UNDRR Asia-Pacific - Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction Implementing Nature-Based Solutions For Resilience - 0

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Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction

Implementing Nature-based Solutions for Resilience


UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction

UNDRR (2020), Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction: Implementing Nature-based
Solutions for Resilience, United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction – Regional Office
for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, Thailand

The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this document do not necessarily
reflect the views of UNDRR or of the United Nations Secretariat, partners, and governments,
and are based on the inputs received from different contributions.


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United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)
9-11 Rue de Varembé, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland, Tel: +41 22 917 89 08

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Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction
Implementing Nature-based Solutions for Resilience
Table of Contents


Foreword ____________________________________________________________________________5

Key messages____________________________________________________________________________6

1. About the Report_______________________________________________________________ 7

2. What are ecosystem-based approaches for disaster risk reduction?______________9

3. Why is Eco-DRR important in reducing disaster risk?___________________________ 11

4. Multiple benefits from implementing Eco-DRR and EbA________________________ 17

4.1 Cost effectiveness of NbS______________________________________________________ 19
4.2 A critical element of resilient infrastructure______________________________________ 20
4.3 Ecosystems and COVID-19_____________________________________________________ 21

5. Coherence across global frameworks and agreements________________________ 23

5.1 Global framework, agreements and conventions________________________________ 24
5.2 Global momentum and advocacy for NbS______________________________________ 26

6. Integrating NbS into policies, plans and programs_____________________________ 30

6.1 National climate and biodiversity strategies_____________________________________ 30
6.2 Regional and sub-regional DRR strategies______________________________________ 31
6.3 National disaster risk reduction strategies______________________________________ 32
6.4 Local disaster risk reduction strategies_________________________________________ 34
6.5 NbS as the basis for coherent planning_________________________________________ 35

7. Tools to support NbS implementation_________________________________________ 37

8. Conclusions and recommendations___________________________________________ 39

Annex 1 – Abbreviations________________________________________________________________ 41

Annex 2 – Definition of terms___________________________________________________________ 43

Annex 3 – Guidelines and decision-support tools_______________________________________ 45

Annex 4 – Increasing experience of Eco-DRR and EbA in practice______________________ 48

Annex 5 – Online resources_____________________________________________________________ 51

References __________________________________________________________________________ 53

2 Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction

Table, Figures and Boxes


1. Hazard reduction functions of different ecosystems_______________________________________ 13


1. Integration of climate change adaptation, disaster risk management,

ecosystem management and socio- economic development planning
through Eco-DRR/EbA_____________________________________________________________________ 15
2. Interaction between environmental hazards triggered by climate change; exposure
of humans, infrastructure and ecosystems to those hazards; and systems’
vulnerabilities______________________________________________________________________________ 16
3. Multiple benefits of Eco-DRR and EbA_____________________________________________________ 18
4. Eco-DRR/EbA major priorities and decisions with regards to major international
framework agreements. ___________________________________________________________________ 24


1. Key Terms_________________________________________________________________________________ 10
2. Nature friendly dyke in Denmark___________________________________________________________ 12
3. Building with Nature, Indonesia ___________________________________________________________ 14
4. Eco-DRR measures in river/flood plain in Mahanadi Delta, India___________________________ 14
5. Carbon sequestration in Sydney saltmarshes _____________________________________________ 18
6. China Sponge Cities_______________________________________________________________________ 20
7. Ecosystem Protecting Infrastructure and Communities (EPIC): Eco-safe Roads
for Enhancing Resilience of Communities in Nepal________________________________________ 27
8. Using flood-based livelihoods to restore the flood retention ecosystem function
of the Mekong Delta, Viet Nam____________________________________________________________ 27
9. National Greening Program, the Philippines________________________________________________ 28
10. What is PEDRR?___________________________________________________________________________ 29
11. Ecosystem Focus in India_________________________________________________________________ 32
12. Implementing Nature-Based Solutions____________________________________________________ 33
13. Local-level Eco-DRR in Myanmar__________________________________________________________ 34
14. Ecosystem as the common basis for DRR and climate action in the Philippines___________ 35
15. Ecosystem-based approaches in Vanuatu_________________________________________________ 36
16. Global Standard for Nature-based Solutions_______________________________________________ 38
17. Resilient South City, South San Francisco, CA, USA________________________________________ 50

Table, Figures and Boxes 3


The policy product entitled Institute, Mercy Corps,

Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk University of Glasgow, Wetlands
Reduction: Implementing Nature- International, Indian Institute of
based Solutions for Resilience Technology, Euro-Mediterranean
was drafted by Frank Thomalla Centre on Climate Change, and
of Climate and Disaster Risk others who provided inputs to
Research and Consulting (CDRC) the report at various stages.
and Animesh Kumar, Deputy The draft benefited from a
Chief, UNDRR Regional Office workshop in Bangkok, Thailand,
for Asia and the Pacific Office in November 2019. Iria Touzon
with contributions from and Calle, Omar Hussein Amach,
collaboration with members of Dave Zervaas, Sarah Houghton
the Partnership for Environment and Priya Kanchan from UNDRR
and Disaster Risk Reduction also reviewed and provided
(PEDRR). feedback on the report.

The authors would particularly UNDRR acknowledges the

like to thank Nathalie Louise generous funding made available
Doswald (UNEP) for reviewing by the Federal Republic of
the report. The authors would Germany (BMZ) as part of the
like to thank experts from project “Support the substantial
IUCN, ESCAP, UNEP, UNU, UN- reduction of disaster risk and
Habitat, Stockholm Environment losses for a sustainable future.”

4 Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction


One common thread among risk (i.e. vulnerability, hazard and commitments in the areas of
the disasters that most impact exposure), while also improving combating climate change and
Asia-Pacific is that they show people’s lives and restoring sustainable development, which
how delicate the balance is ecosystems. have lagged as a result of the
between human activity and pandemic.
nature. Many studies have found that
nature-based solutions offer a UNDRR is pleased to present
The sweeping COVID-19 high return on investments, with this body of work to help
pandemic has demonstrated benefits that extend into social policymakers and planners
that human exploitation and economic life. This has initiate these discussions
of nature and unchecked earned them the label of ‘no- with their constituents and
encroachments into wild spaces regret’ or “win-win” solutions. to consider new ways to
can have real consequences. accelerate the transition from
For example, although China working against nature to
At the same time, unplanned experienced devastating floods working with nature to reduce
human development in the in 2020, overall mortality and disaster risks and achieve
region is stripping landscapes displacement were significantly a more prosperous and
of natural protections against less as compared to the sustainable future.
many hazards. When combined country’s 1998 floods despite
with extreme weather heavier rainfall in 2020. These
events, the lack of natural improvements are being
protections can have perilous credited to two decades of Loretta Hieber Girardet,
consequences. Just one investment in nature-based Chief, UNDRR Regional Office
example is the extreme flooding solutions to reduce disaster for Asia and the Pacific
experienced this year by Japan, risks and impacts, such as
China and India following China’s “sponge cities” initiative.
unusually heavy monsoon rains.
Despite such progress and
In these examples, the balance increased recognition of the
between human activity and value of ecosystem-based
nature was disrupted, resulting disaster risk reduction, more
in disasters. However, if the effort is needed to scale-up and
balance can be maintained, increase adoption.
many hazards can be kept at
bay and nature can serve as a One opportunity may be the
defence against disasters. current wave of government
economic stimulus funding
This publication explains and in response to the COVID-19
highlights how this can be pandemic. These economic
achieved through ecosystem- recovery packages can become
based disaster risk reduction, springboards to launch new
which centres around the and ambitious initiatives to
harnessing of nature to strengthen green economies
build resilience and develop and integrate nature-based
sustainably. solutions into development.

If applied strategically, nature- Moreover, these approaches

based solutions can help can help countries meet
address all aspects of disaster their global and national

Foreword 5
Key messages

• Nature-based solutions Nature needs to be part of the narrow focus on short-

(NbS), including ecosystem- the solution of recovery as term economic gains. NbS
based disaster risk reduction governments and businesses for climate mitigation and
(Eco-DRR) and ecosystem- assess how to emerge from disaster control infrastructure
based adaptation (EbA), play the COVID-19 crisis and help reduce carbon footprint
an important role in reducing rebuild the economies. and reduce disaster impact,
disaster and climate risk, while achieving the national
in particular, in addressing • Eco-DRR provides a potent climate commitments.
systemic risk arising from vehicle for disaster risk
an increasingly complex management in all its • NbS are central to
and evolving risk landscape. dimensions. These include strengthening the coherent
Ecosystem services further hazard reduction (e.g. implementation of the
catalyse disaster recovery mitigating flooding and various international
and enhance community enhancing soil moisture frameworks under the 2030
resilience. conservation), vulnerability Agenda for Sustainable
reduction (e.g. livelihood Development. This is
• Eco-DRR/EbA are efficient, diversification and further strengthened when
cost-effective, flexible, protection), and exposure cross-fertilized with the Rio
low-regret approaches reduction (risk-sensitive Conventions and Ramsar
to reducing disaster land-use planning). While Convention.
risk and the impacts EbA reduces vulnerability to
of climate change with climate change and increases
multiple social, economic adaptive capacity.
and environmental co-
benefits. When the benefits • Target E of the Sendai
of Eco-DRR and EbA are Framework for Disaster Risk
projected over space and Reduction provides a unique
time the returns increase opportunity to ensure
exponentially. integration of NbS in the
national and local disaster
• Conversely, disasters have risk reduction strategies.
an impact on ecosystems Though Asia-Pacific national
causing environmental DRR strategies provide good
damages and losses practices on Eco-DRR most
that in turn increase risk. countries do not specify
Degraded environments relevant actions to undertake
are an important driver this. The Words-into-Action
of risk - if unsustained guideline on “Nature-based
ecosystems result in Solutions for Disaster Risk
disasters or exacerbates Reduction”, released for
its impact. Recognizing public review, aims to address
these interlinkages and this gap.
interdependencies is
important to ensure and • NbS have a key role in
sustain resilience. resilient infrastructure by
providing both opportunities
• Ecosystem loss and for design innovations
fragmentation enhances and new development
human-ecological footprint. alternatives that go beyond

6 Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction

Photo: CravenA / Shutterstock.com

About the Report

Ecosystems act as a buffer against hazards, resilience against disasters by sustaining
preventing disaster and reducing disaster livelihoods and providing important products to
impact on people, critical infrastructure and local populations in times of crises.
basic services. Conservation, restoration
and the sustainable use and management Conversely, degraded environments are a
of land, wetlands, ocean, and other natural leading driver of disaster risk. The absence of
resources strengthen disaster and climate risk their services exacerbates disaster impacts
management. The most vulnerable people in and affects recovery efforts and livelihood
many countries rely on ecosystems for their regeneration in the aftermath of a disaster.
livelihoods and resilience. Recognizing the
interdependency between human well-being, Disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change
ecosystems, and changing risk patterns, adaptation (CCA) approaches should thus
ecosystems also build local socio-economic make optimal use of the services provided by

About the Report 7

ecosystems. While ecosystem management has and local levels, who implement DRR
been reflected in all relevant global frameworks, measures through various means and at
the translation of such global commitments at various levels.
the national and local level faces institutional
and other governance barriers. Further, the • National and local disaster risk reduction
integration of such measures in sectoral practitioners from the development sector
development plans, such as in land use and and non-state stakeholders who contribute to
water management, both in rural and urban the process of developing and implementing
contexts, remains limited. the national DRR strategy and support its
alignment with local DRR strategies / action
The purpose of this policy paper is to increase plans.
awareness of the important role of ecosystem-
based approaches in reducing disaster risk. • Disaster risk management and climate
It emphasises the central role of ecosystem- change practitioners at regional and global
based disaster risk reduction (Eco-DRR) in level who will support the integration of DRR
strengthening the coherent implementation of and climate change adaptation in support of
various international frameworks under the 2030 achievement of the SDGs by 2030.
Agenda for Sustainable Development. It further
provides suggestions on how to capitalise on • Technical experts from all sectors with
the growing evidence-base for strengthening the a wide range of thematic specializations
integration of Eco-DRR and other nature-based (e.g. multi-hazard risk assessments, critical
solutions (NbS), such as ecosystem-based infrastructure, climate change adaptation,
adaptation (EbA) into disaster risk reduction agriculture resilience, land-use planning,
strategies and national development plans and social vulnerability, insurance and financial
highlights the usefulness of Eco-DRR in systemic risk transfer mechanisms, emergency
risk management, using examples and good preparedness, gender, national statistics
practices from the Asia-Pacific region and other and results-based management, etc.) who
parts of the world. are contributing their expertise to ensure
the development of a comprehensive DRR
An inclusive, “all-of-government” and “whole-of- strategy that effectively supports risk-
society” approach towards the development of informed development.
ecosystem-based approaches to DRR ensure
their legitimacy, ownership and buy-in by • Regional inter-governmental organizations
core national actors in DRR and development who support their member states in the
and their smooth adoption and sustainable development of a national DRR strategy
implementation at the country level. The aligned with a sub-regional DRR policy,
intended target audience of this document are normative framework and roadmap, as well as
policymakers, planners and practitioners in DRR, regional DRR strategies / frameworks adopted
CCA, sustainable development, and natural at regional platforms for DRR.
resource management:
The document forms a key knowledge and
• National-level policymakers leading the evidence base for the Words-into-Action guideline
development and coordination of the national on Nature-based Solutions for Disaster Risk
disaster risk reduction strategy. Reduction. Though the geographic focus of
the document is on the Asia-Pacific region the
• Government officials, including those from analysis is global and can be applied in other
the sectoral and line ministries, at national regions as well.

8 Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction

2 What are ecosystem-based
approaches for disaster
risk reduction?

Ecosystem services are defined in the Millennium

Ecosystem Assessment (MEA) (WRI, 2005) as
ecosystems, with disaster risk reduction (DRR)
methods, such as early warning systems and
the benefits people obtain from ecosystems. emergency planning, in order to have more effective
These include provisioning services such as food, disaster prevention, reduce the impact of disasters
water, timber, and fiber; regulating services that on people and communities, and support disaster
affect climate, floods, disease, wastes, and water recovery (Sudmeier-Rieux et al., 2019). Eco-DRR
quality; cultural services that provide recreational, also aims to produce societal benefits in a fair
aesthetic, and spiritual benefits; and supporting and equitable way, in a manner that promotes
services such as soil formation, photosynthesis, transparency and broad participation.
and nutrient cycling.
Eco-DRR is part of Natural Solutions (NS) or
Ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction (Eco-DRR) Nature-based Solutions (NbS), an umbrella term
entails combining natural resources management for all natural management approaches. NbS can
approaches, or the sustainable management of be categorized in several ways. IUCN (Cohen-

What are ecosystem-based approaches for disaster risk reduction? 9

Box 1: Key Terms
Nature-based Solutions (NbS) Ecosystem-based Mitigation (EbM)
Actions to protect, sustainably manage, and The use of ecosystems for their carbon storage
restore natural or modified ecosystems that and sequestration service to aid climate change
address societal challenges effectively and mitigation” (Sudmeier-Rieux et al., 2019).
adaptively, simultaneously providing human
well-being and biodiversity benefits - IUCN Green-blue Infrastructure (GI) or Natural
(Cohen-Shacham et al., 2016). Infrastructure
A strategically planned network of natural and
Ecosystem-based Disaster Risk Reduction semi-natural areas with other environmental
(Eco-DRR) features designed and managed to deliver a wide
The sustainable management, conservation and range of ecosystem services such as water puri-
restoration of ecosystems to reduce disaster fication, air quality, space for recreation, climate
risk, with the aim to achieve sustainable and mitigation and adaptation, and management of
resilient development. (Estrella and Saalismaa, wet weather impacts that provides many com-
2013). munity benefits. (UNISDR, 2017).

Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) Ecological Engineering

The use of biodiversity and ecosystem services as The design of sustainable ecosystems that
part of an overall adaptation strategy to help people integrate human society with its natural
adapt to the adverse effects of climate change environment for the benefit of both (Mitsch,
(CBD, 2009). 2012).

Shacham et al., 2019) classifies NbS as: ecological engineering approach is ‘Building
with Nature’ (Box 2 and p. 16), a comprehensive
a) restorative solutions (ecological restoration, engineering approach that seeks to enhance the
forest landscape restoration, ecological use of natural ecological processes to achieve
engineering), efficient and sustainable hydraulic infrastructural
designs. It purposefully intends to deliver
b) issue-specific solutions EbA; ecosystem-based multiple benefits including climate protection
mitigation (EbM); Eco-DRR; climate adaptation and biodiversity (EcoShape, n.d.). Building
services), with Nature and similar ecological engineering
approaches use hybrid solutions that combine
c) infrastructure solutions (natural infrastructure; engineered structures with NbS. For example,
blue-green infrastructure), ICZM measures may consist of a marsh-levee or
dune-dyke system (Pontee et al., 2016).
d) management solutions (integrated coastal
zone management (ICZM); integrated water
resources management (IWRM)),

e) protection solutions (area-based conservation

approaches, including protected area
management and other effective area-based
conservation measures).

Ecological engineering combines basic and

applied science from engineering, ecology,
economics, and natural sciences for the
restoration and construction of aquatic and
terrestrial ecosystems. An example of the

10 Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction

Photo: Anutr Yossundara / Shutterstock.com

Why is Eco-DRR important in

reducing disaster risk?

In many places across the world, disaster The Global Risks Report 2020 (WEF, 2020)
risk is increasing due to poorly planned or ranks issues related to global warming, such as
unplanned socio-economic development in extreme weather and biodiversity loss, as the top
locations exposed to a range of hazards. Hydro- five risks in terms of likelihood over the coming
meteorological hazards are expected to increase decade. These interacting processes pose
in frequency and magnitude because of climate multiple complex challenges and systemic risks
change (IPCC, 2012; IPCC, 2014). Ill-informed to human security and ecosystem wellbeing.
infrastructure projects such as dams and dykes There is hence an urgent need for countries to
that increase floods, droughts and other hazard better understand the impacts and associated
risks, combined with rapid economic growth, risks of ecosystem decline and to integrate
largely unplanned urbanisation in exposed ecosystem conservation and rehabilitation, and
coastal and river areas, and loss of ecosystems the sustainable use and management of natural
have a significant impact on life and assets resources in national DRR policies and plans.
(UNISDR, 2015).

Why is Eco-DRR important in reducing disaster risk? 11

Box 2: Nature friendly dyke in Denmark
The European Floods Directive designates landscape. The NbS implemented in this
Seden Strandby in the Odense Fjord as one project includes the removal of the existing low
of 10 flood prone areas in Denmark. Odense coastal dykes and moving them to a higher
Fjord is also a Natura 2000 area according to location further inland to protect properties
the Habitats Directive. The H2020 research from flooding. The restoration of nature areas
and innovation project RECONECT aims to includes the promotion of a “self-design”
demonstrate how minimizing flood risk to rehabilitation process that enables the area
suburban and agricultural areas can produce outside the new dykes, which is comprised of
co-benefits by improving habitats in the the sea and the marine foreland to undergo a
Natura 2000 area and conserving the coastal dynamic succession into salt meadows.


Degraded environments are an important providing food, water and other services. Eco-DRR
driver of disaster risk. For example, a lack of harnesses ecosystems to prevent, mitigate or
good vegetation cover on slopes can result in buffer, natural hazards and climate change impacts
landslides under heavy rainfall. Furthermore, the - either as an option to or in support of built
absence of ecosystem services exacerbates infrastructure (Sudmeier-Rieux et al., 2019).
disaster impacts and affect recovery efforts
and livelihood recovery in the aftermath of a As Table 1 shows, different ecosystems have
disaster. Rapid urbanisation negatively impacts different hazard reduction functions and in
upon urban and peri-urban local ecosystems, doing so support the achievement of different
if city master plans do not guard these natural Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (United
elements through comprehensive sustainable Nations, 2015) and Aichi Biodiversity Targets
planning. (CBD, 2010). For example, forests stabilise
hillslopes with their root systems and so protect
On the other hand, disasters also have an impact against landslides and avalanches. Similarly,
on ecosystems, causing environmental damages mangrove forests and wetlands attenuate wave
and losses that in turn increase risk. Recognising energy and so help to protect the coastline
the interdependency between human well- from the impacts of storm surges and tropical
being, ecosystems, and changing risk patterns, cyclones (Box 2 and Box 3).
NbS such as conservation, restoration and the
sustainable use and management of natural
resources, are an integral part of DRR. Eco-DRR,
therefore, offers multiple benefits, including
DRR, and systemic opportunities for sustainable

Healthy and well-managed ecosystems provide

important services that can address a range of risk
factors. First as mentioned above they can reduce
some hazards. Second, they act as natural or green
infrastructure that reduces physical exposure
to a range of hazards and reduces their impacts
on critical infrastructure and basic services (Box
1). And third, they can reduce vulnerability by

12 Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction

Table 1. Hazard reduction functions of different ecosystems


Mountain • Vegetation cover and root structures protect • Catchment forests, especially
forests, against erosion and increase slope stability primary forests reduce risk of
vegetation on by binding soil together, preventing landslides floods by increasing infiltration
hillsides • Forests protect against rockfall and stabilise of rainfall, and delaying peak
snow, reducing the risk of avalanches. floodwater flows, except when soils
are fully saturated.
• Forests in watersheds are
important for water recharge and
purification, drought mitigation and
safeguarding drinking water supply.

Wetlands, • Mitigate water logging; Wetlands and • Coastal wetlands, tidal flats, deltas
floodplains floodplains control floods in coastal areas, and estuaries reduce the height and
inland river basins, and mountain areas speed of storm surges and tidal
subject to glacial melt. waves.
• Peatlands, wet grasslands and other • Marshes, lakes and floodplains
wetlands store water and release it slowly, release wet season flows slowly
reducing the speed and volume of runoff during drought periods.
after heavy rainfall or snowmelt in springtime.

Coastal • Coastal ecosystems protect against • Coastal wetlands buffer against

(Mangroves, hurricanes, storm surges, flooding and other saltwater intrusion and adapt to
saltmarshes, coastal hazards - a combined protection (slow) sea-level rise by trapping
coral reefs, form coral reefs, seagrass beds, and sand sediment and organic matter.
barrier islands, dunes/coastal wetlands/coastal forests is • Non-porous natural barriers, such as
sand dunes) particularly effective. sand dunes (with associated plant
• Coral reefs and coastal wetlands, such as communities) and barrier islands,
mangroves and saltmarshes, absorb (low- dissipate wave energy and act as
magnitude) wave energy, reduce wave barriers against waves, currents,
heights and reduce erosion from storms and storm surges and tsunamis,
high tides. depending on the magnitude.

Drylands • Natural vegetation management and • Maintaining vegetation cover in

restoration in drylands contributes to dryland areas, and agricultural
ameliorate the effects of drought and control practices, such as use of shadow
desertification, as trees, grasses and shrubs crops, nutrient enriching plants and
conserve soil and retain moisture. vegetation litter, increase resilience
• Shelterbelts, greenbelts and other types of to drought.
living fences act as barriers against wind • Prescribed burning and creation
erosion and sandstorms. of physical firebreaks in dry
landscapes reduces fuel loads and
the risk of unwanted large-scale

Source: Sudmeier-Rieux et al., 2019, p. 54

Why is Eco-DRR important in reducing disaster risk? 13

Box 3: Building with Nature, Indonesia

Building with Nature is an innovative Technical measures go alongside with socio-

participative approach to hydraulic engineering economic measures to avoid reconversion of
challenges that makes use of and creates the restored mangrove greenbelt and enable
ecosystem services to benefit society. The inclusive economic growth once the coastline
essence of the Building with Nature approach is is stable, such the introduction of innovative
to work with nature rather than against it. This and sustainable aquaculture solutions. Through
requires a change in thinking, a paradigm shift capacity building, knowledge exchange and
in all aspects of hydraulic engineering project embedding Building with Nature into policy and
development. It is a design philosophy and planning, the project supports the replication and
multi-disciplinary and multi-stakeholder process scaling up of the Building with Nature approach
applicable to different settings (tropical and to other rural and urban areas in Indonesia,
sandy shores and reefs, rivers, cities, harbours), and with other countries in Asia which are also
rather than a specific solution or measure. ranked highly vulnerable to impacts from climate
In the case of Northern Java, which suffers change. The project is managed by Wetlands
from severe coastal erosion and flooding, an International and EcoShape in collaboration
innovative combination of mangrove restoration with the Indonesian government and a range
and engineering measures that together bolster of international and local partners and local
the coast was used. communities.


Box 4: Eco-DRR measures in river/flood plain in Mahanadi Delta, India

In Mahanadi Delta, Odisha, India, Wetlands waters downstream). Further interventions
International has been working with civil focused on diverting risk of inundation,
society partners and communities upstream, restoring water flows in the landscape by
downstream and along the coast to embed removal of small dams and dykes, preventing
wetlands in village level and district level river sedimentation by strengthening
disaster risk reduction plans. The project embankments, and undertaking relief and
helps in influencing investments in greening rehabilitation measures, restore wetlands
the coastline, maintaining free flow of water as natural buffers to flood, manage
to reduce waterlogging, and influencing embankments to release water in the
managers of upstream dams to act more controlled quantity, introducing salt tolerant
risk-informed (when releasing excessive crops, vegetating coastline to prevent erosion


14 Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction

Eco-DRR and EbA are integral components of key aspect in creating risk, recognised the need
risk reduction and climate change adaptation to understand systemic risks to people and the
(CCA) strategies. Both approaches emphasize ecosystems, considered ecosystems as a core
the importance of biodiversity and ecosystems in concept for motivating the integration of DRR
reducing risk, and build on other practices such with the SDGs, included case-studies of DRR/CCA
as conservation and ecosystem restoration which integration, and acknowledged the importance of
seek to increase the resilience of ecosystems for balanced ecosystems for liveable communities in
the benefit of people (Figure 2) (CBD, 2019). They urban governance.
also work well with grey infrastructure, either
as a complement, a substitute, or a safeguard The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IaDB, 2020). Seddon et al. (2019) argue that (IPCC) included EbA in its 5th Assessment Report
NbS are key to meeting global goals for climate (AR5) (IPCC, 2014) and the IPCC Special Report
change and sustainable development and urge on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing
the ecosystem science community to work Climate (IPCC, 2019) recognises ecosystem-based
closely with policy makers to identify meaningful measures and hybrid approaches combining
adaptation targets that benefit both people and ecosystems and built infrastructure as actions
the ecosystems on which they depend. to reduce hazards (Figure 3). Actions to reduce
hazards, vulnerability and exposure, need to be
The 2015 Global Assessment Report for Disaster weighed against systems (human, ecological,
Risk Reduction (GAR) (UNDRR, 2015) included economic, etc.) and across scales (global, regional,
ecosystem-based approaches and emphasized national, sub-national, etc.).
new approaches blending grey and green
infrastructure to maximize ecosystem services. The Asia-Pacific Disaster Report 2019 (ESCAP,
The GAR 2019 (UNDRR, 2019a) considered the 2019) demonstrated that more of today’s disaster
pluralistic nature of risk: in multiple dimensions, events are linked to environmental degradation
at multiple scales and with multiple impacts. and climate change. It argued that environmental
It highlighted environmental degradation as a degradation increases risks and that one of the

Figure 1. Integration of climate change adaptation, disaster risk management,

ecosystem management and socio- economic development planning through
Eco-DRR/EbA (CBD, 2019).

Are part of overall strategies: Generates societal benefits,

supported by policies at multiple Sustainable contributing to sustainable
levels, supports equitable Development development using equitable,
governance and enhances transparent and participatory
capacities approaches


Make active use of biodiversity
Enhance resilience and reduce
and ecosystem services through
social and environmental
sustainably managing, conserving
and restoring ecosystems

Why is Eco-DRR important in reducing disaster risk? 15

Figure 2. Interaction between environmental hazards triggered by climate change;
exposure of humans, infrastructure and ecosystems
to those hazards; and systems’

vulnerabilities (IPCC, 2019, p. 1-19, Figure CB2.1.).

Figure 3. Interaction between environmental hazards triggered by climate change; exposure
of humans, infrastructure and ecosystems to those hazards; and systems’ vulnerabilities
strongest defences against disasters is a healthy distributed impacts of climate-related disasters
(IPCC, 2019, p. 1-19, Figure CB2.1.).
ecosystem. The report emphasised the need for across a wide range of geographical areas
environmental protection, ecosystem restoration and over longer timeframes. Because similar
and investment in NbS. ecosystems can be found in different parts
Recent advances in ecosystem-based approaches of theto
DRR successful
provide solutions
new and caninnovative
Recent advances in ecosystem-based scaled up and replicated in other locations.
solutions to reduce risk and vulnerability, some of which have been highlighted throughout
approaches to DRR provide new and innovative While doing so it is important to keep the local
the report.
solutions Ecosystems
to reduce risk andhave the capacity
vulnerability, some to counter some of context
and community the spatially
on the and temporally
forefront as
distributed impacts of climate-related disasters across a wide range of geographical areas and
of which have been highlighted throughout each ecosystem is shaped by the interaction
the report. Ecosystems have the capacity to between human and nature prevalent at a
over longer timeframes. Because similar ecosystems can be found in different parts of the
counter some of the spatially and temporally specific location.
world, successful solutions can be scaled up and replicated in other locations. While doing so
it is important to keep the local and community context on the forefront as each ecosystem
is shaped by the interaction between human and nature prevalent at a specific location.

