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Participant’s Name:_______________________________________
Address:________________________________________________ OTHER MEDICAL TREATMENT
I _________________________ give my permission for my child to In the event it comes to the attention of the Diocesan and Parish agents,
(Name of parent or guardian) chaperones or representatives associated with this event that my child
participate in Dare to Dream, June 20-25, 2011 at Harrison Bay State becomes ill with symptoms such as headache, vomiting, sore throat,
Park. Attached is a youth code of conduct. I also understand that a fever, diarrhea, I want to be called collect (with phone charges reversed to
certain code of conduct is expected of all youth and adults attending any myself.)
Deanery-sponsored event. By signing below, I state that my child has ___________________ _______________________________ _______
read, signed and has full understanding of the code of conduct. I Print Name Signature Date
understand that any violation of the code of conduct by any youth is
grounds for dismissal. If a young person is in violation of the code of My child is taking medications at present. My child will bring all such
conduct, I understand that I will be contacted by telephone regardless of medications necessary and such medications will be labeled. Names of
the time of day or evening to be informed of the incident. I also medications and concise directions for administering such medications,
understand that all arrangements and costs for transportation home will including dosage and frequency are:
be the responsibility of the parent or guardian. __________________________________________________________
MEDICAL MATTERS __________________________________________________________
___________________ _______________________________ _______
I hereby warrant that to the best of my knowledge, my child is in good Print Name Signature Date
health. I assume all responsibility for the health of my child through my
own insurance. Of the following statement pertaining to medical matters, A. I hereby grant permission for non-prescription medication (such as
sign only those in accordance with your wishes: Tylenol, Advil, throat lozenges, and cough syrup) to be given to my child,
if deemed advisable.
___________________ _______________________________ _______
In the event of an emergency, I hereby give permission to transport my Print Name Signature Date
child to the hospital for emergency medical or surgical treatment. I wish
to be advised prior to any further treatment by the hospital or doctor. In B. No medication of any type whether prescription or non-prescription
the event of an emergency, if you are unable to reach me at the above may be administered to my child unless the situation is life-threatening
number or at my business: (My Business Phone:_________________ ) and emergency treatment is required.
(Cell Phone:________________________)
Please contact – Name: _______________________________________ ___________________ _______________________________ _______
Relationship:_______________ Phone Number: ___________________ Print Name Signature Date
Health Plan Carrier: __________________________________________
Policy #: ___________________________________________________ Dietary Needs? ______________________________________________

____________________ ____________________________ _________ Allergies? __________________________________________________

Print Parent Name Signature Date __________________________________________________________

Physical Limitations? _________________________________________

My child’s contact information may ____ or may not____ be published in __________________________________________________________
the conference directory.
Special Medical Conditions? ___________________________________

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