Unemployment Kurdistan Region: Supervised By: Hawraz Sami Essa Ismaeil

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Unemployment kurdistan region

Prepared by:
Nada subhi Supervised by:
Lana masoud
Helen dilshad
Hawraz sami
Payvin hunar Essa ismaeil
 Unwork is one of the phenomena that most
countries in the world are looking at and there is
no country to be deprived of such a phenomenon
in a way that is generally unworkable at the time
of the economic failure, and this is because of
the economic crisis When it happens, of course,
the creation of an economic crisis is due to
internal problems in administrative affairs or the
lack of regulation and bad ness between the
labor market and graduates, as well as another
reason for the external pressure that is on the
sit-ins. The country's economy, all of which face
countries where countries have strong political
and geographical position.
1) What effect does unemployment have in life ?
2) What is the reason for the high unemployment rate ?
3) What are you doing when you’re unemployment ?
4) Unemployment causes family problems ?
5) Unemployment causes depression ?
6) You think your unemploment is better than working with
a small share ?
7) Unemploment is one of the cauese of instability and
community chaos ?
8) You tried to go abroad to find work ?
9) Do unemploment people face crimes especially theft ?
10) Unemployment go back of what case ?
Fig.1: man looking for a job
Fig. 2:losing job
Fig.3:waiting for work
Fig.5: depression
Fig.6: terid in work
Fig.8: Travelling
Fig.9:stealing from people
Fig.10:High unemployment rate
 The unemployment rate in the Kurdistan
Region is very high. Since there is no accurate
census in the Kurdistan Region, we cannot
state what the rate is exactly. Different rates
have been published claiming unemployment
in the Kurdistan Region stands at 11 percent,
some others say 14 or 18 percent
 Of course, the majority of unemployment in
the Kurdistan Region will have a great impact
on individuals in the society, we talked about
the most important works, as in the
referendum, everyone agreed that the bad
financial situation of the region is the main
reason, of course, the solution to this
problem is increasing job opportunities for
young people, especially graduates of
universities and institutes.


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