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Literature review

Metallurgy and processing of ultralow

carbon bake hardening steels
L. J. Baker, S. R. Daniel, and J. D. Parker

The development of bake hardening steels is reviewed. Classical strain aging theories still have relevance to modern
ultralow carbon chemistries, although the drastically reduced carbon contents of these steels can in¯ uence the
kinetics observed during bake hardening. High solute carbon levels increase the bake hardening response but reduce
room temperature aging resistance, hence excess carbon levels are kept within the range 15 ± 25 ppm. The strength
increase appears to be enhanced by a ® ne ferrite grain size; the published evidence is contradictory and further
research is considered necessary. Bake hardening steels can be produced from interstitial free chemistries either by
adjusting the chemistry during steelmaking to leave carbon in solution, or by annealing at high temperature to take
carbides formed during processing into solid solution. Care must be taken during coiling, annealing, and temper
rolling to ensure that suitable amounts of carbon remain in solution to produce a bake hardening product. Further
research into the in¯ uence of processing conditions on the metallurgy of these steels is required if they are to be
successfully produced in industrial conditions. MST/5160

Dr Baker ( was in the Engineering Doctorate Centre in Steel Technology, University of Wales
Swansea; she is now with Corus Strip UK, PO Box 10, Newport NP19 4XN, UK. Dr Daniel is with Corus Technical
Department, Llanwern Works, West Glamorgan, UK and Professor Parker is in the Department of Materials Engineering,
University of Wales Swansea, Swansea SA2 8PP, UK.
# 2002 IoM Communications Ltd.

not signi® cantly affect production costs, and can also allow
Introduction a greater ® nal strength level to be achieved in higher
formability grades.
The threat of future legislation regarding fuel consumption The tensile properties of bake hardening steels are
and emissions has forced the automotive industry to compared with those of other grades in Fig. 1 (Ref. 2),
develop lighter, more fuel ef® cient vehicles. At the same which also indicates the direction in which properties must
time, competition in the market place demands that each car develop to meet the demands of the automotive sector. Bake
offer more than its competitor. Accessories such as air bags, hardening steels initially have a low proof stress and good
impact protection, electric windows, and air condition- formability, making them suitable for the more complex
ing add considerable weight to the car and this must be forming operations encountered during fabrication of outer
balanced by a reduction in weight of the `body in white’ if body parts. During forming and paint baking, the steel will
fuel ef® ciency is to be maintained. This weight reduction is age signi® cantly, resulting in the return of discontinuous
being achieved through close collaboration between the yielding accompanied by an increase in the yield strength.
automotive sector and the major steel manufacturers, with Figure 2 (Ref. 3) illustrates how this strength increase com-
the development of, among other measures, higher strength pares with that achieved with a formable IF steel and a high
steels. The superior strength of these steels allows them to be strength rephosphorised steel. It can be seen that the use of
used in thinner gauges than existing steel products, reducing bake hardening steel can result in both good shape ® xability
the weight of the vehicle while retaining the rigidity of the and improved dent resistance in the ® nal component.
® nished component. Since the strength increase occurs after the component
The development of new and existing steels is a continual has been formed, thinner material can be used for compo-
process, as better solutions are sought to the problem of nents such as fenders, bonnets, boot lids, and door outers,4
weight saving. Target properties to be met by automotive resulting in a weight saving of ~ 7 kg per car. Components
steels in 2005, derived from an ILZRO survey,1 are given in such as boot lids and bonnets that experience relatively
Table 1. Typically, thinner, stronger products are desired, small deformations during forming bene® t particularly
but there is often a trade-off between strength and forma- from the use of a bake hardening steel, as the relatively
bility, a problem that can be solved to some extent by the small strength increase produced by work hardening can be
use of bake hardening steels. improved with a larger bake hardening increase. Resistance
Bake hardening utilises the phenomenon of stain aging to small dents caused by stones and other debris is also of
to provide an increase in the yield strength of formed importance, with parts such as bonnets and outer door skins
components. In automotive body applications, this strength being the most susceptible. Bake hardening steels can offer
increment is developed during the relatively low tem- superior dent resistance to both static and dynamic denting,
perature (150 ± 200 °C) ® nishing treatment required to bake compared with other steel grades, because of their increased
the paint coatings, during which interstitial solute atoms strength after baking.5
migrate to the dislocations produced during pressing. Since Corrosion resistance is another important consideration
it requires no additional process steps, bake hardening does in the design of modern motor vehicles. Antiperforation

This review is a revised version of the runner-up in the 2001 MST Literature Review Prize
competition, set up to encourage the preparation of critical literature reviews by students
studying for higher degrees in the UK, and subsequently to make the best of these available to
a wider readership.

DOI 10.1179/026708302225002452 Materials Science and Technology April 2002 Vol. 18 355
356 Baker et al. Metallurgy and processing of ultralow carbon bake hardening steels

1 Elongation ± tensile strength relationships for various

2 Schematic illustration of bake hardening concept in
types of sheet steel2
fabrication of automotive body parts3

warranties of up to 12 years are now common and 60 ± 80%

The ® rst steels to offer bake hardenability were the rim-
of the steel in an average car body will be coated to meet
ming steels. These contained large quantities of nitrogen in
these requirements.6 Table 2 summarises the coatings most
solution, which, because of its high diffusion rate at room
suited to particular automotive applications.7 High tem-
temperature, made the strength increase dif® cult to control.
perature components such as exhaust systems will typically
Often the steel became stronger during storage, leading to
have an aluminium type coating, whereas exposed panels
dif® culties in pressing and to the formation of stretcher
will tend to utilise the corrosion resistance of zinc. Hot
strain markings. To combat this problem, the aluminium
dipping treatments such as galvannealing and galvanising
killed steels were developed, in which nitrogen is removed
are increasing in popularity over traditional electrolytic
from solution by precipitation of aluminium nitride. The
coatings in exposed applications, owing to their lower
carbon content of these steels was initially 40 .05%; how-
production costs. According to information from AISI,8 net
ever, with the development of vacuum degassing techno-
shipments of galvanised and galvannealed coated sheet steel
logies, the production of extra-low carbon (ELC) steels
from US steel companies increased from ~ 6.5 Mt in 1991
containing 0.01 ± 0 .03%C became possible (compositions
to ~ 11 .8 Mt in 1998; during the same period, equivalent
are in wt-% or wt-ppm unless otherwise indicated). The
® gures were ~ 2 .0 to ~ 3. 3 Mt for electrolytic zinc coated
requirement for more formable steels drove the lower car-
sheet and ~ 1.0 to ~ 1.6 Mt for other metallic coated sheet
bon limit in steelmaking down from 200 ± 300 ppm in 1960
(Zn ± Al, Al).
to ~ 100 ppm in 1990, 9 and more recently, ultralow carbon
The challenge to the steelmaker is to develop alternative
(ULC) steels have been developed containing 550 ppm.
products, such as bake hardening steels, which offer weight
Continued innovation in vacuum degassing now allows
reduction, high strength, and corrosion resistance.
consistent production of super-ultralow carbon (SULC)
steels containing 530 ppm carbon. Further reduction may
DEVELOPMENT OF BAKE HARDENING STEELS be possible, but will push the capabilities of vacuum degas-
sing to the limit. Furthermore, work by Hutchinson et al.1 0
The strength increase achieved in bake hardening steels is has shown that reducing the total carbon content below
attributed to interstitial solute atoms (carbon and nitrogen) ~ 10 ppm may actually degrade the formability of the steel
migrating to and pinning dislocations. Once pinning has (Fig. 3).
occurred, an increased stress is required for further defor- Superformable IF steels have been developed in which the
mation. This phenomenon is observed only after several total carbon content usually remains at ~ 30 ppm, this
days at room temperature, but will occur in minutes at paint carbon then being removed from solution by the addition
baking temperatures. of carbide forming elements such as titanium and nio-
bium. These steels can be manipulated to produce a bake
Table 1 Summary of North American target properties hardening steel by controlling the chemistry or processing
for 2005 for high strength light gauge sheet
steels for speci® c passenger car applications1
Table 2 Automotive applications for hot dip coated
Tensile Yield Total steels7
Thickness, strength, strength, elongation,
Application mm MPa MPa % Coating type Typical application

