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THE ANATOMICAL RECORD 000:000–000 (2012)

The Arrangement of Fascicles in Whole

Penn State Berks, Reading, Pennsylvania
Biomechanics Laboratory, Pennsylvania State University, Pennsylvania
Department of Bioengineering, Pennsylvania State University, Pennsylvania
The Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA

The architecture of the muscle fascicles, here meaning their lengths
and their arrangement relative to one another, has important implica-
tions for the force a muscle can produce. Therefore, quantifying this
architectural arrangement and understanding the implications of the
architecture are important for understanding muscle function in vivo.
There were two purposes of this study: (1) to assess, via blunt dissection,
the number and the length of all the fascicles comprising the First Dorsal
Interosseous (FDI) muscle and (2) to visually identify, via magnetic reso-
nance imaging (MRI), the arrangement of the fascicles comprising the
FDI. Simple blunt dissection of all the fascicles comprising four FDI
muscles and their subsequent measurement demonstrated that the fas-
cicles comprising the whole muscle were not as long as the muscle belly
from which they were extracted. Muscle fascicles are surrounded by con-
nective tissue hence the paths of the fascicles in two whole FDI muscles
were identified via MRI by tracking the connective tissue surrounding
the fascicles. The fascicles had a spiral pattern along the length of each
muscle, within both muscles many of the fascicles were arranged in series
with other fascicles. These architectural features of the fascicles of the
FDI have important implications for the force–length and force–
velocity properties of the whole muscle. Anat Rec, 00:000–000,
2012. V C 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Key words: first dorsal interosseous; muscle architecture;


Two important characteristics of muscle are its force– In 1878, August Froriep reported that the fibers com-
length and force–velocity properties. For a muscle fiber prising the belly of a parallel fibered muscle may not be
both of these properties are in large part determined by as long as the belly, providing evidence for complex ar-
its length, which influences the range over which force chitectural arrangements of the fibers relative to one
can be produced and the maximum velocity of shorten- another. There is evidence in cat muscle that the fibers
ing. For a whole muscle these properties depend on the comprising a parallel fibered muscle are organized in
lengths of the fibers comprising the muscle and the such a fashion that many of the fibers are shorter than
arrangement of the fibers relative to one another, and
relative to the muscle’s external tendon. The properties Additional Supporting Information may be found in the
online version of this article.
of muscle fibers have received extensive study, for exam-
*Correspondence to: Benjamin W. Infantolino, Penn State
ple, the classic work of Gordon et al. (1966) on the force– Berks, PO Box 7009, Tulpehocken Road, PA 19610. E-mail:
length properties, and that of A.V. Hill on the force–
velocity properties (Hill, 1938). The lengths and arrange- Received 7 November 2011; Accepted 30 March 2012.
ment of the fibers within whole muscle, and the DOI 10.1002/ar.22484
functional significance of this arrangement have Published online in Wiley Online Library
received less attention. (


