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A Healthy Food Recipes and Benefits Application Presented to

The Faculty of the College of Computer Studies
Tarlac State University
Tarlac City


In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology



A.J. A. Claudio, BSIT-NA

K.J. A. De Jesus, BSIT-NA
R.C. D. Pineda, BSIT-NA
J.C. V. Tiamzon, BSIT-NA

MAY 2021

Republic of the Philippines

Tarlac State University
Tarlac City, Tarlac
Tel. No. (045) 6068173


This capstone project of A.J. A. Claudio, K.J. A. De Jesus, R.C. D. Pineda, and
J.C. V. Tiamzon titled “Healthy Food Recipes and Benefits Application”, which is
prepared and submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Bachelor
of Science in Information Technology, Major in Network Administration has been
examined and hereby recommended for approval and acceptance.

Nunga, Christian Jacob

Technical Adviser


Alvincent Danganan

Mel Johnson Aquino Rojen John Agustin

Member Member

Approved and accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, Major in Network Administration.

Dean, College of Computer Studies


Insert your abstract here. This portion is not to be indented and should be clear, concise,

and complete. An abstract tells the reader the reason for writing the thesis or capstone

project, the current approaches and gaps in the literature, the different objectives or aims

of the research, the methodology used in attaining the objectives, the main findings, and

end it with the main conclusion including the implications of the research. Limit the

abstract writing to 350 words.



We ought to extend our sincerest gratitude and appreciation to those who

gave their full support, patience, cooperation, and guidance to us to finish this study. To

our Almighty God, Thank you for showering us the strength, knowledge, wisdom, and

protection we needed throughout the study for it to be successful. To our respectful

Teachers, who teaches and inspired us to do our best to finish this study. To our beloved

Parents and Family, Thank you for for your unending support and for understanding us

even in these trying days. To our Friends and Classmates, who gave love, cooperation

and encouragement we needed to finish the study.



We would like to acknowledge and give our warmest thanks to our mentors Mrs.

Theda Flare Quilala, Mr. Alvincent Danganan, Mr. Mel Johnson Aquino, Mr. Rojen John

Agustin and Mr. Christian Jacob Nunga who helped us through our project and made this

work possible. Their advice and guidance carried us through all the stages for doing this


We express our profound gratitude for their meticulous knowledgeable guidance

and support to complete this project. Without their guidance and motivation our project

would not have been such learning experience.

We would like to express our sincere thanks to all the faculty members of the I.T.

Department of College of Computer Studies in Tarlac State University for the learning

experience and guidance from time to time, they guided us in the right direction to

complete this project with effective understanding.

We would also like to thank our classmates and friends without whose

cooperation this project would not have been a reality. Also, to our family who supported

us financially.

Finally, we would like to thank God, for letting us through all the difficulties specially in

this time of pandemic. We have experienced your guidance day by day. You are the one

who let us finish our project. We will keep on trusting you for our future.


APPROVAL SHEET.............................................................................................ii





LIST OF TABLES................................................................................................ix

LIST OF FIGURES................................................................................................x

1 INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................1

1.1 Project Context........................................................................................................2

1.2 Purpose And Descriptions......................................................................................3

1.3 Objectives.................................................................................................................4

1.4 Scope and Delimitations..........................................................................................5

2 RELATED LITERATURE...........................................................................6

2.1 Discussion of Models...............................................................................................7

2.2 Conceptual Framework........................................................................................12

3 TECHNICAL BACKGROUND.................................................................13

3.1 Software Development Requirements..................................................................14

3.2 Hardware Development........................................................................................15


3.3 Sources of Data......................................................................................................15

4 METHODOLOGY......................................................................................16

4.1 Methods in Data Gathering..................................................................................17

4.1.2 Internet Method..........................................................................................18

4.1.3 Observation................................................................................................19

4.2 Design and Development of <Title> This is objective number 1........................20

4.2.1 Requirement Analysis and Documentation.................................................21

4.2.2 Design of Software and/or System and/or Product and/or Processes..........22

4.2.3 System Development Methodology............................................................23

4.3 To evaluate the performance of <system> by means of <type of tests e.g.

functional, repeated trial, accuracy, others> tests. This is objective number 2.........24

4.3.1 Functional Test <Replace this with whatever test you will use>................25

5 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION..................................................................12