16 Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction

Photo: CravenA / Shutterstock.com

Multiple benefits from

implementing Eco-DRR
and EbA

Beyond their direct benefits for DRR and ecosystem-based approaches bring.
CCA, ecosystems also bring a range of other
social, economic and environmental benefits Because of these multiple system-wide benefits,
for multiple stakeholders, which can further investing in NbS is critical for reducing disaster
reduce risk (Sudmeier-Rieux et al., 2019) (Figure risk, adapting to climate change, conserving
4). In many countries, the most vulnerable natural resources, reducing poverty, and
people rely on ecosystems for their livelihoods achieving sustainable development (UNEP,
and resilience. Eco-DRR/EbA reduces social 2019). Eco-DRR/EbA is considered by many
vulnerability and enhances people’s resilience organisations to provide effective, cost-efficient,
by sustaining livelihoods and providing essential and “no-regret” or “low regret” solutions for
natural resources such as food, water and reducing disaster risk and building resilience
building materials (Renaud et al., 2013; Renaud (IPCC, 2012; Sudmeier-Rieux et al., 2019). For
et al., 2016). Carbon storage and sequestration example, in Building with Nature (Box 2 and p.
(Box 4), biodiversity conservation, and poverty 16). Eco-DRR/EbA is described as a no-regret
alleviation are other socio-economic benefits that approach because the adaptive management

Because of these multiple system-wide benefits, investing in NbS is critical for reducing
disaster risk, adapting to climate change, conserving natural resources, reducing poverty, and
achieving sustainable development (UNEP, 2019). Eco-DRR/EbA is considered by many
organisations to provide effective, cost-efficient, and “no-regret” or “low regret” solutions for
reducing disaster risk and building resilience (IPCC, 2012; Sudmeier-Rieux et al., 2019). For
example, in Building with Nature (Error! Reference source not found. and p. 16). Eco-
DRR/EbA is described as a no-regret approach because the adaptive management allows the
infrastructural design to be aligned with changing environmental conditions. By creating
conditions for nature to regenerate by itself, projects are often less expensive on a life-cycle
Figure 3. Multiple benefits of Eco-DRR and EbA (Sudmeier-Rieux et al., 2019).
basis than traditional engineering solutions.

Figure 4. Multiple benefits of Eco-DRR and EbA (Sudmeier-Rieux et al., 2019).

Box 5: Carbon sequestration in Sydney saltmarshes

This program funded by the Australian than terrestrial forests (Hutchinson et al. 2013;
Government, focused on research, capacity- The Blue Carbon Project, 2014). This is because
building and rehabilitation for biodiversity and coastal vegetation grows much quicker than
carbon storage in ‘salt-influenced ecosystems’ terrestrial forests, capturing large amounts of
across Sydney’s coastal waterways. It focused carbon dioxide, some of which is then stored
on salty ecological communities, such as in the soil (NOAA, 2015). Since these soils are 17
mangroves and saltmarshes because of their submerged, they are anaerobic and therefore
high carbon sequestration capacity. Due to the carbon remains intact. The protection and
their small spatial extent the carbon stored restoration of coastal vegetation is therefore
in marine ecosystems has been ignored and important in mitigating climate change and
remains poorly understood. However, studies far more cost effective than efforts focused
have shown that coastal vegetation sequesters on terrestrial forests (The Blue Carbon Project,
carbon far more effectively and permanently 2014).

https://www.sydneycoastal councils.com.au/sites/default/files/Sydney_
https://www.sydneycoastal councils.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/The-Climate-ready-tool.pdf

18 Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction

allows the infrastructural design to be aligned commercially and nutritionally important fish,
with changing environmental conditions. By crustaceans and snails. In addition, the protection
creating conditions for nature to regenerate by against salinity offered by mangroves meant that
itself, projects are often less expensive on a life- land would be able to be returned to agriculture,
cycle basis than traditional engineering solutions. something that would not be possible with the
dyke option.

When the benefits of Eco-DRR and EbA are

4.1 Cost effectiveness of NbS projected over space and time the returns
increase exponentially. For instance, while
The long-term nature of Eco-DRR and EbA makes the grey infrastructure options return benefits
it difficult to estimate the economic benefits, at a local scale, the benefits of ecosystem-
especially in the nascent implementation stages. based approaches apply to the river basin
Further, many of the benefits are non-monetary and the larger environment, besides carbon
in nature and are difficult to quantify. However, sequestration. An evaluation of the ECOSWat1
there is growing evidence on the impact, both project by GIZ in Thailand found that ecosystem-
estimated and recorded, of Eco-DRR and based approaches to protect against extreme
EbA on both biophysical and socio-economic weather events have lower costs, as compared
systems. The definition, functions and benefits to conventional grey options, with similar or
of ecosystem-based approaches for sustainable more benefits (ITTrms, 2016). At the river basin
development, poverty reduction, livelihoods, level, the overall costs for water storage was
food security, biodiversity, DRR, and climate estimated to have reduced by up to 65%, and
change adaptation are now well established, and in another displayed benefit: cost ratios over 25
a growing community of practice is advancing years of between 2 to 6 as compared to 1.4 for a
this emerging field of work. The growing interest conventional waste water treatment plant.
in NbS in the various policy arenas of the
sustainable development agenda is evident by an Similarly, on a temporal scale, the long-term
increasing amount of literature, case studies and benefits of ecosystem-based approaches far
scientific research that demonstrate evidence of outweigh the costs, especially when compared
the effectiveness of these approaches. against the life span of grey infrastructure. In
a cost-benefit analysis carried out for various
A cost-benefit analysis in the Mekong Delta has adaptation options in Bangladesh, it was found
shown the co-benefits of green infrastructure that the longer term strategies, which aimed to
(GIZ, 2013). Two options were considered: increase agricultural productivity and relocate
a concrete dyke (the grey option) and a vulnerable populations, done in combination
combination of an earth dyke and mangrove with mangrove protection, showed the highest
rehabilitation measures (the green option). It returns. Mangrove protection also resulted in
was found that the green option gave a higher co-benefits in carbon market and tourism (Golub
return – five times that of the grey option – with and Golub, 2016). A natural capital assessment
the grey option unable to demonstrate a return conducted in Myanmar combined Eco-DRR
to justify its investment. Further, the mangroves and EbA outputs with future climate projections
were found to offer a wide range of co-benefits resulting in a series of maps showing ecosystem
which would not be provided by the concrete service provision under different future
dyke. These include providing fuelwood, as well development and land use scenarios (Horton et
as serving as habitat and breeding grounds for al, 2016).

1 Improved Management of Extreme Events through Ecosystem-based Adaptation in Watersheds (ECOSWat)

Multiple benefits from implementing Eco-DRR and EbA 19

Box 6: China’s Sponge Cities
The Sponge City initiative, launched in 2015, uses. The motto of the sponge city is to “Retain,
is piloting ecologically friendly alternatives to adapt, slow down and reuse.”
traditional flood defences and drainage systems
in 16 cities across China. The idea of cities acting A critical element in this strategy is the ability
as sponges to cope with extreme weather events to regulate water year-round to slow down the
has been pioneered by Kongjian Yu, a landscape process of drainage to help cities cope during
architect, and has been adopted by the Chinese extreme events and to make water available during
Government as an approach to ecological urban other times when it is more scarce. Sponge cities
planning. It is based on reintroducing ancient must ensure that 20% of their urban land includes
Chinese water systems to modern city planning. sponge features by 2020 and 30% by 2030, with
Sponge cities use green infrastructure, such a target of being able to retain 70% and 80% of
as permeable pavements and roads, green storm water, respectively.
rooftops, rain gardens, grass swales, artificial
ponds and wetlands, and underground tunnels, It has been estimated that a key reason that
storage tanks, and terraces to capture excess the Southern China floods in 2020 were not
water during heavy rainfall and flood events. This as damaging as in 1998 was the investments
water is stored and can later be extracted for made in nature-based solutions like sponge
irrigation, recharging aquifers, cleansing the soil, cities, together with tree plantingand floodplain
irrigate gardens and farms and other productive restoration.


Most of the studies have shown benefits of conceptualization to evaluation stages instils the
Eco-DRR and EbA when calculated over a longer value of ownership and ensures the sustainability
duration. of the infrastructure.

One of the defining characteristics of ecosystem-

based approaches is that it positions people at
the centre of the implementation process and
adopts community-based and participatory
4.2 A critical element of resilient
approaches. The concept of value pluralism or infrastructure
multiple values has hence emerged as a key
issue in valuation of benefits (Emerton, 2017). Increase in infrastructure investments has been
Many of the benefits of Eco-DRR and EbA recognised as a cornerstone for development and
extend beyond goods and services that are a critical element in the achievement of the SDGs.
tradeable, such as improvements in quality of life. It has been estimated that the world will spend
Evaluation of ecosystem benefits hence should over US$ 30 trillion in the next ten years while US$
take into account the diverse understanding and 93 trillion are needed between 2016-2040 (Global
perception of benefits and impacts. Infrastructure Hub). However, such massive
infrastructure investments will be ineffective
It has also been found that stakeholder and in achieving the goals of the 2030 Agenda for
community engagement is a key factor Sustainable Development, the Sendai Framework
contributing to the success of ecosystem- and the Paris Agreement if they do not account
based approaches. The engagement from the for disaster and climate resilience needs.

20 Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction

As stated above, NbS to DRR are more Future-proofing new infrastructure is a unique
cost-effective in the long-term than grey opportunity – 75 percent of the infrastructure
infrastructure alone. Furthermore, green options that needs to be in place by 2050 does not exist
tend to be cheaper to implement as was found today (ICLEI and C40, 2018). Hence, investment
in a case study in Fiji (Rao N. et al, 2013). In in NbS and building with nature should be a key
some cases, hybrid infrastructure, such as a consideration for governments and other actors.
combination of grey and green infrastructure is Even for the existing infrastructure, NbS offers
the most effective approach to take (Sudmeier- several urban greening options, for instance,
Rieux et al., 2019). The Sponge City Initiative urban heat island mitigation and storm-water
(Box 5) is an example of a hybrid infrastructure management. Such practices should also be
approach to regulate water flow during applied in the rehabilitation, maintenance and
extreme events such as floods and droughts. upgrade of ageing infrastructure.
Experiences in Samoa, on protection from
sea surges and coastal erosion, have shown Infrastructure investment paths compatible
that a hybrid of grey and green infrastructure, with nature and green solutions need not cost
represented by a concrete sea wall and coastal more than more-polluting alternatives. Nature is
plants and riparian buffers, resulted in a high not at out of reach from the impacts of climate
benefit-cost ratio when modelled over a 25-year change, and efforts also need to be made to help
period (Arena, M. 2012). nature to adapt, by ensuring that ecosystems
are biodiverse, by reducing fragmentation and
In Nepal, bio-engineering with Eco-DRR incorporating green corridors for species, and
demonstrated that eco-safe roads are not only reducing degradation. Doing so will pay huge
cost effective but also helped reduce landslide dividends to ensure a resilient future.
risk (IUCN, 2016). A hybrid “Building with Nature”
approach to coastal restoration and adaptation
in Indonesia resulted in multiple biophysical and
socioeconomic benefits including sediment
balance, reduced salt water intrusion, decreased 4.3 Ecosystems and COVID-19
erosion rates, re-establishment of mangroves,
recovery of pond fisheries production, The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrates how
improvements in income and livelihoods much human health and environmental health
diversification (Cronin, K., 2015). are connected (UNEP, 2020). New zoonotic
diseases are emerging at an alarming rate (Vidal,
Thus, NbS provide opportunities for design 2020). The sharp increase in such diseases goes
innovations and new development alternatives hand in hand with our negative impact on the
that go beyond the narrow focus on short-term natural world, the destruction of ecosystems, and
economic gains. They also reduce dependence the loss of biodiversity (de Wit et al., 2020).
on resource-intensive grey infrastructure and
help reduce costs, while promoting green UNEP and ILRI (2020) identify seven human-
growth. Importantly, infrastructure is not only mediated factors that are most likely driving
influenced by but also shapes the future climate the emergence of zoonotic diseases: 1)
landscape of the country. Climate mitigation increasing human demand for animal protein;
and disaster control infrastructure can go a long 2) unsustainable agricultural intensification; 3)
way in reducing the carbon footprint and reduce increased use and exploitation of wildlife; 4)
disaster impacts, while achieving national climate unsustainable utilization of natural resources
commitments. When integrated into socio- accelerated by urbanization, land use change
economic planning, NbS serve the dual purpose and extractive industries; 5) increased travel and
of enhancing disaster and climate resilience while transportation; 6) changes in food supply; and 7)
providing basic services. For instance, wetlands climate change.
that reduce flooding and provide urban water
supplies and mangroves that protect coasts and According to (UNEP and ILRI, 2020), climate
sustain fisheries (Global Platform 2019, Session change is a major factor in disease emergence
on The Role of Green, Blue and Grey Infrastructure because the survival, reproduction, abundance
in Reducing Disaster Risk). and distribution of pathogens, vectors and

Multiple benefits from implementing Eco-DRR and EbA 21

hosts can be influenced by climatic parameters The World Economic Forum (WEF 2020a) argues
that are affected by climate change. Infectious that nature needs to be part of the recovery
diseases outbreaks are often triggered by solutions as governments and businesses
extreme climate events such as El Niño, La assess how to emerge from the COVID-19 crisis
Niña, heatwaves, droughts, floods, increased and rebuild the economies. According to the
temperature, and higher rainfall, the frequency WEF (2020b), nature provides businesses and
of which might be affected by climate change. governments with vast opportunities as over
A declining ecosystem enhances human- half of the world’s GDP is highly or moderately
ecological footprint causing the pathogens to dependent on nature.
emerge and spread. The resultant disruption
spreads rapidly due to an increasingly globalized Recovering from COVID-19 provides
world, as has been seen in the past deadly viral governments across the world with a unique
infectious diseases like HIV, Ebola, SARS and opportunity to achieve long-term global goals on
MERS. decarbonisation, climate change and sustainable
consumption by promoting green growth
The emerging discipline of ‘planetary health’ looks (UNDRR, 2020). NbS are a critical component
at the links between human and ecosystem health. in building climate-sensitive, inclusive, equitable
UNEP and ILRI (2020) and other organisations and resilient systems that are better able to
promote the adoption of a “One Health” approach prepare for and respond to such crises in the
to zoonoses – a holistic approach that brings future. A green strategy for building back better
together medical, veterinary and environmental can support sustainable development on many
expertise. Recognising that a multisector whole- accounts, not only for mental and physical well-
of-society approach is the best way to improve being, but also to ensure that multiple global
public health, the “One Health” approach looks at goals, such as combating climate change and
environmental sustainability, livestock health, and reducing natural hazard risks, can be achieved
human health (The Lancet, 2020). (Sebesvari, 2020).

