Naskah English Drama

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Drama Radio Ande-Ande Lumut

Radio Drama : Ande-Ande Moss

(Opening theme music)


Once upon a time in a magnificent and luxurious kingdom lived a crown prince who would succeed
the throne of the kingdom in the future. But the prince's heart was restless because he had not
received a life companion. Secretly he intends to wander to find his identity, a new atmosphere far
from the luxury of the palace and intends to find a companion to his life later.

Scene 1 (In the Woods)

Music (vibes in the forest; the sound of birds chirping, running water, wind gusts etc.)

Narrator: Two young men, walking through a dense forest. Looking around, there may be animals or
birds that can be hunted. A handsome young man with his bodyguard. The young man was actually a
wandering Prince in search of his true self.

(The sound of cracking leaves stepped on the feet)

Prince: Here's Jo, I want to tell you

Bejo: What's up my prince?

Prince: Why didn't we find animals to hunt?

Bejo: Yes prince, this forest is very quiet, when there are usually animals that can Hunted.

Prince: Yes, Jo, I'm so hungry right now.

Bejo: Wait for a moment prince, there must be a game animal passing by, Rest under this tree first

Prince: All right Bejo.

(The soundof someone's feet in the forest appearing and approaching them)

Prince: Whose footsteps are Bejo?

Bejo: I don't know the prince. Let me meet you first.

Prince: No jo, let me just meet her!

Bejo: All right my prince.

Narrator: They meet someone who is not far from where they are rest.

(The sound of walking in the forest) came across someone who turned out to be an old woman who
was looking for firewood.

Prince: Excuse me. Sorry mom, can I ask?

Narrator: The old woman is shocked when she sees the prince and his bodyguard meet him.

Mbok rondo: Oh my God! Surprised me. Who are you guys?

Prince: We're just wanderers mom. Sorry to surprise you, if we can. Do you know if there's a village
near here?
Mbok rondo: There's dadapan village son, what are you guys doing here?

Prince: We're just wandering, but lost not knowing the way.

Mbok rondo: What's your name son? Where did you guys come from?

Narrator: they fall silent and the Prince whispers to Bejo to keep his identity a secret their original.

Prince: Oh my name is Ande - Ande Lumut and my friend Tarjo and we are from the village across the
forest, ma'am.

Mbok rondo: you're a good boy boy. Then come to my house temporarily. Staying in my house,
counting accompanies me who lives alone. Just call me 'Mbok Rondo'.

Prince: Good Mbok. Thank you.

Mbok rondo: Yes good boy, let's go home!

Narrator:The Prince along with his bodyguards and mbok rondo go to his house and stay there for
some time, but the next day the bodyguards permit to hunting animals but actually to the palace and
not returning again on orders prince. Until only the prince stayed with Mbok Rondo.

Mbok rondo: What if you raised me as my son? And I named you Ande-ande moss kid?

Prince: Good Mbok, I want to.

(Evening mood music at home/inesa; the sound of crickets in the middle of the night)

Narrator:One night the Prince meets Mbok Rondo in the guest room to talk Something very

Prince: Mbok, it's time for me to find a virtuous wife to accompany my life someday. Please have a
fight for me.

Mbok rondo: If that's your wish, well Mbok will hold a competition for the princesses and spread
this news to every village. (In his doubt Mbok Rondo also realized that he was not a careless young

Scene 2 (At the House of the Klenting)

Music (Morning atmosphere at home/inesa; the sound of crowing chickens)

Narrator:Until the news of the contest ketelinga Nyai Runting is a rich widow in the village Galuh
near dadapan village. He has four children, Klenting Merah, Klenting Biru, Klenting Hijau and a
stepchild klenting Kuning. But Klenting Kuning is not as lucky as its sisters. He is often treated like
He was maid and often tortured by his sisters as well as his own stepmother. Until one morning
Nyai Runting called his favorite daughters to his room.

Nyai Runting: My beautiful children, come here son. I want to say something!

Klenting: Yes, ma'am, what's wrong?

Nyai Runting: Here boy, there is very important news that Mbok Rondo Dadapan turns out. He has a
son named Ande-ande Moss.
Klenting Merah: Does he have a handsome face?

Nyai Runting: Yes he is very handsome and he is holding a contest who can To be his wife. You guys
want to?

Klenting: Yes, obviously we want to! (excitement)

Nyai Runting: He is also not a careless young man, therefore prepare yourself. As good as possible
and dress up as beautiful as possible!

Klenting Biru : Well Ma'am, surely one of us will win that contest (tone Arrogant)

Nyai Runting : And remember one thing that Klenting Kuning shouldn't know about this!

Klenting: Well ma'am, we'll do it.

Narrator: Quietly klenting Kuning hears from behind the walls of the room, then He wanted to
participate in the contest. Until Come the day of the contest klenting Kuning given the task of cleaning
the house that Many and the klenting and his mother went to follow the contest. When alone at home,
suddenly a glare shadow appeaMerah in front of him.

Klenting Kuning: Who are you? (Shock and fear)

Nenek Tua: You don't be afraid of beautiful girls, I am the Nenek Tua who will finish problems without

Klenting Kuning : What would you like to come here?

Nenek Tua: I'll give you help to see the prince of Ande-ande moss

Klenting Kuning : How is Nenek Tua?