5.1 Design and Development of <Title> This is objective number 1........................12

5.2 To evaluate the performance of <system> by means of <type of tests e.g.

functional, repeated trial, accuracy, others> tests. This is objective number 2.........13

6 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS....................................14

6.1 Conclusions............................................................................................................14

Write the general statement that says you achieved the objective here. Then

specifically, itemize the conclusion based on the stated objective in Chapter 1 as


follows. There is one is to one correspondence with respect to the objectives and


6.2 Recommendations.................................................................................................14



<Appendix A:> <Title>..................................................................................................16

<Appendix B:> <Relevant Source Code>.....................................................................16

CURRICULUM VITAE......................................................................................17


Table 1. Functional Requirement for Login Module...................................................18

Table 2. Non-Functional Requirement for Safety and Security of <title>.................19

Table 3. <Title of your table>.........................................................................................21

Table 4. <Title of your table>.........................................................................................21



Figure 1. Use Case Diagram of Healthy Foods Recipes and Benefits Application....17

Figure 2. Database Schema of <title>............................................................................19

Figure 3. Functional Decomposition Diagram of <Title>............................................20

Figure 4. Burn Down Chart Sample Only.....................................................................22

Figure 5. Log-in Page of Admin.....................................................................................24

Figure 6. Dashboard........................................................................................................25

Foods are part of the daily life of people working hard just for providing food to

their families, but many people are not considering eating healthy foods and more

selecting junk foods and fast food. So, the researchers decided to create an application

that allows people to see different kinds of healthy foods and their benefits of eating

healthy food. Most people are using technology or gadgets and because of technology

people are neglected in cooking healthy foods and prefer order to the different fast-food


Different people have a mobile phone about 70% and having an application that

teaches people to cook healthy foods can help a lot.

1.1 Project Context

Health is a state of physical, mental and emotional well-being felt by persons of

any age in their personal and social life. According to Neacşu, “the right to health, just as

the right to good education, is one of the fundamental rights of any human being”

(Neacşu, 2010). The promotion of healthy lifestyles has been gaining popularity as a tool

for developing public health. Studies indicated that healthy lifestyles enhance lifelong

health, increase the quality of life, and decrease morbidity and mortality (Ebem, 2007).

Lifestyle choices and individuals’ behaviors have the potential to influence health and

improve the quality of life (Lyons & Langille, 2000). During the transition from

childhood to adulthood, adolescents establish patterns of behavior and make lifestyle

choices that affect both their current and future health (Nader et al., 2008; Telama, 2009).

This research protocol aims to examine consumers' attitudes and behaviors toward

sustainable and healthy eating through a multidisciplinary approach that considers fiscal,

marketing, public health, and environmental issues.

Pandemic becomes the opportunity in creating this application because of the

safety protocol of the government and people just want to stay at home, Therefore,

consumers rely on mobile restaurant application, this can get the attention of the

consumers to try healthy foods and get more knowledge about benefits of eating healthy


The researchers proposed and planned this project, the researchers saw and

analyze the problem of the people nowadays. Therefore, the researchers planned a

solution and creating an application that may be suited to everybody and not dull for the

consumers and fun to read and analyze the recipes and different descriptions inside our


This project sought both to provide easily understandable nutritional

information and to support consumers in their efforts to make healthier food choices. To

better deliver on the second of these objectives, it was determined that it might be

necessary to compare products against one another and develop a method of suggesting

alternative products that were likely to be healthier. Fundamental to this requirement was

a mechanism for ranking foods based on their healthiness, and a review was undertaken

to identify the different methods to achieve this.

Purpose And Descriptions

Healthy foods recipes and benefits application is about food industry but healthy

foods, this application provides feedback, login form, sign up form to access the

application. It also provides food recipes with different benefits. The purpose is to inform

the consumers by this application on what healthy foods that their body needs and

consumes in their daily life to have a healthy lifestyle [3]. The researchers get the reference

and data via a blog or website.

1.2 Objectives

The main objective of this study is to design and develop a Healthy Food
Recipes and Benefits Application.