22 Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction

5 Coherence across global
frameworks and agreements

Ecosystem management for resilience

through NbS is embedded in many of the
Land Degradation Neutrality targets and the
Cancun Adaptation Framework (CBD, 2019).
global frameworks and agreements relating to The joint focus on resilience and ecosystem-
sustainable development. All the Rio Conventions based approaches provides a common entry
(CBD, UNCCD and UNFCCC) promote Eco- point for the coherent implementation of these
DRR and EbA in national conservation and international agendas, in particular those on
environmental management strategies as well biodiversity, climate change, DRR, and sustainable
as in risk management plans and programs. EbA development.
and Eco-DRR are recognized as instruments
for promoting the synergistic implementation As Figure 5 shows, the various ecosystem
of the Rio Conventions, including through services and priorities, goals and targets of the
the Aichi Biodiversity Targets, the UNCCD global frameworks are closely linked.

Coherence across global frameworks and agreements 23

environmental management strategies as well as in risk management plans and programs.
EbA and Eco-DRR are recognized as instruments for promoting the synergistic
implementation of the Rio Conventions, including through the Aichi Biodiversity Targets, the
UNCCD Land Degradation Neutrality targets and the Cancun Adaptation Framework (CBD,
2019). The joint focus on resilience and ecosystem-based approaches provides a common
entry point for the coherent implementation of these international agendas, in particular
Figure 5. Eco-DRR/EbA major priorities and decisions with regards to major international
those on biodiversity, climate change, DRR, and sustainable development.
agreements. Green arrows illustrate various levels of ecosystem services, red
arrows highlight thethe
As Figure 5 shows, main provisions
various of each
ecosystem agreement
services related togoals
and priorities, Eco-DRR/ EbA. Source:
and targets of the
Renaud et al. (2016); Sudmeier-Rieux
global frameworks are closely linked. et al. (2019).

Figure 5. Eco-DRR/EbA major priorities and decisions with regards to major international
5.1 Global Framework, Agreements promote sustainable use; safeguard ecosystems;
framework agreements. Green arrows illustrate various levels of ecosystem services, red
species and genetic diversity; biodiversity benefits
and Conventions
arrows highlight the main provisions of each agreement related to Eco-DRR/ EbA. Source:
to all; and participatory planning, capacity
building. EbA and Eco-DRR are encouraged in
Renaud et al. (2016); Sudmeier-Rieux et al. (2019).
The Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 decisions X/33, XII/20, XIII/4 and 14/5 of the
under the Convention on Biological Diversity
5.1 Global Framework, Agreements and Conventions Conference of the Parties to the Convention
(CBD) (UN, 1992) aimed to halt the loss of on Biological Diversity. National Biodiversity

biodiversity to ensure ecosystems are resilient Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) are
The Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 under the Convention on Biological Diversity
and continue to provide essential services, important entry points for prioritizing EbA and
thereby securing the planet’s variety of life and
(CBD) (UN, 1992) aimed to halt the loss of biodiversity to ensure ecosystems are resilient and
contributing to human wellbeing and poverty
continue to provide essential services, thereby securing the planet’s variety of life and
eradication. In Decision X/2, the tenth meeting In 2021, the Convention on Biological Diversity
contributing to human wellbeing and poverty eradication. In Decision X/2, the tenth meeting
of the Conference of the Parties (COP) of the will adopt a post-2020 global biodiversity
Convention on Biological Diversity, held from 18 framework at the 15th meeting of the Parties to
to 29 October 2010, in Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture, the Convention (COP-15) to be held in China.2 The
adopted a revised and updated Strategic language of this new framework, including its 23
Plan for Biodiversity, including the Aichi corresponding targets and indicators, will shape
Biodiversity Targets for 2011-2020 (CBD, 2010). the ambition of Member States to promote and
The Aichi Biodiversity Targets include 20 time- implement NbS across policies and sectors,
bound measurable targets under five strategic marking a stepping stone towards the 2050
goals: address the causes of biodiversity loss; Vision of “Living in harmony with nature”. NbS
reduce the direct pressure on biodiversity and and ecosystem-based approaches are likely to be

2 https://www.cbd.int/doc/press/2020/pr-2020-07-16-sbstta-sbi-en.pdf

24 Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction

part of some of the new targets post-2020. policies and actions, where appropriate, as
well as for building resilience of ecosystems
The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands (UNESCO, through sustainable management of natural
1971) is an intergovernmental treaty that entered resources, taking into account the imperatives
into force in 1976. It provides the framework for of a just transition of the workforce. The Paris
national action and international cooperation Agreement requires all Parties to put forward
for the conservation and wise use of wetlands their best efforts through nationally determined
and their resources. Two resolutions relevant to contributions (NDCs) and to strengthen these
EbA/Eco-DRR: X.24 and XII.13, which recognise efforts in the years ahead. NDCs embody efforts
importance of wetlands for DRR. by each country to reduce national emissions and
adapt to the impacts of climate change. Further,
The United Nations Convention to Combat Article 8 of the Paris Agreement asks parties to
Desertification (UNCCD) (UN, 1994) seeks “recognize the importance of averting, minimizing
to reverse and prevent land degradation and and addressing loss and damage associated
desertification, and specifically recognizes the with the adverse effects of climate change,
important services provided by ecosystems, including extreme weather events and slow onset
especially in dryland ecosystems, for drought events, and the role of sustainable development
mitigation and the prevention of desertification. in reducing the risk of loss and damage” and
By adopting the Land Degradation Neutrality appoints the Warsaw International Mechanism
(LDN) target, Parties agreed that the amount of to promote implementation of approaches
healthy and productive land should stay stable to address loss and damage, including giving
starting in 2030, enhancing land resilience to guidance on early warning, preparedness and risk
climate change and halting biodiversity loss assessment and management (UN, 2015).
linked to ecosystem degradation. At UNCCD COP
14 in 2019 Decision 4 requests the secretariat to The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
work in coordination with other Rio conventions (UNGA, 2015a) call for protecting the planet from
and relevant partners to ensure coherence and degradation. The Sustainable Development Goals
alignment in the way EbA, Eco-DRR, NbS and (SDG) global indicator framework (UNGA, 2019)
sustainable land management are categorised refers to the importance of maintaining and
through the UNCCD science-policy instruments restoring ecosystems so as to achieve Goal 2
and the UNCCD Knowledge Hub (UNCCD, 2019). (end hunger), Goal 6 (water and sanitation), Goal
14 (oceans), and Goal 15 (terrestrial ecosystems).
The Cancun Adaptation Framework under
the UN Framework Convention on Climate The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk
Change (UNFCCC), aims to enhance action Reduction 2015-2030 (UNGA, 2015b), that
on adaptation, reducing vulnerability and succeeds the Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-
building resilience in developing country Parties. 2015, outlines seven global targets. The role of
National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) aim to reduce ecosystems will need to be taken into account
vulnerability to the impacts of climate change in disaster risk assessments (Priority Action 1),
by building adaptive capacity and resilience; strengthening risk governance (Priority Action 2)
and integrate climate change adaptation into and investments in disaster resilience (Priority
policies, programmes and activities within all Action 3). Highlighting poor land management,
relevant sectors and at different levels. (Intended) unsustainable use of natural resources and
Nationally Determined Contributions ((I)NDCs) degrading ecosystems as underlying drivers
set out high-level objectives and a vision for of disaster risk, the Sendai Framework urges
addressing adaptation goals. The NAP process countries to strengthen the sustainable use and
is a key tool for coherent implementation of an (I) management of ecosystems for building resilience
NDC adaptation component. to disasters. The Sendai Framework also calls
for greater collaboration between institutions and
The Paris Agreement (UN, 2015) recognises the stakeholders from other sectors and calls for
protection of the integrity of ecosystems and ecosystem-based approaches to be implemented
biodiversity for both climate change mitigation in transboundary cooperation for shared resources,
and adaptation actions. It specifically lays out such as within river basins and shared coastlines.
principles of adaptation that takes ecosystems
into consideration. It also calls for integrating The Sendai Framework hence presents a new
adaptation into relevant environmental opportunity to raise global actions and scale

Coherence across global frameworks and agreements 25

up investments in Eco-DRR/EbA. The Sendai Assembly (Resolution A/RES/73/284) adopted
Framework Monitor (UNDRR, 2017) includes 2021-2030 as the United Nations Decade
the reporting of losses to green infrastructure on Ecosystem Restoration (UNEP and FAO,
under direct economic losses (Target C) and 2020). The resolution calls for supporting and
under damages to infrastructure and disruptions scaling up efforts to prevent, halt and reverse
to basic services (Target D). Addressing the the degradation of ecosystems worldwide
challenge of translating the environmental and raise awareness of the importance of
components under its four priorities into tangible successful ecosystem restoration. The UN
actions, The Partnership for Environment and Decade on Ecosystem Restoration also aligns
Disaster Risk Reduction (PEDRR) (2016) outlined with the Decade of Action for the Sustainable
a Roadmap for advancing implementation of Development Goals.
the Sendai Framework through Eco-DRR/EbA
and reflected on the scope for promoting Eco- There are many more opportunities to optimise
DRR/EbA as an integrated strategy that delivers the interconnectedness among the global
across the 2030 Sustainable Development frameworks, which would help to further promote
Agenda. Sebesvari et al., (2019) identified the implementation of ecosystem-based
opportunities for considering green infrastructure approaches at the national and sub-national
and ecosystems in the Sendai Framework levels, and across sectors. According to the GAR
Monitor. 2019 (UNDRR, 2019a) greater coherence can be
achieved through systemic risk management,
The New Urban Agenda (UNGA, 2017), as cascading and interconnected risks relate
adopted at the United Nations Conference on strongly to ecosystem services.
Housing and Sustainable Urban Development
(Habitat III) in 2016, envisages cities and
human settlements that ‘protect, conserve,
restore and promote their ecosystems, water,
natural habitats and biodiversity, minimize their
5.2 Global Momentum and
environmental impact and change to sustainable Advocacy for NbS
consumption and production patterns’ (p.
7). It’s members also commit themselves to Within the United Nations Framework
‘preserving and promoting the ecological and Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC),
social function of land, including coastal areas NbS, including ecosystem-based climate
that support cities and human settlements, change mitigation (EbM) have been advocated
and to fostering ecosystem-based solutions to since 2007 by Wetlands International (WI),
ensure sustainable consumption and production the University of Greifswald, and partners. An
patterns, so that the ecosystem’s regenerative example is the rewetting of (tropical) peatlands
capacity is not exceeded’ (p. 22). to address the substantial greenhouse gas
emissions occurring as a consequence of
The Bonn Challenge, launched in 2011 by the tropical peatland drainage (e.g., for oil palm
Government of Germany and the International plantations in Southeast Asia). After being
Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), is a overlooked for long time, these emissions are
global effort to bring 150 million hectares of now included in the calculation of national
deforested and degraded land into restoration by greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Rewetting
2020 and 350 million hectares by 2030 (IUCN and also prevents subsidence of peatland soils and
Government of Germany, 2019). The New York subsequent flooding and hence contributes to
Declaration on Forests (NYDF) is a voluntary both, mitigation and DRR (WI, 2009a; WI, 2009b).
and non-binding international declaration to take The promotion and uptake of NbS for DRR
action to halt global deforestation. It was first and CCA has further grown since the UNFCCC
endorsed at the United Nations Climate Summit 14th Conference of the Parties (COP) in 2008
in September 2014 (NYDF Assessment Partners, (Sudmeier-Rieux et al., 2019). Conservation
2019). organisations, such as the International Union
for Nature Conservation (IUCN), The Nature
As a key contribution to the achievement of the Conservancy (TNC) and WI, supported by
relevant targets and objectives of several these some Member States, brought forth in their
frameworks and instruments, the UN General submissions to the COP the concept of EbA as

26 Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction

an important element of the future adaptation infrastructure and calls for the development of
framework under the UNFCCC (Vignola et al., standards for green infrastructure in order to
2009). stimulate investments in nature-based solutions.
At the Global Platform Wetlands International and
The 2017 Global Platform on Disaster Risk CARE also launched the ‘Landscape approach for
Reduction featured a session on Ecosystems disaster risk reduction in 7 steps’ (Care Nederland
protection, management and resilient agriculture. and Wetlands International, 2017) to help
In its outcome document Integrated Water increase community resilience.
Resources Management was highlighted as an
effective way to strengthen resilience for disaster The 2018 Asian Ministerial Conference
risk reduction and adaptation to climate change, on Disaster Risk Reduction (AMCDRR) in
inviting leaders and all stakeholders to join in this Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, hosted a session
approach and to include water considerations in on ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction
all of the development discussions at the global that discussed a range of ecosystem-based
arena. It promotes considerable investments approaches from Nepal (Box 6), Indonesia
in resilient infrastructure, including green (Box 1), Vietnam (Box 7), and the Pacific

Box 7: Ecosystem Protecting Infrastructure and Communities (EPIC):

Eco-safe Roads for Enhancing Resilience of Communities in Nepal
This case study was presented at the 2018 creating “eco-safe” roads. Communities are
AMCDRR by IUCN. involved in the establishment and maintenance
of bio-engineering sites which contributes to
In Nepal, EPIC is contributing to research community awareness. Efforts are also in place
on bio-engineering techniques establishing to mainstream ecosystem-based approaches
demonstration sites for reducing landslide in policies related to road construction,
instabilities along roadsides using ecosystem- land management (Integrated Watershed
based, locally adapted bio-engineering methods Management) and disaster risk reduction.


Box 8: Using flood-based livelihoods to restore the flood retention

ecosystem function of the Mekong Delta, Viet Nam
One of the major causes of the loss of seasonal flooding in order to be able to grow
biodiversity and resilience to climate change a third rice crop. With the aim to conserve the
in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta is intensive flood area in the rice growing landscape of the
rice production. Traditionally, a system of low delta, IUCN piloted alternative livelihood options
dykes has supported the harvest of two rice that are both flood and drought resistant. They
crops per year, while allowing water to flood demonstrated that integrated lotus farming was
the land during the monsoon season. But up to twice as profitable than growing three rice
increasingly high dykes have been constructed crops and was therefore strongly supported by
in the upper delta flood zone to prevent this farmers.


Coherence across global frameworks and agreements 27

Islands. Calling on the governments and Another session focused on Integrated
stakeholders to “Commit to the integration of Risk management, Ecosystems and Water-
climate change adaptation and disaster risk related risks, which showed how poor water
reduction”, the Ulaanbaatar Declaration adopted resource and ecosystem management makes
at the AMCDRR highlighted the importance of disaster risk more pronounced. It showed
enhancing the resilience of natural ecosystems. that a paradigm shift in the water sector is
The associated Action Plan 2018-2020 (UNDRR, urgently needed considering its complex task
2018) also recommends coherent ecosystem- of securing and balancing water needs for
based approaches to prevent and reduce the people, industry, food production, urban and
impact of water-related disasters. rural development, biodiversity and climate
change adaptation. However, climate change
The 2019 Global Platform for Disaster and DRR policies, practices and investments
Risk Reduction focused on the “Resilience that integrate IWRM and NbS are still lagging
Dividend”, wherein nature- and ecosystem- behind, whereas grey (built) infrastructure
based approaches were highlighted as key schemes still dominate the thinking and
means to attain this dividend. The Platform spending for climate proofing globally which
included a session on The Role of Green, Blue can lead to increasing risks (PEDRR, 2019).
and Grey infrastructure in Reducing Disaster The 2019 Global Platform generated a strong
Risk (Box 8), which further underscored interest in ecosystem-based approaches
the need to ‘capitalize on the co-benefits of and resulted in a discussion on how such
ecosystem-based approaches and leverage the approaches can be better integrated into
complementarity across blue, green and grey national planning frameworks where coherence
infrastructure’ (Co-Chairs’ Summary). is still weak.

