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Inherited Color Defects

Comparison Between Humans and Snai<es
H. Bernard Bechtel, M.D.

Dermatologists are familiar with the biogenetics and melanin enters the keratinocytes. Melanin in dermal
clinical appearance of inherited color defects in melanocytes appears blue due to scattering of light in
humans and other warm-blooded animals, but most the overlying tissue.
have less knowledge of analogous color defects in Black and brown melanins are called eumelanins.
snakes and other cold-blooded animals. Due to funda- Yellow and red pigments in mammals and birds are
mental differences in the skin, inherited color defects called phaeomelanins. Both types are derived from ty-
in cold-blooded animals result in unforeseen color rosine through interrelated metabolic pathways, and
combinations. While skin is a protective sheath in all, either or both eumelanins and phaeomelanins may be
cold-blooded animals do not have the glandular ap- found in melanocytes. Since cystine is the key compo-
pendages associated with thermoregulation, and their nent in phaeomelanogenesis, the availability of this
pigmentary system is more complex. The primary substrate may determine whether eumelanogenesis or
function of human pigmentation is to protect the or- phaeomelanogenesis occurs.
ganism from harmful excessive solar radiation, though Developmental aspects of cold-blooded vertebrate
there are individual color variations in humans not pigment cells, designated chromatophores, have been
dependent on solar exposure. Pigment in snake skin described in depth by Bagnara.' Neural crest propig-
surely also blocks excess radiation, but is additionally ment cells are pluripotential and differentiate into
the basis for color patterns. Functions of color patterns three fundamentally dififerent chromatophore types:
include camouflage and protective coloration, mi- melanophores, xanthophores, and iridophores. The
micry, deliberate conspicuousness, warning to preda- chromatophore cell type may not be specifically deter-
tors, and enhancement of vision. mined until the propigment cells reach their final desti-
nation, where they difiPerentiate in accordance with a
pattern already specified in the integument.
Melanophores are subdivided into dermal and
In humans, melanin is the pigment primarily responsi- epidermal melanophores, and synthesize black or
ble for individual differences in color, and melanocytes brown melanin through the same biochemical path-
are the sole pigment cell type. Melanin is synthesized ways as those in warm-blooded animals. Dermal me-
from the amino acid tyrosine, and cannot be elabo- lanophores participate in creating color patterns, while
rated without the catalyst tyrosinase. Synthesis occurs epidermal melanophores are similar to human mela-
in specialized intracellular organelles designated me- nocytes in structure, function, and location in the epi-
lanosomes. Melanized melanosomes are transferred dermis. Xanthophores are red or yellow chromato-
into the keratinocytes by dendrites and distributed phores and use pteridines and/or carotenoids as pig-
through the epidermis by the outward migration of the ments. Pteridine pigments are synthesized within
keratinocytes. Human skin color is related to the num- intracellular organelles designated pterinosomes, while
ber, quality, and distribution of melanosomes, and no carotenoids are of dietary origin and are found in vesi-
skin color attributable to melanin is visible until the cles interspersed among the pterinosomes. Iridophores
contain crystalline deposits of purines and participate
in pigmentation through their physical properties. In-
Presented in part at the V Intercontinental Congress of Dermatology, cident light is reflected, diffracted, and scattered, inter-
Caracas, Venezuela, March 10, 1991. acting with the other pigments.
From private practice, Valdosta, Georgia.
Dermal chromatophores determine the color pat-
Address correspondence to; H. Bernard Bechtel, M.D., 2101 North
Patterson Street, Valdosta, GA 31602. tern of snakes. Xanthophores and dermal melano-