1. To design and develop a Healthy Food Recipes and Benefits with the following


1.1 User

1.1.1 Login and Verification

1.1.2 Registration

1.1.3 Browse Recipe

1.1.4 Save Recipe

1.2 Admin

1.2.1 Manage Recipes

1.2.2 Email Verification

1.2.3 Backup and Recovery

2. To evaluate the performance of the Healthy Food Recipes and Benefits

Application by means of IT Expert:

2.1 Testing Requirements

2.2 Compatibility Testing

2.3 UX Evaluation

2.4 Functionality Testing

1.3 Scope and Delimitations

The target consumers are people who want to learn about different recipes and

foods. These people can understand the importance of the application. Moreover, those

who have a nutrition problem also provide a mobile phone and can buy the goods or

ingredients posted in the application. The researchers also provide a user-friendly

environment so that users will not feel any boredom or discomfort, this is an application

that consumers can use whether they’re online or offline. Also, providing different kinds

of foods so that they have options in choosing their desire recipes.

However, not everyone will be consumers of the application, only those people

who can provide a mobile phone and to those who can utilize the application, who can

view the ingredients and recipes posted in this application. Also, this system only

provides healthy food recipes. Not all kinds of recipes will be posted here only the

recipes that are good for the health of our consumers.


The development of nutrition services applications can help people to take control

of their nutrition and health through better eating. There are a lot of benefits they can get

in nutrition services applications. Users can find all the healthy recipes in the healthy

food application. This chapter is about the review of related literature that has relevance

to our topic.

2.1 Discussion of Models

The existing mobile applications in the market are mainly related to diet and

nutrition, including the measurement of the energy expenditure, the calories intake, the

calories needed, and a food database.

Mobile health, referred to as mHealth, is defined as ‘mobile computing, medical

sensor, and communications technologies’ that can enhance chronic disease care beyond

the traditional outpatient physician-patient encounter. This includes applications that run

on mobile phones, sensors that track vital signs and health activities, and cloud-based

computing systems. There has been an explosion of medical apps over the last 5 yr. with

more than 13 000 apps on health care topics alone available to Apple iPhone users and

over 6000 medical apps available to Android users. Close to one in five individuals with

a smartphone have downloaded a health app resulting in 44 million health app downloads

in 2012 and it is predicted that there will be 142 million downloads by 2016.

Apps focused on endocrine disease, particularly those focused on diabetes, are

proliferating in the marketplace [4]. The increasing number of teenagers with obesity and

sedentary lifestyle is related to the poor habits of diet and physical activity. There is a

large diversity of mobile applications related to diet control and physical activity, mainly

directed to adults and without any medical control. CoviHealth project consists of the

implementation of a mobile application for young people to promote healthy dietary

habits and physical activity based on anthropometric parameters control and

gamification. The main objective of CoviHealth project consists of the use of devices that

promote sedentary and lonely lifestyles to stimulate an increased level of physical and


In order to achieve this goal, the development of a mobile application for Android

devices is proposed. The development of this type of mobile application is related to the

Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) subject, assisting and motivating young people to adopt

healthy diet habits and promote physical activity. [5] The development of smartphones

has led to a proliferation of smartphone software applications (“apps”), which are

programs able to run on these mobile devices. From a public health perspective,

smartphone apps can potentially enhance the delivery of health behavior change

interventions to individuals end masse and result in favorable cost-utility.

Despite this, researchers to date have largely developed apps to intervene in the

clinical care setting for patient self-management, whereby a patient monitors themselves

and receives therapeutic feedback, or for real-time therapy where no self-reported data is

required from the patient. The commercial sector has developed numerous apps for

weight loss that include information on nutrition and physical activity, although the

majority are based on calorie counting approaches and may not always reflect best

practice guidelines for weight management. [6] This project sought both to provide easily

understandable nutritional information and to support consumers in their efforts to make

healthier food choices. To better deliver on the second of these objectives, it was

determined that it might be necessary to compare products against one another and

develop a method of suggesting alternative products that were likely to be healthier.

Fundamental to this requirement was a mechanism for ranking foods based on their

healthiness, and a review was undertaken to identify the different methods to achieve

this. Once again, a series of criteria were considered in making the choice and these were

based primarily on the quality of the supportive evidence, the likely acceptance of the

method by the nutrition community, current methods being used around the world, and

congruence with local Australian standards and recommendations [7].


Mobile health (mHealth) tools are also particularly suitable when it comes to

supporting parental involvement in childhood weight management interventions, where

there is growing consensus among researchers and practitioners that novel approaches

using the internet and mHealth apps should be explored. For example, their zero-

geography feature means that access to apps is not restricted to locations and can be

delivered directly to families in the comfort and privacy of their own homes. This is

especially advantageous for a parent population that reports lack of time, scheduling

conflicts, and location difficulties as major barriers to attending childhood weight

management programs.