Box 9: National Greening Programme, the Philippines

This case study was presented at the 2019 remaining unproductive, denuded and degraded
Global Platform by the Philippines Department of forestlands from 2016 to 2028.
Environment and Natural Resources.
According to Ahmed (2018), the NGP has
Established in 2011 through Presidential contributed to improved water quality in rivers
Executive Order (EO) 26, the Philippines National and irrigation for farmlands, reduced the threat
Greening Program (NGP) aimed to reduce of flooding, increased carbon sequestration,
poverty, promote food security, create alternative and has created a foundation for a timber
livelihoods, and enhance climate change products economy. It mobilised stakeholders,
mitigation and adaptation. Between 2011-2018, including the youth and local communities, to
the NGP reforested over 1.91 million hectares of contribute by planting seedlings, and maintaining
area, planted over 1.5 billion seedlings, generated tree plantations. The NGP has also promoted
over 4,736,195 jobs, and employed over 670, 489 coordination among national government
personnel (Republic of the Philippines, 2016). agencies, civil society, private sector and local
Because of the success of the NGP and in order communities. Alternative livelihoods and benefit
to accelerate rehabilitation and reforestation sharing with local communities motivates them
efforts, President Benigno S. Aquino III, passed to protect the reforested lands. Engaging local
EO 193 in 2015, entitled “Expanding the Coverage communities’ in reforestation programs produces
of the National Greening Program”, to increase substantially better ecological and social
the coverage of the NGP to cover all the outcomes.


28 Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction

As a stepping stone to the 2019 Climate Action governance, decision-making and finance. The
Summit, the 2019 Asia-Pacific Climate Week Summit also considered limits to adaptation
(APCW) in Bangkok, Thailand, was designed and no-regret climate actions in urban contexts.
to advance regional climate action. It aimed to The Global Commission on Adaptation (GCA)
support implementation of Asia-Pacific countries’ launched its landmark “Adapt Now” report (Global
Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) under Commision on Adaptation, 2019) which aims
the Paris Agreement and action to deliver on the to raise understanding of the value of nature for
SDGs. The APCW outcomes, recognising the need climate adaptation, argues that NbS should be
for “a fundamental shift in mindset” to achieve embedded into adaptation planning and policy,
long-term resilience, called for mainstreaming NbS and urges to increase investment in NbS. The
into policies and frameworks at all levels, including Global Resilience Partnership convened the
through collating empirical data and evidence Building a Resilient Future Day at the Climate
base and developing appropriate indicators to Action Summit which highlighted that nature
assess the contribution of NbS. based solutions (NbS) are the foundation of
resilience to climate change and that NbS that
NbS were a central focus of the 2019 UN conserve, sustainably manage and restore
Climate Action Summit, where world leaders natural ecosystems offer cost-effective solutions
were called upon to present concrete, realistic to build resilience to climate change and mitigate
plans to enhance their NDCs by 2020, in line GHG emissions.
with reducing greenhouse gas emissions
by 45 per cent over the next decade, and to PEDDR (Box 10) plays an important role in
net zero emissions by 2050 (United Nations, engaging with international and national
2019). More than 40 countries, 50 international stakeholders. It has facilitated implementation,
organizations and institutions, 100 civil society knowledge-sharing and collective actions related
organizations, 50 private sector organizations to Eco-DRR and EbA since 2008 and continues
and companies, and 12 foundations prepared to help advance the implementation of the
a Nature-Based Solutions call for action, Sendai Framework through ecosystem solutions
highlighting the importance of valuing nature in (PEDRR, 2016).

Box 10: What is PEDRR?

“Formally established in 2008, the Partnership technical and science-based expertise and
for Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction applies best practices in ecosystems-based
(PEDRR) is a global alliance of UN agencies, DRR approaches. PEDRR is guided by its
NGOs and specialist institutes. As a global vision of “Resilient communities as a result
thematic platform of the International Strategy of improved ecosystem management for
for Disaster Risk Reduction (ISDR), PEDRR disaster risk reduction and climate change
seeks to promote and scale-up implementation adaptation”. Its objective is to pool expertise
of ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and advocate for policy change and best
and ensure it is mainstreamed in development practice in ecosystem management for DRR
planning at global, national and local levels in and CCA, based on science and practitioners’
line with the Sendai Framework for Disaster experiences.” See: www.pedrr.org
Risk Reduction 2015-2030. It provides

Coherence across global frameworks and agreements 29

6 Integrating NbS into policies,
plans and programs

All of the international frameworks and

agreements stipulate actions to advance NbS at
and communities and support local-level and
community-based initiatives.
the national level. Country governments hold the
primary accountability for providing the policy
space and resources for implementation at the
national and sub-national levels. Integrating Eco-
DRR into national plans requires collaborative 6.1 National climate and
planning processes to bring together relevant biodiversity strategies
actors, encourage coherence of actions, and
make efficient use of available capacities. Taking UNDP (2019) provides a framework for
a people-centred approach, governments will governments to identify potential NbS with the
need to collaborate closely with vulnerable people aim of enhancing their climate mitigation and

30 Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction

adaptation action in a cost-effective manner and The Ramsar Convention strongly encourages
with multiple co-benefits. In order to support countries to mainstream DRR measures in
the increased uptake of NbS in future NDCs, wetland management plans, and to mainstream
Seddon et al. (2019b) present an overview of wetlands management in national DRR plans.
the current level of ambition for nature within Wetlands and their services should be integrated
NDCs, and highlight what can be done further within disaster risk assessments and their impact
to fully harness the potential of NbS in global should be considered across the river basins or
climate action going forward. WWF (2019) coastal zones. The inclusion of wetland-related
review 151 currently available NDCs to determine indicators can link implementation of the Ramsar
how Parties intend to utilise protected areas to Convention and its Strategic Plan for 2016-
contribute to their adaptation and mitigation 2024 to track progress on these mechanisms
commitments. WWF (2020) provide a list of eight (Kumar, et al, 2017). With the adoption of the land
recommendations to help Parties demonstrate degradation neutrality target, UNCCD signatory
strong commitments to NbS. countries can promote the sustainable use,
conservation, and restoration of ecosystems and
Countries are also developing or updating their biodiversity in the context of reducing the risk of
NAPs and updating their national development desertification and drought.
plans to integrate the SDGs. The (Intended)
Nationally Determined Contributions ((I)
NDCs) and NAPs offer further opportunities
for national governments to ensure the
integration of Eco-DRR and EbA and to optimise 6.2 Regional and sub-regional DRR
the interconnectedness among the global strategies
frameworks to facilitate implementation at
the national level. For instance, the National In addition to guiding and supporting the national
Adaptation Plan 2018 of Fiji stipulates flood implementation of the Sendai Framework, several
risk management and strengthening of coastal existing strategies and plans could be used
boundaries through hybrid or nature-based to facilitate the integration of Eco-DRR at the
solutions. regional level. For example, the Asia Regional Plan
for Implementation of the Sendai Framework
The National Biodiversity Strategic Action (UNDRR, 2016) seeks to identify priorities
Plans (NBSAPs) also provide opportunities to and regional activities to support national and
integrate action on DRR and climate change. local actions, enhance the exchange of good
CBD signatory Member States can advocate practices, knowledge and information among
for a stronger role for biodiversity conservation governments and stakeholders, and strengthen
and ecosystem-based approaches in local regional cooperation. Regional strategies are
and national DRR strategies as well as in crucial in addressing transboundary climate and
NAPs. The NBSAP of Samoa aims to enhance disaster risks and developing transboundary eco-
ecosystem resilience and restore degraded management approaches.
ecosystems to combat desertification. The CBD
has guidance (see - Technical Series 93 on the Within the Association of Southeast Asian
“Voluntary Guidelines for the Design and Effective Nations (ASEAN), the Declaration on
Implementation of Ecosystem-based Approaches Institutionalising the Resilience of ASEAN and
to Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster its Communities and Peoples to Disasters
Risk Reduction”) on how to incorporate EbA and and Climate Change (ASEAN, 2015a) signifies
Eco-DRR into projects, which was adopted by renewed commitment amongst ASEAN Member
the Conference of the Parties to the CBD at its States to ‘…forge a more resilient future by
fourteenth meeting (Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, 17 – reducing existing disaster and climate-related
29 November 2018). risks, preventing the generation of new risks

Integrating NbS into policies, plans and programs 31

and adapting to a changing climate through In 2019, the ASEAN Secretariat (ASEC) and
the implementation of economic, social, the ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) held
cultural, physical, and environmental measures a workshop on ‘’Natural capital in ASEAN’’ in
which address exposure and vulnerability, and Bangkok, Thailand. Supported by the Enhanced
thus strengthen resilience’ (p. 2). The ASEAN Regional EU ASEAN Dialogue Instrument (E
Community Vision 2025 (ASEAN, 2015b) READI), the workshop facilitated a dialogue
emphasises the need for environmental between EU and ASEAN on tools and narratives
protection in realising a resilient community. The for the integration of natural capital in
ASEAN Vision 2025 on Disaster Management related decision-making (ASEAN, 2019). The
(ASEAN, 2018) ‘aims to build resilient nations, expected outcome will be an ASEAN Natural
safe communities, and ensure environmental Capital Road Map, which aims to clarify how
sustainability’ (p. 7). international organisations could contribute to
the establishment of a regional Natural Capital
Also important in promoting NbS including Platform.
Eco-DRR approaches are the ASEAN Peatland
Management Strategy (APMS) 2006-2020 The Framework for Resilient Development in
(ASEAN, 2013; Ramirez, 2013) and the ASEAN the Pacific (SPC et al., 2016), a unique regional
Strategic Plan of Action on Water Resources framework that addresses multiple aspects of
Management (ASEAN, 2005). The APMS aims DRR and CCA, acknowledges the progressive
to address transboundary haze pollution degradation of the natural environment and
and environmental degradation, promote the critical ecosystems, and emphasises the need
sustainable management of peatlands, and for conservation of terrestrial and marine
promote regional cooperation. Focus Area ecosystems for carbon storage and resilience.
11 ‘Peatlands and Climate Change’ has the The Framework also adopts incorporation of
operational objectives to ‘Protect and improve ecosystem-based services and functions in
function of peatlands as carbon sequestration resilience building as a key guiding principle.
and storage’ (11.1) and to ‘Support peatland
adaptation process to global climate change’ The Regional Framework for Disaster Risk
(11.2). The ASEAN Strategic Plan of Action on Reduction of the Economic Cooperation
Water Resources Management recommends Organization (ECORFDRR) (ECO, 2017) could be
‘to establish and apply the ecosystem approach an important vehicle for promoting Eco-DRR in
to WRM’ (p.2) and to ‘foster proper economic, the ECO Member States, but does not currently
social and cultural valuation of natural and have Regional Priorities for Action to address
environmental resources to restore degraded and the Sendai Framework National Level Priority for
depleted resources and establish environmental Action to ‘Strengthen the sustainable use and
fund (p.3). management of ecosystems.

Box 11: Ecosystem Focus in India

The National Disaster Management Plan of India and addressing environmental change.
(2019) provides a comprehensive mechanism Asserting the role of ecosystems in serving
to implement ecosystem-based disaster risk as natural barriers that can moderate the
reduction. Implementation of ecosystem-based effects of a hazard and protect communities
approaches in river basins, mountainous regions the plan highlights the role of ecosystems
and coastlines has been defined as one of the and appropriate land-use in DRR as a key
objectives of the Plan. responsibility of both central and state
The Plan also promotes Eco-DRR as a key governments towards strengthening DRR
means to integrate disaster risk management governance.

32 Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction

6.3 National disaster risk reduction integration in DRR strategies exist (See adjoining
box). The Australian National DRR Framework
strategies (2018) seeks to be holistically applied across and
between the built, social, natural and economic
Target E of the Sendai Framework, which calls to environments, wherein ecosystems and natural
“substantially increase the number of countries assets like wetlands have been outlined under
with national and local disaster risk reduction the natural environment. Several countries
strategies”, aligned with the targets of SDGs 1(No indirectly refer to NbS as part of environmental
poverty), 11 (Sustainable cities and communities) conservation (e.g. Bangladesh, Indonesia),
and 13 (Climate action), call upon countries to including integration of DRR concerns in
develop national and local DRR strategies by Environmental Impact Assessment to prevent
2020. creation of new risk (e.g. Bhutan, Sri Lanka). The
Papua New Guinea National DRR Framework
As of August 2020, 91 countries globally and 17 (2017-2030) identifies the sustainable
countries in Asia-Pacific have officially reported use and management of ecosystems and
(on Sendai Framework Monitor) on the integrated environmental and natural resource
development of DRR strategies. In Asia-Pacific, management approaches that incorporate DRR
almost all the countries have some form of a as a priority action.
guiding document (strategy, plan or framework)
many of which are in the process of developing Some DRR strategies and plans also refer to
or updating their strategies in line with the Sendai other relevant sectoral plans, in particular the
Framework. national environmental plans (e.g. Cambodia,
Vanuatu) and climate action plans (e.g.
However, translation of the global commitments Philippines), and call for integration of DRR into
at these levels face institutional and other the ecosystem management programmes.
governance barriers. A review of DRR guidance
documents in Asia-Pacific countries reveals It is hence important to provide more guidance
most countries do not explicitly refer to actions on how to integrate NbS approaches into
on Eco-DRR/EbA in their national DRR strategies. national DRR guidance documents, and
Some countries have goals or current or planned associated implementation/action plans,
activities, but these vary greatly in specificity and similarly to what has been done to promote
scope – from protecting the environment to the uptake of NbS in NDCs. This should
ecosystem-based approaches and promoting include raising awareness and knowledge of
green growth. ecosystem-based approaches; sharing case
studies, good practices and lessons learnt;
Nonetheless, some good examples of NbS reporting on recent positive developments in