April 1991, Vol. 30, No. 4

244 International Journal of Dermatology • April 1991 Vol. 30

phores occur in a dense layer in the upper dermis, their coastal plain of the United States, has a predominance
distribution and arrangement, color, and quality of of yellow xanthophores in the color mix, and the yel-
color corresponding to the overlying color pattern. Im- low diamond pattern is clearly evident even in an ocu-
mediately beneath this layer is a parallel band of irido- locutaneous albino specimen (Fig. 2B).
phores. The density of cells in this layer is variable and Diminished melanosynthesis can result from de-
related to the colors in the pattern. Individual snakes of creased synthesis of tyrosinase, unavailable free tyro-
the same species vary in quantity, quality, and inten- sine, or the presence of tyrosinase inhibitors. At pres-
sity of colors, and there are also geographic differences, ent, two forms of oculocutaneous albinism have been
possibly accounted for by interaction of additive al- identified in humans: tyrosinase-negative and tyrosi-
leles. nase-positive, based on the capacity of melanocytes in
hair follicles to synthesize melanin when incubated in
tyrosine."* Both are inherited as simple recessive traits
and each is the result of the action of nonallelic auto-
Albinism is an inherited failure of melanocytes to pro- somal genes. Both types of albinism also occur in
duce normal amounts of melanin in eyes, skin, or snakes, and have been demonstrated in two genera^''
both, and occurs in warm- and cold-blooded animals. with the dopa reaction. Epidermal melanophores of
Although individual occurrence of albinism is uncom- albino snakes are visible in frozen sections as large,
mon, it has been recorded in nearly every animal of clear cells in the basal layer. When the skin of a tyros-
which adequate numbers have been observed. The inase-positive albino snake is incubated in dopa, the
most widely known form of albinism in humans is epidermal melanophores, including their dendrites,
oculocutaneous: absence of melanin in skin, hair, and become densely packed with dark granular intracyto-
eyes. The skin of human oculocutaneous albinos is plasmic pigment, while the dermal melanophores de-
pinkish white (Fig. 1), there is an excess of lanugo hair, velop little or none.
and the regular hair is fine, silky, and pale yellow. The Snakes periodically shed the skin in a single
pupils are red and the irides pink or bluish. This type of sheath, including a clear, transparent eye cap. Fre-
albinism is inherited as an autosomal recessive gene quency is determined by specific differences and envi-
mutation, occurs in all races, and albino skin is basi- ronmental factors such as nutrition. This has been de-
cally similar in all races. scribed histologically.^'^ Following a shed, after a brief
resting period, a rapid proliferation of new basal cells
Albino Snakes occurs. Shortly before the cast, the outer layer of the
now thicker epidermis keratinizes, and separates from
Oculocutaneous albinism is well known in snakes.^ the remaining epidermis at the time of casting. The
Additional inherited color defects occur in snakes, exact nature of the cleavage is not understood. The
based on the presence of multiple chromatophore color pattern of any snake is most brilliant immedi-
types. ately following a shed, and becomes dull as the cycle
The biogenetics of oculocutaneous albinism in continues, probably because of continuous melano-
snakes are the same as in humans. Melanin is absent genesis by the epidermal melanophores. The pattern of
from skin and eyes, and also the tongue, but albino most snakes can be discerned by examination of the
snakes are not white. Xanthophores and iridophores cast skin against light, while the cast skin of albino
are unaffected by the albino mutation, and they deter- snakes contains no pigment and is clear and trans-
mine the color pattern in albino snakes. Many albino parent.
snakes are brightly colored, often in unanticipated Snakes with partial albinism have been collected.
ways, and not all hypomelanistic snakes are albinos. In the case of the black ratsnake, a multiple allele sys-
The black ratsnake, a large, harmless snake occur- tem is known to occur at the locus for tyrosinase-posi-
ring in the eastern United States, is typically a plain, tive albinism, involving recessive genes for oculocu-
shiny black snake.^ However, many xanthophores and taneous albinism and a partial albinism with pig-
iridophores participate in the chromatophore mix of mented eyes.*
this snake, though their presence is only hinted at by
the traces of white, yellow, orange, or red barely visible
Axanthic Snakes
in the skin between the scales of the normal snake. As a
result, most albino black ratsnakes are yellowish with Snake xanthophores and melanophores are under sep-
prominent pink blotches. arate genetic control and are inherited independently.
The eastern diamondback rattlesnake (Fig. 2A), a A somatic recessive mutation resulting in axanthism
large, venomous snake occurring in the southeastern occurs. Melanophores and iridophores are unaffected
No. 4 Color Defects in Humans and Snakes • Bechtel 245

back rattlesnake, are bluish (Fig. 2C), and all retain

their pattern. Nonallelic forms of axanthism are
known for at least one species,' apparently analogous
to nonallelic forms of albinism, though the biochemis-
try of pterinosome synthesis is not as well known as
White tigers have some parallels to axanthic
snakes. Both are inherited as a recessive mutation and
both have similar color defects.