Doors, outer Zinc (galvanised) Rocker panels, wheelhouse panels,

0.66 363 237 36
skin bumper reinforcement, ¯ oor pans,
Doors, inner cross-members, hoods, fenders, door
structure 0.64 335 201 40
outer panels, quarter panels, roofs
Hood, outer skin 0.66 359 244 36 Zinc ± iron Body rails, cross-members, fenders,
Hood, internal (galvannealed) doors, outer body panels, quarter
0.64 345 197 38
structure panels, hoods, ¯ oor pans, door
Trunk lid, inner panels, dash panels
outer skin 0.66 362 238 36
Aluminium Exhaust systems, chassis components
Trunk lid, Aluminium ± zinc Exhaust systems, air cleaner covers,
0.64 345 205 39
internal structure (~ 55Al ± 45Zn) brake shields, ¯ oor pan covers
Fenders, quarter Zinc ± aluminium Fuel tank shields, fuel oil ® lter shields,
panels 0.66 348 221 39
(~ 95Zn ± 5Al) motor housings, shock towers, deep
Floor pan 0.75 362 20 39 drawn underbody parts
Internal body Lead ± tin Fuel tanks, fuel lines, radiator
0.9 414 285 35
structure and heater parts, air cleaners
Roof 0.67 372 233 36 Tin Oil ® lter, heater components

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Baker et al. Metallurgy and processing of ultralow carbon bake hardening steels 357

precipitation within grains, or the re-formation of grain

boundary ® lms that had ruptured during initial yielding.
However, this could not account for the extremely small
interstitial contents required to produce strain aging and it
was not until Cottrell and Bilby1 3 published their disloca-
tion theory in 1949 that further progress was achieved.
Cottrell and Bilby noted that the hydrostatic and shear
stresses produced when carbon is introduced to the lattice
could be reduced by atomic diffusion to edge and screw
dislocations, leading to the formation of solute `atmos-
pheres’ from which the dislocations must be torn before
plastic ¯ ow can occur. This leads to the characteristic upper
yield point seen in aged steels, followed by ¯ ow at a lower
yield point when new dislocations are generated and can
move under a smaller stress. It was suggested that segre-
gation would continue until a state of saturation was
reached, at which point the atmosphere could be visualised
as a central row of dislocations situated just below the
dislocation line, surrounded in the lower half-crystal by a
dilute carbon atom distribution of the Maxwell ± Boltzmann
Cottrell and Bilby went on to calculate the rate of
formation of the atmosphere as

N (t) ~3no (p =2) 1=3 (ADt=kT ) 2=3 : : : : : : : : (1)

3 Effect of carbon content on formability of range of
steels,10 as characterised by through thickness/width where N(t)/ no is the fraction of total dissolved solute
strain ratio during tensile deformation r migrating to dislocations in time t (s) at absolute tem-
perature T (K), D is the carbon diffusion coef® cient
conditions to leave 15 ± 25 ppm carbon in solution. It is (cm 2 s ­ 1 ), A is an interaction parameter de® ning the
bene® cial to use a SULC chemistry in the production of strength of the atmosphere (Pa), L is the dislocation density
these steels since smaller additions of costly titanium and (cm ­ 2 ), and k is Boltzmann’ s constant (J K ­ 1 ).
niobium are required. The improved formability of this type In the derivation of this t2 /3 law, as it has become com-
of bake hardening steel has gained considerable attention monly known, it was acknowledged that as the atmosphere
from the automotive manufacturers and its production has builds up to equilibrium, saturation and concentration
now become the focus of extensive research. differences would become important in modifying the ¯ ow
of the carbon atoms. However, the dif® culties encountered
in modelling these effects forced the authors to assume that,
Metallurgy of bake hardening steels at least at the beginning of aging, the only important effect
would be the drift ¯ ow of the atoms due to interaction with
Essentially a high temperature strain aging process, bake the dislocation.
hardening is a diffusion controlled process involving the Many attempts have been made to expand the relation-
migration of solute carbon atoms within the iron lattice. ship by modelling the behaviour of the atmosphere as it
The diffusion of these atoms will be affected by heat nears saturation and a comprehensive critical review of this
treatment time and temperature and the amount of solute work was given in 1963 by Baird.1 4 ± 1 7 Perhaps the most
present in the steel. Factors such as grain size and dis- important work was by Bullough and Newman, 1 8 who
location density may also have an in¯ uence. Studies on the analysed the kinetics of strain aging, allowing for both
fundamental mechanisms of bake hardening (strain aging) drift and diffusion ¯ ow, showing that the Cottrell ± Bilby
will be reviewed with an emphasis on how these may relate relationship applied until aging was 30 ± 40% complete; it
to modern ULC chemistries. was concluded that in the latter stages, segregation was
retarded by back-diffusion from the core.
Importantly, Bullough and Newman calculated that
MECHANISM OF BAKE HARDENING during atmosphere formation only 10% of available
The yield strength increase arising from bake hardening is solute segregated to dislocations and suggested that where
accompanied by the return of the yield point and yield point all the available solute was found to segregate, atmosphere
elongation; there may also be a slight increase in tensile formation was preceded by precipitation on dislocations.
strength and decrease in elongation. To realise this strength The suggestion that these precipitates would be rodlike and
increase, the following criteria must be met:1 1 stabilised by a combination of chemical binding within the
(i) mobile dislocations must be present in the steel particle and elastic interaction with the stress ® eld of the
(ii) there must be suf® cient concentration of solute in dislocation was later supported by the work of Nacken and
the steel to pin these dislocations Heller.1 9
(iii) the solute must be mobile at the aging temperature The stages of strain aging proposed by these theories have
(iv) dislocation recovery must be suf® ciently slow to been investigated in a number of studies and reference is
prevent softening. again made to Baird1 4 ± 1 7 for a full review. Wilson and
The driving force for pinning is a reduction in lattice energy. Russell2 0 ± 2 2 studied the in¯ uence of strain aging on the
Both impurity atoms and dislocations induce lattice strains mechanical properties of a rimming steel strained 4% and
in the iron matrix and these strains can be relaxed if the showed that four stages could exist during strain aging. The
interstitial atoms diffuse to the vicinity of dislocations.1 2 ® rst, measurable only at subzero temperatures (­ 12 °C), was
attributed to the stress induced reordering of interstitial
Early strain aging theories atoms to enlarged interstices (Snoek effect2 3 ). At higher
For many years, the general assumption was that the temperatures (60 °C), several distinct stages of aging were
increase in strength observed was a result of strain induced shown2 2 to exist over times up to 10 4 min, as illustrated in

Materials Science and Technology April 2002 Vol. 18

358 Baker et al. Metallurgy and processing of ultralow carbon bake hardening steels

Increase in lower yield stress (MPa)