Box 12: Implementing Nature-Based Solutions

The Words into Action (WiA) guidelines series to help implement the Sendai Framework,
aims to ensure worldwide access to expertise, with a focus on its environmental
communities of practice and networks of components. The guide provides the current
DRR practitioners. Led by the PEDRR network, global state of play on NbS, elaborates
UNDRR has released a WiA guide on “Nature- on its implementation in context of the
Based Solutions for Disaster Risk Reduction” Sendai Framework, and offers means to
for public review. mainstream and upscale NbS to address
disaster and climate risk through a multi-
This guide aims to give practical, how-to-do stakeholder and rights-based approach.
information on setting up and implementing
NbS, both for DRR and CCA. It is designed www.preventionweb.net/go/74082

Integrating NbS into policies, plans and programs 33

science, policy and practice; identifying and 6.4 Local disaster risk reduction
supporting enabling factors; demonstrating the
success and effectiveness of existing projects;
and enhancing access to financial and technical
At the local level, the Making Cities Resilient
(MCR) Campaign (2010-2020) builds on the
Sendai Framework and addresses issues of local
This is an opportunity for governments to
governance and urban risk. The MCR Campaign,
take a holistic approach to risk-informed
led by UNDRR, is self-motivating, partnership
development and to integrate Eco-DRR/EbA
and city-driven and aims to raise the profile of
as a key element of reducing disaster risks
resilience and DRR among local governments
and enhancing resilience into all of these
and urban communities worldwide.
plans. To facilitate this process, UNDRR has
released a Words-into-Action (WiA) guideline
The MCR Campaign is based on “Ten Essentials
on Developing National DRR Strategies
for Making Cities Resilient” that form a set of
(UNDRR, 2019c) that establishes coherence as
critical and independent steps to build and
one of the key guiding principles of alignment.
maintain resilience.
In order to achieve coherence and to be able
to make best use of efficiencies in planning,
In particular, the Essential 5: ‘Safeguard Natural
implementation, and monitoring, the WiA
Buffers to Enhance the Protective Functions
recommends that national DRR strategies
Offered by Natural Ecosystems’ aims to ‘Identify,
1) build coherence between DRR, CCA and
protect and monitor natural ecosystems within
sustainable development, 2) mainstream
and outside the city geography to sustain and
DRR into all sectors, 3) promote alignment
safeguard their protective functions as natural
and linkages between national and local DRR
buffers and enhance their use for risk reduction’
strategies and, 4) promote coherence and
(UNISDR, 2017b, p. 54). Local governments
alignment with regional DRR strategies.
are invited to identify local ecosystems and
understand their role in reducing disaster impacts
To aid the integration of Eco-DRR and EbA in
(e.g. slope stabilization, reduction of heat island
disaster risk reduction strategies a Words-into-
effect, etc.) and their contribution to climate
Action guideline on “Nature-based Solutions for
change mitigation and adaptation (within the city
Disaster Risk Reduction” has been released for
and the surrounding region) as well as to compile
public review (See Box 12).
updated information on natural areas and their
current and potential uses.

Box 13: Local-level Eco-DRR in Myanmar

The national disaster risk reduction policy and ‘mainstreaming disaster and climate risk
planning framework of Myanmar is a good considerations into village development planning
example of decentralized implementation of and implementation including, infrastructure,
ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction. The livelihoods, agriculture and environment’
Myanmar National Framework for Community as a key area of priority action that aims at
Disaster Resilience adopts a vision where the undertaking Eco-DRR measures to ensure that
communities follow structural, nonstructural and village development plans and community
ecosystem-based measures, at the household infrastructure are informed by disaster and
and community level, to reduce disaster risk. climate risk. The Plan also suggests a few
indicative activities focusing on EbA on soil
To achieve this vision, the Myanmar Action Plan moisture conservation and natural resource
on Disaster Risk Reduction (2017) identifies management.

34 Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction

This Essential can be achieved by 1) developing and blue infrastructure (e.g. river corridors,
solutions to address current and future wetlands, waterways, etc.), and majority of the
environmental risks such as maintenance of city administrations are aware of the functions
green and blue infrastructure through NbS or provided by natural capital beyond their
protection of the ecosystems; and 2) protecting administrative borders.
and restoring ecosystems to the extent that
they offer sufficient adaptation and mitigation Building on the high momentum on local
benefits to current and future risks (UNISDR, resilience through the ten-year implementation
2017b). This has been further elaborated through of the MCR Campaign, UNDRR has launched the
the “WiA guidelines: An Implementation Guide Making Cities Resilient 2030 (MCR2030) initiative
for Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience that will run during 2021-2030. MCR2030 aims
Strategies”. The alignment of local and national to ensure cities become inclusive, safe, resilient
DRR strategies provides an entry point for and sustainable by 2030, following a three-stage
advocating the integration of NbS approaches at ‘resilience roadmap’3.
all scales.

An analysis of local government progress on

resilience and DRR in Asia-Pacific (UNDRR,
2019b) shows that over two-third the surveyed 6.5 NbS as the basis for coherent
MCR cities and key stakeholders are aware of planning
the term ecosystem and understand most of the
functions provided by key local natural assets, DRR processes have multiple connections with
including water attenuation, food growing, fuel, climate change adaptation and mitigation, yet
carbon sequestration, air filtration, and aesthetic few DRR plans take these connections into
value. Ninety percent of the MCR cities in account. Investing in DRR should be considered
Asia-Pacific promote green infrastructure (e.g. a precondition for developing sustain ably in a
greening streets, roadsides, and roofs, restoring changing climate (GAR 2015, GAR 2019). In the
embankments, creating urban corridors, etc.) last five years, governments have increasingly

Box 14: Ecosystem as the common basis for DRR and climate action
in the Philippines
The Philippine National Development Plan DRRM and CC plans.
2017-2022 outlines increase of adaptive
capacity and resilience ecosystems as one of The ecosystem-related objectives of the
the sub-sector outcomes. This objective will development plan are further elaborated
be measured through the climate change and in the national climate and disaster risk
disaster risk reduction and management plans reduction plans. The National Climate Change
which in turn will be implemented through the Action Plan (NCCAP) 2011-2028 adopts
sectoral plans, particularly at the local level. To “Ecosystem and environmental stability”
provide an enabling environment, an agreement as one of the strategic priorities, while
has been formalized between the Climate the National Disaster Risk Reduction and
Change Commission and National Disaster Management Plan (NDRRMP) 2011-2028
Risk Reduction and Management Council that reflects it as a key priority under disaster
provides the standards and to integrate local prevention and mitigation pillar.

3 https://mcr2030.undrr.org/

Integrating NbS into policies, plans and programs 35

Box 15: Ecosystem-based approaches in Vanuatu

The Vanuatu Climate Change and Disaster Risk Importantly, the policy highlights the
Reduction Policy 2016-2030 adopts ecosystem- importance of a hybrid approach to disaster
based approaches as a key means to coherently control infrastructure, prioritising “soft”
implement climate change adaptation and ecosystem based adaptation over “hard”
disaster risk reduction. Activities include both engineered infrastructure (e.g. coastal
integrating ecosystem services into adaptation revegetation over sea walls). Land-use
and risk reduction planning and budgeting, and planning approaches and ecosystem-
minimizing negative impacts on the environment related development policy documents are
from proposed adaptation and risk reduction highlighted and advocacy and educational
activities, including through planning and legal programmes on the value of EbA have been
frameworks. promoted.

recognized the need for coherence among Joint National Action Plans in the Pacific Island
the global frameworks in policy and practice Countries provide a good example of coherent
(Ulaanbaatar Declaration 2018). DRR and CCA planning and in all the cases
highlight the importance of achieving resilient
Failure to identify and harness the mutual ecosystems as a key means to achieve disaster
co-benefits of DRR and CCA is a missed resilience (See box below).
development opportunity. Healthy ecosystems
and their management play a key role in Hence, when planned coherently, Eco-DRR/
supporting post-disaster recovery, but EbA become an integral element of sectoral
importantly also reducing future risks and development plans that implement adaptation,
supporting adaptation. mitigation and risk management actions
of the country and help meet the national
Considering that all the global frameworks, development vision and (I)NDCs. Eco-DRR/
as outlined in Chapter 5, highlight Eco-DRR EbA are commonly used as adaptation and
and EbA as implementation approaches, they risk management tools on their own or as a
provide a valid basis for coherent planning and compliment to structural measures. This can
implementation of DRR and CCA. Countries take several forms, e.g. spatially, Eco-DRR/
should integrate Eco-DRR/EbA in their national EbA at watershed or river basin level provides
DRR strategies and plans, and in national climate an efficient means to preserve and promote
and development plans (See a good practice biodiversity; structurally, land-use planning
example in the adjoining box). works well when implemented with Eco-DRR/
EbA, especially in the urban context. Such
It should be noted that development, climate spatial and structural measures help both in
action and disaster risk management are not creating incentives to protect ecosystems as
linear processes – different processes unfold well as in ensuring the provision of ecosystem
concurrently interacting with each other. The services such as flood control.

36 Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction

7 Tools to support NbS
A variety of existing ecosystem management
approaches can be readily adopted and applied
as part of DRR strategies (Sudmeier-Rieux et al.,
and land management decisions are essential
for SLM. Harari et al. (2017) showcase linkages
between SLM and DRR for reducing present
2019). These include IWRM, Sustainable Land and future disasters by preserving and restoring
Management (SLM), Community-based Natural natural resources that ensure livelihoods.
Resource and Risk Management (CBNRRM), For instance, green infrastructure provides
Integrated Fire Management (IFM), Protected approaches to strengthen land-use planning to
Area Management (PAM), and Integrated coastal cope with water-related disasters, including both
zone management (ICZM). floods and droughts.

To meet the challenge of sustaining ecological As many hazard risks are water-related, a focus
systems, an ecological perspective should be on water-related ecosystems and landscape
incorporated into land-use and land-management level approaches such as IWRM as a systematic
decisions. Specifying ecological principles and solution for preventing and reducing the impact
understanding their implications for land-use of or the recovery from water-related hazards

Tools to support NbS Implementations 37

Box 16: Global Standard for Nature-based Solutions
To benefit from the full potential of Nature-based purposefully avoiding a rigid normative framing
Solutions, a standard is required in order to with fixed, definitive thresholds of what NbS
create a common language and understanding, ought to achieve. Rather the Standard is designed
engage relevant stakeholders, safeguard nature to support users to apply, learn and continuously
from overexploitation, increase demand and strengthen and improve the effectiveness,
supply of interventions and incentivize positive sustainability and adaptability of their NbS
sustainable change. interventions.

To address these needs and mainstream NbS, NbS and its potential contribute towards
IUCN has launched the first-ever Global Standard creating innovative and non-regret pathways to
for the design and verification of this concept. strengthening resilience, establishing disaster
This Standard, composed by 8 Criteria and 28 risk reduction coping strategies and building
Indicators, aims to equip users with a robust back better without leaving no one. Similarly, NbS
framework for designing and verifying NbS and the IUCN Global Standard offer a platform
that yield the outcomes desired, in solving one to support countries achieving Target E of the
or several societal challenge(s). Based on the Sendai Framework – substantially increase
feedback of actual and potential NbS users, it the number of countries with national and local
has been developed as a facilitative Standard, disaster risk reduction strategies by 2020.

is critical. If implemented with an awareness of elements at risk, etc.) needs to feed into the
potential climate impacts, cross-sectoral coherence design of integrated ecosystem management
methods such as IWRM can ensure that DRR interventions to enhance their added value for
processes coordinate efforts for energy, water DRR (Sudmeier-Rieux et al., 2019).
supply and sanitation, agriculture, and cities
before, during, and after disasters. One example Formal processes for planning and
is Vietnam’s IWRM approach that spans many management include Environmental Impact
sectors and administrative boundaries (MacClune Analysis (EIA) and Strategic Environmental
and Nguyen, 2018). DRR efforts that encompass Assessment (SEA). UNEP has developed
eco-hydrological systems - surface water, an Integrated Strategic Environmental
snowpack, and groundwater - can ensure a broader Assessment (ISEA) tool to support decision-
vision of economic and ecological sustainability making and development planning, while
(WWF, 2016). assuring environmental sustainability and
DRR (IUCN and UNEP, 2017; UNEP, 2017). CBD
Spatial, land-use, and urban planning are (2009) stress the importance of applying risk
important tools into which risk reduction assessment, scenario planning and adaptive
measures can be incorporated. Risk information management approaches in decisions to
(e.g., types of hazards over time and space, socio- implement EbA so as to recognise and
economic vulnerability profiles of communities, incorporate potential trade-offs.

38 Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction

8 Conclusions and
There is a growing interest in NbS as effective,
cost-effective, flexible and low regret approaches
for reducing climate and disaster risks that
risks arising from unsustainable development
practices and environmental changes, such as
environmental degradation, biodiversity loss
also have multiple social, economic and and climate change, that create and perpetuate
environmental co-benefits. Eco-DRR and EbA patterns of vulnerability, exposure and risk. The
are increasingly being promoted by donors multiple benefits offered by NbS make them a
and funders, international organisations and necessary integral component of DRR strategies.
NGOs in the implementation of the various
global commitments aimed at achieving The growing awareness and interest in ecosystem-
equitable, resilient, and ecologically sustainable based approaches has been accompanied by an
development outcomes for all. increasing knowledge base and practical experience
in designing, implementing and assessing the
Eco-DRR and other NbS are crucial in reducing and effectiveness of such measures. A considerable
managing the increasingly complex and systemic amount of local knowledge, scientific evidence,

Conclusions and recommendations 39

guidelines, decision-support tools and resources for and d). Countries should be encouraged to
policy-makers, decision-makers and practitioners inform about their level of coherence as a key
exist and can be shared among a diverse set of element of target e.
stakeholders (see Annex 2 and Annex 3).
• Knowledge and awareness building on NbS
The importance of NbS for achieving resilience should be promoted to ensure their application,
has been recognised and is to various degrees including through 1) creating an inventory
integrated into and promoted by the various and plan of action for NbS for a range of
global frameworks related to sustainable specific contexts and hazards; 2) establishing
development. However, despite these recent a collaborative platform for replicating and
advances in science, policy and practice and the scaling best practices; 3) conducting baseline
opportunities presented in this brief, there is an studies to assess ecosystem health and
urgent need to further strengthen coherence condition and to identify the risks posed by
amongst key international frameworks and environmental degradation; 4) identifying,
agreements and to mainstream NbS, both promoting and providing a scientific basis
conceptually and in their implementation. of replication to the indigenous NbS, and 5)
emphasizing the importance of community
Some key recommendations include: participation and all-stakeholder engagement in
the design, implementation and monitoring of
• Mainstream NbS (e.g. Eco-DRR and EbA) development policies and plans.
in national and local DRR strategies as a
key means to enhance coherence across • Considering the upcoming post-2020 global
international frameworks and agendas biodiversity framework, Member States
and, in particular, ensure an integrated should be encouraged to ensure that NbS
implementation of disaster risk reduction and are a cornerstone of the post-2020 global
climate change adaptation. biodiversity framework and explicitly featured in
the corresponding targets, goals and indicators.
• Using relevant national and local coordination This is critically important in scaling up
mechanisms, countries should include Eco- implementation of NbS and EbA across policies
DRR approaches in the NAPs, NAPAs, NDCs, and sectors.
(I)NDCs, NBSAPs, Ramsar, UNCCD, national
urban strategies and land-use policies and
other sectoral policies and programmes.