Leucistic (White) Snakes

Leucistic mutants occur in reptiles and amphibians.
Figure 1. Oculocutaneous albino child.
Leucistic snakes are white with dark eyes and have no
residual pattern (Fig. 2D). This color anomaly appears
to be even more uncommon in wild populations than
by the axanthic mutation, and they determine the albinism or axanthism, but has been reported in sev-
color pattern of axanthic snakes. eral snake species, neotenic Mexican axolotls (amphib-
The harmless mud snake of the southeast is a large, ians), and the American alligator. The eastern dia-
iridescent black snake with a red or pink underside.^ mondback rattlesnake is the only snake with literature
The underside of axanthic mutants is plain white. reports of all three color anomalies.'" In one snake, the
Some axanthic mutants, such as the eastern diamond- Texas ratsnake, leucism has been demonstrated to be

Figure 2. Eastern diamondback rattlesnake. (A, top left) Normally pigmented. (B, top right) Ocu-
locutaneous albino. (C, bottom left) Axanthic. (D, bottom right) Leucistic.
246 International Journal of Dermatology • April 1991 Vol. 30

caused by a somatic recessive mutation." Microscopic 4. Witkop CJ Jr, Nance WE, Rawls RF, et al. Autosomal recessive
examination of frozen sections of biopsies from this oculocutaneous albinism in man; Evidence for genetic hetero-
genicity. Am J Hum Genet. 1970;22;55-74.
snake reveal diminished numbers of iridophores and 5. Bechtel HB, Nelson JW, Bechtel E. Histochemical demonstra-
no visible melanophores or xanthophores. This agrees tion of two types of albinism in San Diego gopher snakes {Pituo-
with the findings reported for the white neotenic Mex- phis melanoteucus annectens) by use of dopa reaetion. Copeia.
ican axolotl.'^ 1980;4;932-935.
6. Bechtel HB, Bechtel E. Albinism in the snake, Elaphe obsoleta. J
Herpetol. 1981;15;397-402.
Acknowledgments 7. Bechtel HB. Some microscopic aspects of ecdysis in snakes.
Herpetologica. 1957; 13; 177-181.
Bill Love (Belle Glade, FL) provided the photograph of the leucistic
snake and Robert Simons (Gainesville, FL) provided the photograph 8. Maderson PFA. Histoiogical changes in the epidermis of snakes
of the axanthic snake. during the sloughing cycle. J Zool Lond. I965;146:98-l 13.
9. Bechtel HB, Bechtel E. Color mutations in the corn snake
(Etaphe gutlala guttata): Review and additional breeding data. J
References Hered. 1989;80;272-276.
1. Bagnara J. Developmental aspects of vertebrate chromato- 10. Antonio FB, Barker JB. An inventory of phenotypic aberrancies
phores. Am Zool. 1983;23;465-.478. in the eastern diamondback rattlesnake (Crotalus adamanteus).
2. Hensley M. Albinism in North American Amphibians and Rep- HerpRev. 1983; 14; 108-110.
tiles. East Lansing, Ml; Museum of Michigan State University, 11. Bechtel HB, Bechtel E. Genetics of color mutations in the snake,
1959;133-I59. Elaphe obsoteta. J Hered. 1985;76;7-11.
3. Conant R. A Field Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians of the 12. Frost SK, Brigg F, Malacinski M. A color atlas of pigment genes
United States and Canada. 2nd ed. Boston; Houghton Mifflin, in the Mexican axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum). Differentia-
1975;176, 193. tion. 1984;26;182-188.

Detailed tattoo from the Skin Deep Tattoo Studios in Wai-

kiki; Lahaina, Maui, HI; and San Diego, CA (courtesy of Win-
ona Martin and Jack Rudy). From the World of Tattoos col-
lection, Honolulu, HI. Submitted by Norman Goldstein, M.D.,
Honolulu, HI.

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