Aging time (min)

5 Effect of prestrain on increase in lower yield stress

during aging at 150°C (Ref. 24)

property in automotive steels. Most of these theories were

based on work at relatively low temperatures in steels highly
saturated with both carbon and nitrogen, whereas the steels
commonly used in the automotive industry typically contain
no solute nitrogen and have total carbon contents as low
as 30 ppm. Recent work has been carried out at higher
temperatures than the classical studies, concentrating par-
ticularly on the paint curing cycle (170 °C for 20 min) used
in automotive production lines.
Elsen and Hougardy2 4 in 1993 studied the aging kinetics
of a low carbon steel containing ~ 5 ppm carbon in
solution. Two distinct stages were seen in bake hardening
response during aging at temperatures between 50 and
180 °C (Fig. 5). The ® rst stage was assumed to be the result
of long range diffusion of carbon atoms to the stress ® elds
4 Effect of grain size on changes in mechanical proper-
ties produced by strain aging following quenching
around dislocations, as proposed by Cottrell and Bilby.
from 200°C and 4% prestrain:22 1~50, 2~195, 3~ However, since the interaction between carbon atoms and
1850 grains mm­ 2 dislocations decreases with increasing distance, Elsen and
Hougardy suggested that the proportionality between
Fig. 4. First, an increase in yield strength was measured, segregated solute atoms and mechanical properties assumed
with an accompanying increase in LuÈder’ s strain (or yield by the Cottrell ± Bilby equation would be valid only at the
point elongation); this was shown to follow a t2 /3 law. It was beginning of aging. A new relationship describing the devel-
calculated that 10% of the available solute had segregated opment of the ® rst step of bake hardening was developed
at the end of this stage, in accordance with the theory of Dr Cottrell ~Dr max,I ( t=kc ) =‰1+ (t=kc )nc Š : : : : : (2)
Bullough and Newman. Continued segregation caused a
further increase in yield strength, but at a much slower where Dr m a x ,I is the maximum strength increase in the ® rst
stage of bake hardening, t is aging time, kc is a temperature
rate than in the ® rst stage. The LuÈ der’s strain showed no
dependent constant, and nc is a time exponent; kc was
further increase, indicating that Cottrell locking was no
shown to follow an Arrhenius relationship and to be depen-
longer the dominant mechanism. Instead, it was assumed
dent on the dislocation density and the rate of diffusion of
that this stage of aging was the result of the formation of
carbon in a -Fe.
® ne clusters or precipitates on the saturated dislocation
The maximum strength increase and time exponent were
atmospheres. The ® nal stage of aging caused an increase in
found to be constant at all temperatures and prestrains, 2 4
tensile strength and a decrease in ductility, with only a small
implying that there is a limit to the strength increase
increase in yield strength, as would be expected from matrix
achieved by Cottrell atmosphere formation, regardless of
precipitation hardening. Very ® ne precipitates were observed
the dislocation density or aging temperature. The relation-
in overaged specimens and it was suggested that these could
ship was extended to model the behaviour of the strength
have derived from ® ne, closely spaced precipitates lying along increase during the second stage of aging, which was
a tangled network of dislocations in the deformed grains. assumed to be due to the formation of precipitates on dis-
These investigations led Wilson and Russell to conclude that, locations.2 4 In this case, the maximum increase in strength
once atmosphere formation has occurred, strengthening is was found to be independent of temperature, but to decrease
associated with the formation of clusters of solute atoms, with increasing prestrain, implying that precipitation is a
probably at close intervals along dislocations. Continued less effective strengthening mechanism at higher dislocation
aging is then thought to coarsen these clusters, increasing densities. The availability of more nucleation sites on
tensile strength and eventually leading to classical precipita- dislocations as the density increases would lead to the
tion hardening. formation of smaller particles which would be expected to
increase the yield strength. The observed decrease was
attributed to the formation of coherent particles that can
Recent strain aging theories more easily be cut by dislocations; decreasing particle
Since the development of the early theories, strain aging, in size would then represent less of a barrier to dislocation
the form of bake hardening, has been found to be a useful movement. Elsen and Hougardy supported this theory by

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Baker et al. Metallurgy and processing of ultralow carbon bake hardening steels 359

Load (kg)
6 Calculated26 time ± temperature ± precipitation diagram Elongation at secondary deformation (%)
for cementite precipitation in ferrite containing 0.045%C:
experimental points27 are for 15% carbide precipitation in 7 Effect of predeformation direction on bake hardening
steel also containing 0.02%P and 0.35%Mn respectively behaviour33

of dislocations on the active slip plane and not matrix

showing that the strain hardening of the steels investigated
strengthening through precipitate formation. If this is the
did not differ greatly, implying that the rate of dislocation
case, bake hardening can be absent if dislocations from
multiplication was similar for all conditions. This relation-
other slip planes are activated.
ship was later con® rmed by the work of Van Snick et al.2 5
Work of this nature has allowed predictions to be made
The nature of the particles formed during the second
regarding the stages of strain aging that will occur during
stage of bake hardening was discussed by Kozeschnik and
the paint baking cycles encountered industrially. Rashid3 4
Buchmayr 2 6 The time ± temperature ± precipitation curves
showed that the aging temperatures and times commonly
for cementite in ferrite containing 0 .045%C were calculated
used during paint baking corresponded to the end of
(Fig. 6) and compared with the experimental results of
Cottrell locking and the beginning of precipitate formation
Abe.2 7 The apparent discontinuities at 90 and 250 °C were
in the steel studied. Clearly, however, the composition of the
attributed to the formation of low temperature carbide
steel with respect to the total and solute carbon content will
(Fe 3 2 C 4 ) and e carbide (Fe2 . 4 ± 3 . 0 C). Electron microscopy
greatly in¯ uence the kinetics of aging and this can only be
studies2 8 ± 3 0 had previously shown these phases to have
used as a guide.
different structures to cementite, as well as different
Very little work has been carried out on the aging
nucleation and growth behaviour. Since e carbide forms
behaviour of ULC and SULC steels. Since it is these
preferentially on dislocations3 1 and the times and tempera-
chemistries that are under development for modern bake
tures of precipitation 3 1 agree with those reported by Elsen
hardening steels, improved knowledge of their bake hard-
and Hougardy for the onset of second stage bake hard-
ening behaviour is essential.
ening,2 4 it is likely that this particle is responsible for the
strength increase observed.
Although the stages of bake hardening and the formation INFLUENCE OF SOLUTE CARBON CONTENT
of clusters and precipitates have generally been established, The strength increase in modern bake hardening steels is
attempts to observe these particles in bake hardened steels, derived solely from interstitial carbon. Nitrogen is almost
principally using transmission electron microscopy (TEM), always taken out of solution by additions of nitride formers
have been unsuccessful: the particles (if in existence) have such as aluminium and titanium. Nitrogen has a faster
been too ® ne to resolve. Rubianes and Zimmer3 2 investi- diffusion rate at room temperature than carbon (1 .346
gated the bake hardening response in a steel containing 10­ 1 6 cm 2 s­ 1 cf. 2 .8 610­ 1 7 cm2 s­ 1 ),3 5 which allows it to
~ 20 ppm carbon. Cementite particles were identi® ed using diffuse through the ferrite matrix and pin dislocations
TEM, but no e carbide. The cementite was thought to have during storage of the steel at ambient temperatures. Room
precipitated during hot rolling and was not considered temperature aging of this kind leads to the formation of
responsible for any bake hardening strength increase. stretcher strain markings (LuÈder’s bands) when the steel
Although precipitation may have occurred, it was also is pressed, resulting in an `streaky’ ® nish, which is not
possible that in steels with very low carbon contents, acceptable for exposed automotive applications. The slower
precipitation would be retarded or absent and that Cottrell diffusion rate of carbon allows the steel to remain at storage
locking would continue at high temperatures. No clear two temperatures for up to six months without aging. At paint
stage strengthening behaviour was observed, but the tem- baking temperatures, however, the diffusion rate is signi-
peratures used were high ( 4150 °C) and the ® rst stage may ® cantly increased (2 .24610 ­ 1 2 cm 2 s ­ 1 ), increasing the
already have occurred. Since the effect of different levels of probability of dislocation pinning.
prestraining was not studied, it is dif® cult to say whether Increasing the carbon content will increase the bake
Rubianes and Zimmer’s interpretation is correct; however, hardening response: more solute is available to pin mobile
based on the evidence presented by other authors, it is felt dislocations and the formation of clusters will occur more
that should such a study be undertaken, the continuation of rapidly. Work by Van Snick et al.2 5 showed that increasing
Cottrell locking at high temperatures would be ruled out. the carbon content from 0 to 40 ppm increased the bake
The development of matrix precipitation hardening hardening response from 40 to 70 MPa; further increases in
during bake hardening was investigated by Okamoto solute carbon had no effect on the bake hardening
et al.3 3 In the typical bake hardening steel investigated, measured. A similar saturation effect, the level of which
although the bake hardening response was large if the increased with decreasing grain size, was observed by Hanai
primary and secondary deformation were in the same et al.3 6 who attributed this to the fact that at 420 ppm
direction, it was found to be absent if the deformation solute carbon the aging mechanism is primarily that of
modes were perpendicular (Fig. 7). It was concluded that precipitate formation. As the carbon content increases
the strength increase observed was due solely to locking so does precipitate formation, giving classical matrix