• NbS should be made a core element of

resilient infrastructure, bringing together
different dimensions of sustainable
development. Green, blue and grey
infrastructure should be effectively integrated
to create the right mix of hybrid infrastructure
as appropriate to the context. This would
provide sustained biophysical and socio-
economic benefits, while reducing carbon
footprint and costs.

• NbS should be integrated into land-use

and urban planning that not only reduces
disaster risk but also enhances green spaces
while providing ecosystem services. When
combined with a watershed-based approach
Eco-DRR becomes a very cost-effective
approach to adaptation and risk reduction.

• Specific indicators related to ecosystem-

based measures could be added to the Sendai
Framework Monitor (in particular, targets c

40 Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction

Annex 1 – Abbreviations

ACB ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity GPI Global Peatlands Initiative

AILA Australian Institute of Landscape GPS World Bank Global Program for
Architects Sustainability
AMCDRR Asian Ministerial Conference on GWP Global Water Partnership
Disaster Risk Reduction ICZM Integrated Coastal Zone
APCW Asia Pacific Climate Week Management
APMS ASEAN Peatland Management IFM Integrated Fire Management
Strategy IIED International Institute for
ASEC ASEAN Secretariat Environment and Development
BMU Federal Environment Ministry of IKI International Climate Initiative of
Germany the German Federal Ministry for the
BMUB German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation
Environment, Nature Conservation, and Nuclear Safety (BMU)
Building and Nuclear Safety (I)NDC (Intended) Nationally determined
CBD Convention on Biological Diversity contributions
CCA Climate Change Adaptation IOC-UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic
CI Conservation International Commission of the United Nations
COP Conference of the Parties Educational, Scientific, and Cultural
DRM Disaster Risk Management Organization
DRR Disaster Risk Reduction IPBES Intergovernmental Panel on
EbA Ecosystem-based Adaptation Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
EbM Ecosystem-based Mitigation IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
EC European Commission Change
ECO Economic Cooperation Organization ISDR International Strategy for Disaster
Eco-DRR Ecosystem-based Disaster Risk Reduction
Reduction IUCN International Union for the
ECORFDRR ECO Regional Framework for Conservation of Nature
Disaster Risk Reduction IWRM Integrated Water Resource
EPIC Ecosystems Protecting Management
Infrastructure and Community MAB Man and Biosphere Programme
E-READI EU ASEAN Dialogue Instrument MCRC Making Cities Resilient Campaign
ES Ecosystem Services MDGs Millennium Development Goals
ESCAP Economic and Social Commission MEA Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
for Asia and the Pacific NAPA National Adaptation Programme of
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization Action
of the United Nations NAP National Adaptation Plan
FEBA Friends of EbA NbS Nature-based Solutions
GAR Global Assessment Report on NBSAP National Biodiversity Strategic
Disaster Risk Reduction Action Plan
GCA Global Commission on Adaptation NDCs Nationally Determined Contributions
GCRN Global Resilient Cities Network NGO Non-Governmental Organization
GI Green or green-blue Infrastructure NI Natural Infrastructure
GIZ Gesellschaft für Internationale NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Zusammenarbeit Administration
GMA Global Mangrove Alliance (U.S. Department of Commerce)

Annex 41
NYDF New York Declaration on Forests
PAM Protected Area Management
NGP National Greening Program
NS Natural Solutions
PEDRR Partnership for Environment and
Disaster Risk Reduction
PfR Partners for Resilience
SCCG Sydney Coastal Councils Group
SDGs Sustainable Development Goals
SEA Strategic environmental
SLM Sustainable Land Management
SREX IPCC Special Report on Extreme
Events (IPCC 2012)
TNC The Nature Conservancy
UN United Nations
UNCCD United Nations Convention to
Combat Desertification
UNDP United Nations Development
UNFCCC United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change
UNDRR United Nations Office for Disaster
Risk Reduction (formerly UNISDR)
UNEP United Nations Environment
UNGA United Nations General Assembly
WAVES Wealth Accounting and the
Valuation of Ecosystem Services
WCMC World Conservation Monitoring
WIA Words into Action
WI Wetlands International
WMO World Meteorological Organization
WWF World Wildlife Fund for Nature

42 Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction

Annex 2 – Definition of terms

Climate change adaptation (CCA) is the Disaster risk management (DRM) is the
adjustment in natural or human systems in application of disaster risk reduction policies
response to actual or expected climatic stimuli and strategies to prevent new disaster risk,
or their effects, which moderates harm or reduce existing disaster risk and manage
exploits beneficial opportunities (UNFCCC, residual risk, contributing to the strengthening
2020). of resilience and reduction of disaster losses
(UNDRR, 2017).
Convention on Migratory Species (CMS), also
known as the Bonn Convention, was signed in Disaster risk reduction (DRR) is aimed at
1979 and aims to conserve terrestrial, aquatic preventing new and reducing existing disaster
and avian migratory species throughout their risk and managing residual risk, all of which
range. contribute to strengthening resilience and
therefore to the achievement of sustainable
Convention on Wetlands (Ramsar) is an development. Disaster risk reduction is the
intergovernmental treaty that entered into force policy objective of disaster risk management
in 1976. It provides the framework for national (UNDRR, 2017).
action and international cooperation for the
conservation and wise use of wetlands and Ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) is the use of
their resources. biodiversity and ecosystem services as part of
an overall adaptation strategy to help people
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). Signed adapt to the adverse effects of climate change
by 150 government leaders at the 1992 Rio (CBD, 2009).
Earth Summit, the Convention on Biological
Diversity is dedicated to promoting sustainable Ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction
development. (Eco-DRR) is the sustainable management,
conservation and restoration of ecosystems
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). to reduce disaster risk, with the aim to achieve
Signed in 1992, the ultimate aim of the sustainable and resilient development (Estrella
UNFCCC is to prevent “dangerous” human and Saalismaa, 2013).
interference with the climate system.
Ecosystem-based mitigation (EbM) is the use
Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). of ecosystems for their carbon storage and
Established in 1994, the UNCCD is the sole sequestration service to aid climate change
legally binding international agreement linking mitigation (Sudmeier-Rieux et al., 2019).
environment and development to sustainable
land management. The Convention addresses Ecological engineering is defined as the design of
specifically the arid, semi-arid and dry sub- sustainable ecosystems that integrate human
humid areas, known as the drylands, where society with its natural environment for the
some of the most vulnerable ecosystems and benefit of both Mitsch (2012).
peoples can be found.
Green-blue (or natural) infrastructure (GI or NI)
Critical infrastructure: The physical structures, is a strategically planned network of natural and
facilities, networks and other assets which semi-natural areas with other environmental
provide services that are essential to the social features designed and managed to deliver
and economic functioning of a community or a wide range of ecosystem services such
society (UNDRR, 2017). as water purification, air quality, space for

Annex 43
recreation, climate mitigation and adaptation,
and management of wet weather impacts that
provides many community benefits (UNISDR,

Grey infrastructure involves engineered assets

that provide one or multiple services required by
society, such as transportation or wastewater
treatment (IISD, 2020).

Natural infrastructure refers to land networks

or ecosystems that provide services inherent
to those geographical areas, while also
perpetuating active conservation efforts and
the enhancement of those environments (IISD,

Nature-based solutions (NbS) are actions to

protect, sustainably manage, and restore
natural or modified ecosystems that address
societal challenges effectively and adaptively,
simultaneously providing human well-being and
biodiversity benefits” (Cohen-Shacham et al.,

Underlying disaster risk drivers are the processes

or conditions, often development-related, that
influence the level of disaster risk by increasing
levels of exposure and vulnerability or reducing
capacity (UNDRR, 2017).

World Heritage Convention (WHC). Signed in

1972 the WHC provides protection of cultural
and natural heritage of such universal value
that its conservation is important for current
and future generations.

44 Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction

Annex 3 – Guidelines and decision-
support tools

The following list is a compilation of recently demonstrates how they can be integrated into
published guidelines on different aspects of DRR and CCA strategies and development
Eco-DRR and EbA. It is organised by date and not frameworks. This information can be used to
meant to be comprehensive or exhaustive. encourage decision-makers to implement Eco-
DRR and EbA across different sectors and in
• The Guidebook for Monitoring and Evaluating policies and strategies addressing DRR, climate
Ecosystem-based Adaptation Interventions change and sustainable development
(GIZ et al., 2020) provides an overview
of the process needed for designing and • Beck et al. (2019) explore opportunities
implementing effective monitoring and for the integration of EbA and insurance
evaluation (M&E) for EbA. for risk reduction. The authors observe a
strong interest for Climate Risk Finance &
• The IUCN Global Standard for Nature-based Insurance (CRFI) and EbA solutions for risk
Solutions (IUCN, 2020) is a self-assessment transfer and ecosystem-based conservation
that consists of eight criteria and associated and rehabilitation in the donor and finance
indicators, which address the pillars of community. However, they also find that
sustainable development (biodiversity, only very limited insurance incentives for
economy and society) and resilient project conservation and restoration currently exist and
management. that environmental and EbA solutions are not
well understood by the insurance industry. They
• Partners for Resilience (PfR) produced the recommend that the adaptation and resilience
Integrated Risk Management Law and Policy benefits of EbA need to be better quantified in
Checklist (Partners for Resilience, 2019) to general and more specifically within the tools
identify areas for improvement within current and approaches of the risk industry.
legislation, policies and implementation in
relation to PfR’s IRM approach. • The Technical Handbook of Nature-based
Solutions (UNALAB, 2019) provides information
• The Voluntary Guidelines for the Design and on the full range of potentially applicable NbS
Effective Implementation of Ecosystem-based to support urban climate and water resilience,
Approaches to CCA and DRR developed by their anticipated or demonstrated performance,
CBD (2019) provide information on principles, and their limitations.
safeguards, tools, and a flexible framework
for planning and implementing ecosystem- • Kennedy et al. (2019) present case studies on
based approaches, to support countries in integrating ecosystem services and climate
integrating ecosystem-based approaches into resilience in infrastructure development
their national biodiversity strategies and action and identify lessons for advocacy. The
plans, and into other sectoral policies. report reviews promising practices in which
developments at a significant scale have
• The Source Book on Disasters and Ecosystems attempted to integrate ecosystem services
(Sudmeier-Rieux et al., 2019) highlights the and climate change implications. It also
advantages of Eco-DRR and EbA, including reviews existing frameworks from international
how they promote multiple benefits, and financial institutions and development partners,

Annex 45
which are involved in financing sustainable could become a model for other high-risk
infrastructure, to assess the level of awareness coastal hazard sites in tropical biodiversity
and interest that exist in the industry landscape. hotspots.

• The World Bank, though its NbS Program, • Frantzeskaki (2019) identify seven overarching
has produced several publications aimed lessons related to all stages of proof-of-concept
at exchanging knowledge, experiences, and and implementation of NbS in cities: (a) NbS
lessons learned to enhance the planning and need to be aesthetically appealing to citizens,
implementation of NbS. A joint World Bank (b) NbS create new green urban commons,
and World Resources Institute report (Browder (c) experimenting with NbS requires trust in
et al., 2019) seeks to advance the integration the local government and in experimentation
of green and gray infrastructure solutions by process itself, (d) co- creation of NbS requires
guiding developing country service providers diversity and learning from social innovation,
and their partners on how to integrate natural (e) NbS require collaborative governance, (f)
systems into their infrastructure programs. an inclusive narrative of mission for NbS can
enable integration to many urban agendas
• The relationship between natural capital, and (g) design NbS so as to learn and replicate
or ecosystem services and hazards can be them on the long-term.
modelled using various existing open source
models (Sudmeier-Rieux et al., 2019). For • ESCAP (2018) provide a toolkit on policy
example, InVEST (Integrated Valuation of coherence for DRR and resilience relevant for
Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs), developed all countries with special needs. The document
for the Natural Capital Project, is a suite of presents evidence on where synergies between
models used to map and value the goods and sectors exist and could help to identify where
services from nature that sustain and fulfil the trade-offs for ecological management and
human life. It helps to explore how changes in the implementation of Eco-DRR measures may
ecosystems can lead to changes in the flows occur.
of many different benefits to people (Stanford
University, 2019b). • FEBA (2017) have produced a framework
for defining qualification criteria and quality
• Assessing the effectiveness of EbA in standards for EbA. Its objectives are to sharpen
supporting local peoples’ adaptive capacity understanding among policy makers and
or resilience or reduce vulnerability; in helping practitioners about what qualifies as EbA,
ecosystems produce services for local people and to provide guidance on the quality of EbA
and allow them to withstand climate change measures.
impacts and other stressors; and in being
financially and economically viable, Reid et al. • Based on the experience of CARE and WI in
(2019) show that EbA can provide important, the Partners for Resilience alliance, and on
wide-reaching and long-term benefits relating best practices developed by other experts,
to adaptation, the environment and social A Landscape Approach for Disaster Risk
issues (IIED, 2019). Reduction in 7 steps (Care Nederland and
Wetlands International, 2017) synthesises the
• Comparing conventional engineering main characteristics of the landscape approach
and ecological solutions, Wanger et al. and suggests seven steps when adopting a
(2019) evaluate the effectiveness, cost, landscape approach.
and the capacity to sustain biodiversity
and ecosystems. The authors argue that • The World Bank (2017) present principles and
ecosystem-based protection should form the implementation guidance for the planning,
basis of planning a coastal protection strategy design, implementation and evaluation of NbS
in the future. Adding man-made and engineered for flood risk management as an alternative
solutions may be more cost-efficient and may to or complementary to conventional
enhance the protection of valuable coastal engineering measures. Soz et al. (2016)
biodiversity and related ecosystem services. introduce GI solutions for urban flood risk
The study concludes that such a hybrid management, review implementation issues,
‘ecosystem-based and engineered’ approach and provide recommendations on overcoming

46 Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction

impediments, identify gaps, and provide • Frameworks assisting the assessment of
suggestions for further work for practitioners services ecosystems provide to society include
and institutions. the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA)
(WRI, 2005), The Economics of Ecosystems
• The World Bank (2016) reviews and provides and Biodiversity (TEEB) (TEEB, 2010) and the
recommendations for how the protective Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and
services of mangroves and coral reefs can be Ecosystem Services (IPBES) (Díaz et al., 2015).
measured and valued in a manner consistent
with national economic accounts and included • Part 6 of the FAO Voluntary Guidelines for the
in other decision-making processes to support Responsible Governance of Tenure (FAO, 2012)
planning for development, disaster risk, and addresses the governance of tenure of land,
coastal zone management. The guidelines fisheries and forests in the context of climate
review the tools and approaches commonly change, natural disasters and conflicts. The
used by ecologists, economists and engineers guidelines aim to ensure that the legitimate
for estimating the coastal protection services tenure rights to land, fisheries and forests of all
of coastal habitats and examine how the individuals, communities or peoples likely to be
valuations of these services can be considered affected, are respected and protected by laws,
in the System of Environmental Economic policies, strategies and actions with the aim to
Accounts (SEEA). prevent and respond to the effects of climate
change and in preventing and preparing for
• The Ecosystem-Based Adaptation Handbook natural disasters (FAO, 2012).
(Jiménez Hernández, 2016) is a step-by-step
guide for setting up an EbA intervention. It • Andrate et al. (2011) propose a series of
promotes an integrated approach to EbA with draft principles and guidelines aimed at
the ultimate goal of building resilience of socio- supporting best practices for the design and
ecological systems. implementation of EbA. The principles are
intended to be used by decision makers in
• UN-Habitat has produced a Handbook of national policy in national, territorial and sector
Sustainable Housing Practices (Hannula, 2012; planning initiatives, in financial planning, and in
UN Habitat, 2016). It also promotes the use project and research design.
of green building materials within the context
of slum upgrading, large scale affordable • The IUCN Relief Kit project (IUCN, Undated)
housing, social housing, and reconstruction in documents linkages between biodiversity
developing countries and emerging economies. and disasters and establishes capacity
development knowledge products for policy
• The System of Environmental-Economic makers, researchers and other relevant
Accounts–Experimental Ecosystem Accounting stakeholders.
(SEEA EEA) (United Nations, 2014) examines
how the contributions of ecosystems to people
can be understood in terms of both services
provided and in terms of ecosystems being
an asset, i.e., systems that can regenerate and
provide a flow of services over time depending
upon their health or condition.

