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Importance of visual and verbal content in advertisement






14th NOVEMBER, 2021
Importance of visual content
World is getting visualize continuously. More than 2 billion ads are being made worldwide daily
advertising agencies are doing their best to create a relevant visual content to attract target
customer. People get more attractive with the visual content and can understand the goal of the
advertisement much faster than the verbal content. The graphic effects enable brand to tell more
message with less ad space.

The print advertisement which I chose is KFC print ad which was made when Kentucky Fried
Chicken ran out of chicken to serve at their restaurants for at least a week instead of posting an
apology on social media their advertising agency decides to make a print media apologies add
They apologies to their customer in a pretty cheeky way. KFC took a full page ad in sun and
metro newspaper which shows an empty bucket of KFC instead of printing KFC logo they use
humor and humility to relate there customer by switching the letter which spell FCK. The visual
content of this add is very power full it attract the customer by their humor and by showing an
empty bucket of chicken with crumbs spilling out which was the sign that they are out of
chicken. The visual content made a huge impact on customer and they accept their apology and
tweeted that this was the best apology and they accept the apology. This was crisis make their
brand image more strong because of this campaign this was all possible because of visual
content, everyone can apology in verbal way but creating a creativity by visual content and play
with their logo was one of the new way to apologies and get very popular as well.

Importance of verbal content

In print adds verbal content is one of the main key that make the ad more powerful and engaging.
Excellent verbal communication is a key to maintaining successful business relationships. Verbal
communication is perhaps the most obvious and understood mode of communication, and it is
certainly a powerful tool in your communication toolbox. Put simply, verbal communication is
the sharing of information with the group of people.
In this KFC ad the verbal content is actually the most important part because in this ad they was
trying to apology for the inconvenience customers were facing of not getting the meal because
of chicken shortage no doubt the visual content was very strong but a good print ad is where
visual and verbal both content are understandable and relatable. In this ad the advertising
agency you humor in there visual content by changing the logo words and describe the situation
that they are FCKed up because by switching the words from KFC to FCK and after that they
also write a small paragraph where they were apologizing and telling people that a chicken
restaurant without a chicken is not an ideal thing and after that they apologize with those who
drive at their franchise and find them closed beside that they also motivate their employees and
their franchise members by thanking them for being there with them in this hard time and for
their hard work and not only they print the ad for apology or to motivate but also to convey the
message that they deliver a fresh chicken for their products which is healthy for the diet and
because of the shortage of the good quality chicken they are unable to fulfill their customer
demand which is the reason there branches were closed for some days and the print ad make a
positive impact on the brand image and also they made such a unique print ad by playing with
their logo that gain the attention of all social media and people start loving there way of
communication and stand with them and it effect positively on their sales also.

Criticize the ads creativity

According to my opinion the overall structure of the ad was outstanding the way they apologize
they gain the attraction of social media and people like the way of conveying their message and
telling people that way they were closed but there were few things they should have do better o
there visual and verbal content and also they should change the method of conveying the

According to graph the KFC customers are usually Gen-Z and majority of them do not read a
magazines nowadays they are more into social media so, they should have made this ad on social
media through digital marketing because this is the most effective and efficient way to spread
some awareness.

Fck campaign was one of the best campaign of KFC in 2018 which also won a gold and silver
medal and they do not have much to criticize on this print ad it was one of the best example of
apology campaign for their loyal customer and the visual content was great but they could have
done better with their verbal content the switching of logo was a great way of humor and telling
the situation of their restaurant but the paragraph they where they also praised their franchise
members and employees they should have write that they are not opening their branches because
they are not getting the quality chicken and they do not want to lower their standard that is why
they are waiting for the quality chicken so that it will not affect the health of their customer.
They can also use their cooperate color red which is also a symbol of danger and make an
awareness that there is a danger in shortage of the chicken. The overall campaign is very
attractive and with great message and there is not much to criticize because the creativity of
saying sorry was unique and effective which is the result people loved the add.

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