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360 Baker et al. Metallurgy and processing of ultralow carbon bake hardening steels

36 ~20


s¾ y (kg mm_ 2 )
s¾ y =s¾1 +k¾y d_ 1 /2
32 ~5


sf 2 % (kg mm_ 2 )
sf2 % =s1 +kf d_ 1 /2
28 ~10 26

8 In¯ uence of carbon in solution on bake hardening 8

DYS (kg mm_ 2 )

response following 2% prestrain (BH2 ) and aging sensi- DYS=s1 +k1 d_ 1 / 2 ~10
tivity of E180BH steel:32 YPE~yield point extension
hardening. This will increase the tensile strength of the ~5
material, but have little in¯ uence on the yield strength.
Rubianes and Zimmer3 2 categorised the effect of 4
increasing carbon content on bake hardening and room
temperature aging into three domains (Fig. 8). At 53 ppm
solute carbon, steels have excellent room temperature sta- 6 8 10 12
bility but show no signi® cant bake hardening. The second
domain consists of steels containing 47 ppm solute car- d_ 1 /2 (mm_ 1 /2 )
bon. The bake hardening response is excellent, exceeding
9 Effect of carbon in solution and grain `diameter’ d on
60 MPa: unfortunately the propensity for room tempera-
bake hardening response D YS, ¯ ow stress after 2%
ture aging is also greatly increased in these steels. The third prestrain sf2% , and tensile strength after baking s’y
domain applies to steels with carbon contents, which have (Ref. 36)
an adequate bake hardening response of 20 ± 60 MPa but
also offer suitable resistance to room temperature aging.
Van Snick et al.2 5 agreed with Obara et al.4 1 that the
Obviously, bake hardening steels should be designed to fall
in¯ uence of grain size was due to the fact that more
in this region. It should be noted that the carbon contents
cementite particles were observed in coarse grains; it was
reported by Rubianes and Zimmer were measured via
postulated that solute carbon would move to these carbides
internal friction methods, which do not detect carbon
as well as to dislocations, resulting in less ef® cient pinning.
lying at grain boundaries, and thus are lower than those
This is a reasonable assumption for steels with relatively
calculated by Van Snick et al.2 5 or Hanai et al.3 6
high carbon contents, but not for the ULC chemistries in
which cementite is not usually present in the matrix.
INFLUENCE OF FERRITE GRAIN SIZE In contrast to the evidence presented above, both
The literature regarding the in¯ uence of ferrite grain size on Pradhan4 2 and Lee and Zuidema4 3 found that bake hard-
the bake hardening response is somewhat contradictory. ening response did not vary between coarse and ® ne grained
Hanai et al.3 6 studied a low carbon steel, varying the grain steels. Present knowledge on the effect of grain size is
size by changing the annealing conditions; decreasing the limited and contradictory, and clearly further work is
grain size had a positive effect on the bake hardening required in this area. Further understanding of the in¯ uence
response (Fig. 9). It was suggested that a ® ne grain size of grain size on bake hardening would be useful to steel-
increased the strength after baking, but had no signi® cant makers since it would allow bake hardening to be increased
effect on the ¯ ow stress after 2% prestrain. Bleck3 7 found a without compromising room temperature stability.
similar response in a batch annealed bake hardening steel,
but gave no metallurgical explanation. Kinoshita and
Nishimoto 3 8 found that the bake hardening response was
lower in rephosphorised and coarse grained aluminium killed Bake hardening steels
steels than in ® ne grained steels. Heat treating the phospho-
rus containing steel at 550 °C for 1 h increased the amount There are several types of bake hardening steel in
of carbon in solution, but had only a marginal effect on the production today. Individual grades are determined by
bake hardening response. It was concluded that bake the processing technology available and the properties
hardening may involve a combination of carbon in solution required in the ® nal product. These steels can be loosely
and carbon segregated at grain boundaries. This explana- grouped into two main categories, ELC/ULC aluminium
tion was also put forward by Meissen and Leroy3 9 and killed steels; and IF steels.
supported by Sakata et al.,4 0 who suggested that the small
amount of solute carbon not measured by internal friction
methods had segregated to grain boundaries during cooling. ALUMINIUM KILLED BAKE HARDENING
Grain boundaries offer low energy positions for solute atoms, STEELS
making them more stable and therefore unable to contri- Aluminium killed steels are so called because aluminium
bute to aging at room temperature. It was postulated that at additions (0 .03 ± 0 .07%) are made during secondary steel-
the elevated temperatures used during paint curing opera- making to remove oxygen and nitrogen from solution.
tions (170 °C) it would be possible for this carbon to diffuse Oxygen must be removed to prevent reaction with carbon
to the grain interiors and contribute to bake hardening. and consequent rimming of the steel during casting, and

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Baker et al. Metallurgy and processing of ultralow carbon bake hardening steels 361