Another benefit of mHealth apps is their ‘glanceable displays’ that can provide

parents with a quick and coherent overview of their child’s health information,

potentially increasing -their engagement with children’s weight-related behaviors. In

addition, participants can continue to access an intervention long after completion, which

is important in weight management where there are high rates of relapse [8]. Overweight

and obesity continue to be common, costly, preventable public health issues in the U.S.,

where nearly seven of every 10 adults would benefit from weight loss.1 Current methods

of promoting weight reduction through lifestyle intervention, reliant on intensive

educational and counseling sessions to promote the reduction in energy intake and

increased energy expenditure, have largely failed to change the trajectory of the obesity

epidemic. Although research is limited, some studies have suggested a benefit to using

technology, such as the Internet and mobile technologies, to deliver health behavior

interventions for lifestyle behavior change and weight management [9].

Fitness and physical exercise are preferred in the pursuit of healthier and active

lifestyles. The number of mobile applications aiming to replace or complement a personal

trainer is increasing. However, this also raises questions about the reliability, integrity,

and even safety of the information provided by such applications. In this study, we

review mobile applications that serve as virtual personal trainers [10].

Table 1. Functionality and Feature Matrix

The Researchers conduct a review of every different application to see all the

features they have. Researchers get seven categories in all applications then they compare

all the applications to see what feature they have and don’t have. One of the applications

has a login feature. Four applications have Nutrition information. Two application have a

difficulty to know how hard to cook it. All six applications have a cooking method. Four

applications have cooking time. Five applications have a bookmark, and two applications

have a rating. All these features will help us to build our application.

Conceptual Framework

Researchers believe that a person’s healthy food recipes and benefits monitoring

can be improved based on using an application that is easy to use and understand, to do

this will depend on the processes and concepts that will be used to enable this method.

Researchers have proposed a system application that would provide for the immediate

use to monitor healthy food recipes and benefits before eating, focusing on distributing

quality needs of a user where it can be controlled. This proposal also aims at preventing a

user from eating foods that can harm a user’s health.


Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Healthy Foods Recipes and Benefits Application

The Researchers have observed the benefits of healthy foods and recipes by

researching and brainstorming so that they can know the list of foods and recipes to be

categorized. As an improvement, they managed to categorize all the healthy and

unhealthy foods and recipes for the design of the system so that all the healthy foods can

be gathered. To support the system proposal, we gathered and research for the related

literature and system, this is important to know the strength and weaknesses of the system

to improve. The design and implementation needed a process in defining the architecture

of the system proposed to be developed. Using Rapid Application Development for the

methodology to emphasize the use of our proposal and the user feedback over strict

planning and requirements recording.

The plan to be developed is a solution for every user that is limited in resources.

The researchers designed the system application to be used by other users that are limited

on internet service or data services. It is a solution for immediate research of food

benefits without the hassle of thinking about the internet. It is also functional for low-end


One of the targets of this proposal is to improve the food monitoring to be

consumed or consumed by an individual. It can improve an individual’s healthy lifestyle.


It is much recommended to use for the unhealthy persons who eat too many foods

without knowing the benefits of it because they will know the risk and dangers of the

food before consuming. This system will benefit all, including health-conscious people, it

can be a starter tool for a person who plans to go to the gym and plans a diet.

In this chapter, will be discussing the technical background of software

requirements and hardware specifications that will need for the development of the

proposed application and also the source of data that gather for developing and testing the


3.1 Software Development Requirements

Table 1. Software Requirements


Android Studio is the official integrated

development environment for Google's Android operating

system, built on JetBrains' IntelliJ IDEA software and

designed specifically for Android development.

Android Studio

Store & sync data between your users in realtime

with the Firebase Realtime Databse. Optimize for offline

use and build strong user-based security for your app.

Build Fast For Any Device. Boost App Engagement.

Release Apps Confidently. Backed by Google.


Photoshop is Adobe's photo editing, image creation

and graphic design software. The software provides many

image editing features for raster (pixel-based) images as

Photoshop well as vector graphics.

Table 1. contains the software that developers will be needed to build the

application. The developers are using Android Studio for creating and designing the

application.Firebase will be used for storing all the data inserted in the application and

Photoshop for making our logo and for editing images that find on the internet.