the muscle belly, the fibers do not always terminate at (e.g., Loeb et al., 1987), and the arrangement of the
the tendon, and some fibers appear to be arranged in se- fibers relative to one another (e.g., Heron and Richmond,
ries with other muscle fibers (Loeb et al., 1987). Fibers 1993). Although it is not feasible to measure these fea-
terminating within a muscle belly can still transmit tures in whole muscle it is feasible to do so for muscle
force to the external tendon (Monti et al., 1999), and fascicles (bundles of muscle fibers). Therefore, there
fibers in series can transmit force between one another were two purposes of this study: (1) To assess, via blunt
(Trotter, 1993). In long human parallel fibered muscles, dissection, the number and the length of all the fascicles
the Sartorius and Gracilis, Heron and Richmond (1993) comprising the FDI muscle and (2) to visually identify,
found that these muscles were composed of relatively via magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the arrangement
short fibers arranged in series. of the fascicles comprising the FDI. Simple blunt dissec-
The architecture of the muscle fibers, here meaning tion of all the fascicles comprising a muscle will provide
their lengths and their arrangement relative to one the lengths of the individual fascicles comprising a mus-
another, has important implications for the force a mus- cle. The muscle fascicles are surrounded by connective
cle can produce. Muscles fibers are bundled into tissue which can be identified via MRI, therefore by
fascicles, and bundles of fascicles comprise the whole identifying the connective tissue surrounding the fas-
muscle. Much recent focus has been on the behavior of cicles it was feasible to examine the arrangement of the
the fascicles in whole muscle, in part because current fascicles within a muscle. It was hypothesized that the
technology permits their imaging (e.g., Rana and Wake- fascicles comprising the FDI would demonstrate a com-
ling, 2011; Sinha et al., 2011), and because the imaging plex architecture indicated by a large range of fascicle
of fibers in whole muscle is not currently feasible. Fasci- lengths, some shorter than the muscle belly, and that
cle lengths are used as a surrogate for fiber length, and some of the fascicles would be organized in a serial
while this assumption ignores some of the subtlety of fashion.
the fiber behavior it does give an indication of muscle
architecture and therefore the influence of architecture
on whole muscle function.
Current magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data collec- The following sections describe the blunt dissection
tion and processing methods have permitted the procedure and measurement procedure for determining
identification of the fascicles within muscles. For example, the lengths of the fascicles comprising FDI muscles, and
Kan et al. (2009) used diffusion tensor analysis of MRI MRI procedures and image analysis used for examining
images to track the lines of action of the fascicles of the the arrangement of the fascicles. All research with
quadriceps. Such an analysis provides information on the cadaver materials was conducted following institution
line of action of the fascicles comprising a muscle, but approved ethical, safety, and biohazard standards.
reported resolution values are not sufficient to discriminate
the orientation of one fascicle relative to another (Kan
Fascicle Dissection Procedure
et al., 2009; Sinha et al., 2011). In this current study, high-
resolution MRI was used to determine the location within a Four FDI muscles were removed from two cadavers
whole muscle of the individual fascicles comprising the using blunt dissection techniques described previously
muscle; such an approach is able to assess fascicle architec- (Infantolino and Challis, 2010). The cadaver characteris-
ture and if any of the fascicles are arranged in series. tics were: Cadaver 1: male, 92 years old, 178 cm in
The muscle of interest in this study was the First Dor- height, cause of death – atherosclerotic heart disease;
sal Interosseous (FDI) muscle, a muscle solely responsible Cadaver 2: female, 56 years old, 174 cm in height, cause
for index finger abduction about the metacarpophalangeal of death – hypothermia. The muscles had a normal
joint. This muscle has been studied in vivo as this is the appearance, and had dimensions similar to those from
unusual instance of a single muscle being the cause of previous dissections (Infantolino and Challis, 2010).
motion about a joint. Previous in vivo studies have Once the muscles were removed, they were soaked in a
exploited this feature of the FDI to investigate in vivo: 20% nitric acid solution for approximately one half hour
the influence of strength training on muscle properties to facilitate the dissection process by digesting some of
(e.g., Davies et al., 1985), tendon compliance (e.g., Cook the connective tissue. Fascicles were dissected using
and McDonagh, 1996), and the order of recruitment of blunt dissection with the aid of a Cannon RE-350 video
motor units (e.g., Milner-Brown et al., 1973; Kornatz visualizer (Cannon, New York). Each fascicle was placed
et al., 2005). To compliment these in vivo studies there on a flat graduated surface and was imaged using the
have also been studies examining FDI muscle architec- video visualizer and the dissection was recorded with a
ture in cadavers (Brand et al., 1981; Jacobson et al., DVD recorder using the output of the video visualizer.
1992; Infantolino and Challis, 2010). It is feasible for a Still images of fascicles were taken from the dissection
muscle to have a much longer muscle belly than the videos. Subsequent analysis of the fascicle and fascicle
length of the fibers or fascicles comprising the muscle if tendon dimensions were performed on the recorded fasci-
the muscle is pennated. Previous dissection of the fibers cle images.
and fascicles comprising cadaver FDIs by Infantolino and All lengths were measured from the recorded images
Challis (2010) show that this muscle has a small amount using a custom MATLAB program (The MathWorks
of pennation (10 ), and that even with this pennation Natick). The accuracy of these measurements was
the fiber lengths are typically not sufficient to account for assessed to be 60.5 mm based on the accuracy with
the muscle belly length. These results indicate this mus- which known lengths could be made on a graticule slide.
cle may demonstrate complex architecture. Before acid digestion, the length of the whole muscle’s
Two architectural features of the arrangement of mus- externally visible tendon was measured, as was the
cle fibers have been identified: the length of the fibers length of the muscle belly. After dissection, the fascicle