TiN (Fe± 0´003C± 0´06S± 0´03Nb± 0´06Ti) A <1220°C

B <1150°C
C <930°C

A Ti4 S2 C2


Ti4 S2 C2 TiS MC

TiN Ti4 S2 C2
11 Schematic illustration of effects of composition on
precipitation in ULC steels with given nitrogen, sul-
Process phur, and carbon contents: for partially stabilised
steels, white area represents solute carbon46
10 Schematic mechanism of carbosulphide and carbide
formation in titanium IF steels44
In true IF steels, titanium is often added in greater quan-
tities than this, to ensure complete stabilisation.
nitrogen must be removed to prevent aging of the steel at
The precipitation mechanism of titanium in these steels is
room temperature.
summarised in Fig. 10 (Ref. 44). It is postulated that ® ne
The ELC steel grades typically have a carbon content of
titanium nitride particles formed during slab casting act as
~ 0.01%. If all this were in solution, room temperature
nucleation sites for the precipitation of TiS and Ti4 C 2 S 2 .
aging would occur very rapidly. Hence, carbon levels must
The small amount of carbon remaining is precipitated as
be controlled by suitable annealing practices. The ELC
TiC. During reheating of the slab, solution of carbosulphide
steels are fairly straightforward to produce since they do not
occurs, leaving only TiS and TiN. Cooling of the strip to
require tight chemistry or annealing control. Care must be
the austenite ± ferrite transformation temperature during
taken, however, with overaging practice during annealing
hot rolling transforms TiS to Ti4 C 2 S2 by the absorption
to ensure an appropriate amount of carbon (15 ± 25 ppm)
of titanium and carbon. This mechanism of precipitation
is left in solution in the ® nal product. These steels can
applies only when some titanium remains in solution: in just
exhibit problems during galvannealing, but their main
stabilised or understabilised chemistries, formation of TiC
disadvantage is low formability because of the relatively
and Ti4 C 2 S2 is inhibited because of the low titanium
high carbon contents.
content. This successive precipitation of carbides and car-
The increased ef® ciency of vacuum degassing has allowed
bosulphides makes it dif® cult to control the amount of
the more formable ULC steels to be produced, typically
titanium available for carbon stabilisation and hence the
containing 0 .001 ± 0 .004%C, all of which is available for
solute carbon content. However, a bake hardening product
bake hardening. Careful chemistry control during steelmak-
can be produced from a titanium chemistry by inhibiting or
ing is therefore crucial to ensure suitable amounts of carbon
avoiding TiC formation, so that the total carbon content
remain in solution in the ® nal product.
remains in solution and is available for bake hardening.
Work by Tanioku et al.4 5 and Kojima et al.4 6 has shown
IF BAKE HARDENING STEELS that this can be achieved by controlling total carbon
Like ULC steels, IF steels contain very low amounts of total at 15 ± 25 ppm and titanium at ~ 0 .01%. The manganese
carbon ( 50. 004%). In true IF steels, all interstitial elements content must be kept low (~ 0 .3%) to prevent the formation
are removed from solution by addition of carbide and of MnS in preference to TiS and the slab reheat temperature
nitride formers such as aluminium, titanium, niobium, must be high (~ 1200 °C) to prevent the precipitation of
and ± increasingly ± vanadium. The elimination of intersti- Ti4 C 2 S 2 . It can be seen from Fig. 11 that the amount of
tial elements during steelmaking leads to superb formability carbon in solution can be adjusted by changes in com-
in the ® nal product, making IF steels ideally suited to com- position.4 6 In this ® gure, the optimum situation is given
plex modern automotive pressings. These steels do not in (c), where titanium is tied up as TiN and TiS, with
exhibit bake hardening since, by de® nition, they have no manganese stabilising the remaining sulphur as MnS. In this
interstitial elements in solution. The chemistry and process- way, the total carbon content is available in solution.
ing of these steels, however, can be adjusted to leave Another method for producing titanium IF bake hard-
15 ± 25 ppm carbon in solution, which, although slightly ening steels, discussed by Tsunoyama et al.,4 7 relies on
reducing the formability, gives a propensity for bake reducing the sulphur level to minimise formation of TiS.
hardening of 30 ± 60 MPa. The role of TiS as a heterogeneous nucleation site for the
There are several types of IF steel, de® ned by the com- precipitation of TiC can lead to the reduction in solute
bination of alloying elements used, each of which can be carbon and hence bake hardening response. As can be seen
used as the basis for a bake hardening steel, although, as in Fig. 12, the aging index (the increase in yield strength
discussed below, processing limitations make some more that occurs during storage at room temperature) of a
favourable than others. titanium only steel was increased by reducing sulphur
from 0 .008 to 0 .001%. Kawasaki et al.4 8 used a similar
Titanium IF steels philosophy, involving a decreased sulphur level (0.005%)
In suf® cient quantities and in the absence of any other coupled with an increase of manganese to 1 .0%; the
strong carbide formers, titanium can be used to form formation of Ti4 C 2 S 2 was suppressed, leaving carbon in
carbides, nitrides, and sulphides (TiC, TiN, TiS, and under solution and producing a bake hardening steel.
certain conditions Ti4 C 2 S 2 ). For full stabilisation of the Kitamura et al.4 9 have presented a completely different
interstitial elements, Ti must be added according to the methodology for the production of titanium based bake
stoichiometric ratio 4 4 hardening steels. They suggested that the reduction in r
value due to solute carbon in solution through process-
%Ti ~4( %C) + 3 :42( %N) + 1 :5( %S) : : : : : : (3) ing can be eliminated by using a fully stabilised titanium

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362 Baker et al. Metallurgy and processing of ultralow carbon bake hardening steels

13 Effect of processing on relationship between bake

hardenability and r for 0.003C ± 0.01P ± 0.006S ± 0.03Ti
12 Effect of sulphur content on aging index (AI) in tita- steel49
nium ELC steels:47 AI is directly related to solute
carbon content and can be used to evaluate bake
hardenability traditional IF grades. High temperature annealing of this
kind can, however, lead to shape problems in the strip such
as heat buckling.5 3 Some continuous annealing lines can
composition. Excess carbon can then be introduced by operate at these high temperatures, but they are beyond the
annealing in a carburising atmosphere. The theory suggests limits of conventional hot dip galvanising lines. Steelmakers
that as the steel sheet absorbs carbon, the Ti/C ratio must therefore assess their own production capabilities
decreases, eventually resulting in some solute carbon in before deciding on a suitable processing route for the
the matrix. A bake hardening response of 20 ± 50 MPa niobium IF based bake hardening steels.
was achieved in this way without compromising r value The niobium steels have higher recrystallisation tem-
(Fig. 13). It is unlikely that this type of processing will be perature (750 ± 800 °C) than titanium compositions. This is
widely taken up, however, as the complexity of the opera- attributed to the low temperature formation of niobium
tion poses signi® cant production challenges. carbides, producing ® ne particles that readily retard grain
Compared with other IF compositions, the titanium boundary movement during annealing.5 4 Galvannealing
bearing steels have superior r values and elongation, with properties are superior to the titanium grades, but the high
lower yield strengths and recrystallisation temperatures. recrystallisation temperature makes them unsuitable for
The precipitation of the primary particles at higher tem- many galvannealing lines.
peratures also makes these compositions less susceptible to
¯ uctuations in chemistry and processing. The low recry-
stallisation temperature of these steels (700 ± 750 °C) makes Niobium ± titanium IF steels
them ideally suited to the lower temperature galvannealing By combining titanium and niobium to stabilise carbon and
lines. Unfortunately, titanium is believed5 0 ,5 1 to increase the nitrogen, a steel can be produced with an excellent com-
rate of alloying during the galvannealing process, leading bination of properties.5 5 For full stabilisation, titanium and
to excessive powdering of the coating during subsequent niobium must be added according to
processing. The spot weld fatigue properties of these steels
( %Nb){7 :75 ‰( %Ti){3 :42( %N) {1 :5(%S)Š=4 ~0 (5)
have also been shown to be poor, probably5 2 because of the
presence of large TiN particles in the microstructure. By reducing the sulphur level and increasing manganese, the
formation of TiS can be suppressed, leaving all titanium
available for nitrogen stabilisation. The precipitation of
Niobium IF steels
Ti4 C 2 S 2 can also be suppressed in this way, so carbon
Niobium is a strong carbide former that can stabilise carbon is controlled by niobium alone. As with the Nb only
as NbC when added according to the stoichiometric ratio compositions, carbon content can be controlled either by
(%Nb) ~7 :75( %C) : : : : : : : : : : : (4) understoichiometric addition of niobium, or by high tem-
perature annealing and controlled cooling, depending on
Nitrogen is stabilised by the addition of aluminium to form the capabilities of individual steelmakers. These steels
AlN. This is more stable and therefore forms at higher have been widely researched and are the choice of many
temperatures than Nb(C,N), so it can be assumed that all manufacturers. Not only do they have a good balance of
niobium is available for carbide formation. The relative mechanical properties, they also offer good coating cha-
simplicity of carbon stabilisation in these steels makes them racteristics without the need for the high recrystallisation
ideal for the production of bake hardening grades. temperatures necessary for the niobium only steels.
Control of solute carbon in the niobium bearing bake
hardening steels can be achieved in two ways. First, insuf-
® cient niobium can be added fully to stabilise the carbon, Vanadium IF steels
leaving 15 ± 25 ppm in solution after steelmaking. This The use of vanadium as a stabilising element in IF steels is a
methodology requires tight chemistry control during more recent development. Vanadium can be substituted for
steelmaking and, because of the presence of solute carbon niobium and titanium to form both carbides and nitrides.
throughout subsequent processing, the r value can suffer. The stoichiometric ratio is 5 7
The second method requires the full stabilisation of carbon
( %V) ~4 :24( %C)+ 3 :64( %N) : : : : : : : : (6)
during steelmaking. Solute carbon is then liberated by
solution of NbC during annealing. By annealing at high Vanadium is only a moderate carbide former and it is likely
temperatures (800 ± 850 °C) and cooling at 420 K s­ 1 , that higher concentrations will be required for full stabi-
15 ± 25 ppm carbon can be retained in solution.5 3 Since lisation. For this reason, V ± Ti combinations are common,
the carbon is fully stabilised until the end of annealing, r where titanium is added in suf® cient quantities to stabilise
values in steels of this type are comparable with those of nitrogen, leaving vanadium available to form VC.