3.2 Hardware Development


Operating System: 7/8/10 (32- or 64-bit)

RAM: 4 GB RAM minimum; 8 GB RAM

Free digital storage: 2 GB of available digital

storage minimum, 4 GB Recommended

Minimum required JDK version: Java

Development Kit 8
Minimum screen resolution: 1280 x 800

Android OS: Lollipop

CPU – Octa-core 1.95 GHz


ROM – 16GB

Mobile Phone

Table 2. Hardware Requirements

Table 2. Contains the recommended hardware that will be used to develop our

proposed system. The specification required to develop the application is windows

7/8/10, 4 GB RAM minimum; 8 GB RAM, 2 GB of available digital storage minimum, 4

GB Recommended, Minimum required JDK version: Java Development Kit 8, Minimum

screen resolution: 1280 x 800. The minimum specification that requires to access the

application has at least Lollipop Android version, 1.95GHz of CPU, 2GB of RAM and

16GB of ROM.

3.3 Sources of Data

To develop the proposed application. The researchers will need to gather

information from the internet that is needed in the application. The researchers will need

to find different types of healthy food recipes to get the ingredients, benefits, and

methods on how they cook. The researchers will need to find a study or article which

prove that the ingredient of every recipe of the food is healthy.


In this chapter will be discussed the application requirements and design. It

includes Requirement Analysis, User Requirements, Functional Requirements and Non-

functional Requirements. It also discusses how the application flows within the User and

Admin and what is the function or work of a User and Admin in using the application.

4.1 Methods in Data Gathering

The following are the methods used by researchers in gathering data:

4.1.1 Internet Method

Internet research is the methodical search for useful information on a specific

topic or issue. The purpose of a systematic study, investigation, or whatever else is to

answer the researcher's question.

The researchers use the internet as a data gathering tool with data from different

studies. The researchers also gather data via browsing and searching related studies and

also find some related application that can provide data for our research.

4.1.2 Observation Method


We observe some people that have knowledge with the Food Industry. The

researchers observe some food stall so we can gather data for our study. And also food

blogs and vlog helps us a lot on what are the benefits of a healthy food for our future


4.2 Design and Development of Healthy Foods Recipes and

Benefits Application This is objective number 1

4.2.1 Requirement Analysis and Documentation User Requirements


Figure 1. Use Case Diagram of Healthy Foods Recipes and Benefits Application

Figure 1 shows the Use Care Diagram of Healthy Foods and Benefits Application.

It shows all the functions of a User and Admin and the relationship between these two. User Characteristics

The user of the system is the consumer that browses different foods and recipes,

and the ADMIN is the one that interacts with the users. The admin is the one who updates

and backups the system and also verifying all the users that will create or login to their

respective accounts. The admin is the one responsible for monitoring the whole system

including bugs and glitches.

The user will be able to:

1. Login & Register

2. Browse Food

3. View Recipes

4. Save Recipes

5. View Food Benefits

6. View Cooking Methods

7. Rate and Comment


The administrator will be able to:

1. Update the Application System

2. Add & Edit Recipes

3. Backup the whole Application System

4. Verify different accounts created and log on Functional Requirements

In this part, it will be discussing the Functional Requirements part of the


Table 3 Functional Requirement for Login Module

Req. ID Requirement Description Priority Complexity

Registered Users shall be able to Login into Low Medium
the System by providing a Username, Password,
Email, Phone number and verification, to be able to
Bookmark the recipes they like.
 Upon successful input of the verification code,
users shall be redirected to the dashboard
 If incorrect, a Login error message shall be

Table 4 Functional Requirement for Users Module

Req.ID Requirement Description Priority Complexity

FR2.  Users shall be able to Save Recipes

Medium Medium

FR3.  Users shall be able to rate the food

High Medium

FR4.  Users shall be able to put a comment on the

food High Low

Table 5. Functional Requirement for Admin Module

Req.ID Requirement Description Priority Complexity

FR5.  Admin shall be able to add/update the foods
High Medium
FR6.  Admin shall be able to have a backup of the
user’s data’s High Medium
FR7.  Admin shall be able to verify users account
High Medium Non-Functional Requirements


This part of the paper will be describing the Non-Functional Requirements for

Safety and Security of the System/Application.