• Integrating ecosystems in resilience practice:

Criteria for Ecosystem-smart Disaster Risk
Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation
(van Leeuwen et al., 2014). WI produced a
set of criteria, which can be used by policy
makers and practitioners to better integrate
the management of ecosystems and natural
resources in their DRR work.

Annex 47
Annex 4: Increasing experience of
Eco-DRR and EbA in practice

There is now a wealth of examples of Cultural Organization (IOC-UNESCO) (“The Blue

implemented ecosystem-based approaches Carbon Initiative,” n.d.; Herr and Landis, 2016).
to DRR and CCA from across the Asia Pacific
Region and the world. These examples provide Nature-based Solutions Program
opportunities to share insights and lessons learnt The World Bank invests in NbS through its Nature-
and to replicate and upscale good practice. The based Solutions Program and other World Bank
following is a selection of projects conducted at projects (Browder et al., 2019; World Bank, 2017).
international, regional, national and sub-national Illustrating NbS through 14 examples focusing on
levels and by a variety of organisations engaged in coastal flooding and erosion, urban stormwater
Eco-DRR and EbA: flooding, and river flooding, Ozmet et al. (2019)
aim to facilitate the uptake of NbS in water
The Natural Capital Project management and disaster risk management
The Natural Capital Project, a partnership (DRM) projects by providing guidance to support
between WWF, The Nature Conservancy, Stanford the implementation of NbS in DRM, including
University, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, a high-level review of emerging policies and
the University of Minnesota, and the Stockholm financing approaches that encourage the use of
Resilience Centre, aims to improve the well-being NbS.
of people and our planet by motivating targeted
investments in nature (Stanford University, Wealth Accounting and the Valuation of
2019a). Natural capital is defined as the world’s Ecosystem Services (WAVES)
stocks of natural assets which include geology, WAVES is a World Bank-led global partnership
soil, air, water and all living things (World Forum that aims to promote sustainable development by
on Natural Capital, 2017). Ecosystem services ensuring that natural resources are mainstreamed
derived from natural capital include food, water, in development planning and national economic
plant materials for fuel, building materials and accounts. WAVES is part of the World Bank Global
medicines, climate regulation and natural flood Program for Sustainability (GPS) (World Bank,
defences, carbon storage, crop pollination, and 2019).
cultural services.
Urban Nature Labs (UnaLab)
The International Blue Carbon Initiative The European Commission has spent €100s
The International Blue Carbon Initiative is a of millions on NbS related research across its
coordinated, global program focused on mitigating 7th Framework Programme for Research and
climate change through the conservation and Technological Development (FP7) and Horizon
restoration of coastal and marine ecosystems. 2020 programs. The Horizon 2020 project
The Initiative brings together governments, Urban Nature Labs (UnaLab) aims to foster
research institutions, non-governmental the development of a European NbS Reference
organizations and communities from around Framework on the benefits, cost-effectiveness,
the world. It is coordinated by Conservation economic viability and replicability of NbS, which
International (CI), the International Union will guide cities in developing and implementing
for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and the their own co-creative NbS (UNALAB, 2020).
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission The UnaLab partner cities Eindhoven, Tampere,
of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Genova, Stavanger, Prague, Castellón, Cannes,

48 Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction

Başakşehir, Hong Kong and Buenos Aires are Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, contributes
committed to addressing climate and water to the resilience of communities by integrating
related urban challenges within an innovative climate change adaptation (CCA) and ecosystem
and citizen-driven paradigm. Horizon 2020 also management and restoration (EMR) into Disaster
implements the EU Research and Innovation Risk Reduction (DRR). With this Integrated Risk
policy agenda on Nature-Based Solutions and Management (IRM) approach, communities
Re-Naturing Cities, which aims to position the strengthen their capacities to reduce the impact
EU as leader in ‘Innovating with nature’ for more of disasters. Ecosystems and landscapes are
sustainable and resilient societies (European seen as buffers against hazards like droughts or
Commission, 2020). floods, and as a source of livelihoods. While PfR
started with on the ground projects, the second
Building with Nature phase of PfR centres on supporting effective
Ecoshape is a consortium of in total 20 dialogue with stakeholders at all levels with focus
government agencies, dredging companies, on the institutional environment – ensuring
engineering firms, research institutes, and NGO’s, policy, investment and practice are all moulded
that develops and shares Building with Nature to the risk-reduction agenda assisting vulnerable
knowledge and experience. Members share communities.
the vision that multi-sectoral and public private
collaboration is key to drive innovation needed for The Global Mangrove Alliance (GMA)
coastal managers that face the challenge to align GMA, coordinated by members Conservation
the interests of economic development and care International, The International Union for the
for the environment in their hydraulic engineering Conservation of Nature, The Nature Conservancy,
designs, while coping with challenges such as sea Wetlands International and World Wildlife Fund,
level rise, land subsidence and extreme natural aims to increase the global area of mangrove
events. Knowledge is developed via pilot projects, habitat 20% over current extent by the year 2030.
in which Building with Nature Solutions are realised This target underpins and helps deliver objectives,
and monitored. Based on the monitoring results, including climate adaptation, climate mitigation,
guidelines for replication and scaling up are sustaining biodiversity and improving human well-
developed and disseminated. Since 2008, large being.
and successful pilots have been implemented,
through a wide variety of partnerships between Partners of the Global Peatlands Initiative (GPI)
Ecoshape members and local stakeholders. GPI are working together within their respective
Building with Nature is now widely supported areas of expertise to improve the conservation,
within the Dutch water sector and embraced by restoration and sustainable management of
a growing number of government institutions peatlands. In this way the Initiative is contributing
in the field of infrastructure and ecosystem to several Sustainable Development Goals,
development. Rijkswaterstaat, the Netherlands including by reducing greenhouse gas emissions,
National Water Management Authority is using maintaining ecosystem services and securing
Building with Nature in its coastal flood defences lives and livelihoods through improved adaptive
(Rijkswaterstaat, n.d.). One of the large-scale capacity.
pilot projects outside the Netherlands is being
implemented in Indonesia (Box 2). Room for Resilience Evaluation, Analysis and Learning
the River is an example of how the Building (REAL)
with Nature approach is used on a large scale REAL aims to build the intellectual capital around
for managing extensive river works in the resilience concepts, analysis, measurement,
Netherlands. At more than 30 locations, measures learning, and knowledge management related
are taken to give the river space to flood safely to resilience-related program design and
and to improve the quality of the immediate implementation for USAID. Henly-Shepard et al.
surroundings. (2018) examine what is required to integrate a
resilience approach to Climate and Ecosystems-
Partners for Resilience (PfR) Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (CEDRR).
PfR is an alliance of the Netherlands Red Cross Adopting this approach supports adaptive
(lead agency), CARE Netherlands, Cordaid, the program design, implementation, monitoring and
Red Cross/Red Crescent Climate Centre, and evaluation amidst shocks and stresses impacting
Wetlands International. PfR, supported by the communities. This framework and accompanying

Annex 49
case studies demonstrate how a focus on inventive, community-based solutions to sea level
resilience can promote “win-win nexus strategies”, rise, severe storms, flooding and earthquakes
address risk, support healthy eco-systems and (Hassell Studio, 2019). The project received the
sustainable livelihoods. top Award of Excellence in the International
category of the Australian Institute of Landscape
Ecosystems Protecting Infrastructure and Architects (AILA) National Landscape
Community” (EPIC) Architecture Awards and is an example from the
Through its International Climate Initiative (IKI) private sector.
the German Federal Ministry for the Environment,
Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear
Safety (BMUB) has spent €10s of millions
on EbA projects. The IKI-funded IUCN EPIC Box 17: Resilient South City,
project (2012-2017), aims to promote the use
of ecosystem-based approaches and to protect South San Francisco, CA, USA
communities from disasters and the negative
The Resilient South City project was a holistic
impacts of climate change (Monty et al., 2017). It
master plan for increased resilience to many
includes 18 case studies in Burkina Faso, Chile,
disaster risks. The City suffers from floods,
China, Nepal, Senegal, and Thailand, covering
significant seismic activity and inundation
different types of ecosystems, hazards, countries,
due to sea-level rise impacting shoreline
regions and ecosystem-based approaches. EPIC
areas. Hassell has re-imagined a series of San
demonstrates that effective implementation
Francisco waterfront communities as vibrant,
requires working on science, policy and practice,
fundamentally public places for everyday use –
and proposes a step-by-step guidance to
but also vital for environmental and emergency
implement integrated Eco-DRR and EbA initiatives.
needs. The proposal envisions a network of
green spaces, creeks and revived high streets
Thai German Climate Programme – Water
serving as points of collection, connection and
water management – from the ridgeline to the
An example of an EbA project at the national level
shoreline and across the bay via an enhanced
is the Thai German Climate Programme – Water
ferry network.
(TGCP-Water) (GIZ, 2018). This programme,
funded by the German Federal Ministry for the
Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear
Safety (BMU) International Climate Initiative https://www.hassellstudio.com/project/
(IKI) from 2018-2021, promotes IWRM as a resilient-south-city#0
key adaptation effort to achieve water security,
reduce flood and drought risks, and manage
extreme weather events. TGCP-Water is guided
by Thailand’s Water Resources Act (2018), the A review and synthesis of global experiences
20-year National Water Resources Management on nature-based approaches to EbA and Eco-
Master Plan (2018–2037), Thailand’s National DRR by Lo (2016) demonstrates the variety of
Adaptation Plan (NAP) and the Thai NDC under ecosystem-based measures conducted across
the Paris Agreement, and aligns with the Sendai the world, identifies key lessons and challenges
Framework and the SDGs. in implementation, documents existing tools
and resources, and provides insights for the
Resilient South City project mainstreaming of Eco-DRR and EbA into policy
There is also growing experience in applying and practice. A number of institutions have
ecosystem-based approaches in the private produced principles, criteria, guidelines and
sector. The Hassell and partners Resilient South resources for various aspects of NbS and Eco-
City project in South San Francisco (Box 10) DRR to make them more operational (see Annex
was a collaborative design challenge to develop Annex 3 and Annex 5).

50 Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction

Annex 5 – Online resources

The following is a selection of useful online • PANORAMA – Solutions for a Healthy Planet
resources for those interested in Eco-DRR and is a partnership initiative to document and
EbA. This list is not comprehensive or exhaustive. promote examples of inspiring, replicable
solutions across a range of conservation and
• AdaptationCommunity.net was developed for sustainable development topics, enabling
the interested public and adaptation experts to cross-sectoral learning and inspiration.
provide information on applying approaches, PANORAMA allows practitioners to share
methods and tools that facilitate the planning and reflect on their experiences, increase
and implementation of adaptation action. recognition for successful work, and to learn
with their peers how similar challenges have
• weADAPT.org is an online ‘open space’ on been addressed around the globe.
climate adaptation issues (including the
synergies between adaptation and mitigation) • The ESCAP Sustainable Development Goals
which allows practitioners, researchers and Help Desk is a one-stop online service providing
policy makers to access credible, high quality access to SDG-related tools, knowledge
information and to share experiences and products, data portals, expertise, advice and
lessons learnt. It is designed to facilitate opportunities for peer-learning and regional
learning, exchange, collaboration and South-South cooperation through thematic
knowledge integration to build a professional areas, covering a multitude of topics.
community of research and practice on
adaptation issues while developing policy- • WOCAT (World Overview of Conservation
relevant tools and guidance for adaptation Approaches and Technologies) is a global
planning and decision-making. network on Sustainable Land Management
(SLM) that promotes the documentation,
• The aim of the Global Adaptation Network sharing and use of knowledge to support
(GAN) is to help build resilience to climate adaptation, innovation and decision-making in
change by sharing adaptation knowledge. It SLM.
acts as an umbrella system across the world,
linking various organisations, many of which • Lo—TEK is a design movement building
focus on the regions most vulnerable to the on indigenous philosophy and vernacular
impacts of global warming. infrastructure to generate sustainable, resilient,
nature-based technology. Spanning 20
• The EbA Tools Navigator developed by IIED, countries from Peru to the Philippines, Tanzania
IUCN, UNEP-WCMC and GIZ catalogues tools to Iran, the book Lo—TEK - Design by Radical
for EbA planners and practitioners. It has been Indigenism by Julia Watson explores millennia-
developed through a collaboration between old human ingenuity on how to live in symbiosis
two International Climate Initiative (IKI) funded with nature.
projects: Ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA):
strengthening the evidence and informing • UN Environment and the Cologne University
policy, implemented by IIED, IUCN and UNEP- of Applied Sciences developed a Massive
WCMC; and Mainstreaming ecosystem-based Open Online Course (MOOC) on Disasters and
adaptation (EbA): strengthening EbA in planning Ecosystems: Resilience in a Changing Climate,
and decision-making processes, implemented which was launched in January 2015 through
by GIZ. the iVersity MOOC platform and again in 2017-
2018 through the Asian Disaster Preparedness
Center (ADPC) e-learning platform.

Annex 51
• A new Building with Nature Masters Online
Open Course (MOOC) will be run by TU Delft
11 February to 17 March 2020. A new MOOC
called Beyond Engineering: Building with Nature
will start on 31 March

• Source about the Building with Nature

approach: www.ecoshape.org.

52 Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction


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