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Baker et al. Metallurgy and processing of ultralow carbon bake hardening steels 363

14 Equilibrium carbon solubility in pure and alloyed


Vanadium containing steels have lower recrystallisation

temperatures than other IF compositions. The recrystal-
lisation temperature of a 0 .0041C ± 0.0025N ± 0 .041V steel
was found by Engl and Gerber5 6 to be ~ 700 °C, compared
with 700 ± 800 °C for a similar niobium or titanium stabilised
steel. Because vanadium carbide is much less thermo-
15 Effect of slab reheating temperature (SRT) on solu-
dynamically stable than TiC or NbC, signi® cantly higher tion of precipitates in niobium and titanium IF
solubility can be achieved during annealing. steels59
Taylor and Speer5 7 studied various Ti ± V alloying com-
binations, where titanium was added in suf® cient quantities
to stabilise nitrogen as TiN and vanadium was added to
form VC. The relative solubility of carbon in iron in the During hot rolling, the steel is at temperatures from
presence of titanium, niobium, and vanadium is shown ~ 700 °C to 1250 °C. It is during this process that many
in Fig. 14. At annealing temperatures of 750 °C, 20 ppm precipitates form and the microstructure is controlled.
carbon can be dissolved with additions of vanadium, Control and understanding of the hot strip mill is crucial in
whereas in the presence of titanium and niobium only the production of IF steels.
1 ± 2 ppm would be liberated at this temperature.
Interestingly, it was also reported5 7 that higher solute Slab reheating
carbon contents could be tolerated in V ± Ti bake hardening
Solution of precipitates, formed during the solidi® cation of
steels before room temperature aging occurred (40 ± 50 ppm
the slab, occurs when the slab is preheated before hot
cf. 535 ppm in titanium IF steels). It was suggested that,
rolling. Temperatures used can range from 1000 to 1250 °C
owing to its strong af® nity for any carbon in solution,
and are important in determining the hot band grain size
vanadium may exert a kinetic effect on aging. Hence on
and texture. Nitrogen is removed from solution by the
solution of vanadium carbides during annealing, the
formation of either TiN or AlN. In titanium bearing steels,
mobility of the carbon is restricted by the presence of the
TiN is formed at high temperatures and does not dissolve
vanadium and room temperature aging occurs more slowly during slab reheating. In niobium steels, however, AlN
than in steels stabilised by niobium and titanium. Further dissolves and reprecipitation occurs during hot rolling and
work on the in¯ uence of vanadium on the kinetics of aging high temperature coiling. Ohashi et al.5 9 showed the effect
was considered necessary to clarify this phenomenon. of increasing reheat temperature on the solution of pre-
Although many strategies are used in the production of cipitates in stabilised IF steels (Fig. 15). At higher tem-
IF bake hardening steels, the combination of composition peratures (1250 °C), there is complete solution of NbC and
and processing route chosen will depend largely on the partial solution of MnS and TiN. The compositions used
capabilities of individual steelmakers. To date, however, for bake hardening steels result in low solution tempera-
Ti ± Nb combinations have received the greatest attention tures for sulphides: in titanium steels all sulphides are
because of their enhanced properties and relative ease of dissolved after 1 h at 1250 °C (Ref. 60) and there is partial
manufacture. solution at 1150 °C. Solution of precipitates during slab
reheating makes the bake hardening steels more susceptible
to temperature variations in downstream processing where
reprecipitation must occur, and therefore lower slab reheat
Processing bake hardening IF steels
temperatures are desirable.

The most important process areas for producing bake

hardening steels are steelmaking, coiling, annealing, and Finishing temperature
temper rolling. In other areas, the processing conditions will Hot roll ® nishing must be completed above the Ar 3
be similar to that for a standard IF steel. The processing temperature to ensure recrystallisation occurs through the
route from iron ore to coated steel strip is complex,5 8 strip. Temperatures should not greatly exceed this value
involving many stages. The speci® c challenges during steel- since higher temperatures can lead to hot band grain
making having been discussed above, the rolling and growth, which in turn causes poor texture development and
annealing practices will now be described. hence poor r value in the ® nal product. Because of the ULC

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364 Baker et al. Metallurgy and processing of ultralow carbon bake hardening steels

