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I chose the Cocacola brand because it is one of the best and successful brand globally their
marketing mix internationally and domestic (Pakistan) are as follow.

Marketing mix globally

Product Strategy:
The product strategy and mix in Coca Cola marketing strategy can be explained as follows:

Coca Cola product strategy in its marketing mix can be studied by understanding its wide
product range. The following products are offered by Coca Cola globally: Coca Cola, Sprite,
Fanta, Diet Coke, Coca Cola Zero, Coca Cola Life, Dasani, Minute Maid, Ciel, Powerade,
Simply Orange, Coca Cola Light, Fresca, Glaceau Vitaminwater, Del Valle, Glaceau
Smartwater, Mello Yello, Fuze, Fuze Tea, Honest Tea, Osewalla, Powerade Zero

Coca Cola products are sold in various packaging and sizes. For example, its core product Coke
is sold in 200ml, 500ml, 1ltr, 1.5ltt and 2ltr bottles in cans, glass and plastic bottles. The Coca
Cola logo is clearly made visible on each of these bottles and cans to differentiate itself from
Coke. The Coca Cola bottles also have unique shapes pertaining to the brand. Also within the
flagship brand, Coca Cola clearly gives various options like classic, diet, light, zero sugar options
so that customers can easily identify the product. Coca Cola, Sprite and Fanta have large market
shares in their respective segments but their growth is almost stagnant. Hence they generate huge
cash for the company.

Price/Pricing Strategy:
Coca Cola follows a 2nd degree price discrimination strategy in its marketing mix. In the sense
they charge different prices for products in different segments. The beverage market is
considered to be an oligopoly in which there are few sellers and many buyers. Coca Cola and
Pepsi are the dominant players. Coke products are priced similar to that of Pepsi products in that
particular segment. If Coke prices its products too high as compared to Pepsi in a particular
segment, then the consumers might switch especially in developing countries where the
consumers are price sensitive. Hence both come to an agreement of maintaining price parity in
each segment. However, Coca Cola offers discounts on bulk purchases by sometimes even
bundling the products.

Place & Distribution Strategy:

Following is the distribution strategy in the Coca Cola marketing mix:
Coca Cola being in the market for more than 130 years and operating in more than 200 countries
worldwide, it has developed excessive distribution network. The wide distribution network
highlights the place strategy in Coca Cola marketing mix. The Coca Cola company produces the
beverage using its secret formula and transports it to the bottlers located in various parts of the
globe. The bottle shapes and sizes are predefined by the company. The bottlers then fill the
bottles with the adequate beverage and then ship it to the carrying and forwarding agents. From
there the bottles are transported by road to the stockists, then to the distributors and finally to the
retailers from where the final consumers buy the products. Most of the times the goods from the
distributor are transported to the wholesalers who distributes these to the retails according to the
demand on regular basis. Coca Cola has an extensive distribution channel and its products are
available in almost all retail outlets and supermarkets across the globe. In India Coca Cola
products are made available across 2.5 million outlets.
Coca Cola products are also distributed to various Hotels and restaurant chains throughout the
Coke has also built an extensive reverse supply chain where they collect the leftover glass bottles
from the retailers and convert them into a reusable product thus saving cost and additional
Promotion & Advertising Strategy:
The promotional and advertising strategy in the Coca Cola marketing strategy is as follows:
Coca Cola sets the bench mark for advertising and branding. The promotional strategy of Coca
Cola focuses on aggressive marketing through ad campaigns using media like TV, online ads,
print media, sponsorships etc. Coca Cola engages in the following major sponsorship events like
American Idol, BET Network, NASCAR, NBA, NCAA, Olympic Games, FIFA worldcup etc.
Coca Cola also launches TV advertisements in various national languages across the globe. In
India in March 2016, Coca Cola launched “Taste the Feeling” Campaign which seeks out to
remind its customers about the joyous and happy moments Coke brings to their lives. He was
chosen so as to connect well with the Indian youth. The ads were telecasted frequently across
various channels. Coca Cola has become a mass product which is expected to be available
everywhere at any time. This gives opportunity to Coca Cola to increase its business and keep it
stable as well.
Special incentives are given to the distributors and retailers for pushing Coke products. Also
these retailers are given refrigerators and Coca Cola hoardings for advertising the brand. At
supermarkets, special emphasis is given on the shelf spaces to generate more visibility of its
products. Coca Cola also engages in various CSR activities to help support environmental and
social issues across the globe. Hence, all these points give an overview on Coca Cola marketing
Marketing mix of Cocacola in Pakistan

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