Table 6. Non-Functional Requirement for Safety and Security of Healthy Foods and Benefits


Code Dependencies Description

SS1 Bookmarking recipes will require a username and password

SS2 Required to log in to your account to save all the recipes you add

to your bookmark.

SS3 Backup and restore function

4.2.2 Design of Software and/or System and/or Product and/or Processes ER Diagram

Figure 2 Database Schema of Healthy Food Recipes and Benefits Application

Figure 2 Shows the Entity Relationship Diagram of the proposed mobile

application. As you can see in the figure above admin can manage the information of the

user and food recipes entities. The user entity has a registration to be able to save all the

recipes they choose, and it has a food recipes entity to view what inside the food recipes. Functional Decomposition Diagram


Figure 3. Functional Decomposition Diagram of Healthy Food Recipes and Benefits Application

Figure 3 shows the Functional Decomposition Diagram of Healthy Food Recipes

and Benefits Application. The system administrator can manage the account of the users,
application management and backup and recovery for the account and the application.
For the users, after they register and login, they can save recipes and give rates and
comments. Operating Environment

The table section of this paper shows the required operating environment that is

needed to produce the expected output and to be able to access the application system.
Table 7. Operating Environment for Healthy Foods and Benefits Application

Code Environment Description

OE1 This platform must use Android OS version 6.0 and above.

OE2 The system must have at least 16gb phone storage and a ram of 2gb

at least.

OE3 An android device that has a CPU speed of at least 1.95ghz is

needed to properly execute this system. Design and Implementation Constraints

This table contains the design and implementation of the project system.

Table 8. Design and Implementation Constraints for Healthy Foods and Benefits Application

Code Design Constraints and Implementation Constraints Description

DC1 The application must be a program by using Android studio.

IC1 The platform must be a user-friendly interface

4.2.3 System Development Methodology

Mention here what type of system development methodology did you adopt. Why

have you chosen it. Then you have to write what did you do from start to finish,

following the chosen methodology. Place in here whatever is the modelling tool used by

the chosen system development methodology. You have to narrate what happened during

the entire development of the system following the methodology chosen. Planning

What did the team do during this phase? You have to tell us here. Note that this is

just a sample phase. The phases may differ depending on the chosen system development

methodology. Scrum

What did the team do during this phase? You have to tell us here.

Sprint Summary







1 2 3 4

number of sprints

Estimated Time Actual Time

Figure 1. Burn Down Chart Sample Only Project Schedule

Figure 4 shows the burndown chart of the developed system. Explain what the

figure is all about.


4.3 To evaluate the performance of <system> by means of <type

of tests e.g. functional, repeated trial, accuracy, others> tests. This is

objective number 2

4.3.1 Functional Test <Replace this with whatever test you will use>

Describe here how did you conduct the testing in detail. Do not discuss results yet.

Equations, software etc.


The arrangement of whatever will be attached here – screenshots, result of survey,

result of testing will depend on the objectives of the research. If you have two objectives,

follow that sequence in the presentation here. You can place a brief introductory

paragraph before starting.

5.1 Design and Development of <Title> This is objective

number 1

Figure 2. Log-in Page of Admin

Figure 5 shows the log-in page of the admin. Explain and ensure the explanation is

located at the same page of the image. Make sure to arrange this one as per feature stated

in the objectives.

Figure 6 shows the dashboard of the system. All important screenshots must be

reflected here.

5.2 To evaluate the performance of <system> by means of <type

of tests e.g. functional, repeated trial, accuracy, others> tests. This is

objective number 2

What follows here should show the results of the testing. Attached graph, table, or

screenshot whatever best displays the result of you test.


6.1 Conclusions

Write the general statement that says you achieved the objective here. Then

specifically, itemize the conclusion based on the stated objective in Chapter 1 as follows.

There is one is to one correspondence with respect to the objectives and conclusion.

1. Conclusion of objective number 1.

2. Conclusion of objective number 2.

Write another paragraph here for future directions. Take note that you may also

consider adding the limitations that you identify in Chapter 1 as part of your future

works. Your recommendations also goes here.

6.2 Recommendations

Write your recommendations here.



Use IEEE formatting for all references (in the body and in the listing here).
It is suggested that you use reference manager tools like Mendeley.

You may also use Zotero or EndNote.



<Appendix A:> <Title>

Place your appendices here. Please be sure that these have been referenced in the

body of document.

<Appendix B:> <Relevant Source Code>



Write your CV here.

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