16 Effect of coiling temperature after hot rolling on yield

point elongation60
17 Effect of coiling temperature after hot rolling on
aging index (AI) of titanium ± niobium IF steels63
content of these steels, Ar3 is higher than in other steels,
usually in the range 890 ± 930 °C. the formation of favourable recrystallisation textures during
annealing. The use of high coiling temperatures is proble-
Runout table practice matic, however, because it can lead to increased micro-
structural variation through the coil and the formation of
Various cooling regimes can be employed on the runout
extensive scale. Also, complete precipitation of NbC during
table. It has been reported by Tanaka et al.6 1 that in IF
coiling will give less carbon in solution and a lower bake
steels, rapid cooling of the strip soon after the ® nal ® nishing
hardening response.
stand can decrease the hot band grain size. This will lead to
Hwang et al.6 3 found that increasing the coiling tem-
improved r value in the ® nal product and is a practice widely
perature of a dual stabilised bake hardening steel, with an
taken up by steel manufacturers.
Nb/C ratio of 0 .55, from 560 to 700 °C produced a signi-
® cant increase in r value (from 1 .5 to 2 .0). This increase was
Coiling temperature explained by differences in precipitate dispersion in the fully
Coiling temperature has an in¯ uence on the quantity and and understabilised steels: it was suggested that increasing
size of precipitates, lower coiling temperatures resulting in the coiling temperature increases the size and reduces the
® ner carbide and nitride precipitates and therefore higher density of precipitates. Fine precipitates suppress the devel-
levels of carbon and nitrogen in solution. At high coiling opment of favourable deep drawing textures during anneal-
temperatures (~ 750 °C), carbon and nitrogen precipitation ing, explaining the increase in r value. This hypothesis is
is completed and coarse precipitates are formed during slow supported by the fact that the amount of solute carbon in
cooling, producing favourable textures for deep drawing the steel was signi® cantly reduced by coiling at higher
on annealing. In contrast, precipitation is not completed temperature, as demonstrated by a decrease in the aging
during coiling at low temperatures and further particles can index (Fig. 17) 6 3 and a reduction in the height of the Snoek
form during annealing which then interfere with recrystal- peak. However, since the niobium content of the steel was
lisation and reduce r value. Lips et al.6 0 observed that in insuf® cient to stabilise all the carbon present, it was pos-
fully stabilised bake hardening steels, carbide precipitation tulated that the formation of an Nb ± C complex may
was completed after coiling at 720 °C, but that some carbon be responsible for the lack of carbon in solution. The
remained in solution after coiling at 650 and 580 °C, leading formation of such a complex would restrict the movement
to the yield point elongations shown in Fig. 16. The under- of solute carbon, accounting for the absence of any
stabilised steels still showed a high yield point elongation measured aging index or Snoek peak. The strong negative
after coiling at 720 °C, but since insuf® cient stabilising interaction energy between niobium and carbon indicates
elements were present for complete carbide formation, this that a complex of this type could form in suitable con-
is to be expected. ditions.6 4 The grain structure of this steel was found to be
Steels that are stabilised with titanium have been shown5 3 elongated, in contrast to the equiaxed grains observed in the
to be robust to variation in coiling conditions. This is fully stabilised steel. It was suggested that this could be due
attributed to the formation during steelmaking of coarse to precipitation of the Nb ± C complex on grain and sub-
TiN precipitates that are stable at the temperatures com- grain boundaries during annealing, retarding the nucleation
monly used during coiling (650 ± 750 °C). However, Hoggan and growth of new grains and enhancing favourable {111}
and Sung6 2 showed that increasing the coiling temperature textures, in a similar manner to AlN precipitates in a batch
of titanium bearing bake hardening steels with high levels annealed steel.
of carbon in solution from 650 to 720 °C was undesirable, The precipitate morphology after coiling will have an
resulting in a lower proof stress, tensile stress, and bake in¯ uence on the annealed steel properties. Van Snick et al.6 5
hardening response. This was accompanied by an increase studied three Ti ± Nb bake hardening steels and showed that
in r9 0 and in total elongation. An increase in hot band grain after a high coiling temperature of 720 °C, larger NbC
size at high coiling temperature was suggested as the precipitates were formed and little carbon remained in
probable cause. solution. At low coiling temperature (620 °C), very ® ne
In niobium bearing bake hardening steels, coiling tem- (~ 3 nm) precipitates were found, which were attributed to
perature can have a signi® cant effect on the ® nal properties, the lower diffusion rates of niobium and carbon at this
since the ® ne, dense AlN precipitates formed can retard temperature. However, since this steel will be supersaturated
recrystallisation and inhibit grain growth, leading to poor r with carbon after hot rolling, NbC will precipitate during
values. These steels must be coiled at higher temperatures to annealing instead of going into solution as would be expected
promote the precipitation of coarse AlN particles and allow after coiling at high temperature. This could lead to a lower

Materials Science and Technology April 2002 Vol. 18

Baker et al. Metallurgy and processing of ultralow carbon bake hardening steels 365

Ti Nb Ti–Nb
r value

Cold reduction (%)

18 Effect of cold reduction on r for titanium, titanium ±

niobium, and niobium IF steels66

19 In¯ uence of cooling rate on bake hardening response

bake hardening response in the ® nal product if the interaction of titanium ± niobium IF steels60
of these two processes is not taken into account.
response in understabilised steels and was signi® cant only
COLD ROLLING when Nb/C was ~ 2 .1. In contrast, Hwang et al.6 3 found no
Cold rolling plays a vital part in the formation of favourable in¯ uence of increasing soak temperature on fully stabilised
textures for deep drawing during annealing, but has little Ti ± Nb steels, but observed an increase from 40 to 50 MPa
effect on other properties. The variation of r value with cold in steel with an Nb/C ratio of 0.55. The differences may be
reduction in the three common IF steel types is shown in attributed to the coiling history of the steels and certainly
Fig. 18 (Ref. 66); Ti ± Nb steels show the highest r value for the steel studied may have formed the Nb ± C complex
equivalent cold reduction because the precipitates formed discussed above. It has been suggested that a low coiling
during hot rolling and coiling are not large enough to temperature in niobium bearing steels may lead to further
compromise the r value during annealing. A reduction of NbC precipitation during the heating stage of annealing;
90% produces the highest r value in all the steels, but these evidence for this has been provided by Van Snick et al., 6 5
reductions are rarely achieved in practice, 80% being who found that increasing the soak temperature from 820 to
more common. The data shown represent fully stabilised 850 °C did not prevent the formation of elongated ferrite
chemistries and it should be noted that the presence of grains. This grain morphology is determined by the dis-
solute carbon in understabilised bake hardening steels will tribution of precipitates in the hot band, as described by
adversely affect the ® nal r value. Wilshynsky; 6 8 thus, if NbC is formed during hot rolling by
use of a high coiling temperature, equiaxed grains are
formed during annealing. If, however, NbC precipitation
ANNEALING is delayed by using a low coiling temperature, NbC will
Batch annealing is rarely used in the production of IF based precipitate during heating before annealing. These particles
bake hardening steels as cooling rates are slow and there is will form on the elongated side of the grain after cold
a risk of carbide formation. It is far more common for rolling, impeding equiaxed grain growth, so that blocky
continuous annealing or galvannealing lines to be used, in ferrite grains develop. Furthermore, TEM investigations by
which control of heating and cooling rate is easier. Van Snick et al.6 5 showed that the small (3 nm) precipitates
As described above, annealing plays a crucial role in the found at grain boundaries after low temperature coiling had
development of bake hardening in the fully stabilised grown to 10 ± 15 nm after annealing and matrix precipitates
chemistries. A signi® cant amount of work has been carried that were not visible after coiling had grown to 5 ± 10 nm
out on the effect of varying annealing conditions on the after annealing, suggesting that further NbC precipitation
® nal bake hardening response. The majority of these studies had occurred, reducing the bake hardening response.
have concentrated on the niobium bearing steels, as these The in¯ uence of cooling rate on the retention of carbon
chemistries are most likely to bene® t from high tempera- in solution after NbC solution has been investigated by a
ture annealing due to the solution of NbC. Sakata et al.4 0 number of researchers.4 0 ,6 0 It can be seen from Fig. 19
showed that in a titanium only stabilised steel containing no (Ref. 60) that a cooling rate of at least 20 K s­ 1 after
excess titanium, increasing the soaking temperature from annealing at 900 °C for 60 s is necessary to achieve an
800 to 900 °C increased the bake hardening response from adequate bake hardening response in a fully stabilised Ti ±
510 to ~ 40 MPa. However, the ® nal bake hardening Nb steel after full solution of carbides. Cooling rate had no
response was lower than that of an equivalent niobium in¯ uence on the understabilised chemistry (Nb/C ~0 .25),
stabilised steel. Annealing temperatures of ~ 900 °C are since carbide solution had not occurred. Since the annealing
rarely reached in commercial annealing lines, and it is temperature in this investigation was certainly high enough,
unusual to use a fully stabilised titanium chemistry as the it would suggest that an Nb/C ratio of 0 .25 is too low for
basis for a bake hardening steel. carbide solution. It would seem that a minimum Nb/C ratio
The dissociation of NbC through high temperature of ~ 0.3 is required before any carbon can be liberated by
annealing is an important consideration in the production high temperature annealing.
of bake hardening steels. The effect of increasing soak The effect of holding temperature in the galvannealing
temperature on this solution appears to be dependent on the line on bake hardening was studied by Satoh et al.6 9 The
Nb/C ratio. Sakata et al. showed that control of Nb/C at steel was annealed at 870 °C and rapidly cooled to retain
0 .7 ± 2.0 led to an increase in bake hardening response of carbon in solution. A considerable drop in bake hardening
30 ± 50 MPa on increasing the soak temperature from 750 observed with holding temperatures of 700 ± 800 °C was
to 950 °C. This was supported by Lips et al.6 0 Itami et al.,6 7 attributed to the formation of NbC. A slight decrease was
however, found that increasing soak temperature to 900 °C also seen at 300 °C, owing to Fe 3 C precipitation. Holding
had no signi® cant in¯ uence on the ® nal bake hardening within the normal range (400 ± 600 °C), however, had no

