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Online Final Assessment Spring 2020

Course: Fundamental of Marketing Date of Submission:3rd May, 2020

Teacher Name: Abdullah Khan Maximum Marks: 40

Student ID: 13651 Student Name: M.Umer Wasim

Email ID: Program: BBA “Weekend/Evening –


Instructions (Important):
 Student MUST attach the Screenshot Image of the

online Admit Card (Cleared) as Cover Page of Final

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Assessment. Without the Admit Card Image, the Final

Assessment WILL NOT be graded.

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 Student MUST submit the Final Assessment in the

Google Classroom by the above-mentioned DUE DATE.
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Late submission of Final Assessment WILL NOT be
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 Type your Student ID, Student Name, & KASBIT Email ID in

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the above given boxes

 Read the given case/questions carefully
 All questions are compulsory.
 Show all necessary calculations
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Q1: Place the following in the various types of demand states, justify your placement with
proper reasoning
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1. Rose Beauty Parlor


2. Suzuki Mehran
3. Pizza Point
4. PC Monitors
5. iPhone

Q2. Write the market segmentation and target market for the following products of different
categories and also give the reason of your selection: (05)


Marriot Hotel, Karachi Foods

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Q3. A well reputed Abrar Textile Company has plans to diversify (which has the capability
of manufacturing all types of clothes like kids ware, gents ware, and ladies ware) has hired
you as their head of Marketing so that they can utilize your expertise to gain the maximum
possible share in the market. Which segment would you select as your target and what
marketing mix would be most suitable for the selected segment?

Q4. For the given products identify two micro and two macro environmental factors that
could have the weepiest impact and justify.

a. Food and drinks
b. Woolen suiting

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Q5. Place the following brands in Complex buying, Dissonance-reducing buying behavior,
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Variety seeking buying behavior, Habitual buying behavior categories with proper rational.
Also explain the type of products in which these categories will fall and also mention the
buyer decision process for each category.

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1. Auto Products
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2. Textile Products
3. Furniture
4. Public Transport
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Q6. Write Short Notes \ or enlist on Following: (10)

1. Societal Marketing Concept

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2. Adoption process
3. Entrepreneurial Marketing Concept

4. Laggards
5. Niche marketing segment

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Question No: 01
Rose Beauty Parlor:

Rose Beauty Parlor has the same demand all over the year. The wedding season
keeps going the whole year and customer also went for services in all the season’s,
that is why Rose Beauty Parlor has full demand.

Suzuki Mehran:

Although Suzuki Mehran has been discontinued but still there is so much demand for
Suzuki Mehran in the market. Suzuki mehran also has the full demand which never
goes down the whole year.

Pizza Point:

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Food restaurants run 24/7 around the clock of 365 days but still weekends and other

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public holidays attract more demand towards restaurants and other visiting places.
Pizza point is a well-known pizza restaurant which has a pretty good demand in the

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market. It also stays in public demand all over the year but on the weekends more
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that means it has full demand state as well as irregular state of demand.

Pc Monitors:

Now is the era of LCDs and LEDs PC Monitors are now outdated and there is no
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demand left for them in the market. PC monitors have no demand state.
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iPhone being a high tier smartphone has a huge market globally and the demand is
exponentially sky-high but recently the iPhone sales has been reduced by 7%
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compared to the same period last year. The competitor’s giant like Huawei and
Samsung have penetrated the iPhone markets and slashed its demand among the
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customers by presenting cutting edge innovative smartphones.


Question No: 02
Marriot hotel:

 Segmentation: the management of Marriott hotel have segmented the market

economically like upper class, middle class, lower middle class and lower
 Target market: the management of Marriott hotel has targeted the upper class
of the segmented market.
Karachi foods:

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 Segmentation: Karachi foods management has also segmented the market
economically like upper class, middle class, lower middle class and lower
 Target market: the management of Karachi foods has targeted the middle
class of the segmented market.