Fig. 1. Muscle fascicle image, from cadaver #2, on the graduated surface, Lfac is the fascicle length
and Lt is the fascicle tendon length. Grid spacing is 5 mm.

muscle belly length and the fascicle tendon lengths were muscle was assigned to a different mask by one trained
measured (Fig. 1). The fascicle tendons were portions of operator which allowed the entire muscle to be identified
the internal tendon that came free of the main aponeu- without including any noise in the image outside of the
rosis with gentle teasing with forceps. muscle. Noise was typically artifacts outside of the
image of the muscle. Two independent operators followed
the same procedure with the muscles and produced iden-
MRI Procedure tical results. Three-dimensional objects were generated
Two FDI were removed from two additional cadavers. by creating triangles from the pixels that were simulta-
The cadaver characteristics were: Cadaver 3: female, 76 neously assigned to a specific segment and mask (i.e.,
years old, 152 cm in height, 67.4 kg in mass, cause of muscle tissue segment and muscle mask). This allowed
death – end stage congestive heart failure; Cadaver 4: for rapid and accurate identification of objects as only
male, 72 years old, 160 cm in height, 72.6 kg in mass, the pixels in the defined mask and connective tissue seg-
cause of death – esophageal carcinoma. These muscles ment were considered to be part of that particular
also had a normal appearance, and had dimensions simi- connective tissue object. Pixels in the muscle mask that
lar to those from previous dissections (Infantolino and were in the muscle tissue segment were not included in
Challis, 2010). Each muscle was removed with the ten- the connective tissue object, thus reducing the time to
don intact using blunt dissection techniques. identify individual connective tissue objects.
The two FDIs were scanned using MRI to identify the The software identified all of the fascicles in a muscle.
tubes of collagen, perimysium, within which the bundles Then the path of individual fascicles could be tracked
of muscle fibers comprising the fascicles ran. To reduce manually. The paths of 10 fascicles were tracked in each
the MRI scanning time the tissue was immersed in a muscle, with tracking continuing until the fascicle termi-
1.5% Magnevist (Bayer Health Care, Wayne, NJ) phos- nated; if another fascicle was in series with the tracked
phor-buffered saline solution for 7 days. The achieved fascicle then that fascicle was also tracked. The collagen
short T1 (33 ms) and T2 (7 ms) times allowed for fast tubes containing the fascicles were all tapered at both
imaging with a high contrast-to-noise ratio. To prevent ends. If a fascicle was assumed to be in series with
the tissue from drying out and to minimize magnetic another fascicle the tapered end of one fascicle would be
susceptibility artifacts during scanning the specimens in the same cross-sectional image with the tapered end
were surrounded by a flourinert liquid FC-43 (3M, St. of another fascicle thereby demonstrating overlapping,
Paul, MN). All experiments were conducted using a ver- separate fascicles, not one longer fascicle. Both tapering
tical wide bore 14.1 Tesla Varian MRI system (Varian, ends were in such close proximity, that they were clearly
Palo Alto, CA) with direct drive technology. A commer- different fascicles yet were capable of transmitting force
cially available millipede resonator (Varian) with an to each other (see Supporting Information video).
inner diameter of 40 mm was used to acquire three-
dimensional spin echo images of the muscle tissue. A
standard imaging experiment with an isotropic resolu- Evaluation of Hypothesis
tion of 75 lm comprised a field of view of 45  20  20 To assess FDI fascicle architectural complexity, from
mm3 and a matrix size of 600  268 (75% partial Fou- the dissection of the fascicles, the architecture of the
rier: 201)  268. With 12 averages and a repetition time FDI was determined by visual inspection during the dis-
of 75 ms (echo time 11.7 ms) the total scan time was section process, and by the measurement of the length of
13.5 hr. MATLAB (The MathWorks, Natick, MA) was the muscle belly and length of the external tendon for
used for post-processing. By zero-filling each direction by the whole muscle, and the lengths of the tendon and
a factor of two, the pixel resolution of the standard fascicles comprising the muscle. From the MRI, the
imaging experiment was 37.5 lm isotropically. arrangement of the fascicles, comprising each muscle,
SPIERS software was used to analyze the MRI images relative to one another was quantified.
(Sutton et al., 2001; Sutton et al., 2002). Connective tis-
sue was identified by assigning pixels, between user
defined intensity values, to a segment. Each segment
represents a different type of tissue. Intensity values
varied between 0 and 255. Each object of interest was The results from the dissection are presented initially,
assigned to a mask by the operator. The boundary of the and then the imaging results.

