Fill in The Correct Preposition

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Date: ____________________ Name: ________________________

Evaluare sumativă
la limba engleză
clasa a IX-a
1. Fill in the correct preposition. (7p)
a. My Mom apologized (for/at/in) __________ my behavior.
b. Best wished (for/at/in) __________ a speedy recovery.
c. This event is dedicated (by/to/at) _____________ our teachers.
d. I am never disappointed (for/by/at) ____________ the gift that I receive.
e. I always jump (for/by/at) __________ the opportunity to go to a concert.
f. I spoke (for/at/in) ___________ the name of our class.
g. I wrote a birthday card (on/at/in) ____________ the behalf of our class.
2. Match the sentences halves to make Unreal Conditionals in the Present and
Past. (11p)
a. If I were the teacher, 1. I would get a lot of hugs.
b. If it were summer now, 2. I would listen to English songs in the classroom.
c. If it were my birthday today, 3. I would choose to have a party.
d. If I had a test tomorrow, 4. I would study a lot today.
e. If it were Christmas today, 5. I would stay at my grandparents’.
f. If I could choose a gift, 6. We wouldn’t have an English class tomorrow.
g. If my sister had come with me to the concert last night, 7. I wouldn’t have had time to go to
the cinema yesterday.
h. If I had left earlier yesterday, 8. She would have enjoyed it.
i. If I hadn’t been so tired last night, 9. I would have lent it to you.
j. If I hadn’t lost my umbrella last month, 10. I would have watched a movie.
k. If I hadn’t done some of my homework during weekend, 11. I wouldn’t have been late
for class.
3. Decide if the following sentences are true or false. (6p)
T/F 1. If you are on your honeymoon, you eat wedding cake.
T/F 2. If a couple celebrates their silver wedding, they have lived together for 50 years.
T/F 3. If you are at a wedding breakfast, you are at a dinner given to the bride, bridegroom,
and guests at the wedding reception.
T/F 4. If you are the host of the wedding breakfast, you are the bride’s mother or father.
T/F 5. If you give away the bride, you are the best man.
T/F 6. If you are the best man at a wedding, you accompany the groom.
4. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. (10p)
Honeymoon ceremony wife bride groom
Cake invitation reception best man bridesmaids

Before you go to a wedding you must receive an (1) ________________ . The two people getting
married are called the (2) __________________ and (3) _____________________ . The groom is
accompanied by the (4) ______________ whereas the bride by (5) ________________ . There is
also a flower girl who is usually a small girl who carries flowers or petals.
After the marriage (6) ________________ , there is a special party called (7) ______________ .
It is hosted either by the bride’s parents or groom’s parents. Though, nowadays sometimes even
the bride and the groom decide to host the reception. There is usually lots of food and a special
(8) ________________ .
After the wedding the groom and his new (9) ________________ usually go on a special holiday
called a (10) ____________ .
5. Fill in the wishes with the correct form of the verb in brackets. (6p)
1. I wish we ______________ (to live) in a warmer country. I don’t like cold weather.
2. I wish I ________________ (to start) learning English when I was younger.
3. I wish I __________________ (not leave) the camera at home today. I want to take pictures
of our Thanksgiving decorations.
4. My friend wishes he __________________ (to learn) to dance when he was younger.
5. I wish my TV ____________________ (not break) yesterday.
6. My best friend wishes we _____________________ (to watch) romantic movies. But I don’t
like them.

6. Comment on: “If I were a millionaire”…………. (20p)


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