED

If you were to start a business, what could be the possible resources you
will need? Supply your answer by changing the question marks into words
inside the boxes below. Clue: All resources starts with letter “M”.

Your Business



Main Campus, P. Inocentes St., P.I. Garcia, Naval, Biliran Province, Philippines 6560
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Republic of the Philippines

ISO 9001: 2015 CERTIFIED

The 4M’s of Resources

Money is also a major and very important input of business because the
company makes use of it as the main fuel to run the business machine. Money or
financial resources is the main reason why there is a business. Proper management
of financial resources is one of the main concerns of the business managers and

Men inputs are all the tangible things use by the organization to run the
business; these are the physical resources of the company in forms of land, building,
machines, equipment, raw materials and supplies. Proper management of physical
assets is very important in running the business.

Methods also very important inputs. The company needs relevant ideas in
order to run the business well. Methods
also known as informational resources are company assets being used by the
managers for managing the affairs of the organization. Business ideas such as;
strategies, tactics, policies, rules, procedures, and other information are gathered
and used by the organizations for their advantage.

Materials is the Most Important Element in Management. People make the

organization. No matter how much capital do you have if there are no people in-charge
to handle it properly, it will be tantamount to nothing. The functions of an organization
revolve around people. In fact, the success of any business defends wholly on the
ability of people in its role. Materials become part of the company as the human
resources which believe to be the most important assets of every organization
because they are the one who control and process all other resources in order to
accomplish the company goals or purposes.

Main Campus, P. Inocentes St., P.I. Garcia, Naval, Biliran Province, Philippines 6560
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SUC Level III-A (Per DBM-CHED Joint Circular #B dated June 21, 2007
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Republic of the Philippines

ISO 9001: 2015 CERTIFIED

Base on your readings above, can you answer these following questions?

1. What are the resources you need in putting up a business?

and explain in your own words each of the 4Ms of Resources Answer:
• Money
According to Poonkulali Thangavelu money is a business's
lifeblood, so when it comes to starting a business money is
important. In the most cases, entrepreneurs should invest at least a
little amount of money for putting up a business. However, there are
many other expenses involved with starting a business. For
example, a person may required to pay for business licenses and
permits in order to operate his business. Likewise, if a person
decides to hire staff or recruit the help of independent contractors,
he will need cash to pay them.
• Men
Manpower /human resource is one of the most important resource
is business organization because it will help the business to grow.
Its skills will be needed to accomplish the goals of the organization.
• Methods
In putting up a business, methods are essential. Methods are also
the business ideas that employees and managers use together. It’s
a blueprint for a business because it will direct you in the appropriate
path so that you can fulfill your objectives or goals in the company
you create.
• Materials
Material resources, unlike human resources, are tangible assets
that a company can use to achieve its goals. Like for examples: real
states, machinery, computers, office equipment, supplies and tools.

2. What is the most important resource in the business organization?

Support your answer.
Money, materials, men, and methods are the organization’s four
resources. The most important resource in the business organization is
men/human resource. The resources by themselves will not assist the
organization in achieving its goal unless they are properly coordinated and
utilized. The Human Resource is for organization objects through
combined efforts of people. People will be the one to manage the business
and without human efforts business cannot accomplish their objectives.

Main Campus, P. Inocentes St., P.I. Garcia, Naval, Biliran Province, Philippines 6560
Tel. (053) 507-0014‫ ן‬Telefax. (053) 507-0014
SUC Level III-A (Per DBM-CHED Joint Circular #B dated June 21, 2007
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Republic of the Philippines

ISO 9001: 2015 CERTIFIED

3. In your own words, what is Human Resource Management?

Human Resource Management is the management of an
organization’s personnel with the goal of assisting in the achievement of
the company success.

4. Identify significant persons and their contribution to the

development of
Human Resource Management Answer:
-Frederick W. Taylor is known as the “Father of Scientific
Management”. From 1878 to 1890, he worked as an engineer at Midvale
Steel Works in Philadelphia where he examined worker efficiency and
attempted to find the “one best way” and the “one fastest way” to do a
job. He summarized scientific management as (1) science, not rules of
thumb;(2) harmony, not discord;(3) output, not individualism; and (4)
maximum output, not restricted output.
- Hugo Munsterberg and his book Psychology and industrial Efficiency
initiated on 1931 the field of industrial psychology. The book served as a
stimulus and model for the development of the field in the United States
of Europe.
- Elton Mayo and Fritz Mayo, two Harvard researchers. Human factors
were incorporated into work by Roelthisberger. This movement began as
a local effort. Western Electric’s Hawthorne plant in Hawthorne,
California, conducted as series of studies. Between 1924 and 1933,
Chicago was a major city. The purpose of the studies was to determined
the effects of illumination on workers and their output.
- Peter Drucker, a respected
management scholar and consultant,
made a statement about personnel
management that reflected its blue-
collar orientation. Drucker stated that
the job of personnel was “partly a file
clerk’s job, partly a house keeping job,
and partly firefighting, heading off union