Question No: 03
I as a marketer of Abrar Textile Company. I chose to diversify my company from
manufacturing of the clothes to manufacturing of the cars. I chose car manufacturing
business because it has numerous benefits. It can easily be looked after with your
existing business.

I as a marketing head target the segment of the society which is (middle class, upper

middle and upper class) of the society.

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I as a marketing head thinks that from the marketing mix that is product, price, place,

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promotion; select the place because the distribution effects the sale the most.


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So for the marketing we can have several exhibition campaigns and
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automotive shows.
 We need to open several showrooms around the city at the most appropriate

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 We cannot neglect the fast running track of today’s business so we should

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also opt for the technology and create our own websites for sale.
And we also need to create several dealership links to spread our branches
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Question No: 04
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Identify two micro and macro environmental factors that have the weepiest impact
and justify:
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 Food and drink : The macro factor impacting the environment from food

production includes the plastic packaging which is poisoning the seas and
water inhabitants resulting in endangering the water species. According to the
Great Pacific Garbage Patch (GPGP) an estimate 20 million of food plastic
waste (i.e. bottles, plastic wraps and bags, boxes) in the ocean comes from
marine resources. On the other hand, an estimated of 1.3 billion tons of food
is wasted globally each year which is one third of all the food produced for
consumption according to Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the
United Nations (UN). The micro factors in the food and beverage industry
includes the harmful combustion in production which creates an unfavorable
environment for the workers without safety precautions.

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 Woolen suiting: The micro factors of Wool impacting the environment can be
found in every stage of production, from breeding sheep to mothproofing
garments, the wool industry threatens the land, air, and water. Oxford
researchers studying land degradation in the Karoo in South Africa have
noted, “There is some evidence in the Karoo as a whole that very high stock
numbers (sheep largely) are the cause of vegetation change and soil erosion
leading to the formation of badlands [heavily eroded areas].”
This can be known as the macro environmental factor of Wool because fecal
matter contaminates waterways in areas where sheep are farmed.

Question No: 05
Auto Products:

Auto products falls in complex buying behavior. Complex buying behavior is

encountered particularly when consumers are buying an expensive product. In this

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infrequent transaction, consumers are highly involved in the purchase decision.

Consumers will research thoroughly before committing to invest. As buying of a car

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is a complex decision because a person has to get himself involved deeply in the

research or various things before he make the decision of buying a car. He will
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search before making a decision and will choose the best one.
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Textile Products:

Textile products falls in variety seeking buying behaviour.Variety-seeking buyer

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behavior can best be described as the buying tendencies of those consumers that do
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not have a high involvement with a product when there is a significant difference
between brands.For instance, you searching for textile products but rather then
textile products there are many other variety of products as well you have little
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involvement with the purchase, because there are typically multiple options.Due to
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the number of options in front of consumer-seeking buyer behavior consumers

typically do a lot of switching.

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Furniture falls in dissonance buying behaviour. Dissonance-reducing buying

behaviour occurs when the consumer is highly involved but sees little difference
between brands. In this type, a consumer buys a product that is easily available. As
furniture is an example that a consumer who is looking for a new collapsible table
that can be taken for a camping, quickly decides on the product based on few brands
available. The main criteria here will be the use and the feature of the collapsible
table and the budget available with him.

Public Transport:

Public transport falls in habitual buying behaviour. Habitual buying is the that kind of
buying behavior of customer where they don’t think much before buying the product

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and involvement in the decision making is very low. For instance public transport is
the basic need of any man who dosesnot have his own source of travelling. As for a
man who doesn't have a car or a bike for going to his work he will definitely need a
public transport for travelling. And a person would not even involve in this research
because there are many and many options he can choose for travelling

Question No: 06
 Societal Marketing Concept
The Societal Marketing Concept puts Human welfare on top before profits and
satisfying the wants.

