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Staffing & Performance Group Project

Your assignment is to identify a Staffing & Performance Issue within an

organisation to study during the semester. You are asked to apply Staffing & Performance
management tools and concepts to the issue being addressed in this organisation. Each
group will be required to both present the findings of the analysis in-class, as well as to
prepare a written report. The written report should be structured according to the following
sections. Please note that some of these areas may not be relevant to the analysis. For
example, if examining the issue within either a Public or Private Sector agency, the
reporting authority would be different.

Organisation Overview: Leadership and Structure

1. Provide a brief history of the organisation. What were its beginnings? How did it
evolve to its current status?

2. Identify the mission of the organisation. If the mission is formally stated,

does it define the organisation, identify major goals, and articulate the
organisation’s philosophy? If there is no formal mission, what do you think
it should be?

3. Identify the leadership of the organisation (i.e., top management team). Evaluate
their background and ability to effectively serve the organisation and its
constituents (e.g., knowledge, skills, connections, and tenure with the

4. How large is the organisation, as indicated by the total number of full-time

employees, and levels of hierarchy?

5. How does the organisation’s size to impact the types of behaviors that
might be expected from employees?

6. How is the organisation structured at present? Is decision making centralized or

decentralized? Is the organisation organized on the basis of functions, projects,
geography, or some combination of these? (Note: draw an organisational chart
showing the main way in which the organisation groups its activities). Is this
structure appropriate for the organisation?

7. Is there a well defined or emerging culture composed of shared beliefs,

expectations, and values? Is the culture consistent with the current mission
and goals of the organisation?

Issue/Issue Identification

8. What is the issue being addressed? Why do you think this is an issue? What is the
origin of the issue?

9. Define the issue/issue. For example, if you are examining the relationship between
an organisation’s performance management system and employee performance,
you must first define these concepts.

10. What factors do you think have contributed to the issue?

11. What does the literature say with regards to this issue?

12. What theories may be applied to the issue being addressed?

Issue Resolution

13. What challenges have the organisation faced in addressing this issue?

14. Has the organisation’s size impacted the types of behaviors demonstrated in the

15. Do you think the culture of the organisation has affected the issue?

16. What organisational actions have been taken to address the issue?

17. What, if any, do you consider to be the reasons why the actions of the
organisation have not fully addressed the issue?

18. Have any of the theories been applied to this organisational issue? If not,
why do you think so?

19. What recommendations do you have to addressing this issue?

20. How would you implement these recommendations? Please be specific.

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