5. Make a summary of the Evolution of Human Resource Management


The field further developed with the arrival of the Industrial Revolution in
the latter part of the 18th century, which laid the basis for a new and
complex industrial society. Scientific management and welfare work
Main Campus, P. Inocentes St., P.I. Garcia, Naval, Biliran Province, Philippines 6560
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SUC Level III-A (Per DBM-CHED Joint Circular #B dated June 21, 2007
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Republic of the Philippines

ISO 9001: 2015 CERTIFIED

represent two concurrent approaches that began in the 19th century and,
along with industrial psychology, merged during the era of the world wars.
Industrial psychology represented the application of psychological
principles toward increasing the ability of workers to perform efficiently and
effectively. The maximum well being of the worker was the focus of
industrial psychology. The book served as a stimulus and model for the
development of the field in the United States and Europe. The drastic
changes in technology, the growth of organizations, the rise of unions, and
government concern and intervention concerning working people resulted
in the development of personnel departments. The purpose of the studies
was to determine the effects of illumination on workers and their output.
The studies pointed out the importance of the social interaction and work
group on output and satisfaction. The human relations movement
eventually, around the mid-1960s, became a branch of and a contributor to
the field of organizational behavior. The early history of personnel still
obscures the importance of the HRM function to management.

Main Campus, P. Inocentes St., P.I. Garcia, Naval, Biliran Province, Philippines 6560
Tel. (053) 507-0014‫ ן‬Telefax. (053) 507-0014
SUC Level III-A (Per DBM-CHED Joint Circular #B dated June 21, 2007
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Republic of the Philippines

ISO 9001: 2015 CERTIFIED

Main Campus, P. Inocentes St., P.I. Garcia, Naval, Biliran Province, Philippines 6560
Tel. (053) 507-0014‫ ן‬Telefax. (053) 507-0014
SUC Level III-A (Per DBM-CHED Joint Circular #B dated June 21, 2007
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Republic of the Philippines

ISO 9001: 2015 CERTIFIED


Make a diagram of your own choice emphasizing the different functions and activities of
Human Resource Management

-HR Planning -Morale & Motivation
-Job Analysis -Employee Benefits
-Recruitment -Wage & Salary
-Selection Administration
-Placement -Occupational Health &


-Training & Development Utilization
-Performance Appraisal -Career Development
-Changes in Personnel -Trends in Human
Status Resource Management

Objective: Increase of Productivity

of Human Resource

Main Campus, P. Inocentes St., P.I. Garcia, Naval, Biliran Province, Philippines 6560
Tel. (053) 507-0014‫ ן‬Telefax. (053) 507-0014
SUC Level III-A (Per DBM-CHED Joint Circular #B dated June 21, 2007
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Republic of the Philippines

ISO 9001: 2015 CERTIFIED

Interview an HR manager/business owner/entrepreneur in your local area and ask
about how important human resource/manpower is to their business. You may also
include some of their strategies on how they manage their human resources. Post your
activity below.

First Interview:

Name: Mr. Zalde Agarao Business: DRY GOODS

1. How important human resource/manpower in to your business?

-“it will help my business to grow”
-“big help”
-“all is managed “
-“very important”
2. What are the strategies on how you manage your human resources?

- “I treated them well”

- “giving them a bonus”
- “increasing their salary”
- “by giving day off to them every Sunday

Main Campus, P. Inocentes St., P.I. Garcia, Naval, Biliran Province, Philippines 6560
Tel. (053) 507-0014‫ ן‬Telefax. (053) 507-0014
SUC Level III-A (Per DBM-CHED Joint Circular #B dated June 21, 2007
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Republic of the Philippines

ISO 9001: 2015 CERTIFIED

Second Interview:

Name: Anisa Locajen Business: ANISA’S STORE

3. How important human resource/manpower in to your business?

- “without the help of them ,my business will not grow fast”
- “without them it’s hard for me to accommodate the customers
because they’re many”
- “that’s why they’re so important, and with the help of them the
works would than quickly”
2. What are the strategies on how you manage your human resources?
- “ treated them in a good way”
- “ they’re provided of food”
- “ I gave them a complete salary”

Main Campus, P. Inocentes St., P.I. Garcia, Naval, Biliran Province, Philippines 6560
Tel. (053) 507-0014‫ ן‬Telefax. (053) 507-0014
SUC Level III-A (Per DBM-CHED Joint Circular #B dated June 21, 2007
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Republic of the Philippines

ISO 9001: 2015 CERTIFIED

- “ I treated them like a family”

Main Campus, P. Inocentes St., P.I. Garcia, Naval, Biliran Province, Philippines 6560
Tel. (053) 507-0014‫ ן‬Telefax. (053) 507-0014
SUC Level III-A (Per DBM-CHED Joint Circular #B dated June 21, 2007
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Republic of the Philippines

ISO 9001: 2015 CERTIFIED

Main Campus, P. Inocentes St., P.I. Garcia, Naval, Biliran Province, Philippines 6560
Tel. (053) 507-0014‫ ן‬Telefax. (053) 507-0014
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