Societal Marketing emphasizes on social responsibilities and suggests that to

sustain long-term success, the company should develop a marketing strategy
to provide value to the customers to maintain and improve both the customers
and society’s well being better than the competitors.

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Societal marketing concept holds that a company should make good

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marketing decisions by considering consumer’s wants, the company’s
requirements, and society’s long-term interests.

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 Adoption Process:

Adoption process is a series of stages by which a consumer might adopt a


new product or service. Whether it be Services or Products, in today’s

competitive world, a consumer is faced with a lot of choices. How does he
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make a decision to ADOPT a new product is the Adoption process.

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There are numerous stages of adoption which a consumer goes through. These
stages may happen before or even after the actual adoption.
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1. Awareness – This is the area where major marketers spend billions of

dollars. Simply speaking, if you are not aware of the product, you are never
going to buy the product.
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2. Interest and Information Search – Once you are aware, you start searching
for information. Whether it be your daily soap, your car or for that matter your

home, you won’t buy it unless you KNOW about it.

3. Evaluation / Trial – Evaluation is wherein you test or have a trial of the
product. This is pretty difficult in services as services are generally intangible in
nature. However service marketing managers do find ways of offering Trial
packs to users. Comparatively, it is pretty easier in Product marketing and finds
a major usage in BTL (Below the Line) sales promotion.
4. Adoption – The actual adoption of the product. Wherein the consumer finally
decides to adopt the product.

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 Entrepreneurial Marketing Concept

Entrepreneurial marketing is less about a single marketing strategy and more about
a marketing spirit that differentiates itself from traditional marketing practices. It
eschews many of the fundamental principles of marketing because they are typically
designed for large, well established firms. Entrepreneurial marketing utilizes a toolkit
of new and unorthodox marketing practices to help emerging firms gain a foothold in
crowded markets.

Many entrepreneurial marketing strategies are born out of necessity. New

businesses might have 10, five, or just one person working on their marketing efforts.
They work within limited budgets and have access to a fraction of the resources that
their major competitors have. Luxuries like graphic design teams and advertising
consultants are often outside the means of start-ups, requiring them to find ways to
make the maximum impact with limited resources.

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The most common features of entrepreneurial marketing include innovation, risk

taking, and being proactive. Entrepreneurial marketing campaigns try to highlight the

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company's greatest strengths while emphasizing their value to the customer.

Focusing on innovative products or exemplary customer service is a way to stand
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out from competitors. They make this pitch using cheap and accessible tools
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including viral videos, Tweets, Facebook pages, and email marketing. Any and all
marketing strategies can be considered as long as they produce results.

 Laggards
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Laggards comprise a group of consumers who avoid change and may not be willing
to adopt a new product until all traditional alternatives are no longer available. The
group is mostly concerned with reliability and low cost and represents about 16% of
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the consumer population. They are typically not interested in higher content, but
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rather the products or services must have credibility, be available easily, and be
simple to use.

Laggards contain some specific characteristics, which are important for a marketing
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team to recognize when developing their plan. Laggards typically have lower income

with low levels of education. They have low status and low social mobility. In many
cases, their low level of income restricts them from having the financial resources to
spend on innovative products at higher prices. As a result, they tend to wait until the
price falls before making a purchase.

 Niche Marketing Concept

Niche marketing is an advertising strategy that focuses on a unique target market.

Instead of marketing to everyone who could benefit from a product or service, this
strategy focuses exclusively on one group—a niche market—or demographic of
potential customers who would most benefit from the offerings.

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A niche market could stand apart from others because of:

Geographic area






Activity or habits



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Feature reduction or additionrs e
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The benefit of niche marketing is that it allows brands to differentiate themselves,
appear as a unique authority, and resonate more deeply with a distinct set of
customers. Rather than blend in with the many other brands that offer the same type

of product or service, a brand can use niche marketing to stand out, appear more
valuable, reach its growth potential, and build a stronger, longer-lasting connection
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with its ideal audience.

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