Materials Science and Technology April 2002 Vol. 18

366 Baker et al. Metallurgy and processing of ultralow carbon bake hardening steels

markings in pressed sheets. These markings, once formed,

Bake hardening (MPa) cannot be disguised by painting or other surface treatments
and are highly undesirable in exposed applications. Temper
rolling can prevent discontinuous yielding by imparting a
small strain in the strip. The yield point elongation is exceeded
by this strain and further yielding is continuous. Over time,
interstitial elements will diffuse to the mobile dislocations
produced during temper rolling and the yield point will
reappear. Non-aging steel, considered to be stable at room
temperature for three months, can be achieved by temper
rolling a bake hardening steel in the range 0.8 ± 1.4%. Temper
rolling extension is believed to retard aging at low tempera-
tures because the characteristic `herringbone’ distribution of
Temper rolling reduction (%) dislocations generated when the steel is rolled prevents the
formation of Cottrell atmospheres.
20 Effect of temper rolling on bake hardening response The mechanisms behind the in¯ uence of temper rolling on
of ZSTE180BH steel in as temper rolled (BH0) and bake hardening remain unclear and further research in this
temper rolled and 2% prestrained (BH2 ) conditions71 area is necessary.

in¯ uence on the ® nal bake hardening properties, making

these steels suitable for both continuous annealing and Conclusions
The solution and reprecipitation of niobium carbides The extensive ongoing research into all aspects of bake
during annealing is clearly dependent on a number of fac- hardening steels indicates their importance to the auto-
tors including composition and coiling history and further motive industry.
research will be necessary before a de® nitive understanding For the most part, the classical strain aging theories of the
and adequate process control can be achieved. 1940s and 1950s remain applicable. Bake hardening is
universally agreed to be a result of the formation of Cottrell
atmospheres during heat treatment of the steel. Classical
TEMPER ROLLING studies demonstrated the existence of a second stage during
Lee and Zuidema4 3 showed that increasing the temper strain aging, which is attributed to the formation of
rolling extension of aluminium killed batch annealed steel precipitates on the saturated atmospheres. However, in
from 1 to 5% decreased the bake hardening increment from the context of current steels having reduced carbon con-
60 to 45 MPa and suggested that this was a result of stress tents, the existence of a precipitation stage during bake
relaxation in the strain ® elds of dislocations during paint hardening has been questioned. Some researchers have
baking. This is in agreement with work by Low and observed a two stage strength increase during bake harden-
Gensamer,7 0 who separated the stress relaxation component ing, but no precipitates have been observed. Furthermore,
from the total strain aging in a low (0 .01%) carbon deep work has concentrated mainly on ELC steels, with little
drawing steel, showing that the change in yield strength research on the IF type ULC steels commonly produced for
of the material reached a maximum at 10% strain, decreas- the automotive market. Clearly, more research is required
ing at higher strains. In contrast, the stress relaxation to elucidate the mechanisms responsible for bake harden-
component increased monotonically as the initial strain was ing in these modern chemistries if a consistent product is
increased. Thus, the yield strength increase is independent to be produced.
of prestrain; however, since stress relaxation increases with Other metallurgical factors such as the in¯ uence of solute
increasing initial strain, the apparent increase reduces in carbon content and the in¯ uence of ferrite grain size on
magnitude. If this interpretation is correct, temper rolling bake hardening have also been widely researched, although
should produce a larger decrease in bake hardening than again this has been mainly con® ned to ELC steels with little
tensile strain, since the inhomogeneous strain imparted work on IF type ULC steels. It is now generally accepted
may produce local strains far higher than the macroscopic that solute carbon should be controlled to 15 ± 25 ppm to
temper mill extension applied. In these areas the stress produce a bake hardening response of 30 ± 60 MPa. Lower
relaxation would be high and hence the bake hardening solute carbon contents will not produce adequate bake
reduced. hardening, whereas increasing the solute level will lead to
Bleck et al.7 1 found that in a hot dip galvanised IF type problems in the room temperature aging properties of the
bake hardening steel the strength increase after a 2% steel.
prestrain (BH 2 ) remained essentially constant once the The in¯ uence of ferrite grain size is still the source of
temper mill extension had reached 0. 5% (Fig. 20). In con- debate. Many studies have indicated that a ® ne grain size
trast, the bake hardening response in the as temper rolled improves the bake hardening properties. However, a sig-
material (BH 0 ) was found to decrease with temper mill ni® cant number of researchers have found grain size to have
extensions 41. 5%. Although this was attributed to the no in¯ uence. If ferrite grain size does in¯ uence bake
increase in yield strength after these strains, it may also be hardening, this would be a valuable route to increase the
affected by the differences in dislocation density of the as bake hardening response without compromising room
temper rolled and prestrained material. temperature aging properties. More research in this area
Temper rolling is the ® nal step in steel processing and is is obviously necessary.
particularly important for bake hardening steels. Not only is Of the bake hardening steels in production, IF based
the shape of the strip controlled, but temper rolling is essen- chemistries are receiving most attention because of their
tial in the production of a steel that will not age at room increased formability. These steels can contain titanium and
temperature. When carbon is in solution, the yielding beha- niobium to control solute carbon and nitrogen contents and
viour of the steel is discontinuous, i.e. a sharp yield point may be fully or understabilised. Vanadium containing steels
accompanied by a yield point extension will be seen on the are also being used and show good potential for increased
stress ± strain curve. Successive microyielding leads to the bake hardening performance. The in¯ uence of vanadium on
formation of LuÈder’s bands, which manifest as stretcher strain carbon mobility is unclear and more research is required

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Baker et al. Metallurgy and processing of ultralow carbon bake hardening steels 367

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