Dare To Dream 2011 Registration and Code of Ethics

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Di o ce se o f K no xv i l l e Y ou th M i ni s try Y ou th C od e of Co nd uc t Dare to Dre am – “Come P lay t he Game of

The use of drugs, tobacco, alc ohol, fireworks, matches, cigar et te lighters, or
items that would endanger peopl e, pets, wildlife or property ar e strictly
prohibited. “G od, I want t o kn o w yo ur pr es en ce. Use my dr ea ms an d my
2. Clothing must be appropriat e. Spaghetti straps, short shorts, tank tops, halter w ak ing t ho u ghts, u se my fam ily, fri en ds, an d n ei ghbor s, us e y our
tops, baggy p ants, and any clothi ng item found beari ng midriffs or offensive in h oly wor d. Use t he m al l to r each m e. F or I kn ow your pre s enc e w ill
reference to tobacc o or alcohol products including insignias or advertisem ents
will not be a llow ed. Refusal to wear ap propriate clothing could lead to s ust ain m e on my most dif fic ult j our ney s, as di d Ja co b. ”
dismissal. Genesis 28: 10-22
3. Language and behavior should exem plify Christian values.
4. Public displays of affection will be add ressed when d eemed inappropriate.
5. Participants are expected to respect the rights and property of others. Neither W he n: J u ne 20 th at 6 : 00 p. m . to J u ne 25 th at 1 2: 0 0 p . m.
vandalism nor stealing will be toler ated. Financial obligati ons that result from
such behavior wil l be the sole res ponsi bility of the youth and h is/her family. W h er e: Harr iso n Bay State Park Gro up Camp
6. Male an d female participants are not to b e in eac h other's sleeping a reas All i ncomi ng: 9 t h – 12 t h g r ad er s
without a chaperone.
7. If applicable, participants must wear their nametags at all times. Cost : $ 14 0
8. No participants are permitted to leav e the pr emises without the expressed R eg i st r a t i o n, L i ab i l i t y & M e di c al F o r m
permission of the coordi nator.
9. Cell ph ones and music, gam e and video g ame g ear a re n ot permitted, unless Particip ants N am e:
otherwise noted. CE LL PHON ES wil l be taken up if brought, to the end of cam p. __________________________________________________________________
10. No participants are all owed to ri de in a car with another participant to, from or
during an event unless expressed p ermission has been g iven b y a
parent/guardian to the coordinator. B i r t h d a t e : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A dd r e s s : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
11. Each participant is expected to partici pate in all activities of the event. The
coordi nator will address any infraction. C ity, Stat e, Zip _________________________________________________
12. Food an d dri nks are o nly to be consumed i n designed ar eas.
13. Participants are to abi de by specific regulations pertaining to i ndividual events
Gr ade: ______ Gender:_______Par ish:______________________________
not stated above.
Note: The coordinating team takes ev ery prec aution to prov ide a safe environment.
E - m a il :_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ Ro om m at e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __
We cannot b e hel d responsi ble for the willful misconduct of a y oung person.
Code of Conduct: I agree that my child is expected to abi de by all rules a nd
T – Shirt size: Y-L A-S A-M A-L A-XL A- XXL
regulations as outlined in the Code of Conduct. I agree that if my child fails to abi de
by this Code or e ngages in any infraction that is deemed by the coordinator to be
inappropri ate, he/she wil l be dismissed from this activity and s ent home at my DE ADL INE: Friday, June 3rd, 2011
expense wit h no right of reim bursem ent.
Th ere wi ll be a $ 20 la te ch ar ge i f p ast th i s d ead line !
Parent’s Printed Name We n eed n u mbe rs i n ord er to p la n f or mea ls, sl eep ing ,
Parent’s Signature Date t- shi rt s an d acti vi ties.
I have rea d the fore goi ng a nd un dersta nd the Code of Conduct for partici pants and I
will abi de by them. In addition, I will abide by all directi ons giv en me by the Mail Registration Forms an d Payment to:
coordinators and a dult chaperones. I understand an d agr ee that my parents or C at ho l i c D e an er y Y OU t h M i n i st r y
guar dians will be notified at the time of any infr action requirin g my dismissal from
this event and that I will be sent h ome at the expense of my parents or guardian. I 85 9 M cCa lli e A ve n ue
also un derstand that being i n possession of any tobacco pr oduct, alcoholic Cha tt an oo ga , TN 3 74 0 3
bever age, or drug is cause for automatic dismissal from this ev ent.
A t t n. Go d Ca mp s
Participant’s Printed Name_______________________________________________ Qu est i on s or Con ce rn s ca ll Don n a Jon es at :
Participant’s Signature D at e Cell: 423-718-4387 or Office: 423-267-9878
Di re ct i on s, f orm s a n d what to br i n g to ca mp , av ai la ble at :
h t t p : / / w w w .d i o k n o x . o r g

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