Nenek Tua: Now wear this shabby dress, then use the powder tai lincung as scrub on your face. And
accept this 'kalimosodo' stick that will help you If someone bothers you, but this can only be used

Klenting Kuning : Well I'll do it, thank you Nenek Tua.

Narrator:Then the Fairy disappears and the Klenting Kuning immediately gets ready to go towards The
prince of his dreams.

Scene 3 (On the riverbank border village)

(The sound of river water overflowing)

Narrator: At that time the village border river was flooded and the bridge was cut off. Klenting
couldn't get through either.

Klenting Merah : How do we get to the village with this situation?

Klenting Hijau : Yes my sister, we have to think of a way to cross this river!
Narrator: Suddenly Yuyu Kangkang comes the river but has the same nature cunning.

Klenting: Who are you? (Surprised)

Yuyu Kangkang: Hahaahaa!!! I Yuyu kangkang the ruler of this area beautiful girls! (Laughed out loud)
Klenting Hijau : My sister how about we ask for her help to cross the river this? (Whispering to his

Klenting Biru : Yuyu kangkang do you have great magic?

Yuyu kangkang : Of course! I can get you guys across this river without getting dirty and wet.

Klenting Merah : Then do it now for us!

Yuyu Kangkang : Hahaahaa! It's easy for me, but there are conditions! You have to hold hands. My
hands passed through this river. How are beautiful girls? (Flirting)

Klenting Hijau : Your flirtatious base Yuyu Kangkang!( Angry tone)

Klenting Merah : My sister has agreed, than we cannot cross the river
this. (coaxing tone)

Klenting Biru : That's right. Then Yuyu kangkang we agree to your terms.

Yuyu kangkang: Hahaahaa! It's great that I was able to hold the hands of these beautiful girls
(Laugh fun)

Narrator: The klenting is crossed alternately by Yuyu kangkang. Not long

After that Klenting Kuning arrived in the river and also confusion about
Crossing the river. But Yuyu Kangkang saw it right away.
approach him.

Yuyu kangkang: Who are you? Your smell is so bad! It's so rotten! Even your face is so ugly!
(The tone of the scolding).

Klenting Kuning : Sorry, can you help me cross this river?

Yuyu Kangkang: Hahaahaa! Not want! Go there! You are so bad and disgusting! (jerking tone then
expelling Klenting Kuning)

Klenting Kuning : Please, later I will give you money (memelas)

Yuyu Kangkang: I don't want to accept it! Go I'll hurt you if I'm still
Here!. (Angry)

Narrator: Klenting Kuning does not go away, so Yuyu kangkang issues

his sword to injure the Klenting Kuning. But with his quickness he immediately
He threw his stick at Yuyu Kangkang.

Yuyu Kangkang: Aghhhhhhh help me!!! (Screaming in pain)

Narrator: Instantly Yuyu kangkang drowned and the river became dry. Klenting Kuning
immediately ran through the river and immediately headed for the contest.Prince Ande-ande moss.

Scene 4 (Mbok Dadapan House / Contest)

Narrator:At home mbok rondo the Klentings are waiting for their turn to be called Meet Ande-ande
moss. After some girls come forward and try to lure Ande-ande's heart moss but did not succeed, so
it was the turn of the klenting.

Mbok Rondo: Well, please, you son of Nyai runting to see my son. What are the names
You guys beautiful girls?
Klenting Merah: I'm the oldest Klenting Merah mbok and...

Klenting Biru: I'm Klenting Biru mbok, and this is our smallest brother.

Klenting Hijau: Yes mbok, Klenting Hijau is my name.

Mbok rondo: All right you three are coming forward here. My son Ande-ande moss introduces these
Who are so beautiful, to whom are you attracted to my son?

Prince: No mbok, I'm not enamoMerah by any of them. It's beautiful, but
Received an offer from siburuk Yuyu kangkang.

Narrator: The Klentings are shocked, how the prince knows it, they regret it, and It was very sad
because of them no one could lure the Prince. Suddenly Klenting Kuning appeaMerah in the middle
of the contest and made things become Bad because of the smell. The Klentings were surprised by
his presence.

Merah Clenting:How did he get here and know this contest?

Mbok rondo: Who are you son of? Why are you so bad and smelly?

Klenting Kuning: Sorry mom, for this distraction. My name is Klenting Kuning from galuh village. I want
Also follow this contest.

Mbok rondo: All right son, you can try to lure my son Ande-ande moss.

Narrator: Mbok rondo also brings Klenting Kuning in front of his son. At that moment The prince was
very curious when he saw the Klenting Kuning.

Prince: What's this girl's name? (Curious)

Mbok rondo: This is his name Klenting Kuning.He also wants to follow this competition, whether
You're interested in him?

Prince: Yes mbok. This is the girl I was looking for and I was waiting for. I want Take care of it.

Narrator: After the prince finishes speaking, suddenly the appearance of Klenting Kuning It's beautiful
and fragrant. The Klenting of his half-sister, mbok rondo and The other princess who was following
the contest was surprised to see it.

Prince: Mbok rondo, actually I am a prince, and this girl is The 'Goddess Sekartaji' was destined for

Mbok rondo: Ande-ande moss my son, it means it's true that I've been guessing all along that you
Not an ordinary young man.

Narrator: hen instantly the people in the contest were astonished to see the events. Finally the
Klenting Kuning was brought by the Prince to the palace and married her. Then the prince was made
king, and lived happily in his life.


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