Dissection Results end, appeared during dissection to be attached to another

fascicle also lacking tendon at one end; these fascicles
The number of fascicles in a muscle ranged from 61 to were determined to be in series with one another.
101 fascicles per whole muscle. During dissection it was
observed that the fascicles did not always run from distal
to proximal tendon, that some fascicles were in series, MRI Results
and that they were not the same length as the whole
muscle. Measurement of the lengths of the fascicles and In both FDI muscles, the connective tissue was
the tendon demonstrated that the fascicles were typically arranged in a spiraling fashion (Fig. 3). The connective
much shorter than the muscle belly (Fig. 2). For example, tissue made approximately a one quarter turn along the
for muscle #1 the longest fascicle length was 40.0 mm length of the muscle (Fig. 4); see Supporting Information
whereas the whole muscle belly length was 52.5 mm, the video illustrating connective tissue alignment.
shortest fascicle length was 8.0 mm. The Anderson–Dar- For only a portion of the 80 fascicles comprising the
ling test was used to formally test if the lengths of the FDI could the connective tissue surrounding each fascicle
fascicles were normally distributed for each muscle, be tracked. Of the 10 tracked fascicles in each FDI, these
which they were. Some of the fascicles had both proximal fascicles did not extend from one end of the muscle to the
and distal tendons, whereas others only had distinct dis- other as the connective tissue tubes did not run from one
tal or proximal tendons. Fascicles lacking tendon at one end to the other of the muscle. These fascicles were
within the length ranges of the fascicles obtained during
dissection. In addition, the connective tissue tubes associ-
ated with the fascicles were seen to be arranged serially,
indicating that muscle fascicles were arranged in a serial
fashion (Fig. 5). Notice Sections V, VI, and VII, in Fig. 5,
are all arranged in series. Some sections of connective tis-
sue were long (III) whereas others were much shorter
(IV), which agreed with the observations of the dissected
fascicle length results. For cadaver #4 of the 10 tracked
fascicles only four terminated at the aponeurosis (Fig. 5
does not display two of these fascicles because they are
located on the other side of the aponeurosis). For cadaver
#3, three of the fascicles terminated at the aponeurosis,
two were in series with each other.

Fig. 2. Fascicle lengths compared with whole muscle belly lengths
and fascicle tendon lengths compared with whole muscle tendon This study aimed to examine the complexity of the
lengths. The bars indicate the standard deviation of the respective architecture of fascicles of the FDI. Blunt dissection of
measure. the muscle fascicles suggested some fascicles were

Fig. 3. Connective tissue in the FDI muscle from an oblique view for cadaver #4. Arrows indicate the
muscle line of action.

Fig. 4. Two MRI-derived images showing the connective tissue (teal) surround a fascicle spiraling
around the FDI aponeurosis (blue), for cadaver # 4.

Fig. 5. The central aponeurosis (large blue structure), and the fascicles tracked in the MR image from
their surrounding connective tissue, for Cadaver #4. Note the red (V), olive (VI), and African violet (VII) col-
ored connective tissue strands arranged in serial fashion in the center of the image.

arranged in series with others, and their lengths showed organized in a serial fashion. The implications of these
a normal distribution. While the analysis of fascicle findings will be discussed in the following two
lengths provided evidence of a lack of uniformity of fasci- paragraphs.
cle lengths the MRI analysis revealed a complex Dissection and measurement demonstrated that there
arrangement of these fascicles. The fascicles spiraled was variability in the lengths of the fascicles comprising
along the length of the FDI, with some of the fascicles all analyzed FDI muscles, and these fascicles were not
being arranged in series. These findings lend support to as long as the muscle belly. If the fascicles were not as
the initial hypotheses that the fascicles comprising the long as the muscle belly this implies there must be some
FDI would demonstrate a complex architecture. A com- overlapping structure of the fascicles to produce the
plex architecture was indicated by the large range of whole muscle. The operating range of the muscle belly
fascicle lengths, by some of the fascicles being shorter will therefore be a complex function of the lengths of its
than the muscle belly, and by some of the fascicles being fascicles and their arrangement relative to one another.

Indeed it is feasible that some of the fascicles, for a elucidate their fascicle architecture. Currently, the MRI
given muscle belly length, will be operating on different techniques used in this study can only be used to inves-
portions of the force–length curve. Clearly, the properties tigate isolated cadaveric tissues as the bore of the MRI
of one fascicle cannot be used to infer the properties of all is too small (40 mm) and the scan time too long (13.5 hr)
the fascicles comprising a muscle, or of the whole muscle. to be feasible to study live subjects. Identification of fas-
The MRI analysis of the FDI demonstrated that the cicles paths was via the manual tracking of images from
fascicles do not follow a straight line path in whole mus- MRI, thus meaning only a limited number could be
cle but have a spiral pattern, and some of the fascicles tracked. Improved tracking software may be able to
are arranged in series with one another. This serial automatically identify and track the path of the fascicles
arrangement has implications for both the force–length comprising a muscle, further enhancing our knowledge
and force–velocity properties of the whole muscle. By of muscle structure and therefore function.
having fascicles arranged in series they have the poten- This study has offered insight into the complex archi-
tial to function as one long fascicle, which would have a tecture of the FDI muscle. Using blunt dissection, it was
greater range of lengths over which it can produce force, found that individual fascicles are not representative of
and will have a greater maximum velocity of shortening the whole muscle. MRI demonstrated that some of the
than either of the two component fascicles. These results fascicles were connected in series. These findings have
demonstrate that implying the properties of a whole important implications for the function of the FDI, and
muscle from a limited sample of its fascicles can be mis- raise the question whether similar fascicle architectures
leading if some of the fascicles are arranged in series. exist in other muscles.
In this study, muscle fascicles were used as a surro-
gate for the fibers, typical muscle fascicles contain ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
between 10 and 100 muscle fibers (Jones and Round,
1990). In reality the fiber architecture is probably more The authors acknowledge the contribution of Wade Shu-
complicated; hopefully improved technology will permit maker for assistance with production of the video of the
the imaging of these structures in whole muscle to per- muscle images and Brendan Casey and Michael Ellis for
mit further elucidation of architectural influences on their work with fascicle dissection.
muscle function.
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